View Full Version : Dynasty clinic

06-28-2004, 02:54 PM
theres a dynasty clinic going on at our field in august. Headrush.com (http://www.headrush.com) But anyway, im wondering if anyone has been to one. I want to do it, i think it would be cool and good for me, but ive heard from some people that its kinda noobieish. Any light on these issues would be really nice. I mean, i think it will be worth it, but i definatly dont wanna drop 400 bucks and have it suck.

06-28-2004, 03:03 PM
400 bucks?

Just spend that on paint and go play the sport!

Get tips from pros for free :D

My friend played x-ball and had an oakland assassins guy coaching his team the whole time.

Eskimo Paint Slinger
06-28-2004, 03:07 PM
Ouch Torbo is it really $400? I dont think ill go to it then.....

How is the new Hedrush? I havent been able to go yet, but i did stop buy and saw the new field.

06-28-2004, 03:08 PM
learn how to set up your cheater board with the best of 'em!

whoopity doo...

06-28-2004, 03:12 PM
its 300, with a case included, but shooting 2 more cases is pretty likely. The new headrush is amazing. Come out for practice sundays 12-6. And come to new york cup.

Creative Mayhem
06-28-2004, 03:22 PM
its 300, with a case included, but shooting 2 more cases is pretty likely. The new headrush is amazing. Come out for practice sundays 12-6. And come to new york cup.

oooohh, a case included... GO TO HELL!! Thats absolutely retarded. So you pay $300 dollars for one day? and only one case? again.. GO TO HELL!

06-28-2004, 03:34 PM
It's supposed to be good, but I just don't see it being worth $300... or even anywhere near half of that.

I guess I'd throw $100 out there to have Dynasty coach me for a day. And I guess everyone has their price for things like that. But $300 seems a bit excessive. Well, if they can get some people to pay it, more power to them.

Eskimo Paint Slinger
06-28-2004, 03:37 PM
sorry to hijack the thread but, Torbo Ive played with you before at the old hedrush i had the RT Pro and the Warp that skip kept busting on :madMy team should go up to the new headrush and play you guys again sometime, since you crushed us the last tourney with Of a Revolution.(Still mad about that tourney tho).

But ya $300 is still not worth it.

06-28-2004, 03:58 PM
You mean they get $300 to show you how to play paintball?


How do I get in on this racket? :rofl:


06-28-2004, 04:27 PM
By being a famous tournament player and/or team

06-28-2004, 04:34 PM
Buy me a cheeseburger and I'll tell you everything I know about paintball and how to play. Might not know how to set up a gun with a cheater board or know the best ways to cover up hits, but I don't cost 300 dollars!

Spend your money on something else like a new air tank, gun, paint, field fees, or even something other than paintball. If you want to learn how Dynasty plays, just watch some videos of them and others during a tourny, or watch them practice. They can't charge for that, and if you're observant you can see what's going on anyways.

06-28-2004, 04:37 PM
I don't know about Dynasty's, but the one the former LA Ironmen did (by former I mean before Rich and people made XSV) was VERY well run, and I would have to say that it would be worth that kind of money. I think the price was about the same (I didn't actually go, but I was watching during the camp) and you got 2 cases of paint, 2 days of play, there was a drawing for an LCD Trix, and then dinner on Sunday night with the team. It was very well run, they did lot's of drills and scrimmages and the like. I would definately go to that if I had the cash. But that was the Ironmens, I don't know how good Dynsasty's would be.

06-28-2004, 04:39 PM
its worth it..it makes u super better..plus u get to hang out with dynasty :D

06-28-2004, 05:07 PM
I am going to that and the NY cup, whats your team name turbo.

06-28-2004, 05:24 PM
the clinic is a two day, entry includes a case, lunch, some other stuff.

We are team revive, we are headrush sponsored. We'll be playing 5 man rookie at ny cup, and ill be reffing the other parts.

06-28-2004, 05:28 PM
the clinic is a two day, entry includes a case, lunch, some other stuff.

We are team revive, we are headrush sponsored. We'll be playing 5 man rookie at ny cup, and ill be reffing the other parts.
Cool I will be playing 5 rookie, 7, and 3 rookie. good luck. My store manager could not think of a name so I think we are regestered in 7 under unknown.

06-28-2004, 07:18 PM
if you go, ask them how many times a ref has to tell them metal cletes are not allowed before they finally get the message.......

if they say any number less than 5, they're lying.

06-28-2004, 08:31 PM
But think - If you have a picture of you talking to anyone in dynasty it automatically makes you "AGG" always worth $300. God I hate the "agg" thing,I wish dynasty realized how many people hate their ethics. :shooting: (dynasty as people)

06-28-2004, 08:52 PM
why would they bother with the ppl who hate them when they can focus on the ppl who like them :rolleyes:

06-28-2004, 09:30 PM
But think - If you have a picture of you talking to anyone in dynasty it automatically makes you "AGG" always worth $300. God I hate the "agg" thing,I wish dynasty realized how many people hate their ethics. :shooting: (dynasty as people)
They are a cool team and awsome ballers, they only know the sport and nothing else, other people handle their ethics. so instead :shooting: SP.

Eskimo Paint Slinger
06-28-2004, 09:42 PM
Torbo your team got sposered by headrush?? When did that happen, i've kinda been living under a rock lately.