View Full Version : I think Paintball hates me.

06-30-2004, 07:08 AM
Yeah, So I think paintball hates me.
I finally received my rt custom last friday after 2 months of waiting (and I must say, it was worth the wait). I was all happy and figured I'd get some air the next day so I can play with it. Well little did I know...As I was leaving work that day, I looked under my car and saw a nice puddle. Turns out, my car decided to spit out all the transmission fluid....After having my girlfriend pick me up. At this point getting air on saturday wasn't possible because I didn't have a car and we had a picknick that day so she didn't have time to take me to the store.
Anyway, Sunday comes and I'm a little hesitant to drive my car to the store to get some air, figuring it would be safer if I just stayed home till I got it checked out. So I'm sitting at my house playing with my new toy. Now I pull out my revy just to see what the whole thing looks like put together. Just for fun I flick the switch to turn it on and nothing happens....Replace the batteries with fresh ones, still nothing...Dead Revy.
Monday rolls around, but the shop is closed so no air for me. At this point, I just figured I would get some after work on tuesday. Being all happy that I will finally get to play with my new mag, I pull into the pbstore, and give the guy behind the counter my tank for a fill. So he hooks it up and all and starts filling and all seems normal, then the tank reaches about 1000 psi...POP! the guage starts leaking like a civ and won't hold an ounce of air....Needless to say, they didn't have any replacement guages in stock as it seems 5 people have had this problem in the last week...
Did you ever get the feeling that paintball itself just doesn't want you to play? :mad:

06-30-2004, 08:54 AM
Yep, I guess im not the only one ;)

06-30-2004, 09:44 AM
All the time... Let's see... Get ripped off 3 times, can't play for a year... Finally get new stuff, attempt to go high end by trading gun and stuff... Harness on BKO breaks... Replacement harness never comes.... Trade for PS2, give up on paintball... Miss paintball, then trade PS2, cash and stuff for Mag... Barely be able to use co2... Go to get N2 filled and tank leaks like a 13 year olds pores... Attempt to fix tank... Not able to get a ride to 40 min. away pbshop, then get a ULE body... Missing the detent...... Wait 3 months, finally order detent...... Aaaaaaand, I guess we'll see what happens from there. :shooting:

06-30-2004, 09:57 AM
dude that sucks. that kinda happen to me. i was going to play with a new part on my mag and i went to the scuba place to get my tank filled and when it got to psi this o-ring burst.! and it took 4 weeks to get fixed. anyway one week i wanted to play soo bad. school sucked the hole week and me and dj89 go to his cuz to play well anyway saterday morning is when we play. well we had to get up really early cuse we had to go get air witch is about an hour away. when we get the air we are going down to play and guess what. his cuz called and said that we arnt playing. i was sooo pissed because i was about 5 min from the woods were we play. so then we had to go back an other hafe an hour the get back home. that sucked soo bad.

06-30-2004, 11:36 AM
what sucks for me is that my money order for my mag is somwhere along the post office mail stream...and its been over a week to arrive at its destination...and to top that ...i have a tourny to play on the 11th ...booooo

06-30-2004, 11:40 AM
what sucks for me is that my money order for my mag is somwhere along the post office mail stream...and its been over a week to arrive at its destination...and to top that ...i have a tourny to play on the 11th ...booooo

ya that dose suck tuna man got my money order monday soo i cant wait. i get my uber sweet e-mag and tonight i am ordering my halo!!:D

hey are you going to d-day?? if soo see ya there

06-30-2004, 01:24 PM
Ever since I bought my cocker, paintball has hated me too, up until last night that is. I bought my cocker and about a week or so later I decide to go play with it. Well when I go to shoot, it doesnt work. So I take it to the shop and wait two weeks. I go out again to play with it, boom, it doesnt work again. I took it to the shop last night, thinking it would take 2 weeks before I got it back and not be able to use it in D-Day. I get there, theowner says I cant work on your gun. But he calls the tech and he ends up being right around the corner. He fixed the problem easily in front of me. Hopefully nothing goes wrong with any of my other equitment. Good things come to those who wait...