View Full Version : Best All-Around Pump... (Tyger?)

07-01-2004, 10:35 PM
Hey... well after finishing building my mag, I plan on using it for general use but what convinced me to get a pump (Probably SC) was Doc Nickels comics.. that one guy with the phantom who always makes jokes about using 20 balls per day and such. That just made me want to get a pump, a literally use that little paint.

So I'm asking you AOers (If any) could recommend me a pump, now I have owned a VSC Phantom and I loved it, but I've been intriuged (sp) by Palmer's stuff, the Sterling STP, Armson, and a few others.

Lemme know :ninja:

07-01-2004, 11:00 PM
Phantom or Sniper 2. I used to have a Sniper2 and it was godly, even if a bit on the heavy side for a pump.


07-01-2004, 11:24 PM
Go to bunkerboyz.com

CCM pumps are pretty much the smoothest out there, more so than sterlings.

Palmer makes some of the greatest things, a palmer "super stocker" will come from the factory one of the best shooting most accurate efficient consistant sweetest looking coolage stock class markers ever made :D

A super stocker has a good resale value, you can insert the 10 round tube from the rear <nelson style> or from the front <sheridan style> by changing the location of a plug type thing. I prefer the front.

A palmer marker wont be as light as a phantom, and it has a fixed barrel, but its one of the best things you can buy.

Stock class sterlings go for 350 at bunkerboyz.com....the only place you can buy them in the USA, very uncommon, very smooth, and bunkerboyz has all the parts.

CCM pumps are the most expensive by far, and arent quite as easily made into stock class <rock and cock> format.

AM-P illusions are better pumps than the sniper series in my opinion and can be very easily converted from stock class to vertical feed format, and are nice and high quality...action markers sells a good product.

Armson no longer manufactures pump markers <im pretty sure> and they will perform probably worse than the phantom, which is based on the same valve...the nelson valve.

Basically youve got 5 options. Palmer, CCM, Sterling, Illusion, Phantom...and you said you allready owned a phantom.

Go to bunkerboyz.com and look around then email them about questions...they will answer within a day, good guys even if you dont buy from them <whitewolfairsmithing.com has cheaper prices on phantoms> But they are the only dealer of sterlings, and the people who operate the site are awsome. Go to palmer-pursuit.com and check out all their pumps as well.

Ask me any direct questions you want, [email protected] is my msn chat / email and StJoCu is my aim...Good luck :D

07-01-2004, 11:44 PM
So I'm asking you AOers (If any) could recommend me a pump, now I have owned a VSC Phantom and I loved it, but I've been intriuged (sp) by Palmer's stuff, the Sterling STP, Armson, and a few others.

I used about 3/4 case at Skyball. Then again, I was shooting a Pneumatic Phantom which someone asked me if it was a 'cocker or an Angel.

I like my Phantom, it's been in my care for 6 years, and it's even older than that. It's still going strong. I like how easy it is to swap from SC to vert feed. I like the versatility of it with factory parts. I can swap from a back-bottle to a vert 45 easily.

If you're into sticking it to "Tha Man", get an Illusion (http://www.actionmarkers.com/). The vert feed screws right off, and goes to SC without a total teardown. No autotrigger, but it DOES shoot very well. Oh yeah, cocker threaded barrels too. Oh yeah, they'r ebeing sued by K2, ya see...

Palmer makes some SOLID stuff, I've had the pleasure of trying his Houndstooth. I liked it, it's like shooting a good old Piranha LB, but with a nicer finish. He also installs an external auto-trigger too. I can't say bad stuff about the PPS guns, becasue they're all good stuff. It's a matter of what you want. I will say that you pay for quality, but you know that. But his quality is worth it.

You can also go the Punisher (http://www.punishers-customs.com/) or Doc Nickel (http://www.docsmachine.com/) route, if you ABSOLUTELY need something nobody else has. And they do good work too. But, out of the box, Phantom, Illusion, you're set for a long while.


07-01-2004, 11:45 PM
I think Sterling / Palmer is what I'm looking for... I might go with the "Pug" or Super Stocker... the pug looks like a lot of fun :D

The thing about the CCM's, Phantoms, and Illusions is that A.) I've used them before, or B.) They're a Sniper-2 Style (Which I don't want)

Is the vertical-feed on the STP Threaded? Or is it a tube.

Thanks for the suggestions, I think I'm going to go Palmer or Sterling... both look so good :ninja:

Edit - Tyger : What you said about the Illusion is the whole reason I sold off my cocker to buy a mag :D

There really is no spending limit, I don't want to put 1000 bucks into a pump, but I really want to buy a nice one and not have to buy another. I want it to tourney legal (Meaning No "Nasty" Stuff ;) ) and be super smooth. The lighter the better.

07-01-2004, 11:46 PM
Action markers have actually began production of Illusions again, "cancelation, canceled"

Vert feed STP is not threaded, you need a strait elbow of some kind. Phantoms are entirely diferent than autocockers in every single possible way. Either way i agree, only bad thing about phantoms is they are the most common.

07-01-2004, 11:46 PM
The thing about the CCM's, Phantoms, and Illusions is that A.) I've used them before, or B.) They're a Sniper-2 Style (Which I don't want)

Phantoms are NOT Sheridan / Sniper 2 style. It's the "Nelson" based style, single tube. Not an over/under Sheridan / Sniper 2 system.

It's one of the reasons I like my Phantom. Less stuff to tinker with....


07-01-2004, 11:49 PM
Yeah I was saying I used it before :D I'm not stupid, I know the Phantom's are Nelson based, I looked into the design of the phantom. I'm a visual person, I can take apart a gun and usually find out how it operates without anyone telling me how it does.

It was actually my 3rd marker... Spyder Compact... E-Framed Mag... VSC Phantom... I even made a tech-video I posted on pbreview, but I lost it... I was 12 at the time and had a high-pitched voice, surprisingly a lot of people found the video helpful :)

07-01-2004, 11:52 PM

Palmer Versus Sterling

If you want the most reliable of the 2, get the palmer, its just more solid.
If you want the most unseen of the 2 get the sterling, The sterling is also going to have a smoother pump stroke. Palmer pumps have imbetted barrels, sterlings may as well have imbetted barrels because you will never find a replacement. Palmers imbetted barrels are the best barrels known to the human race.

Palmer versus Sterling...id get a sterling because ive never shot one much. If you want to limit your BPS like in docs comic you want stock class.

07-02-2004, 02:06 AM
I bought a sterling... Best decision of my life :)

I liked it so much, I got another one :)

I'm not even joking when I say that I can pull the auto trigger on this ALMOST as fast as I can fire my classic valved mag... Its just so buttery smooth. Accuracy doesnt go completely to hell, but it does get worse when your doing that.

Really getting a pump won't make you save THAT much paint... If you get one with an auto trigger you'd most likely end up doing that most the game, sure it isn't an electro speed, but I've played games where I've fired more with my pump then other guys on my team with regular (mech and electro) guns... Its really personaly style of play if you waste paint or not... Playing pump makes you choose your shots, but that doesnt mean you can't choose to waste them keeping other people in their bunker too...

So if you REALLY want to limit your paint usage, I'd go stock class. With those, I'd go for the good 'ol Phantom, or the AMP Illusion. Both can be switched to direct feed in a matter of minutes so you can change your mind if you want...

I'm still in love with Sterlings though... I mean they are just so pretty...

07-02-2004, 03:28 AM
Actually, it seems to me you're asking two different questions here. Best all around pump and best low-volume pump.

Probly your best bet is to go with another Phantom. If you've got the money, go for the full meal deal and get the variety of barrels and a stock and direct feed breech along with a bottomline. The Phantom is a monster when it comes to stock play and if you're finding SC to be too much of a hinderance, you can put out some decent strings of paint with it in CA/Hopper mode too. On the other hand, the light weight which is so awesome when you're playing stock makes it feel unstable when you try to really get on the autotrigger. A nitro or large CO2 tank helps moderate this, but I never really felt like it fixed it completely. Aftermarket barrels are limited, but the stock ones are awesome provided you get the new detent rings to prevent rollouts. Lapco also makes a variety of sizes provided you like black.

People have mentioned Sterlings. I finally got around to buying one and love it as well. SC variants are availble, but this thing shines when you stick a revvy and nitro tank on it. I think you'll find very little disagreement that it's the fastest pump out there without going to pneumatic assist. My first game out with it I emptied the hopper and had to bum a pod. It's that easy to shoot. Big downside is that you have to commit to either stock or DF, and barrels are limited.

Illusions are nice guns as well, giving you a heftier setup for playing DF/CA and still offering a quick conversion to stock class, as well as using Cocker barrels. Like the Phantom, it's got versatility, but they lack autotrigger, which limits their effectiveness when you go bulk feed.

Snipers are a WGP product. Which means it will function out of the box, but if you want it to really work good, you're going to have to dump money into it. Plenty of upgrades are available, but you'll probably need them. They're notorious for running poorly on CO2 when it's hot out (a product of the new Cocker bodies being geared for LP), so you'll need a reg (or valve work) at the very least. Again, stock class conversions are availble, but a custom job. Same with autotrigger. Bottom line, we all love Bud for keeping the Sniper in the lineup, but it lost it's edge on the market the second it stopped being the Cocker's daddy and became the red-headed stepchild.

Palmer stuff will be awesome. If you liked the PGP, you'll love a Palmer. Whatever you want, they can make for you. You just need patience and money. Same goes for most any custom gun made by any of the popular pump airsmiths.

If you're going for all-around, with what you said in your first post, I'd say you want a Phantom. A good solid choice that's adaptable to almost anything and excels as a stocker. If you change your mind and want a semi-auto substitute, the Sterling's the way to go.

05-27-2005, 12:13 PM
Thought I'd resurrect this Post as its becoming summer time again, and Summer Scenarios are abound. Also cause I'm also building a Sniper...Looking, Pump-Gun Project.

Looks like its down to a Sterling and Palmer.

-da "PsychoBaller the Ghillie Man?" baller :ninja:

ALSO.... can anyone post links to places that make current PB guns into real-looking sniper guns... just for kicks and ideas.

05-27-2005, 01:18 PM
nice ressurection. i got some answers i've been looking for.

05-27-2005, 01:48 PM
Punisher can do some pretty wild pump conversions/customizations....I think it's punishercustoms.com or punisherscustoms.com....

05-27-2005, 01:53 PM
Hey... well after finishing building my mag, I plan on using it for general use but what convinced me to get a pump (Probably SC) was Doc Nickels comics.. that one guy with the phantom who always makes jokes about using 20 balls per day and such. That just made me want to get a pump, a literally use that little paint.

So I'm asking you AOers (If any) could recommend me a pump, now I have owned a VSC Phantom and I loved it, but I've been intriuged (sp) by Palmer's stuff, the Sterling STP, Armson, and a few others.

Lemme know :ninja:

You really can't go wrong with either a Palmer or a Sterling..although the Sterling will be a bit smother with pump stroke...nice...but not quite as nice as a CCM Series 5 Pump. And last thing that I heard...I thought that J & J was still making barrels for the Sterling [just not too many places doing the metric threading]


05-27-2005, 02:06 PM
You can't buy full CCM guns anymore and Action Markers is also going under (thanks K2)

Sterlings are being re-introduced with Spyder threads

Palmer has made a pump kit for their Blazer (k, so it's not stock class)

While punisher does amazing work, since it's custom work, it can take a while.

05-27-2005, 02:12 PM
You can't buy full CCM guns anymore and Action Markers is also going under (thanks K2)

Sterlings are being re-introduced with Spyder threads

Palmer has made a pump kit for their Blazer (k, so it's not stock class)

While punisher does amazing work, since it's custom work, it can take a while.

You can't buy full CCM Semii's anymore....you can still get the pumps...we just got one a couple of weeks ago...
Saw CCM at XPSL Santa Clara....


05-27-2005, 02:59 PM
ok i have always been a autococker fan ever since I saw the outkast. so naturally you now whats comin next ............................wgp sniper, there nice lookin and they work really well and their barrel is awsome but this is a bious opion....

05-27-2005, 05:20 PM
What's a good price on a Sterling? Bunker Boyz is selling them for $300.

05-27-2005, 05:23 PM
$300? thought they were 250ish.... damnit. Well i guess since they are selling the last o they old stock, price jumped a bit.

Sterlings not being made anymore? or rather not same or something i heard... something... heh

05-27-2005, 06:03 PM
actually we were selling them for 230

and i think we are getting some more

and we still can sell CCM semis... we will do assembly of them

05-27-2005, 06:24 PM
actually we were selling them for 230

and i think we are getting some more

and we still can sell CCM semis... we will do assembly of them

When!?!?! Err....

Yeah. I'm waiting for the arrival of the new CCM gun. Looks like fun if you ask me. *glares at Spaceman613* you get to feel the gun up all you want....

Oh, and that Chacal from France is available. Ask Spaceman, he can enlighten you about it, since he gets to fondle that gun too.

Lucky SOB.

05-27-2005, 06:57 PM
If I would get another gun besides my phantom I'd want...

Lapco Grey Ghost (they're going to have NEW ones out soon!)

Both are stock class.

05-27-2005, 07:06 PM
if you can afford it id say try to get urself a dye carter buzzard.

if nothing else they look better.

if not, just stick w/ phantom or try to find an old lapco if you wanna go retro.. whatever floats ru boat.

05-27-2005, 08:23 PM
get a pump-mag.

05-27-2005, 08:25 PM
Illusions or Sterlings imo.

05-27-2005, 11:08 PM
$300 for a pump? :tard: Dang... :eek:

You seem to be talking about high-end pumps that I've never used (or seen), but I have used alot of low to mid range pumps and they all seem to work pretty close to the same.

Cr_ppy Talons and Samarais and Vulcans aside, because you might as well invest your money in poop sandwiches... :eek: I currently have a Tracer, Spitfire II, and a Tiger Shark. The Tiger Shark isn't as good, but I paid ninety-nine cents for it and it's pretty accurate. The Tracer and Spitfire II are both compact, accurate and durable...and $25-$40 used with accessories. I like the Tracer a little better because it's simpler to work on. The best pump I've ever used was a Brute. I still have it but it's got a broken power tube and I haven't found a replacement yet. The Brute was durable, had great velocity, sounded good, and was dead on accurate...and I think it cost me $40-$60 used with other accessories.

Probably a newbie answer right? :clap:

05-27-2005, 11:50 PM
you might as well invest your money in poop sandwiches...

That quote alone is priceless.... "I shall take you under my wing and make u my apprentice... welcome to the darkside"

05-28-2005, 01:53 AM
$300 for a pump? :tard: Dang... :eek:

You seem to be talking about high-end pumps that I've never used (or seen), but I have used alot of low to mid range pumps and they all seem to work pretty close to the same.

If you don't expect more than $30 of enjoyment from a plastic pump gun, you won't be dissapointed.


05-28-2005, 02:45 AM
If you don't expect more than $30 of enjoyment from a plastic pump gun, you won't be dissapointed.


I guess all I've ever expected out of a pump is durability, range, and accuracy...all of which I got from my old Brute. I haven't used the Tracer too much, the Spitfire II has given me an occasional durability problem, and the Tiger Shark has some durability and range issues. But as for the Brute, I'd put it up against any of those other pumps and I bet I'd do just fine. I guess my newbie question would be, what makes those $300 pumps better than the less expensive competition. I'll have to go to pbreview and study up a little bit. :tard:

Nowadays pumps are only good for backyard play anyways (my opinion) because any 7 year old with a decent allowance has some electronic monster gun and 12 pods strapped to him so he pretty much just lays down enough paint that even if you don't get hit you'll have to swim away. In the good old days snipers with pumps could make up for the tracing semi-autos with accuracy...nowadays you better hit em with your first shot and it better break and nobody else on their team better see ya or you're toast...from what I've seen anyways. :cool:

And for the record, only the Tiger Shark is plastic...the other 3 I mentioned are almost entirely metal. :nono:

05-28-2005, 05:44 AM
ASlan, you make a fair point. But I have seen a rise in pump players on the speedball feild,
once I finish my emag, I am going to do the same. :)

05-28-2005, 06:34 AM
the dye carter buzzard

http://www.anythingxtreme.com/pimages/g/Gun-DY-CrBz.jpg http://www.anythingxtreme.com/pimages/g/Gun-DY-CrCmp.jpg

i know nothingabout them except there from dye (great coustmer service) and they look sweet

05-28-2005, 10:17 AM
Is there any way to get a brand new Carter Buzzard anymore? I heard if you talk to the right person and blah blah blah, you can get one, but is there any store that still might have them?

05-28-2005, 10:58 AM
What a hard question.
For a pump that you can play any class with, the Phantom is the best choice because of interchangeability.
But if you want the BEST pump, no-holds-barred, you have to go CCM. It's really the best choice IN MY OPINION to compete against real semi's, ramping or whatever.
You really can't go wrong with any of the higher end choices here. The Houndstooth used to be my fav, and is still better in the efficiency dept. Sterling has always made a good gun, but I'm not really a fan. The pump and autotrigger really are not as smooth as the CCM stuff.
A few of us make it a point to jump into other teams practice sessions just to beat up on the electro's. Once you learn thier weaknesses you can actually play right there with them.

05-28-2005, 11:45 AM
Look at Dye Carters if you have the money.... Smooth stroke, very solid, and 100% sex

CCM is sweet

Phantom is always consistent and never breaks.....

Look at them all then decide

05-28-2005, 09:36 PM
Earon Carter has stopped making guns. (In case you haven't figured it out, he made the Carter pumps y'all are referring to)

On a speedball field, a pump is a rather difficult gun to play with, but it emphasizes skillful playing. In the woods the are very useful.

Of course if you play Stock class, it's an entirely different story.

Palmer Pursuit makes some exceptional pumps as well as mech semi's