View Full Version : new found repsect for the pumpers of the world

06-28-2004, 10:21 PM
when me and theflamingkoosh were out sunday, he was pimpin the pump. my timmy broke a feedneck so he let me shoot his mag (it was dope) but that kid was rockin people. this kid went out with a fully auto a5 and koosh bunkered him, it was great. but then he let me try it. i could even get off a shot, it drove me nutz. so i now have a new respect for thge guys with the pump. oh yeah, i dont think i ever got shot by it (bounced acouple but thats it) sorry koosh i had to get that in

06-29-2004, 01:54 AM
Never underestimate pump players!!! I have seen many a tourney teams get waxed by stock players!!! Usualy, what they lack in firepower they make up in skill!!!

06-29-2004, 02:03 AM
Have any of you read that one story in the Apg that came out last month, about the stock team that played one man down against tourney players, and the tourney players mopped the floor with them!!!!!!!!

just jk, the stock team mopped the tourney players up. This just aggrevatied me. It is like saying "YOU SUCK" "YOU SUCK" "YOU SUCK" to the majority of the paintball community. Now these guys must have been good, but it is like saying anyone with a pump immediatly becomes so much better than someone with I dont know say a Timmy will ever be. I say this out of experience, a team of so called "Pro Stock Players" decided that they could all just come on over the the speed ball field and say that this is now there territory. We slaughtered them. and this is also me with my bad feed neck. they were as big of a joke as when the military decided to do the same thing and to the same result, we won, the military thought it would be fun to crawl on the speed ball course (this field has no snake or blind spots) big mistake... Well this seems like a good enough time as any to put on my trusy FLAME shield.

*hunkers behind Flame shield*

06-29-2004, 05:46 AM
oh man ever tried playing stock class...my first tourney we did both stock class and the 5 man and in 5 man i was the only player on my team to really get any eliminations i believe 2 the first round and one or two the following rounds..i couldnt even get one in stock class it was horrible...espically watching your one and only ball miss by half an inch!!! pumpers have my respect without a doubt!!!!

Evil Bob
06-29-2004, 10:55 AM
OMG!!! So you mean to tell me it's NOT accuracy through volume???!!! You can actually shoot a paintball and hit something you're aiming at the first time???!!!

-Evil Bob

06-29-2004, 02:34 PM
Never underestimate pump players!!! I have seen many a tourney teams get waxed by stock players!!! Usualy, what they lack in firepower they make up in skill!!!

I've seen it a couple of times, but it's pretty rare. The skill differential has to be pretty big to make up the lack of firepower.

06-29-2004, 04:03 PM
I've tried pump and I can honestly say it was te most fun I had that day at the field. But I'd rather take a mag than a Phantom or sterling. Just my opinion

maybe a pump mag that can convert to semi???

06-29-2004, 04:04 PM
i couldnt shoot the damn thing. i felt like a 3 year old. it sucked

06-29-2004, 04:06 PM
lol, takes some getting used too, I'll admit that

06-29-2004, 04:11 PM
It was pretty funny... Although I did find out that I am a Sterling guy for life now ;)

We went to this rather new indoor feild... So I only looked good in comparision to the 4 people renting Model 98's, and the other two guys who brought out their spyders...

It did feel good though... that guy had an E-A5, so he was wowing all the newbies walking the trigger... It really wasnt that bad, he could get that thing going pretty fast. Me and him did probably 3 or 4 1 vs 1's...

I didn't loose.

06-29-2004, 04:14 PM
that kid was such a joke, both times i played against him i laned him with a mag (kooshes mag)

06-29-2004, 04:25 PM
At the memphis indoor this guy with a pump was in a 1v2, and he bunkered one and then shot the other. :ninja: It was sweet.

06-30-2004, 10:13 AM
I've tried pump and I can honestly say it was te most fun I had that day at the field. But I'd rather take a mag than a Phantom or sterling. Just my opinion

maybe a pump mag that can convert to semi???

The Pump-Mag is basically a kit to modify a standard Mag.

For that matter, you can switch a Cocker to a Sniper in about 15min. It's just a matter of adjusting the timing when you switch back.

06-30-2004, 02:05 PM
MoxNix(who placed 2nd or 3rd) totally underestimated Blowfish at Huntington Beach.
Blowfish had two backers shooting semis and they dropped of them pretty quick, but then they came back with their pumps and took Nix out rather swiftly.
Nix practices at my field regularly and were heard to say:
"I have new respect for pumps."
"We just could not hear them shooting and didn't know where they were."
"We would stick our head out for a peek and whack, take one in the goggles."
"Those 'Fish were some snapshooting fools."

Pump takes more patience, skill and lots of time on the field.
Just because you have a pump doesn't make you a god - believe, I know.....I can hold my own pretty well now, but spent a lot of time sucking on the field - well, I still do, but I have fun with it and can play all day on one 47/3000 tankfull and a bag of balls.

The key is to have fun with whatever you use.

06-30-2004, 02:13 PM
. ...
The key is to have fun with whatever you use.

Wiser words were never spoken in these forums.

06-30-2004, 11:33 PM
Rambopreacher put a pg in my hands one day and since then i have sold my mag and bushy and now just have a phantom and a pgp.

i now enjoy playing speedball with them and being the only stocker out there :)