View Full Version : Stolen Autococker ("Phobia's" gun) @ MXS game AND Looking for donations to replace it

07-01-2004, 10:10 PM
I went to the MXS Scenairo game held at Challenge Park Xtreme last weekend. Great time had by most. I say most, becasue of an incident that happened at the end of the game.

The blue team's general, 16 year Ben "Phobia" Hanson, had his Autococker stolen from the command base some time before the end of the game. To this post, the thief is unknonwn. Phobia bought the gun himself, saving money from jobs, holidays, and so on. And as of now, has no paintball gun at all thanks to some moron who decided they wanted it more than Phobia did.

The description of the stolen gun, from Phobia :

Description- 03 body(red), stock vert asa(red) , and stock bolt, Dye slide frame with free flow trigger assembly (grey), ergo red (black), Dye ultralight (black), shocktech front block kit (black), free flow back block (black), dead zone drop forward (red), Dye stickies (black)

Noticable things- small scratches near ball detent, there is a gap in between the frame and the drop, the ultralight on it is a .684

Right now, the MXS players are trying to organise a fund to help Phobia replace his Autococker. You can go to the thread here (http://www.mxsportz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=5911), or you can e-mail "Hawk" (Co-Captain of 1st Mercenary Group) at [email protected]. 1st Merc. Group has already pitched in $100.

The scenario commuinity is trying to rally together for Ben, who volunteered his time and effort into this event. We have no idea who took the Autococker, or if it might turn up on a pro-shop or e-bay. If you live in the IL area, keep an eye out for it. If you can help, contact Hawk at 1st M.G. and let him know.

Just passing the word along.


07-01-2004, 10:19 PM
That's horrible! The great thing about scenario games is that everyone tends to have a lot more integrity and friendliness. I've never seen or heard of any behavior like that at any of the scenario games I've been to.

I hope someone fesses up. That's really low.

07-01-2004, 10:29 PM
Wow that really is crappy i know what its like to have to save everything for some time to get a gun...Ouch

07-01-2004, 10:37 PM
That's horrible! The great thing about scenario games is that everyone tends to have a lot more integrity and friendliness. I've never seen or heard of any behavior like that at any of the scenario games I've been to.

I hope someone fesses up. That's really low.

I don't know.. I've played in tournies with over 100 teams, and 100K+ in equipment laying around at any given moment.. It would of been easy for someone to grab a gun and sprint for the back door.. But yet no one ever has..

I think all of paintball is generally 'safe' .. I hope they catch the creep.

07-01-2004, 10:39 PM
Most people tend to be honest... I was walking to the porta-potty at a tourney a few weeks ago, and there was a fully loaded DM4 sitting outside of a gearbag next to a car, I could have taken that as my own marker, walked away, got in my car (Wearing a Mask w/Reflecting Lens) and drive home.

Course since I don't have a car I couldn't do that :p

But really, people need to be more careful with their equipment :bounce:


It's really crappy when someone's gun gets stolen, my friend has had 2 guns stolen and he worked for both of those. His first gun after about 5-6 months of working up was a GZ timmy, he lent it to some iffy guys to get it tuned up and never saw it again, he had no proof that he gave the gun to them, nor that they didn't return it. Later on after starting from scratch (He saved up, bought an omen, traded that + cash for a Timmy, traded that for an ACE'D Angel 2k2) Then he went to trade with a guy who had a Z-timmy and got straight-up ripped, again since he wasn't careful he had no proof and the local police did nothing.

Finally he worked AGAIN from crappy gun to crappy gun, up to an 03 Shocker which he traded for an ECX Timmy (Currently owns) I hope ne doesn't get ripped again because 2 - 800 dollar markers stolen is ****ty.

I hope you get his gun back, thiefs must burn in hell! I was at a local field once and had my stuff sitting in a backpack, just some clothes, hopper, and some barrels and two little punks I've never seen before jacked it. My buddy let me know and when their parents picked them up, I stopped the car and told them to give me back my stuff, I let his parents know that he had stolen a 75 barrel, 50 dollar loader, and 100 bucks in apparel. They were appauled I accused them of that, so I asked them to check their bags. I asked him why there was an Ultralite for a COCKER when he owned a SPYDER, I then asked why there was an Empire Reloader with an EVIL Sticker on the Lid (Mine) when he had a Clear VL-200, then I asked why he had dirty dye 2k2 pants, a dirty 2k2 dye jersey, and dirty gloves. His parents handed over the gear and I walked away. I got lucky, another time at a field (my 2nd time going to this field) I had left my knee-pads, elbow pads and my pack all sitting near my bag, I went to get my tank filled and when I came back they were gone. I had an odd feeling that someone from the field stole them because NOBODY had left.

GL In search for teh gun

07-01-2004, 10:47 PM
Phobia lives near me... He can have pretty much any parts I have that he may need for a new cocker. And I hope the person that stole his gets a rash that science cannot identify.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
07-01-2004, 10:52 PM
i'll be at some major events in IL so i'll keep a look out for it.
does he by any chance have a picture of this gun? (im not really familiar with all these parts)

Major Ho
07-01-2004, 11:22 PM
I would like to help this guy out. Can you give me some further info?
If he was anything like my general at the first scenario game i went to a few months ago then Id be glad to help out.
I have a brand new black ergo reg, brand new chrome STO ram, brand new Twisted volumizer (2k+) and a black tickler reg that I question whether or not it works or not?
Sweet I just found a brand new black 2k+ front block too.

I was gonna sell it off for a few bucks but I dunno maybe im just feeling giddy tonite?
Poor guy... Id be glummer than glum.
PM me so we can work something out?

07-01-2004, 11:31 PM
If you want to help out, contact "[email protected]", that's Hawk's e-mail. He's the one organising this. I'm just passing it along to AO. I'm HOPING that someone can find Phobia's gun somewhere.

This is NOT my project, it's 1st. Merc. Group's project. PLEASE contact them if you want / can help.

Oh, and he's still looking for a pic of the gun. I'll update this thread when that's there.


07-02-2004, 12:04 AM
Most people tend to be honest... I was walking to the porta-potty at a tourney a few weeks ago, and there was a fully loaded DM4 sitting outside of a gearbag next to a car, I could have taken that as my own marker, walked away, got in my car (Wearing a Mask w/Reflecting Lens) and drive home.

Course since I don't have a car I couldn't do that :p

But really, people need to be more careful with their equipment :bounce:


It's really crappy when someone's gun gets stolen, my friend has had 2 guns stolen and he worked for both of those. His first gun after about 5-6 months of working up was a GZ timmy, he lent it to some iffy guys to get it tuned up and never saw it again, he had no proof that he gave the gun to them, nor that they didn't return it. Later on after starting from scratch (He saved up, bought an omen, traded that + cash for a Timmy, traded that for an ACE'D Angel 2k2) Then he went to trade with a guy who had a Z-timmy and got straight-up ripped, again since he wasn't careful he had no proof and the local police did nothing.

Finally he worked AGAIN from crappy gun to crappy gun, up to an 03 Shocker which he traded for an ECX Timmy (Currently owns) I hope ne doesn't get ripped again because 2 - 800 dollar markers stolen is ****ty.

I hope you get his gun back, thiefs must burn in hell! I was at a local field once and had my stuff sitting in a backpack, just some clothes, hopper, and some barrels and two little punks I've never seen before jacked it. My buddy let me know and when their parents picked them up, I stopped the car and told them to give me back my stuff, I let his parents know that he had stolen a 75 barrel, 50 dollar loader, and 100 bucks in apparel. They were appauled I accused them of that, so I asked them to check their bags. I asked him why there was an Ultralite for a COCKER when he owned a SPYDER, I then asked why there was an Empire Reloader with an EVIL Sticker on the Lid (Mine) when he had a Clear VL-200, then I asked why he had dirty dye 2k2 pants, a dirty 2k2 dye jersey, and dirty gloves. His parents handed over the gear and I walked away. I got lucky, another time at a field (my 2nd time going to this field) I had left my knee-pads, elbow pads and my pack all sitting near my bag, I went to get my tank filled and when I came back they were gone. I had an odd feeling that someone from the field stole them because NOBODY had left.

GL In search for teh gun

Man your friend really needs to be more carefull.. That sucks.. I would probablly quit if 2 markers like that were stolen from me.. Or find the people that stole them and kill them.. Either way it wouldn't be good ;)

07-02-2004, 12:25 AM
Don't have any money to donate, but I sure can keep a look out.

07-02-2004, 12:50 AM
Tyger I PM'd you.


07-02-2004, 12:57 AM
Got it, but it's not my thing. YOU guys really need to contact Hawk, not me. I'm just the messenger, not the organiser of this...


07-02-2004, 01:10 AM
I'm keeping my stuff locked in my car at all times now. Been hearing to much of this stuff lately. It's just sad that people can't be honest. I'm on ebay all the time watching stuff. If it turns up i'll let you know.

07-02-2004, 02:02 AM
Yeah i've personally played in about 4 MXS events in Arizona. One of which I was personally in the general's tent as the Radio slave, during night hours its really easy to lose track of items if you allow people to go in and out of the tent.

Too bad man, hope he gets the cash for a new gun.... (maybe an RT ULE eh?)

MXS events rule btw.