View Full Version : Any advantage??

06-30-2004, 10:51 PM
Co-worker of mine gave me what I believe is a very old automag stanadrd feed, my question is there any advantage of having the powerfeed over the standard feed? and Why is the standard feed tube so long, and I would be using moterized hopper with this gun, so i'm not sure if that would make a difference. I just have an opportunity to buy a power feed body for fairly cheap, just wondering if it would be worth it.

07-01-2004, 12:29 AM
It'll prevent any blowback from going up the feedneck. Welcome to AO btw.

07-01-2004, 02:06 AM
Old Mags had a problem with air pressure blowing the balls back up the feedneck as the bolt would go forward, in fact, all openbolt guns have this problem. Powerfeed eliminates that!! I'm pretty sure the long feedneck was to make sure there is a long stack of balls on deck which in turn would reduce the blowback problem!! And yes, it is worth upgrading to a powerfeed body!! One thing you absolutely want with the powerfeed body is the newere style "parbolic" powerfeed plug, which, if the body does not come with one, is easy enough to get!! Hope this helps!!
PS, Welcome to AO, and enjoy your mag!!