View Full Version : My Rt (recently Cut P/f)

ß?µ£ §mµ®ƒ
06-28-2004, 11:10 AM
With a dremel, the piece cut off can be seen in the first few pictures


06-28-2004, 05:28 PM

How long do you cut off?, did you measure or just wing it?

ß?µ£ §mµ®ƒ
06-28-2004, 06:40 PM
i used some dial caliphers but a regular ruler would work just fine, what i did was, measure from the bottom of the powerfeed to that space, and then i took that measurement which is exactly 4 tenths of an inch and measured from the top of the space in the powerfeed to where 4 tenths would be and marked it off with a marker and cut where the mark was

/ ___ / <___ measure 4 tenths above this
/ | | /
/ | | /
/ |__| / <____Here to bottom |
/ / Here <-| is 4 tenths

Rough sketch, after you make your cuts, if you do, get a short parabolic powerfeed plug to see if the cuts were even or if you were a little off, Sand everything on the marker that you cut, aluminum is very very sharp

to check if it was flat, using geometry terms, i found the perpendicular through the center of the powerfeed cyinder you can use the corner of a piece of paper to do this

I used a dremel and some cutting discs, estimate time was half an hour for cutting and polishing

06-29-2004, 01:53 AM
I decided one day it would be a good idea to cut off part of the feedneck on the original mag body, you know the one, going out of the right of the bunker by the time you get to shoot your hopper has been out there for a week. I cut it off before a big scenario that day, BIG MISTAKE! Every 3 balls I seemed to chop, at first I was in denial, just thinking I was outshooting my old 9vt revvy, but then I bought more expensive paint thinking it may be a little brittle for my mag, but NO! :mad: I had to live with it for months, but it did teach me a valuable lesson, make all shots count, and of more importance... HOW TO BUNKER TOURNEY PLAYERS! YAY