View Full Version : Automag 68 Classic

07-01-2004, 01:56 PM
i was given an automag 68 classic...but it doesnt have much on it...it at least came with an expansion chamber and bottom line setup...but i need a new because the triger is kind of sticky...i was wondering what websites i could by new triggers for cheap, and im thinking about the warp feed but i need to know if the warp feed gets in the way of your hand, and i need to know what hoppers work with the warp.
Thank You

Target Practice
07-01-2004, 02:12 PM
Hey, another Ryan. :dance: Welcome to AO!

If you want a new trigger, you might as well buy an Intelliframe. It is a whole new gripframe with a blade/two-finger trigger. Very slick.

I have a feeling that a lot of people may tell you to get a Q-loader instead of a Warp, because (IMHO) the Warp is considered a little too bulky/outdated. I don't own one, so I can't pass any judgements. It just seems to me that that is the current sentiment. That being said, I think you could get away with running a Warp off of just a 12V Revvy, but I could be wrong.

Edit: Here is the Warp Vs. Q-Loader thread: http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=143118

07-01-2004, 03:08 PM
thanks are their any online stored that sell mag stuff...as you probally know many stores dont carry many upgrades compatiable with mags...thnks

07-01-2004, 03:11 PM

sells stuff for mags. Also, any hopper is compatible with the warp feed...

next: for your sticky trigger problem: mags have a VERY long trigger pull stock, there is really nothing you can do short of getting a ULT or a E trigger(hyperframe or the new spyder conversion)

07-01-2004, 03:16 PM
pretty much the most that you are going to be able to pull on a 68 is 6 bps, so you are alright with a gravity feed hopper or a revy.

07-01-2004, 03:26 PM
but if i upgraded the 68 with the intelliframe what hopper would i need

and when i asked for online stores i meant other then airgun.com

07-01-2004, 03:32 PM
A revvy will suit you just fine.

And the BEST place to get Mag stuff is the AGD store. other places will try and sell you stuff that won't work & will just suck $ from you (namely all the ANS stuff)

07-01-2004, 04:12 PM
theres a few other sites... they dont have much but they have some:

www.actionvillage.com (http://store.yahoo.com/actionvillage/paintball-gun-parts-and-upgrades-automag-gun-upgrades.html)

www.888paintball.com (http://www2.888paintball.com/browse.asp?plid=PARTS&csid=834309047813261975768940550816032962414850941 80829&icid=AIRGUN+DESIGNS)

and your best bet to purchasing anything for your mag is to get it used... mags are built like tanks, and used or not... they get the job done. I'd suggest Ebay...

www.Ebay.com (http://search.ebay.com/automag_W0QQsokeywordredirectZ1QQfromZR8)

hope that helps!

07-01-2004, 04:13 PM
buy a repair kit and replace all your internal o-rings and washers this cut the trigger pull in half on my classic when i bought it.

07-01-2004, 04:24 PM
hey thanks
i found an intelliframe and a level 10 bolt for only $60 a peice, now i just need to find a cheap x valve

07-03-2004, 03:42 PM
Skip the Level 10 if you're going to get an X-valve anyway: the X-valve comes with a level 10.

I just ordered a classic pf mag off ebay, can it really only do 6 bps!?!?

07-03-2004, 04:33 PM
A couple of years back, I had gotten my Mag up to 11 BPS, confirmed, and this is not just the shortest interval between shots. I literally had 11 shots fired in one second, sutained for a few seconds. I confirmed by recording with my SM-57 microphone into Pro Tools and analyzing with Wavelab (I don't have the file anymore as I don't have that computer or hard-drive anymore). However, at that point, I had had the thing for eight years, so I had a lot of practice with the trigger. Still, you will probably be able to get around eight or nine with a bit of practice. You will need to get used to the trigger before attempting to really rapid fire, so that you don't short-stroke every other shot

07-04-2004, 10:19 AM
Skip the Level 10 if you're going to get an X-valve anyway: the X-valve comes with a level 10.

I just ordered a classic pf mag off ebay, can it really only do 6 bps!?!?

there is always upgrades to help you do more. Playing tournaments 6 bps is good enough for me, at least untill the hAir trigger comes out ;)

07-04-2004, 10:38 AM
another good place to get upgrades is tunaman..send him a pm

07-04-2004, 02:10 PM
Don't rush to get stuff, I found an Intelliframe for 85 in perfect condition, not even a scratch, and a Halo B for 85 with 200 balls shot through it, you just have to keep a look out for the deals. Idunno how good it is but what i do is just go to different forums like here and Pbnation and search for whatever i need and if someone has it and they have good feedback then you can usually get used stuff pretty cheap. WELCOME TO AO!