View Full Version : Why do people have to cheat?

10-14-2001, 08:00 PM
I was playing in a small local scenario game at my local field where all the entry fees go to the Sep. 11 fund. We were having a great time playing US Army vs. Terrorist. I was playing as a terrorist and our objective was to take a hill held by the Army. As we advanced up the hill our team started really taking some ground and forcing the other team back. In the game we had medics that were designated to come up and tag someone who was hit in the body and revive them. If you got hit in the mask or head you were automatically killed. Each team had three medics in this game. As I watched my team advance up the hill we were taking alot of ground. I was standing on top of the hill as were many other players from my team. We had the entire left side of the hill. Suddenly I saw the Army general hiding behind a bunker. I started shooting at him. As I dumped several rounds into his position I heard him yell for a medic. As the medic came running up to tag the General I snap shot at him with two shots. Both hit the Medic in the mask. The medic kept going and tagged the general. The general and the medic continued to shoot at us after they were both legally tagged out. I continued to shoot at them and I know for a fact that I shot both of them several more times and they kept shooting at me and the others.

After being tagged out and getting so mad that I couldn’t play any more without starting to get very violent I left the field and found many of my fellow teammates setting in the dead zone, but only one of the other team. As I started talking to some of them I found out that everyone had the same story. There were several people that decided to leave early because of the problems. As the general I was shooting at came up to the staging area after the game he overheard our complaints and got mad and said “Who are you calling a cheater?”
One of my teammates turned to him and yelled back “You!” after that the guy just turned around and walked off without defending his team. I don’t know about you but as far as I am concerned if you don’t defend yourself when accused of cheating it means that you are guilty and you got caught. By the way, he was covered in my paint color.

Sorry for the rant but I think it really stinks that maybe a few bad apples could ruin such a great experience for everybody by corrupting an entire team, especially when you are playing for fun and charity where nothing really mattered. I am as big a fan as the next guy but the main reason I play is to have fun. When I stop having fun for any reason I stop playing because I will not enjoy in anymore. I just think it is stupid to have to stop playing because of such a ridiculous reason such as cheating.

10-14-2001, 09:46 PM
Because it makes them feel like they are somewhat good at the game.

10-14-2001, 10:17 PM
Suddenly I saw the Army general hiding behind a bunker. I started shooting at him. As I dumped several rounds into his position I heard him yell for a medic. As the medic came running up to tag the General I snap shot at him with two shots. Both hit the Medic in the mask. The medic kept going and tagged the general. The general and the medic continued to shoot at us after they were both legally tagged out. I continued to shoot at them and I know for a fact that I shot both of them several more times and they kept shooting at me and the others.

Sorry ,but while reading this, I put a picture in my head while reading the story and I just had to laugh.

<img src="http://forums.paintballcity.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=14503">

10-15-2001, 12:08 AM
People cheat because they are STUUUUUUUUUUUUPID! NYAAAA! Yep, that and to make up for their lack of <B>game</B>.


10-15-2001, 03:17 AM
Because they just wanna WIN, but they don't care what way will make them win!!!! and that is completely _ _ _ _!