View Full Version : Am I the only one who dislikes vert frames?

barrel break
06-28-2004, 10:42 PM
*Warning* Rant *Warning*

Seriously, is everyone else so in love with vert frames that they fail to see that they just arent comfortable? you try and pick up a vert framed gun, and your wrist goes into this unnatural shape (ironic that thats what they seek to solve...), and when you try and aim...your wrist either has to be the full length of your arm away, or else the balls fly in all directions.

On the Plus side, they make your gun look cool, and cost lots of money!

[/Rant] :cuss:

06-28-2004, 10:43 PM
Sounds like your holding it wrong.

Edit: or maybe they just aren't for your personal style. Different strokes...

06-28-2004, 10:52 PM
I prefer 45's... the way I have the gun setup (no drop), its more comfortable that way...

barrel break
06-28-2004, 10:52 PM
yeah, im not one of those people that puts the gun next to my head... with the funny arm angles, and the _ arms

barrel break
06-28-2004, 11:53 PM
The ergonomics of 45 grips were made to be held way out in front of you, for handguns(and the ejecting hot shells). However, handguns are relatively light in comparison to its heaver paintball marker counterpart, and can be held in front of you much more easily.

personally, i find it quite hard to hold a vert framed marker in ANY position! but, then again, im a back/mid player, not some monkey crammed into a 3x3 bunker ;)

06-29-2004, 12:05 AM
personally, i find it quite hard to hold a vert framed marker in ANY position! but, then again, im a back/mid player, not some monkey crammed into a 3x3 bunker ;)
hey shut up, being a monkey in a 3x3 bunker isn't easy!

barrel break
06-29-2004, 12:05 AM
I too am a mid and back player.

These days many players arent actually holding their markers firmly by the grip frame, but with their left hand on the foregrip. That way they can easily walk their trigger with their right hand(assuming they are right-handed).

Try walking your trigger and holding it firmly at the same time. Its not easy.

If you walk you trigger, notice the angle of your hand. It would closely conform to the angle of a vert frame.

If it doesnt for you, oh well. It does for most others. Which is why vert frames are desired by many.

I suppose i am limp wristed or something, but when I tried a was/eye'd A4 for a game, i just kept trying to hold it up without putting my left hand under the ASA, but couldnt, my wrist nearly freakin collapsed! meh, Someday I shall probably succumb...

06-29-2004, 12:06 AM
... Which is why vert frames are desired by many.

That, and they come with nekkid ladies :dance:


06-29-2004, 12:08 AM
I too am a mid and back player.

These days many players arent actually holding their markers firmly by the grip frame, but with their left hand on the foregrip. That way they can easily walk their trigger with their right hand(assuming they are right-handed).

Try walking your trigger and holding it firmly at the same time. Its not easy.

If you walk you trigger, notice the angle of your hand. It would closely conform to the angle of a vert frame.

If it doesnt for you, oh well. It does for most others. Which is why vert frames are desired by many.

Nicely said and written Rogue. I too am a fan of the comfort of a vert frame, but I personally find I can shoot faster with a 45 cause i tend to wrap the inside of my thumb around the back of the grip to stable my hand... just my style. I find when i do that with a vert frame, my fingers lose position from time to time and i lose rhythm and valuable shooting ability. If i was to play Front, I'd use a vert frame cause it feels better on ym hands and I don't have to worry about spraying paint too much, but I play back preferably, and I have always been much better with a 45 style.

Then again, that's ALL me. No one else.

Btw, Rogue, any thoughts on making a electro version some day of this grip?

barrel break
06-29-2004, 12:14 AM
Its always * in the works *. I have a list, and its one of the things on that list. Cant say when, or how, or when, or how much, or when, or....you get the point.

Lets drink to that! :cheers:

drinking to that sounds like a good idea! :cheers: + :cheers: leads to :cuss: leads to :cry: leads to :cheers: leads to :cuss: leads to :cry: , and so on

06-29-2004, 12:15 AM
you know, i like them, they are comfey, but playing 5 years with a 45, has made me accustomed to a 45 angled type grip. when i had my speed, i found the vert frame very hard to rip on, which was my main dislike for the speed and the vert frame

06-29-2004, 12:23 AM
Its always * in the works *. I have a list, and its one of the things on that list. Cant say when, or how, or when, or how much, or when, or....you get the point.

Lets drink to that! :cheers:

Lol, I'm gonna need a :cheers: after reading that last part over like 5 times to figure out what you were saying. My head hurts now. :(

06-29-2004, 12:23 AM
I love mine..

shot 2 cases out of it and still had enough strenth to do 12 oz curls after the game :cheers:

06-29-2004, 01:36 AM
Again, as with everything it comes down to personal preferance!!! If you find it uncomfortable, don't put one on your gun!!! I personaly don't care for them, therefore I do not have one!! If you like them, then by all means, get one and enjoy it!! Yes folks, it really is that simple!!!

06-29-2004, 01:45 AM
Right now I am using the Pro Team Products Benchmarck trigger frame on my mag right now, and it seems to be just right for me,
that would be a 45 grip right?

06-29-2004, 01:57 AM
p8ntball72- That looks real good. You guys are gonna make me start selling things so I can get mine.