View Full Version : What's the deal with buying new boards for stuff?

06-28-2004, 01:56 AM
My brother just got a new board for his Trix. He claims it now shoots faster. How is this? He was not outshooting his old board, I know that. However this new one shoots faster somehow! Why do people even bother! Is it the debounce or something that is just adding some shots in there or what? I thought that pretty much the only thing limiting how fast you can shoot is the trigger mechanism, switch, etc. But how come new boards are selling like crazy? People really think they shoot faster with new boards. Please, someone explain this to me, a mech-using person!

06-28-2004, 01:59 AM

Stupid people buy it. :bounce:

Most people will find it difficult to hit the Cap on their stock board unless it's capped at like 10bps (certain spyders and the rainmaker for example)

www.sgclan.net/dm4.wmv - Stock DM4
www.sgclan.net/gz.wmv - Upped Z-Timmy w/ SOB Board (Stock)
www.sgclan.net/shock.wmv - Stock 03 Shocker

Whatever :D

06-28-2004, 02:07 AM
Another thing that could speed it up is how many times a second the board scans for trigger pulls and how fast / efficient it sends its signals and power, how the code is written. Its the processor in a computer

I will find out if the newest DM4 chip helps me shoot faster as soon as I get mine, they are released July 1st.

Of course boards could have other features to help out your gun with fine tuning, or many many other things. Like my new chip has:

• Scans the trigger over 100,000 times per second
• AMB algorithms help to eliminate mechanical bounce
• Power efficient software lengthens battery life
• Programming mode allows changes to debounce, dwell, and ABS
• One touch startup makes the marker ready to fire instantly

all of which was not on the stock board.

06-28-2004, 02:42 AM

Stupid people buy it. :bounce:

Whatever :D

That is one of the most ignorant comments I've heard in a long time (regarding paintball that is). I hope u don't believe that...

I'm assuming his brother bought the Tadao board for his Trix. I have 2 teamates who just upgraded to this board and it is a much better board, not to mention MUCH faster. It has to do with the efficiency of the programming and the proccessing of the code/signals. It's like saying: "Why do people upgrade their computers when their old computers work just fine?" People want the newest, most up to date technology in paintball just as people do in EVERY other hobby/sport.

This whole "HYPE" thing needs to die, the word has been beaten to death.

06-28-2004, 05:03 AM
That is one of the most ignorant comments I've heard in a long time (regarding paintball that is). I hope u don't believe that...

I'm assuming his brother bought the Tadao board for his Trix. I have 2 teamates who just upgraded to this board and it is a much better board, not to mention MUCH faster. It has to do with the efficiency of the programming and the proccessing of the code/signals. It's like saying: "Why do people upgrade their computers when their old computers work just fine?" People want the newest, most up to date technology in paintball just as people do in EVERY other hobby/sport.

This whole "HYPE" thing needs to die, the word has been beaten to death.

A paintball gun's circuit board isn't very high-tech or cutting edge.

A board is as simple as making an LED light up. It aint rocket science.