View Full Version : RARE! bolt problem

10-15-2001, 02:18 PM
I hav never had this happen to my bolt before. I let someone at my field shoot it without any paint for a little bit. He short stroked it 3 times in a row or so it seemed. The valve was fuly degassed and the on/off pin was not in the body hole meant for it but the valve still wouldn't come out. When I take the body off I am able to get the valve out but I am still missing the bolt and bolt spring. Anyway they were both lodged halfway in the barrel and made it difficult to push them back out so I could take off the barrel. I eventually did but it put a dent in the inside of my LAPCO BigShot. It also obviously broke my last V nubbin. So I had to replace it with a "P" style nubbin and it constantly kept breaking nubbins the whole day. I had choppage problems with my old p/f plug but after I upgraded to the parabolic, my chopping days were over. If it helps I have also installed an intellifeed but it does not seem to effect the sear or rail in anyway. I aleady cut down the lever switch so that it could fit in my z-grip properly.

10-15-2001, 09:32 PM
I had the same problem! It was very hard to get the bolt out, and it broke my P nubbin, and left a gash in my All American! One of the guys at the feild told me the only way to get it out was to hit the bolt with a screwdriver where the sear hits it! I did not do this because, WHY!? I managed to get it out after pushing a straight shot at it alot, and alot of pulling! I even had someone hold the barrel, and someone hold the body and pull, and we couldnt get it. I prayed and it came out! But I don't know what was up with it, but it was crazy!


10-16-2001, 04:24 PM
yeah...........I've never heard of that before. Anyway Tom have you ever heard of this and what is causing this problem?

10-17-2001, 04:23 PM

10-18-2001, 02:30 PM
I had the same problem a while back. Except my spring had broken in half. On the on/off switch, I found an o-ring blown. I replaced the spring, the o-ring, and had to get a new barrel (that one hurt:( ). But I've never had this problem since...Never figured it out either.

10-18-2001, 03:27 PM
lesson here:DONT DRY FIRE YOUR GUN!!!!lol

10-19-2001, 08:25 AM
i had that problem...I investigated, and saw that the nubbin had slid up on the barrel and broke. when the bolt shot past it, the nubbin actually lodged the bolt in place, and when u shoot smaller bore barrels, that is where i noticed it most common...

10-19-2001, 01:34 PM
Why does this happen to me? Im good people!


10-19-2001, 10:38 PM
happened to me once, luckily my gun had been firing a little funny all day but never got really bad until i tried to degas it and take the barrel off...the barrel survived without a hitch but the nubbin was doomed. It was a P style nubbin. You probably had it sticking too far into the barrel and as opposed to pushing it down into the little niche it got wedged between the bolt and barrel, and there's enough force behind that bolt to make a fair amount of wedging.

10-20-2001, 02:27 AM
hmmm sorry but I KNOW that is not what occured on my mag. I could hear a snap as if the spring snapped our of place.