View Full Version : Warpig.com's new site

10-15-2001, 03:16 PM
take a look, it's wicked


GJ Bill and Dawn Mills.

Does Bill still post here BTW?

10-15-2001, 03:19 PM
Very good. Much less crowded and much easier to navigate. Thanks Bill and Dawn!:cool:

10-15-2001, 04:51 PM
Bill posted on here just a few weeks ago.

I'm sure amongst his busy schedule he also reads this board regularly.

The Warpig team has a close affiliation with AGD, AGD having sponsored their entry into the World Cup 5 man last year (thanks Tom). Bill shoots an E-mag and RT, and Dawn has a minimag (amongst other guns they have).

Bill and Dawn are wonderful people. The two nicest in paintball that's for sure.


p.s. First time I actually met Bill and Dawn was in Tom K's living room :) was a very cool trip!

10-15-2001, 05:21 PM
Ahh, well according to this site's MEMBERS features, it had him posting almost 2 years ago (unless he changed his name here)..... darn machines... LOL

And like I said, hard to be honest about things without sounding bad. I have lots of great friends too, but business and pleasure sometimes are like water and oil.

I don’t want to get into it because from a professional standpoint I am right on, but from a “Politically Correct” standpoint it is dangerous ground. I enjoy reading the site, and often do… but it simply would not be on my list of well-designed sites (visually). I was disappointed after seeing both that site and their actual business site.

Again, I don’t doubt that they are wonderful people.

E-Mag man
10-15-2001, 05:36 PM
good job on the new site, a lot easier to navigate

10-15-2001, 06:18 PM
No, I don't post on this site at all.

Thanks for the Positive comments on the new look. The old look was just so crowded with stuff that people got lost and forgot what they were looking for.

It's OK for you to not be amazed by it shartly - I'm a big believer in function over form - I've seen a lot of really pretty paintball web sites that entirely lack content of value. And the CMS web site hehe... Back in 1996 when I designed it was pretty cool - of course the web has progressed a bit since then as far as design concepts and functions (even fonts!) supported by browsers, but since that site serves little purpose but for people who already want to contact us to find a phone number, it has been about on the bottom of the totem pole as far as priority.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

10-15-2001, 06:44 PM
its lookin so much better :)

10-15-2001, 07:27 PM

I am glad you understood my position. I agree that there are many Fancy yet pretty much void of any real content sites out there. Like I said, I enjoy reading your site for its content, which is great.

However, I can not count the number of times I have heard “That was from WAY back, and the only time people use it is to get our number…” LOL I find that if THAT is the case, it is best to put up a BLACK or WHITE page with the opposite color text with ONLY that information on it. Otherwise you end up looking like you are full of bovine dressing. Best to show NOTHING than to show crap… at least for any quality clients. And that is marketing 101. But hey, it is all up to the owner of the site….

And another thing that sticks in my craw (no offense) is when people say they are more interested in function over form, and forget that form is very important in a visual medium. Also coming from someone who states they are in a VISUAL profession to discard all visual aspects is confusing to say the least.

The WWW is a medium that uses the best of both Form and Function. To leave either one out is a misuse of this wonderful tool. Can you imagine a TV Commercial with only words on it? Hey, that is function, right? How about a full page Ad in a Magazine? Or how about your car? Noone likes to drive around in an ugly car no matter HOW functional it is… then why do we see so many Site Owners (and Lord Help us, Site Designers) settle for having a crappy looking site? And then hear them SELL that idea to others…. Because it is functional… WOW

So forgive me if I scoff in the face of those who settle for only ONE crucial aspect of good site development (either Form or Function). And I have said the same things for sites shown here that were all fluff and no content (ooooooo how pretty!). It does not matter how “nice” of a guy you are, or how “popular” you are (because I fully believe you ARE a nice guy)… the simple fact of the matter is now days there is NO excuse to not have both a site that functions well AND looks great. (Less filling! Tastes Great! Less Filling! Tastes GREAT!… LOL Sorry, I could not resist.)

And even more so since how it LOOKS is the easy part compared to some of the backends we now use to RUN the sites. A simple graphic set, and theme pack is the easiest thing to create, or to HAVE created. Then you lay that over your FUNCTIONS… ahhhhhh

So, I guess what I am saying is that it is almost as bad to have a site with great content but crappy design, as it is to have a great looking site with crappy content. The two worlds need to come together… and to NOT, is a shame. But I find it hard to sit quiet while another professed Designer totally disregards the ying to his yang, and acts as if it does not matter. And even more so since, like I said, it is SO darn easy to have BOTH.

But I see this ALL the time in the Paintball Industry…. And the sad part is, the ones who focus on BOTH, tend to be the ones with the least to say, or the ones that have the cheapest products. And then those with the GREAT products want to get mad because the other guy sells more, or that people believe the hype and LOOKS…… Hey! Welcome to the world of Marketing! USE IT!

I know… I got off on a rant…. HeeHee But I hope some of what I wrote gets heard. You CAN have both, and to settle for anything less is… well… less. And if you DO settle for less, it is hard for those who know the REAL DEAL to swallow.

So, again…. Don’t settle. And please don’t say you ARE settling because of some “function” issue. That excuse went out 5 years ago. Feel free to drop me a line, it is best that way. Some people will not understand that I am not attacking you… only pointing out that your reason for the lack of design (over development) holds no water.

Keep up the great articles and content! The site is going in the right direction….

10-15-2001, 09:08 PM
Shartley strikes again. I got lost for a bit reading that post. Its all true though.

Bill great site it threw me off today because 1st the old site came up then I refreshed and there was a new page and I thought I was re-directed.
