View Full Version : Sometimes the Friendly Corner aint.....

06-29-2004, 10:25 AM
All this negative energy running around the boards......esp. within that split Clare thread.
I hate to see what has been happening lately on the boards. It seems like the mods are having to put in double duty as babysitters to some posters. I hate to see this forum becoming so much similar to the others that we don't like.

I also hate that some people feel they can't speak their mind w/o bringing down undue attention from the mods. I look at it like this. You can pretty much say what you want , how you want. But when it gets deleted or you get a warning , then the line has been drawn in the sand. You don't have to like it , but you know where the limits are. Then people want to cry because they pushed themselves over the line that was plain to see, they didn't want to observe the warnings they were given.

Mods , I know that at times even I have come close to ticking y'all off. But you guys have a lot to deal with and are doing a great job of attempting to keep this place friendly and family oriented.
Clean out these crybabies and lets get this thing back where it was.

06-29-2004, 10:38 AM
Well said

These things go in cycles. Every year or so it goes this way for a while.

A reminder to all of you is that the Mods here have jobs and do this on their spare time as volunteers. And never claimed to be perfect. We call em like we see em and the chips fall were they may. People expect more than they pay for I guess. But I never take anything personaly really. Some people here seem to though.

06-29-2004, 10:41 AM

06-29-2004, 10:46 AM
phil...i demand you work HARDER for my free forum service...i mean christ i am paying ALL THIS MONEY(actually nothing) for you to be perfect.

06-29-2004, 10:47 AM
I also hate that some people feel they can't speak their mind w/o bringing down undue attention from the mods.I don't agree, not entirely at least. There's a difference between arguing the fact or fiction of somebody else's posts versus personally attacking an individual. Also, the mods do a lot of user/post tracking that we don't see. While a single specific post is not likely to earn you a suspension or ban unless it's a clear-cut violation of the forum rules, repeatedly bringing up old baggage in thread after thread, having a history of combative messages, and trying to walk a line between what a person knows they're allowed and not allowed to do is obviously a problem which I think the mods do a decent job of handling - maybe not perfect, but we're all only human.

What I think a lot of people forget is that AO isn't a democracy. It's a very visible part of AGD's business and a forum for AGD's potential market. Problems should be dealt with swiftly. A lot of people need to learn how to handle private disputes via PM and/or leave well enough alone and just walk away. There are an awful lot of keyboard heroes on this board, as is typical of any Internet message board or chat.

Some people take their Interent too seriously.

Load SM5
06-29-2004, 10:50 AM
If Phil worked any harder I'd never get to ban anyone........

I mean...




06-29-2004, 11:02 AM
I don't agree, not entirely at least. There's a difference between arguing the fact or fiction of somebody else's posts versus personally attacking an individual. Also, the mods do a lot of user/post tracking that we don't see. While a single specific post is not likely to earn you a suspension or ban unless it's a clear-cut violation of the forum rules, repeatedly bringing up old baggage in thread after thread, having a history of combative messages, and trying to walk a line between what a person knows they're allowed and not allowed to do is obviously a problem which I think the mods do a decent job of handling - maybe not perfect, but we're all only human.

What I think a lot of people forget is that AO isn't a democracy. It's a very visible part of AGD's business and a forum for AGD's potential market. Problems should be dealt with swiftly. A lot of people need to learn how to handle private disputes via PM and/or leave well enough alone and just walk away. There are an awful lot of keyboard heroes on this board, as is typical of any Internet message board or chat.

Some people take their Interent too seriously.

I think we see this the same.
There have been references made to certain people being "censored" while others are getting a free reign. I feel like anyone who has been treated "unfairly" as they put it , just needs to learn more tact and stay below the radar.
It is possible to walk the line w/o going over.