View Full Version : X-Mag Trigger???

06-28-2004, 09:34 PM
Ok, I am slowly but surely coming up to speed, reading through countless numbers of posts. Question: I have been reading about trigger pulls on many different markers ... I have heard them referred to as, "Mouse Click" for electros, and full trigger pull for mech mags. Which does the X-mag have?

How is the X-mag on chopping balls? Is it a gas hog? Is it loud?

I have been leaning towards this gun, but am also considering the Dm4 as well as a few others. I am mostly interested in rec ball, as apposed to tourney play, but would like to have an equally universal marker for whatever I decide to play. Thanks guys!!!

Still looking for a descent Los Angeles area retailer ... anyone?

Eskimo Paint Slinger
06-28-2004, 09:38 PM
The trigger pull can be tuned to almost nothing. there is a video around and soemone has a straw and blowing on the trigger to make it shoot.

With the level 10 and ACE you will almost never cop if eveer. I have an rt-pro with just the level 10 and i almost never chop.

How loud it is going to be will depend on your barrel.

It is a gas hog. The only downfall is it is not very effecient.

It would be a great gun for both tournys and scenarios. You can even make it be mechanical if you wanted to.

I would reccomend the X-Mag, I cant stand the feel of a DM4 and dont care for the looks either.

06-28-2004, 09:39 PM
It is both ;) . The X-mag can have that mouse click pull or if you run out of battery you can switch it to mech and have a longer pull.

The X-mag will not chop. It has an eye along with a LX so dont worry about that.

It is fairly quiet compared to others.

It is a bit of a gas hog so all day air will become your friend. If you play where there is not a big supply of air than it may be a problem.

Personally I say get the DM4, The X-mag is nice but the DM4 feels very nateral when you hold it and it is easy to rip on.

06-28-2004, 10:08 PM
Ok, I am slowly but surely coming up to speed, reading through countless numbers of posts. Question: I have been reading about trigger pulls on many different markers ... I have heard them referred to as, "Mouse Click" for electros, and full trigger pull for mech mags. Which does the X-mag have?

Xmag has a magnetic trigger. You have to shoot it to know weather you'll like it or not. I wouldn't classify it as a mouse click type pull.

How is the X-mag on chopping balls? Is it a gas hog? Is it loud?

Mine chops rarely, almost never. I get 4 pods and a hopper off a 45/45. Decide for yourself if that qualifies as a gas hog.

Still looking for a descent Los Angeles area retailer ... anyone?
Not really...most of 'em suck. NoSkillz has had good luck with One Shot in Anaheim. There's a one or two that are ok I guess. I buy most of my stuff online, or through our socal network.

Come to one of the Socal days, and you can shoot every high end gun in existence. Probably not this weekend because of the holiday, but next.

06-28-2004, 11:09 PM
If you get an X, get a fireblade trigger. They are fantastic, and are far superior to the normal xmag trigger. BTW, I sent you a PM.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
06-29-2004, 12:34 AM
i had Roman tinker with my trigger a bit and now i can RIP on my xmag. Gas hog...well...im not sure how many pods i can get off my 68/45 but i seem to get enough to keep me happy

06-29-2004, 06:12 AM
right now my x is sitting at one of the shortest triggers i have ever shot..the dm4 is close though..one thing is the trigger needs to have shims added on the side to take out the play then it gets real short and i mean real short...i heard the a4s are real short to but i havent shot one so i cant say!!! effeicency isnt the best but i have an 88/4500 so its managable. lvl 10 and ace both work well and the ace is very handy for when you dont feel like setting up the lvl 10.. also the mechanical throw switch is an amazing comfort for rec play as well as when you feel like not shooting everything you can afford :rolleyes: all and all i love this gun. after my first game all i could say is why didnt i get one sooner and not even a dm4 could get me to say that so to each his own!