View Full Version : Hammer head Barrel (WOW)

06-28-2004, 08:55 AM
I was looking around at barrels and i started thinking about the hammer head barrel so i moseyed on over to pbreview.com and went to the official website of hammer head and saw this Video (http://www.hammerheadpaintball.com/downloads/performance.mpg) . After that i was saying wtf :eek: I thought tom Kay said that it would hurt performance :confused: ? And I watched all of the videos and I can say I’m impressed from what i hear of it? So what’s going on here did these guys really stumble on something or is it all a hoxe and it took them about 100 times to get it right because you cant argue with the truth of the video? Because right now I’m confused :rofl:

06-28-2004, 09:15 AM
Nothing in that video impressed me.

- one slo-mo sequence where you can't see the shooter
- one dodgy perspective sequence where the target is barely visible
- another target sequence where again you can't see the shooter

Plus a dodgy voice over from a sponsored team.

Hardly 'wow!' material is it?

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06-28-2004, 09:18 AM
i concurr with gadget, you cant even see the gun or barrel, how far do you need to see accuracy, the target could be right next to them and you could show that it gets a spread of a few inches, the target that looks small could actually be very close cause of depth perception, i dunno about the vid, a few loop holes :bounce:

06-28-2004, 09:49 AM
I special ordered three of these for afew interested customers, and all I can say is WOW these guys paid $130 each for a barrel that is actually less accurate and air efficient than the $20 CMI tru-flight barrels(which are terrible). I would strongly advise against this barrel.

06-28-2004, 11:48 AM
Well I disagree with all the above. I have shot the Hammerhead as a test shoot. It was on my Autococker. After about 1 hour of using the barrel at a scenario game, I would have to say it is the BEST barrel I have used in over 18 years of playing this game. I have used pretty much every system out there. (except the Lapco snapshot). The hammerhead flat out beats everything I have ever shot. And I am not sponsored in any way from them. I pay for my equipment. And I have never been happier with a peice of equipment. :shooting: :dance:

06-28-2004, 12:33 PM
We need to start a "barrel of the month" club. Sort of like a Netflix for barrels... Collect some dues + deposit (or donate a barrel to the collection), buy a bunch of stupidly expensive barrels, and just pass them around for people to try.

06-28-2004, 12:40 PM
Nothing in that video impressed me.

- one slo-mo sequence where you can't see the shooter
- one dodgy perspective sequence where the target is barely visible
- another target sequence where again you can't see the shooter

Plus a dodgy voice over from a sponsored team.

Hardly 'wow!' material is it?


Mister Sinister
06-28-2004, 02:19 PM
My little brother bought one of these a couple of weeks ago. When I first tried it I thought that it was another over priced, over hyped barrel. It shot ok. No better than anything else from what i could tell. Then I broke a ball and it started zinging balls off into never never land and breaking every 3rd one. I could not get the barrel to clean itself I even tried flipping the gun upside down and just shooting air to see if that would dislodge the goo. It didnt. I gave it a quick squeegie and that helped a little it quit breaking balls but I might as well have been shooting with my eyes closed for all the accuracy i was getting. :rolleyes: No thanks I will pass.

06-28-2004, 02:46 PM
Meh, rifled barrels aren't for paintball...

Now, I do strongly suggest that people go out and pick up a MatchStick barrel kit by MacDev. The 5 piece kit runs $100 and is the most accurate barrel I've shot to date. I actually sold my 9pc. CP kit because I found that I wasn't using it anymore after I got the MatchStick.

Definately give it a try, it's super light, super accurate, super efficient, and very well priced. Another great product from the Aussie's down unda! Cheers Mate! :cheers:

06-28-2004, 04:19 PM
you were impressed by the video? You sound just like my friend who will pay $20 more for something if it says "tournament grade" "the best!" "the fastest" on the package.

06-28-2004, 04:37 PM
you were impressed by the video? You sound just like my friend who will pay $20 more for something if it says "tournament grade" "the best!" "the fastest" on the package.

but in this case... to spend 150$ less to get a great barrel kit that will work just as good or if not better then the hammerhead

06-28-2004, 04:50 PM
Not to mention the marketing scheme that far too many ballers falls for:

"It's nice and shiny!"

06-28-2004, 04:56 PM
theres another hammerhead video, i ahve it on my computer i just don't feel like uploading it. Some guy in his backyard testing how well it cleans out the barrel after a break.

06-28-2004, 05:01 PM
it's nothing I can't do myself with any barrel. It's a promo video, take it as that.

In fact, I think I'll make a promo video for a "No barrel", jsut to show the power of hype.

Chuff Chuff.


06-28-2004, 05:40 PM
My sig pretty much sums it up. ;)

06-28-2004, 10:36 PM
My buddy had a Hammerhead for his A-5 a little while back. He also had a J&J of some kind.

His bottom line is that for the extra $80 spent on the hammerhead he noticed little to no difference.

06-28-2004, 11:48 PM
well i guess you guys said your point but im not into that whole shinny thing will make it better deal i know enough to know that just because it looks like crap doesnt mean it doesnt work like crap but i was just simply stateing that the barrel looks convincing but now looks like it wouldnt work out and i would have never of bought it anyways (no job) so its good now just wanted to make sure but i guess i knew the out come of this anyway, also why would the goverment use it?

06-29-2004, 01:41 AM
just look at the last scene of where they are shooting the target, that is not all that impresive, I have had stock barrels out perform that. Lets say judging by how the ball is dropping at the last second before the ball hits the target they are probly at an average of thirty feet, well the stock spyder 2000 barrel really did its job, and did it farely well, did just the same, if not better, for a whole heck of a lot cheaper! well srry to ramble on.

06-29-2004, 03:12 AM
I would not really call the Hammerhead barrel systerm rifled. It is very different from an Armson barrel or any other gun rifling that I can think of. But I can say that it is not very impressive. It is loud and very hard to clean. A couple of guys bought the system at a local store and they went back to stock barrels on their Cockers. I also think that the backs are to short to actually make a difference. They are only about three inches long. So far the best system that I have seen is the Pipe. Accuracy, Quiet, Light and easy to clean.

06-29-2004, 06:01 AM
it's nothing I can't do myself with any barrel. It's a promo video, take it as that.

In fact, I think I'll make a promo video for a "No barrel", jsut to show the power of hype.

Chuff Chuff.


Hey... that would be cool. Just have like a sawed off stock cocker barrel or something, and hide it until the end. :p

Don't forget to put in kids in the video, with their "personal experiences" with how it changed their game, their life, and made them popular.

The Hammerhead really pisses me off. I wouldn't have any problem with it, if they didn't outright lie about their products and trick people. It is like a 2" barrel (I dunno what the insert length is exactly) with a tip on it. It doesn't even come into contact with the rifled part - because as it is a 2-piece barrel, the tip has a larger bore size than the insert... just like every other kit/barrel.

It is a 2" barrel! You'd think the penis enlargement pill of paintball could do a bit better than 2" !

06-29-2004, 08:12 AM
so its good now just wanted to make sure but i guess i knew the out come of this anyway, also why would the goverment use it?

The goverment using it could mean that two cops from thier local police department used it once on thier personal markers. The goverment as a whole uses simunitions not paintball, althogh several small agencys have started using paintball again instead.

06-29-2004, 03:08 PM
My sig pretty much sums it up. ;)
you forgot #6 ...

#6 Hire Jim Drew.