View Full Version : Dm4's ... the best ... why?

06-29-2004, 10:07 PM
I have been searching a great many boards, and the Dm4 seems to be the most talked about by far. The general consensus is ... it's the BEST out. We all know that the "BEST" is quite subjective, so I would like to ask what your opinions are as to why these are the best? I mean specifically ... what advantages do these have over say the X-mag, which is still what I am currently leaning towards, but am completely open minded.

How are the Dm4's as far as accuracy? I know barrells have a lot to do with this. I know I keep harping on this issue, but really am having trouble deciding. I think it is imortant to have opinions from those of you in the know about these.

If i pick up the Dm4 ... what would you guys recommend for the rest of the gear for it. Barrels, air system, hopper, upgrades etc??? Additionally, if you happen to know of a good source for these internet/store that would be great. I have discovered that the X-mag isnt that easy to find .. but still looking.

I have always been more into rec ball than speed/tourney but do want to be able to "Keep Up" anywhere or way I decide to play. You guys have been very informative, and I give thanks to you all. ;)

06-29-2004, 10:13 PM

watch the 3 dm4 videos, the first one is one of the reasons I bought my dm4 :)

DM4 much like the xmag, doesn't have many upgrades. For the DM4 you can get a new trigger or a new chip....about it until new bolts are released. The newest chip will be 35-40 bucks and it's released July 1st. Mondo fast

Air system doesn't matter really either, just make sure you get with with a decent recharge. I use a 5 year old nitro duck tank on mine. You can use HP or LP doesn't matter.

Hopper doesn't matter either because it has eyes. If you want to shoot fast get a fast hopper. I've always used an Evo2 with zboard on mine, but recently got a halo with victory board...haven't tried it yet.

don't forget to watch the videos! In the first, watch the gun while it shoots....IT DOESN'T EVEN MOVE, no kick = better accuracy.

06-29-2004, 10:14 PM
It really depends on what the player likes. If I could get any marker I wanted this is what I would get:
Angel force fly
Empire reloader B
Kaner barrel sysyem
Flatline 68/4500
redz 4 pack

I personaly like the feel of angels. It all depends on what you like. I can go a lot faster on angels than I can on just about anything else. The gun has 0 kick if you set it up right, and is as fast as anything else on the block. Try the force fly out before you get the dm4.

The Action Figure
06-29-2004, 10:17 PM
they are some of the best but when you go that high end it is all about preference, The gun wont make you better. My rookie friends and I shooting spyders (my old cocker was down) Shot out two timmees a dm4 and a rat imp

06-29-2004, 10:27 PM
The gun DOES make you better. I hate when people say it doesn't.

My opinion is definately the DM4 over the Xmag. I used to own a ULE emag, basically the same as an Xmag except for the eye. My emag had more matenance than my dm4. I can shoot it at least twice as fast. Pretty sure it's lighter than my emag was, though I don't have both here now. Emag kicked, dm4 doesn't. They are close to the same efficiency, but DM4 can have upgradable bolts (which comes out soon) and a Xmag will probably never have one.

Here are some more videos to check out...first one I don't knwo how fast the hicks are shooting but it sounds like its blazing....the 2nd is leatherpants video witha dm4 in it.



06-29-2004, 10:27 PM
Between the DM4 and the X-mag, get the X-mag. With the right setup, it is just as fast, and EVERYONE seems to have or be looking for a DM4. And the DM4 might actually have a lower efficiency than the X. Finally, the X requires less maintenance, and seems to be more reliable, but take that with a grain of salt, as I have not owned a DM4, and have to base my opinion on my use of other people's DM4s.

06-29-2004, 10:29 PM
LOL, I need to get a PGP so whenever I hear someone say that, I can just hand it to them and tell them to have at it.

The Action Figure
06-29-2004, 10:31 PM
it doesnt make you personally any better,sure it will make you faster and more accurate, but give someone like one of the assassans a spyder thell take out someone who is terrible shooting a dm4

06-29-2004, 10:33 PM
I didn't say it makes you the best player, i said it makes you better.

I feel way more confident with my dm4 than any other gun. Now I move more, certain moves aren't as risky, etc.....I definately think it made me better.

The Action Figure
06-29-2004, 10:39 PM
hey whatever makes you feel better about about spending 1400 for a gun

06-29-2004, 10:40 PM
DM4's are smooth, no kick at all, have awesome triggers, fast, consistent, and light, pretty much everything you could ask for. Over the emag they are faster then an emag with 3.2 software, they are lighter, and have less kick, not to mention a more adjustable trigger. Really, a ule emag will be just as good as an xmag, but on the other had a nice stock bodied trix with evolve and tadao will be just as good as a dm4. When you get into the 1k+ price range you are paying for looks. A nice 2k2 timmy will work just as good as an alias, but people are going nuts over alias'.

06-29-2004, 10:43 PM
hey whatever makes you feel better about about spending 1400 for a gun

excuse me....I paid 1150 shipped.

The Action Figure
06-29-2004, 10:44 PM
haha good deal :) I mean no offense either, DM4s do rock

06-29-2004, 10:47 PM
Ya i know :)

I'm not bashing the Xmag....but from personal experience ULE EMag = XMag < DM4

And with similar prices, DM4 is probably even cheaper if you pick one up in the forums, it's DM4 no contest.

06-29-2004, 10:53 PM
only agg guns make u better

06-29-2004, 10:54 PM
How is a dm4 better then a trix with evolve and tadao 4.0/ace? Besides weight?

06-29-2004, 11:09 PM
i know where you can get a purple xmag with halo b and a warp for a very very nice price ;)

06-29-2004, 11:38 PM
How is a dm4 better then a trix with evolve and tadao 4.0/ace? Besides weight?

well besides weight; resale value, less maintenance due to simpler bolt, just about it basically unless I think of something else. Both will perform very similar.

Also Evolve can no longer sell their bolts in the US so you'll have to find another way to get your hands on one. They however are able to make DM4 bolts.

06-29-2004, 11:46 PM
Also Evolve can no longer sell their bolts in the US so you'll have to find another way to get your hands on one. They however are able to make DM4 bolts.

That's true for now...but they are trying to find a way around that...give them some time..they know what they're doing..

06-29-2004, 11:47 PM
Thanks for all the feedback guys. Those look insane in the vids! Are the barells changeable? Or are the stock barrells sufficient? Any types of paint that work/dont work well with the Dm4? I used to only use marbalizer ... anything new I should know? I know I sound like a total Noob, but im not really. Just new to the advancements! Thanks all!

06-29-2004, 11:53 PM
Barrels are cocker threaded. It comes with a Dye Ultralite barrel anno'd to match the gun which is a great barrel. Bore is .688 and can pick up different size backs if you really wanted to. I have shot Diablo Blaze, Jt Maxim 2, cheap 35 dollar cases from local store, few others. All worked great, I think it babies the paint :P

06-30-2004, 12:53 AM
the best reason not to get a DM4 is because the DMX (NYX DM4) will be out by World Cup (or so we're being lead to believe..)

06-30-2004, 12:57 AM
....the dm4 is the best cuz its made by dye and costs 1500 bucks....duh.... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

;) :rofl: :rofl:

get an xmag

06-30-2004, 12:57 AM
The DM4 is the "gun of the moment." This sport is VERY cyclical. Next spring it'll be something newer, maybe the DM5? ;) I plan to pick up a DM4 when I can afford to buy a gun again...

EDIT: In my experience, having owned a ULE E-Mag, X-Mag and SFL, get either a DM4 or a ULE E-Mag. Both are GREAT guns. But the X-Mag has the removable breech and non-clamping feedneck. In my book, those were two MAJOR drawbacks. With the ULE, you can get an Angel threaded clamping neck. That and nearly no one uses the eyes on an X-Mag, just ask around...

1. No clamping feedneck stinks, especially if you have different guns, it's hard to get a hopper to fit securely in both without a clamper.

2. Removable breech, good idea by design, but it introduced a lot of problems. I had the nect come out of my breech on my SFL after diving into a front bunker. What's worse, it happened in LA during a 10-man game, not good... Not to mention the fact it had to go back to Shocktech to get fixed...

Just my $.02 ~ It's you're cash, spend it as you wish, you're in AMERICA! :)

Later ~ Dave

06-30-2004, 02:14 AM
the best reason not to get a DM4 is because the DMX (NYX DM4) will be out by World Cup (or so we're being lead to believe..)

or is it the best reason to get a DM4? A lot of people are starting to sell off their DM4's for relatively cheap just in hopes to get a dark dm4 or the nyx dm4....and as of yet noone knows about them. It could just be a new body and nothing else.

Heck the thought even crossed my mind and there is absolutely no info on it, just rumors :P

06-30-2004, 02:31 AM
Dm4 update: Some crazy canadian has been working on a delrin bolt for a while. He says he has one in his dm4 running at 35 psi, if that means anything to any of you.

approx price ~$40

06-30-2004, 05:49 AM
both are nice guns... its really preference odds are once you get your lvl 10 tuned the ace will become obsolete and pretty much useless....didnt stop me!!! removable breeches are awesome but problemattic at times.. ie the screwed up warp breeches!! then dm4s are nice just remember like the xmag/emag the dm4 is just a hocked up version of the matrix...and remember manuel mode is cool espically when the kids start complaining that you shoot to fast!! thats pretty much all i can say both are great the dm4s should have good to great efficiency..and the xmag has little maintence and a great trigger after a little work with shims!!

06-30-2004, 09:43 AM
How is a dm4 better then a trix with evolve and tadao 4.0/ace? Besides weight?

Agreed. I don't understand why many people don't even consider trixes and jump right into DM4s (fashion?). I'm NOT attacking the DM4, I just don't see that many advantages the DM4 has over the regular trix to go the extra buck. But then again, that could just be me being a trix lover/owner. ;)

Between an X-Mag and a DM4 well... tough, the DM4 is easier to shoot (fast that is) and the X-Mag is a more well built product all around (kinda dumb contrast between the two) but both guns will make you proud. :)

06-30-2004, 10:39 AM
....the dm4 is the best cuz its made by dye and costs 1500 bucks....duh.... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
get an xmag

Try 1300 new, 1150 used, way to give real reasons why he should get an xmag.

06-30-2004, 10:44 AM
The DMX or NYX DM4 should come with a cool vid like the last one with the NYX Trix.
Pete :shooting:

06-30-2004, 10:52 AM
Well, what happened to me was, I was looking for a new gun, I was thinking of an HK speed or an angel 4 fly or a dynasty shocker, karnivore, a cyborg. Now Magman007 told me about the DM4, when I he told me about it, I was out of the game for about 4 months because of some other issues, so I really had no idea what it was. Now I had access to all the gun I wanted to try except the cyborg, I though the HK speed was gonna be it, but I decided to wait till I try the DM4. The angels were awesome in performance, but they were back heavy, making the gun backheavy, the shockers were light, fast, but just not my style, karnivore, I just didnt like period. As a another gun choice I was looking at an Alias, now I own a 2k2, so if anything went wrong with the alias, I would be able to fix it. But last Saturday, when I went to play the first time in awhile, someone I knew had a DM4, held it it was perfectly balanced even with a halo b. With a halo B, 68/5000 tank, the DM4 felt like it was as light as my timmy alone, even with the tank and halo on it. Now it was time to test it, let me tell you this thing was built for the player that is looking for everything, speed, weight, looks. The milling on it was very smooth, it had a very good anno job. I still dont currently own a DM4, because I am short 300 dollars, I hope by the end of July, I could own one. They are really great guns that live up to what everyone says.

06-30-2004, 12:40 PM
ill add my .02

I would take a timmy or a viking over ANY matrix, and yes I have owned a matrix before.

06-30-2004, 02:09 PM
That said I'd take a matrix over a timmie or viking anyday. And I've owned a viking. Just personal preference. I just can't understand why people would pay so much for a DM4 when they can get a great matrix for so much cheaper.

06-30-2004, 02:29 PM
Same with a lot of guns, why pay for milled out vikings if stock work just as good, same with timmys. I think it all comes down to looks, people are willing to pay for looks, if they have the money to pay for an awesome looking gun, more power to them.

06-30-2004, 02:35 PM
A good gun wont make a bad player any better, but it will make a good player a little better.

Dont be stupid, lets face it - if your running around with a slingshot and some paint, you'd become a better player if someone put a high speed marker in your hands.

Ok, with that said... I just bought a DM4. Right now I have not a single complaint and I'd say with out a doubt its better than every gun I've owned/shot (E-blade, X-mag, Alias, Viking... you name it). There is no comparison between an X-mag and a DM4. The DM4 is lighter, faster while still legal, simpler - the bolt is basically 3 parts, Its cleaner... The X mag in my opinion is basically already obsolete. Besides the fact that its no longer produced.

I really think the DM4 is a near flawless design. The eye covers are flush to the body, the LPR is so simlple to tune, the Hyper^2 reg is very consistent... AND the stock barrel is a freakin BOOMSTICK!! You cant beat that.

I cant say enough good about my new DM4.

06-30-2004, 02:43 PM
I agree. My DM4 just mows. Thats it, no breaking, no tuning, no nonsense just shoots endless streams of paint out like it's going out of style. Smooth body makes it easy to clean between games. This gun just puts paint where I want it. The stock barrel is a boomy so you know it rocks. At 2.3 lbs it's not the lightest gun of all time but it has no kick at all

06-30-2004, 05:07 PM
Check the for sale forums over at pbnation if you don't mind a used gun. Theres usually a few dm4s there for around 1200 or less, many coming with extras

06-30-2004, 05:36 PM
I have noticed while watching some of the vids of the Dm4, there seems to be a full aouto trigger as well as a single shot stage where you would "Walk" the trigger ... is this correct? Or am i just seeing things? I really must say that this gun is growing on me fast. Of course, I will not purchase until I hve a chance to check one out in person.

06-30-2004, 05:38 PM
there is no full auto. Probably what your seeing when it looks full auto is the person has it set up with super trigger bounce, its almost like an RT mags reactivity.

it only has semi mode.

edit: I'm gonna post a video up in another thread of a dm4 with super bounce if you wanted to look at it.

06-30-2004, 09:20 PM
i was looking at the dm4.

i've decided on a cyborg. think that's a good choice?

06-30-2004, 10:39 PM
I don't like cyborgs all that much, basically a nice impulse you could say. Not worth the 1k, I'd rather have a freestyle.

07-19-2004, 10:36 AM
What about a MacDev Cyborg compared to the DM4. I know it's not very well know but they can certainly roll with the big guys:p

07-19-2004, 01:10 PM
cyborgs are good guns, my teamate has one.. But i'd still take a DM4 or a 2K4 timmy over one.

07-19-2004, 06:40 PM
Bah, forget the DM4. Save yourself 600 dollars, buy a "Regular" Matrix, but a better LPR and a Predator II board, oh and also if you want breech upgrades and bolt upgrades and such. And BAM you have a faster and more consistent/reliable Matrix than the DM4. Sorry but DYE regs suck, and it's nice to be able to switch out the breech and not wait for upgrades. Hell with board upgrades via DYE get the Pred II!

07-19-2004, 10:36 PM
although the dm4 is a nice marker, it is definatly the gun of the month and it will go the way of every other gun of the month

07-19-2004, 11:19 PM
MacDev is way under-rated, imo. Cosmetically, I dont care for their borg, but it rips hardfast.

Nothin feels like a mag, tho ;)

07-20-2004, 12:35 AM
the best reason not to get a DM4 is because the DMX (NYX DM4) will be out by World Cup (or so we're being lead to believe..)

And watch, the rapper DMX is going to start suing people over that.

07-20-2004, 09:41 AM
How is a dm4 better then a trix with evolve and tadao 4.0/ace? Besides weight?

That's the second time I fully agree with you tony. ;)

I have nothing against dm4's, personaly I think they rock. However compared to it's sibbling the trix, the dm4 is waaay to overated. Most of my team use dm4s and while they perform awesome, I haven't found a single reason (not even weight since I own an IMM) why to fork out $1,150 USD for one.
Back to topic, compared to the X-Mag it's a matter of taste. Putting the sentimental value aside, IMHO, the dm4 is more accurate, faster (it's trigger is friendlier) and lighter than the X-Mag/E-mag. While to some folks these two don't necessarily make it a better choice, to me that is reason enough to go for a dm4 over an X/E Mag.

07-20-2004, 10:28 AM
Well if you agree with that statement, then you have to realize most highend guns are mostly about looks. Lets start from the top xmags? A ule emag will work just as good and be almost as light. Milled viking? Stock one will shoot just as good. Milled impulse? Stock bodied with the same ups will shoot just as good. Same with cockers, and just about every other guns. Timmys also, a nice 2k2 timmy will shoot just as good as any other timmy. It is all about looks when you get into the 1k+ market.

07-20-2004, 12:32 PM
Intimidators are as expensive as they are because at least $400+ goes straight into Gino's pockets for EACH one. Which is why Classic Timmies I still think are nice, especially since they only went for what their cost should be.... 500-600 bucks. Well add in the better board and clammy then yeah, 650-700 is what Timmies right now should be going for. But difference between Classic and say.... Dragon intimidators (remember when they were actually the hot item?) do ya? Not much, fancier body and 1 less regulator. The internals were interchangable. Though that's nice, if you find a Classic you'll have plenty of parts to fix it up with if it ever breaks on ya.

But hey if people don't mind paying money so Gino can have a warehouse full of jetski's and sweet cars then by all means go for it.

As for the entire "all high ends = looks" department. Yeah.... basically.

07-20-2004, 02:09 PM
Yes, 1,000+ guns are about looks mostly. Looks and fashion. Here where I live, about six months ago it was all about timmys. Now, it's all about dm4s. Fashion.

07-20-2004, 07:53 PM
DM4's do rock, but I've found that Freestyles with a 25mg(or g w/e weight it is) switch and a Chaos board are equally fast. Plus the Freestyle weighs less and costs less and have an equal amount of kick(none). Of course a lot of people don't like the looks, but what does that really matter?

07-20-2004, 08:51 PM
Honestly.. I had an NYX.. And i've used my teamates DM4.. There is no real difference.. I didn't even notice a difference in weight.. The DM4 did seem a touch smoother though..

And freestyles are good guns.. The only reason I don't really like them is because there isnt much you can do to them.. lol.. They just seem boring to me, but they are nice..

07-20-2004, 08:56 PM
And freestyles are good guns.. The only reason I don't really like them is because there isnt much you can do to them.. lol.. They just seem boring to me, but they are nice..
Yeah, about the only upgrades are a lighter trigger switch, Chaos board, aftermarket hpr and new barrel. You can't even upgrade the lpr as of now and the feedneck is already a no rise clamping. The BoneBreak Freestyle just came out though, so if you wanna spend like $1300 to $1400 on a Freestyle you can. Also, apparently ND's have an uber secret FS in testing(can't be to uber secret if I know about it, lol).