View Full Version : To AGD...

10-15-2001, 08:20 AM
Hi Tom, I'm the guy Jon C. was talking about. I am really interested in becoming the local "AGD Tech" here in the Philippines, the sport is gaining momentum again over here, and people are playing like crazy!

We are mostly AGD users here, although the local field uses Tippmanns for rentals since they are cheap and they honor the international warranty. That is OK since the high end gun owners own Automags, Minimags, RTs, RT-Pros, and some E-Mags. There are a couple of Cockers, a few Spyders, and a couple of Shockers. Most of the Auto and Mini owners are selling their guns to get RTs or RT-Pros, and most of the RT owners are selling their guns to get E-Mags. People that have a limited budget would rather get the surplus Mags no matter what condition instead of a brand new Spyder or M98. So you see the trend, it's older mags to newer mags... and from a rental player to a Mag owner.

Me and a couple of friends are really Mag fanatics, we actually are already very adept at troubleshooting, setting-up, customizing, and cleaning Mags. We consider ourselves the local "gurus" in the Philippines. I get my know-how from experience, trial and error (done very carefully of course), and by constantly browsing the posts on the Tech Forum at Automags.org.

I just got back into the sport again this year, I stopped playing about 5 years ago, however I played for around 4 years straight before I stopped.

We were thinking it was about time to try to make an agreement with AGD since we love our Mags and it costs a lot of money to get upgrades and replacement parts since we have to get them from the U.S. and have them shipped here. However, we are still willing to do this because as I said, we love our Mags and will not replace them with any other gun.:) So I was wondering what does it take to be a local tech, or even a local distributor? What do I have to do? What do the local customers here get? I have so many questions...



10-15-2001, 08:46 PM

I emailed you directly about setting you up asap.


10-15-2001, 10:24 PM
I already got the eMail, thanks, I really appreciate the quick response.
