View Full Version : What guns have YOU owned, and how well did they perform?

07-02-2004, 12:35 AM
Like the title says.. Post up about the guns you've owned and give a short little review..

I'll start I guess..

Viewloader Revelation
Pic (well, it looked like this anywayes):

Well you could of probablly guess, this was my first gun.. And ermm.. Well it performed like most first guns would.. It shot, and shot rather crappy.. Heavy trigger, crappy accuracy, you know. Atleast it was made out of metal though lol.. But basically it shot just like any other blowback would.. Probablly a little less good though.. I remember sticking my finger in the feedneck when it wasn't aired up, just cocked.. And it hurt.. Alot..

Conclusion: Don't buy this gun, it was probablly the biggest waste of money I have ever spent in paintball.. I tried taking it back to Canadian tire, but they wouldn't let me lol.

P/F Hopper left Mag

This was my second gun.. I was really interested in mags at the time, and I found this puppy lol.. I don't think I even played a game with it with the stock frame, the gun shot, but I quickly updated this beast with an intelli, and level 10, and it actually came out looking quite good:


Now I got the lvl 10 and everything set up very nicely on this gun, and it actually shot quite well.. This is the gun I used at my first tourny.. Unfortunatlly there were 2 experienced teams (1 nov, 1 rookie) at this tourny, and it didn't hold up well against the electros.. I think I maybe got 3 eliminations the whole tourny.. It was still fun though, for a first alteast.. I still remember being deathly afraid hiding behind the laydown can.. Overall though, this gun shot pretty well for what it was I kind of miss it to be honest, would of made a good backup.

Ok, thats all I will do for now, I have a few more to go threw so ya lol.

07-02-2004, 12:40 AM
Pimped out Hypermag

Wow.. Where to begin.. When I first got this gun it came as a ULE RTP (I had a hyperframe, and I bought it as an upgrade).. Now the gun with the stock frame was pretty good, even being a single trigger, it still shot nice and smooth.. But when I slapped the hyperframe on this puppy all hell went loose.. This thing sucked for me, I could not get the hyperframe to work properly on this mag.. I think I went 1 day of play where the gun shot good the whole time, but after that it just wouldn't.. I like mags and all, but i'm not a fan of hyperframes after this.

07-02-2004, 12:43 AM
Well my first gun that I ever owned was a spyder tl I bought new at the store I was working at. I used it for about 6 months before I bought my 68 classic standard feed mag. That thing was so old it came with the original co2 only reg piston and wouldnt work with compressed air until i bought a new hybrid piston. I put a dye 45 frame, dye trigger, and reactor on/off in it and played with that for about a year. Then I got my cocker and built a palmers front block, put in the aka tornado valve and aka bolt, the belsales roller sear and lightened up the trigger, I outshot my revvy all the time but never broke thanks to my low recock. Now I shoot my home made gz timmy with the lcd clamshell, frenzy board, cp volumizer, cp trigger, shocktech bolt and mini rail, cp ram cap and lapco clamping feed neck with a ripped halo with the victory, I love this gun. :clap:

07-02-2004, 12:44 AM
VM 68-Good gun for its time, its a dinosaur now.

Stock emag-Heavy and slow, but I didnt know exactly how to set it up when I owned it.

2k3 viking-Good gun when I got it (w/o eyes) was TRANSFORMED when I put eyes on it. Absolutely fantastic gun, never chopped, hyper efficient, didnt break. Pefect.

Freeflow ebladed lotus-Good gun, very fast, though like all cockers it occasionally did something wierd for no discernable reason. Was also quiet and efficient

Pewter Xmag-Good gun, nothing fantastic, though the X is the best looking gun out there. Slower than the viking, and a lot less efficient.

2k4 viking-Horrible chopping issues with the new detent system and small paint. Was resolved with the AKA modded bolt. Fast, effiicient, smaller than the 2k3. Another perfect gun.

Freeflow rhythm-was here and gone so fast I didnt form an opinion

ULE'd emag-Fast and light, very sharp looking, but there was a local player who liked it and wanted it, and I was never a gigantic mag fan, though I respect their design.

Green X-mag-Meh, same as the pewter, stunning looks, okay performance. Came and left quickly.

2k4 excalibur-Great gun, but i never got the trigger set up right.

2k4 bonebrake excal-Best gun I have ever owned. Not quite as fast as the vikings, but plenty fast, very efficient, and smooooooth. Also small and light. Fantastic gun, cant say enough.

2k4 featherlite viking-came and left quickly.

Shark Attack X-mag-easily the most beautiful gun I have ever seen, and very fast, but still not my bag.

And the saga continues...

07-02-2004, 12:54 AM
Post pics if ya have them :D

2k3 BKO - Didn't really like this gun, a friend has one and has nothing but problems.. I sold mine before I ever played with it though.. It seemed to shoot fast, but just didn't seem like a solid marker..

Pic: N/A


This was the first gun I got that was solid and could actually rip.. The one thing I really didn't like about this gun was that it always had bounce, no matter what.. But the gun never broke down on my when I owned it, hell it didn't even come close.. I personally wasn't feeling the e-cocker thing, I liked the gun when I had it, but as soon as I shot my friends trix, I knew I had to have one.. So if e-cockers are your cup of tea then you might like them.. They personally arn't my fav though..

Nasty X Shocker

This was an alright gun when I bought it, it ripped hardcore once I flipped the microswitch and adjusted the trigger.. But still it wasn't my cup of tea.. The gun was fast as all hell.. But after using a friends trix for a tournament, I came to realise that it wasn't what I wanted.. I loved how smooth the trix was, and the shocker just wasn't doing that for me.. Besides.. When I used it at the tournament I had nothing but barrel breaks, and I ended up using another friends trix in the end anywayes.. If your into small guns, this might be your thing, but for me personally.. I didn't like it that much.. It was fast.. But thats all it was to me.

07-02-2004, 12:58 AM
Post pics if ya have them :D
Yeah right, SteelRat never has a gun long enough to take pics :rofl:

07-02-2004, 01:04 AM
Tiger Shark - Cool at the time, but eventually learned it wasa big pile of crap.
Raptop Silver Eagle - Again, cool at the time. I think I still have it somewhere...
Mag - This mag took many forms. It went from a SF HR 68 Classic I got from PBGear to a Micromag to a PF HL 68 Classic to a warped Mini-Mag. All of it's forms were great, but I miss it as a Micromag the most. Now my friend has it(I think) and as far as I know it's still a warped Minimag
Mini-Cocker - Bought it off PBN, was a great gun just not my thing. Sold it and moved on.
Tribal Fluster - Bought it in peices, assembeled it and sold it. Never got to shoot it :(
Rare Unmilled Tribal Mephisto - Came fairly tricked out, so I parted out most of it to do some crazy stuff to it(I like to mess with guns, but not to the point where I really screw them up like cockers). Ended up needing cash and sold the peices I had left.
'99 Cocker - Shoulda learned with the 1st Cocker. They're just not my thing. I traded it for my old MiniMag then eventually traded back when I stopped playing and didn't really care(regretting it now).
Another Rare Unmilled Tribal Mephisto - On the way... but this one is completley stock so I can have some fun with it :)

07-02-2004, 01:06 AM
1st aci F4 Illustrator
blow back, better valving than spyders, and a better design, never failed

classic minimag, stock frame with 2x trigger, 8hole mod done by me, co2
also never failed, rarely chopped, replaced the trigger with a powerlyte, worked great

2nd cont.
Various bits swapped around including x-valve, warp, fore grips, grip frames, drops
to its current incarnation #3

RT valved mini with ULE, lvl10, intelli or stock 1x, 88/3295, cp drop 32*on/off, qloader
absolutely love it!

4th [purchased after mag before upgrades]
2x F2 illustrators
same as F4 just neat and old

5th [purchased after mag before upgrades]
VSC 45 Phantom absolutely no complaints, sold to buy #6, looking to hand build a new completely custom one soon. just to have one again.

6th [purchased after mag before upgrades]
89' proline sterling, limited run anno, venturi bolt, run as open class stick feed. no complaints, smoothest pump stroke, i put it up for sale now ive tried it in its current format and baring an amazing offer i dont plan to sell it any more.

mostly stock 2k1 impy, worked great just never felt the need for the electro and it was really tall with the horz max-flo.

A-5, custom made tombstone block for mp5 mag, collapsing mp5k stock, and barrel shroud, sight, looks tooo real! loud, slams like a blowback, but shoots good, looks awesome, scares the kids.

combo got both a PMI -1 with old alum pump handle, bought it in really poor condition, still a work in progress, and a DF PGP works very well just two small for my liking wound up running my hands in to each other all the time

OH i can remember where in the order they go but ilve also owned..
a maverick/tracer, solid econo pump gun
a PT extreme, gas hungry, big, heavy, green, and still a blowback spyder

FUTURE hopes
the "mystery gun" looked really cool but, i haven’t heard any thing about it in along time.
custom built Phantom
custom autococker project
custom "autococking" SC Desert Duck look-a-like
im hand building a stock to make the PMI-1 a kp bolt action pump [currently in progress]

07-02-2004, 01:09 AM
Tri-Fade NYX

This is by far the best gun I have owned to date.. It was everything I was looking for in a marker.. Fast, Smooth as all thats holy.. It's just.. A great gun, I would recommend a matrix to anyone.

07-02-2004, 01:48 AM
Well from the top...

Spyder shutter- My first marker, and it was a trooper, it performed very well, even compared to the other markers ive had

Classic mag- Performed great, i loved it, but i soon sold it for a..

rt pro. I loved this marker, it was amazing, and im still considering getting another, because i miss my old one so much

Kapp cocker- the kapp cocker, i never owned long enough to try out, so i traded it for a

Emag! the emag was a great performer. It was awesome. I loved it. I even home annoed it, to make it my own.

i sold the e-mag for 450 and a VSC phantom to get...

THE SFL E_MAG!. i loved this thing the most, it performed alot like the e-mag, but i loved it more, it was a SFL, you gotta love it

The VSC was a solid performer as well, and i went balling numerous times with it here in chile, because of the high paint prices

Sold the vsc, and bought a sydarm

The sydarm was really uber cool, i really liked it, it performed well, but after about 3 months, it lost its appeal, even tho i kept holding onto it.

Sold the sfl to edwierd, and bought a Toxic Trix, this was my baby, my best performer, till the gun i have now. It outshone the mags by far, and i hate to say it, i love mags, but i felt it was a better gun.

Traded the toxic for an angel speed. Why i dont know. I liked it, fast, easy to shoot, but i couldnt rip on it like the toxic. So io decided to get me some money, and buy a dm4.

I sold my sydarm, sold the speed, and bought a dm4.

I AM INLOVE with this thing,FAST, LIGHT ON BALLS. ACE!! It rocks my world. I reccomend one to everyone :)

07-02-2004, 02:56 AM
Ok, i'm bored so heck why not.

AH yes, good ol m98, tough as a rock. Great gun, I had lots of fun pimpin it out, always worked great but eventually had the nacking to move up

Cocker was a lot of fun also, leanred a lot about the workings and pneumatics.

Another higher end cocker, the pneumatics were better so it was smoother. But I tried out an electro and it felt sooo good so I had to upgrade to an electro.

Traded my cocker for this bushy + cash back when it was an ugly POS. Little bit of work, upgrade some parts and it was workin pretty sweet. Unfortunatley though it was in used condition. Great gun though, shot fast enough (at the time) and felt good.

Not really mine, but it was mine. Bought for another person who ended up backing out so it was mine for a while until I sold it. Egh, it was alright. Angels were never my cup of tea, the frame felt bulky and I didn't like the fact you had to have a special tool kit to adjust simple things like the LPR or take out the ram.

Bought this thing cheap, $350, everything in pic except bolt and clammy, had a GZ frame. Also had WAS 2.7 so it was great, shoot pretty sweet. At the time Bob Long wasn't selling any bodies separate so I traded this cuz I didn't like the look of a classic body in that fade.

The viking was great, shoot sweet and all. My dislikes, it's ugly . .. also kinda bulky. Due to the fact it didn't have eyes I wasn't able to use the full potential of the WAS board in it. Also, it was BORING ! Seriously, it never leaked or anything, i never had to take it apart to tinker with it which I like to do :P

Next up was my 2k2, again great gun, consistent, fast as heck, almost perfect. The main reason I sold it was because it was off balance with a Halo since the frame was so far back so that kinda bugged me.

Now this gun was very close to perfect. Fast, no chops, consistent, low rise (unlinke the timmy), skinny. For some reason though, it was a tad heaver than a regular b2k3. I'm also a fan of more radical milling so this wasn't all that flashy. Sold this since I hear there's going to be 04 venoms . .

Picked this sucker off cheap ($550). Well, it looks freakin sweet as hell, but performance and feel was different. Didn't like that fat trigger, pretty heavy, and didn't shoot so good/fast. I can say though it was probably due to the fact the pneumatics sucked. I had to have the CON at 60 just be able to load balls in with a Halo.

Now THIS was the perfect gun. Looks great, feels great, shoots hella smooth and fast, chop proof (did a gravity loader test). A lot more balanced with a Halo than the regular timmys, it's also very light. But you know what . .. I can't afford to play after spending my money on this :rofl:

Comming soon . . . gloss black BoneBrake F-series Bushy

07-02-2004, 04:11 AM
First gun i had was a tigershark, i mostly just shot it around my yard, never knew anybody who wanted to play. Shot pretty well. One day i took it apart and had to burrow my friends shark to put it back together, my friend forgot about it and so it became mine.

I traded one of the sharks for my friends samurai, boy was that thing the biggest piece of crap i have ever seen. It started out ok, but it then turned into a pump and it would chop like crazy. NEVER BUY THIS GUN unless you like messing with guns and trying to mod them.

My next gun was a Tippmann 98. I bought it off ebay for 68.00 shipped with a 16oz tank (VERY NICE DEAL). It shot really well but i never played any serious games with it. My Neighbor fell in love with it and i didnt want to sell it so he ended up giving me 150.00 for it (LMAO YES!)

I used this money to buy a Black Dragun from my friend, it shot very nice, i played at a few places with it, eventually the flush cocking mechanism got so screwed up i just threw a stock spyder bolt in it and sold it on ebay for 124.00.

My friend who sold the black dragun had a broken 68 classic mag (messed up powertube) and so he sold it to me for the money sent to his paypal for the dragun. I bought it in hopes of getting an Xvalve. That was about 2 years ago.

Since the gun was broken i used my other friends spyder for awhile, i then bought it from him, it was a green camoed spyder SE, he had bought it from a shop and they had slapped a few things on it that were missing, like a spyder tl trigger frame, and a dove tail (not supposed to fit a dovetail, they ghetto did it with a small screw) I bought it for 65 bucks, that gun shot very sweet, i never chopped a ball with it i was very happy. Its for sale by the way, 50 bucks or somethin idunno, i dont really need it anymore.

1 year ago i was gonna buy an xvalve for the 68classic but i blew a ton of money for the 4th of july and was close but it didnt work. Last month i bought an Xvalve, finally! This month i bought a ULE body, Kapp grip extender, screw down feedneck, AA barrel which im gonna use that and my old spyder barrel and some money to trade my friend for his 14 inch boomstick, and i just paid for an Intelliframe but i havent heard from the guy back NICK MOUFO (MOUFO48) but hopefully thats gonna be taken care of soon! The gun is black and silver alternating, the only thing i will have left to buy is a silver angel ball detent and im good, only real problem is the silvers arent all the same shade so it looks funny. BUT ANYWAYS, it shoots very nicely, i already waste a bit more paint than usual and the air tank my friend let me use was hardly reactive at all.

07-02-2004, 10:15 AM
Wow... let's see....

My first marker was a SL 68 II pump and a Sheridan PGP. I got both on a sweet deal used. I sold the SL 68 II to a field owner and got a KP3 and a PGP by Sheridan instead. I still own both guns and they are still in working order.

Then I moved up and got me a VM68 by Sheridan, which was a great gun. So good I used it for three years straight in woodsball. By the time I purchsed my seocnd VM68 things had changed and new faces were about so I sold the VM68 and purchased...

... a 68 AutoMag classic. Oh and I also changed form Co2 to CA. That Mag never ver gave me any issues and I used it for three years. I still remeber Tom in the video it came with (VHS) and well, he has changed a bit ;)

By then I left the bush and entered the world of speedball and the purchase of my first electro: A 2000 Angel LCD - not bad for a first electro, eh? -

I had that Angel for about a year and a half and again, it never broke on me. All I can say about Angels is that they are very well built solid guns. Overhyped? Overated? Overpriced? I don't care, the Angel is and will allways be the Angel.

From the Angel I went into a Trix... a KAPP Flame Trix. I liked it but not as much as my Angel. Since by that time I was on the order list for an X-Mag, I sold the Trix.

My first X-Mag came short after selling my Trix. It was a 2.4 Blue/Silver fade X-Mag. A buddy of mine who is an AGD dealer like my X-Mag so he offered me to trade him my blue/silver X-Mag for a gloss black 3.2 X-Mag. I accepted the offer. I still own that black X-Mag. I changed the battery pack for an old E-Mag plain battery pack and installed an Angel ball detent for looks. I like the simpleness of the design on the X-Mag and all the scratches it has acquired make it look dead sexy - for me at least -.

Soon after I made the mistake of buying a Black texas Storm Intimidator. All I can say about that gun is that there was never a game I played with that gun that it did not chop paint. The cursed thing was a paint blender. I sold it and have a bad opinion of Timmys.

With the Timmy gun I was going to buy a new gun: Eighter a DM4 (damn hype) or an A4 Fly (afterall, I came back to AGD products, why not try WDP products as well?). But, fact is I bought neighter. In a tourney in Monterrey I came up with a guy from Tijuana who was selling his Trix... an Ironmen Trix. In damn good shape. Bought it and equipped it. That Trix is fast, doe snot give me any problems of any kind, easy and fun to maintain (really) and it has broken about 3 paintballs in... 10 cases?

Now I've come to the point where unless it's a life or death situation (eve then I'll have serious toughts since I'm like a damn Fenician and want to be burried with one of my markers), I'm not planning on selling any of my current guns. Not only are neighter of those manufactured anymore and thus total classics, but I'm very attached to both. Yet, if I were to get a new gun someday my money would most surely be... nah, I change my mindo to quick.


07-02-2004, 10:43 AM
KP3 first gun. Great pump, simply as can be, never failed, but it was a heavy beast. Sold it for a pmi-3 when I decided I needed to go semi. (doh!)

Pmi-3. Serious tank of a marker. Worked flawlessly for 3 years till I broke the seal between the asa and body. Sent back for repair as an empt reciever housing pre paid. Returned as a complete marker. Sold it to make some cash on the extra parts.

VM-68. Another super heavy beast. Still own this one. Never had a single issue with it.

Brass Eagle Poison. All I can say about this thing is what a pile. Broke constantly, leaked, ect ect. Sold it for an f-1 illistrator

f-1, light, fast for the time, had a couple issues with it after 2 years. The bolt hammer connector pin broke at least 3 times, And the reciever housing near the cocking handle started to mushroom out. Sold to a buddy.

First year cocker, Good lord was this thing a finicky POS. Constantly fiddling with it just to get it working decent for a day. Sold it because I was sick of messing with it.

Tracer, Simple and cheap pump. Worked great as a loaner for a couple years. Eventually sold to a buddy who still has it.

Talon, What can I say I bought it for the 50 round hopper :). Sold it for 20 bucks on ebay.

Rapide, Fun gun, never leaked but the trigger pull was ultra heavy. Sold it because I couldn't hit a barn door with it past 30 feet.

Tippman carbine, Worked like you'd expect a tippman to work. Never had an issue with it. Sold it when I needed cash.

2x P68-at's. Decent pumps, the pump handles broke right where the auto trigger connected. The tinny o-rings from the asa to valve chamber were a pain in the butt. Sold the pair after restoring one.

Minimag. No serious issues with this. Slapped an omega rail on it, through the entire marker into a fit. Ended up using a milled classic rail and intelli. Still own this one.

68 classic, built from parts. Never used it before I sold it off.

Piranha e-force ext pro. Broke 3 feed necks off inside the reciever housing. Sold it after it came back from pmi for warranty work.

2001 WGP STO, bought it as a parted marker. Replaced a couple parts on it. Works fine now. Not ultra fast but I bought it as a tinker toy to begin with.

Tippmann A-5 Egripped. Works every time, I use it primarily for scenario games that allow Full auto. Only complaint would be cleaning paint out of the cyclone feed is a pain.

2k4 bushmaster, So far so good. Shoots ropes, light and consistent, I've had zero problems with it so far.

Mad customs pmi1-df. I love this thing never had an issue with it and it's never leaving my hands.

07-02-2004, 01:32 PM
Slpatmaster -nuf said
kingman Hammer-A -biggest peice of crap ever. It actually shot 678 over the chrono
Vm-68 -heavy as hell but a workhorse
Classic Mini-Mag -pretty good but sometimes a blender
Angel LCD -Works Awesome

07-02-2004, 02:06 PM
Tippmann 98 Custom:
Solid gun, never broke on me at all. I used it for less than a year though. I had plans to totally trick it out with like a palmer stab, a lapco bigshot, and all sorts of good stuff. Then my brother reccommended that instead of upgrading the hell out of it, I should just get a nicer gun. I played HLPB alot back then, and the Automag was the fastest mechanical gun on there, and I liked the way it looked. Yes, thats right, I picked the Mag over everything else because it was cool in a VIDEO GAME! LOL! (I was 11, give me a break.)
TKO Mag:
This thing was amazing. I just loved the hell out of it. If I could have it back I would take it in a second. I should never have parted this thing out. It started out just a TKO mag, and I got a Crossfire stubby tank. I loved the tank, even though it was a bit heavy. I bought a revy and a 14" 2002 all american.. I hated the All american, its still the worst barrel I've ever shot to this day (sorry smart parts fans) I traded that for 2 taso barrels. I lost atleast 40 bucks but atleast I had a decent barrel. I hardly ever chopped with this thing! I couldnt figure out why people said mags chopped. Then I got a warp for my birthday and I NEVER chopped again! Just for kicks I got a level 10 (I was one of the beta testers)! NEVER chopped again with this gun. Defentally kicked. I love classic mags, they're great. I kept the stock trigger frame for almost the whole life of this thing. I got a benchmark 2x and that was great too, I liked the lighter pull.
DEFENTALLY a kickarse gun! I loved this thing way too much. Then I saw the Green Micro E-mag on the wall of my shop. BONER! :dance:
Micro E-mag:
Ahhh so beautiful. I saved up for 4 months, and sold my classic, just so I could buy this thing. I paid like 1175 for this beast. True, they were a little cheaper online, but I had never seen another green one, and this green was just too amazing to pass up. It came with level 10. It was a great gun. VERY fast. Too fast. I spent more and more and more when I played. The only problems I had with that gun.. well they were big, but user error. I screwed up. I managed to snap off the grounding screw on the emag board. I ended up having to send it into AGD, and get a whole new board and my trigger frame retapped. Well, there goes one of my stars. Haha. Somehow the charger got busted, so I sent it into PTP.. NEVER EVER SEND ANYTHING TO PTP.. it took like 3-4 months before I could get a new charger from them.. they kept giving me different excuses.. oh well. I played DDay with it.. then I decided I wanted to build a mag with all this nifty stuff AGD was coming out with. ULE, ULT, Y Grip.. I wanted it all. SOLD!!
This is what I still own. I got a y grip, ule body, stock rail, rougegrip, and an xvalve and built this beast. I love it. Its really light and compact. I recently bought a warp for it because I missed the warp I had on my first mag.. damn I love my warp. This gun is beautiful and always gets comments on the field. I have a feeling I'm going to keep this for a while.

Other guns I've owned:
Talon: Worked fine until I autotriggered the hell out of it and snapped off the pump arm. Bought a new pump arm and it works fine now :cool: I defentally wouldnt want this as my main gun, or even a backup though.
'95? Minicocker
Why the hell did I buy this in the first place. I diddnt know anything about cockers and it was in the classifieds marked as a '99. It was a right feed converted to center feed. Not a very clean job either. I got it, gassed it up, and nothing worked. After numerous attempts I diddnt feel like dealing with it so I threw it in the shop. They told me the LPR was busted (big suprise, it was an ANS jackhammer 2) so I bought a rock off ebay. They put it on and said it worked fine. So I got it back and it diddnt work with a :cuss:
I talked to them and they said it was working fine. Apparently they werent using the inline I had on there (guess what, it was ANS as well! genx2!) when they fixed it. GRR. So I get a spare stock cocker reg from my brother and put it on there and it works fine, I guess. It was kind of beat up and outdated and I hated it, so I got nerobro to buy it (THANK YOU NERO! I HATED THIS THING!)
Sheridan XTS
Worked fine until I dumped like half a bottle of oil into it on accident.. haha I liked it, very similar to a tippmann 98 custom but it looked more reliable, and more compact, with more metal internals.

07-02-2004, 03:30 PM
68 mag- good first starter got this when i first got in pb

angel lcd- first electro loved the feel but it always chopped like crazy ince halos work lie crap on angels and was forced to use egg

dye trix- by far my most favorite gun i have owned fast effient had eyes would def go back to owning one again.

ebladed ff lotus w/ eyes- not really much of a cocker person but i loved this gun just b/c it turned heads it was one of the fastest cockers most ppl have seen

lasoya timmy-fast but it was a big gun and me being a front player didnt work out to well

hk was & ace'd speed-very fast gun never had a problem with it just didnt liek it.

07-02-2004, 03:30 PM
I thorw down my 2 cents, I have probally owned 30 guns, lets start with the crappy guns

Spyder TL+, ok gun, ran real hot the first time i played with it

Matrix LED: what a piece of crap. I couldnt get this dam thing to stop leaking

03 Angel LCD: this was teh ugliest gun I ever owned. the silver anno was awful

Eclipse angel, Thsi gun was dam fast, gaberial board, and never chopped, infact it actually pinched paint

Classic mag: never chopped, plenty fast, extremely reliable. I wish i could build this gun again, but alais no one offers reverse classic valves.

Eclipse shocker: Incredible gun. It has to be one of the most consistant guns I have ever owned. it would shoot tripples over the chrono AND it ran on co2

DD 1/2 milled viking: more consistant than the shocker. only reason I sold it was because I heard there was a redisgn comming.

Other stuff
I have owned a bunch of cockers, you shoot one you have shot them all. Owned an Emag, great gun if you only need one gun otherwise I prefer vikings for the price. RTP's jeez I cant count how many I have owned, great guns just pricey for mechs. The relaity is I am playing more and more compatitve paintball and 8-12bps (no bounce) isnt fast enough.

I am currently awaiting my next viking, which I will be burried with. :shooting:

07-02-2004, 04:22 PM
Well lets see if i list and reveiw all of them it may take a while so first the list (mostly in order but my memory sometimes gets foggy):

Splatmaster, PGP, Brass Eagle Nightmare comp, PMI-I, KP-3 Rifle (kick self), BE King Cobra, Line SI Bushmaster (3), Phantoms (5), STP Sterling, Black widwo, (couple other nelson based pumps don't remember the names), Carter comp (kick self), PMI-III, F1 Illustrator, 68 special, Automag, Autococker (3), AM-Illusion, Am Sentinel, Spyder TL +, Spyder Shutter, Spyder Xtra, PGP 2k, Tippmann A-5, and finally a Hurricaine. I think that is the list.. not sure probably forgot a few.

Reveiws. General reveiws the PMI pumps I have owned were very solid and reliable. not the faster shooters but very accurate.

Line SI bushmasters, Good guns, not as reliable as the phantoms. Not as smooth or accurate but decent guns

Phantoms, some of my favorite pumps ever. Very reliable and decently priced now. My first one cost me over $400. now they are much cheaper and you can get new barrels. (not that you need to replace a phantoms barrel.)

Carter comp (kicks self) Why oh Why did I ever sell this gun? i will never know. Best gun I ever owned PERIOD. This was a pre Dye carter,, Very Pre Dye. Flat out smoothest operating pump and probably the most accurate gun I ever had.

Autocockers. Like them.. Good guns, not hard to keep up, but I like mags better. Cockers are like Harleys. You have to tinker with them before you ride, then tinker with them when you put them away.

Automags. Probably some of my favorite semis. I'm not one of the its either a mag or cocker. I like them both. Wish I never would have gotten rid of my last mag,, but I was quitting the game and didn't need it anymore. So needless to say A mag is on the top of the list of guns to get again.

Spyders. I like the spyder guns for what they are. A great entry level gun. They are inexpensive for the most part. And they have a ton of options for upgrading. I have never had any reliablity issues with any spyder i have owned.

Hurricaine: Simply a gun I fell in love with back in the early 1990's. I have always wanted one. And finally I have been able to attain one.

Next on list of things to get: Automag either Rt ULE or a Tac 1, Blazer or a Nasty Typhoon.

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

07-02-2004, 04:38 PM
1st Gun - A rebel, but I dont remember what model. It was the awesome, never let me down, I loved that gun.

2nd Gun - TKO Mag, very nice, that gun never let me down. Always was working, never really chopped.

3rd Gun - Talon, just for gun, thing was horrible.

4th Gun - Emag, hated it, never worked properly, always leaked, LX never worked.

5th Gun - 2k2 Timmy, only had one problem, because of the previous owner, but once I got that fixed, this has been the best gun I have owned. Mows people down.

07-02-2004, 04:42 PM
Well ill start with the guns you might be interested, ill jump a year or so into my playing

Classic mag. Stock it choped alot of paint because i always short stroke it. Shot good compared to most stuff back then. Then i upgraded it when the lvl 10 and intelliframe came out. Shot it for a while and got a....

Bko It was fast. to fast for its own good, choped to much paint. the gun was to fast not to have eyes or be lower pressure. Good gun to bring you into the elctro world.

Another classic mag with sluggo festus milled body, Intelliframe, lvl 10 all the goodies. Shot really good wish i wouldnt have got rid of that body.

Red 2k2 vert feed cocker, Really nice Had alot of nice parts on it. Never choped a ball in it. Shot great just wasnt fast enough for me. So i traded it for a....

2k green angel lcd. Really nice gun. Shot really good, fast, consitant, never choped, never had a problem with it.

2k2 gnx-3 green to blue fade. Had nothing with problems with it. Sold it up quick.

b2k2 bushy, tantrum chip. Fast, shot good. It was my back up gun didnt do much with it so i just sold it.
Lasoya timmy black to red fade. One of my favorite guns i owned. Fastest, never choped, really consitant, light, felt good in my hands.

Angel speed. Stock shot decent didnt like the sensi, it didnt really do its job.

Aked speed with was, and eyes. Ugly, fast, and never choped. I just learned angels werent my thing so i got........

Lcd trix. With goodies and all that good stuff. Shoots really good, consitant, no kick, real quite, really easy to walk to trigger.

Ule emag, with xvalve, ule body, ACED. Fast, dont chope, havent really shot it yet. Ill post more about it when i do.

07-02-2004, 05:26 PM
ooh ooh , I wanna go next..... :D

Brass Eagle Avenger-My first marker. Played with it one game. It was better than the Stingray's all my friends were using at the time. It lost a screw and quit working after a few games , and I was lucky enough to be able to take it back.

Tippmann 98c-This was my first "real" marker. I enjoyed it thoroughly. Even still I think of these as the best low end marker available. I upgraded it with an expansion chamber and an AA barrel. Sold it to a friend who still uses it today.

Spyder Compact 2000-I owned several of these so I will lump them all together. The first one was purchased off Ebay with a Bob Long frame and worked pretty well up to the first chop. I purchased several more and went through a phase of buying broken ones and upgrading the heck out of them.The end result was a Milly body outfitted with a Mako frame , AKA internals, Freak Barrel ...the works. I spent WAY too much $$ on what turned out to still be the chop-o-matic. I finally wised up and washed my hands of them altogether. I still can fix one with my eyes closed though...

ANS Gen X 3-This was my first GOOD marker. I still (almost) miss it. It was a great marker. Never had a single problem with it. Never failed to draw lots of attention at the field , and to this day was the most accurate marker (for me) that I have ever had.

Automag Classic-Bought this one for my wife. It came with the eclipse kit and a winforce barrel. Got a Powerlyte frame on a good deal for it , but otherwise has never needed a thing. This marker started me liking mags due to its wonderful reliability. I did change the classic body out in lieu of the RTP body. My wife liked the chrome.....

B2K-Picked this one up for a good deal on the forums. Really good performing marker. The only thing I didn't like was once it chopped , you may as well have walked off the field , cause your game was over until a THOUROUGH cleaning. Was nice and light , and quite fast. Just had a tall profile which ended up with a lot of hopper tag eliminations.

Tippmann 98c (2)-Picked this up , used once , with a tank , hopper and thermal mask for 50$. As I said before , I think its the best most trouble free beginner marker on the market. Gave it to my daughter bone stock , she loves it and so do I.

Automag RTP(x)-I got this one in a trade for the GenX. A buddy got it and being mechanically challenged , couldn't sort out the Lvl 10. After a few weeks of wanting to throw it in the creek...this has become my ULTIMATE marker. When I have it I don't use any other,there is no need. It is fast,light,small,and reliable. Parts of it are out getting work(Logic) to make it one of a kind for my area as no one uses them here.

Half block cocker- I got this one from a friend who couldn't make it work. I took the parts and made a working 99 cocker and then turned it into a Freeflow Boxxer. I built and timed this one by hand. It is a great backup marker and works wonderfully. I like cockers so much that after getting rid of the Gen X I had to build this one.

I would post pics , but don't know how to find the images I have already posted here of most of these.....

07-02-2004, 05:52 PM
1st- Sheridan XTS Nemesis. Good first gun I guess. Took at least a case to brake it in. Just not fast enough and trigger pull sucked so I went to electro.... (Still got it and will always keep it as a reminder of my first paintball days.)

2nd- Spyder Esprit...Bright Red. Its a Spyder what can I say. Had a few problems....it chopped a lot. Double fired when on semi?!? Sold to a friend after about 6 months of the crap. He loves it....

3rd- AGD Automag RT Classic :hail: :clap: Best gun EVER!! Bought it on eBay with a warp, 12v revvy, boomstick, 114 ci Nitroduck tank, and a DZ3 Chrome drop. All for $500 What a deal. Since then I sold the nitroduck for a smaller, better tank...AGD Flatline 3k. I have also 12v modded my warp and put an LED in it. Looks schweet.

The RT Classic absolutely rips! Ive only chopped once in like 5 cases of paint. And that ball was Nelson and I was Zak Vetter style rapid firing. I havent out shot it yet.

I love this gun and will NEVER, EVER sell it.

Here she is...The Back in Black mag.
http://www.hunt101.com/img/147721.jpg (http://www.hunt101.com/?p=147721&c=564&z=1)

Future plans are a RT ULE Custom. Nickel body, Red X, Nickel Intelli. These are just plans pending me becoming amazingly rich....lol

07-02-2004, 07:12 PM
first gun was a talon- nice gun for what it was (i learned this later on in hindsight) tried to put a new barrel on it and snapped the pump handle in half in the process so i threw it in the garbage.

then i had a 98 custom- nice gun always performed good until it started to get some weird chopping problems and other things then i sold it to my friend

then i got a 2k2 vert feed cocker- nice gun i spent too much on it, if i could do it over again i would have just made my own cocker and it would have been alot nice, sold that to the same friend lol

then i got my first mag- bought it off another friend at the time who isnt anymore (he stopped playing due to the fact that hes stoned 24/7...) 200 bucks for basically a tko package mag with a boom stick and then i put in a beta level 10 kit for 70 bucks, second best damn gun i ever used

then i got a rat impulse- this is where that talon hindsight comes in, that gun was aweful, chopped all the time, had massive FSDO, worst gun i ever used. i traded it for a gz timmy from a business (funny how he went out of business) he lied about the entire gun it had 2 stock boards instead of a was board, he says he "inspects all his guns before he sells them" the stupid thing had paint in the eyes, crappy wiring, 2 stock boards, was basically broken so when i told him i wanted it fixed he made up some crap about how my gun was messed up (if he "inspected" the gun he would have seen any problem but nope) and told me to go to hell...

anyway after fixing the gz i still have it its a good gun, its not really me though, what id really want is to trade it for an rt classic, or rt ule, or some kinda nice mech cocker (like a free flow or jackal machine one) or just plain sell it so i can get some cash for a 66-68 mustang (or a mach 1 if i could lol)

and i have an emag as well- the emag IS THE BEST GUN I EVER USED, i love this gun more than anything, im sure you guys have seen it a couple times.

and then for no real reason i bought an al 68 II which is a good pump problem is the barrel looks like someone sandpapered the inside so the balls all roll out of the damn thing, and i need a hopper adapter for it lol.

anyway the pics i have are of the rat, the gz and an old one of my emag back in the day

07-02-2004, 07:26 PM

07-02-2004, 07:35 PM
Automags - The first marker I used to play with was a Minimag I bought of my teacher. I used staight CO2 and it really sucked. I traded it here for an Autococker that I could never get to work. I sold the 'cocker, and bought an Emag from a local shop. I ended up trading that for an autococker w/ tank and cash. Later, I traded my Impulse for a RT Mag with cash (which I regret doing, one of my main hook-ups with paintball during this time was $$ since I was jobless). I sold the RT almost immediately on eBay, and since then have purchased 2 used Minimags, both of which were sold pretty quickly. It may sound like I don't like 'mags, but I just can't keep a marker. But I must say, they are slow. I could only hit 7 BPS on my Emag w/ 1.37 software.

Autocockers - Lotsa these. I started with an old '99 right feed, then went on to a gorgeous red/orange acid washed Spanky 'cocker. I was gonna eblade this, but the night I was to buy it, I fell in love with an Impulse (I did so well with it, and it gave me soooo much more confidence). Later, I bought a Vertebrate 'cocker, which is also absolutely gorgeous and was + or - 1 at the chono the first time I used it. I've also built my own freeflow 'cocker, and had a number of stock 2k2s and 2k3s in differant configurations, including an eblade. I've found any 'cocker with an eclipse frame to be marvelous, and eblades are grand if you have a delrin bolt.

Impulses - My first Impy was a vision 2K1(ish) that was pretty much stock. I loved that thing a lot, but my gun whoring saw things otherwise. I've had a few more since then, but I never actually played with them (except for a tapeworm less Impy, which was aweful and pissed me right off at SP).

Angels - I've have one LED, 2 LCDs, and one IR3. I never much cared for any of them. The IR3 was cool, but I just dont care for the design.

Matrices - I've had one 2k2 LED, which I used briefly before selling it to a friend. It shot nice, but again, I'm a gun whore.

Spyders - I've had an aggressor, E99, and a number of AMGs. AMGs are awesome because they're centered better, and have a cool exp. chamber. Everything else has been rather blah, and they don't shoot nice at all.

Tippmans - I had a Model 98 briefly. It was never used, and I don't really care because I don't like them. I only bought it to help a friend.

Intimidators - I have a GZ right now. It's light, looks good, shoots great, and doesn't chop. However, I don't know that I'll keep it due to my buying/trading tendencies.

I'm pretty sure that's it. The total count is now at around 30, and I don't see myself stopping just yet. Buying/Selling/Trading has been a habit of mine for 4 years now, and I can't see it stopping until I can play more often (working every weekend sucks).

07-02-2004, 08:21 PM
First gun: Spyder - Not much to say, performed well for its price, great starter. (Sold it)

Automags Classic - Excellent marker, absolutely loved it, but i had to move on to better things.(Sold it)

Automag, intelli, warp, xvalve - Loved it, as far as mech guns go, this is perfection in my opinion. Never had a problem, fast for a mech also.(Sold it)

B2k- Great electro for the price, quick, light, performs well. (Sold it)

ULE Emag - Best gun I have ever shot in my opinion, I just lvoe the feel of them. Also, it hs never choped on me. (still own it)

Bob Long Defiant - Bought this as a project gun, tricked it out . Super fast, very consistant, cool lookin, all around good marker. (up for sale)

07-02-2004, 08:45 PM
1. Piranha BL eh it did the job untill i out shot it damn easy

2. Piranha E-force Core DF eh it was ok

3. curent mag LOVE IT!!!! :dance:

Eatem Alive
07-03-2004, 01:06 AM
1. teal/black splash micro w/ x valve & ult - great shooting gun
2. black rogue w/ x valve & ult - awesome shooting gun (my baby)
3. red logic w/ x valve & ult - another great shooting gun
4. clear dye '03 matrix - smooth, fast, nice
5. cobalt dm4 - bad ***...incredibly smooth, hella fast, a very sweet gun
6. limited edition "momma's boy's" alias custom internal work - personally the fastest gun i have ever shot and very smooth, not like the dm4 though.

07-03-2004, 02:54 AM
Fair warning...and no particular order

Splatmaster: green...plastic...goodness. I still have it.
GZ-1000: Black plastic goodness...in other words a Splatmaster by any other name...
Splatmaster Rapide: More green plastic goodness. With 40 round box magazines, 12-gram quick change and "flash hider" barrel...which doesn't make much sense now considering paintball guns don't "flash"
PGP: Brass goodness. Reliable and fun.
KP-3: Brass goodness with a wooden rifle stock and constant air!
PMI P-68AT: Long-barreled brass goodness. Wood grips for extra class.
Phantom fixed-barrel: wow. Just plain wow. Accurate, smooth, consistent.
WGP Ranger: Perhaps the best pump I've ever owned. Selling it was a big mistake.
Trracer: Perhaps the last good thing PMI ever did. And then they sold it.
NPS Diablo: The pump that rocked the industry...not because of what it was, but because of what it was called. And let's leave it at that.
Paintgun Inc. Blade: I will injure Andy Greenwell if I ever find him. ;)
Fastech F-1 Illustrator: Lightweight, accurate, fast (for its time) and efficient. STILL works great.
F-2 Illustrator: The same, but different. Top-cocking and had a eurogrip. Very good.
VM-68: Heavy, but reliable and fast! Gotta love a seven ounce bottle under the barrel!
Brass Eagle Stingray: Must we even go there?
Tippmann SMG-68: SMG means Sub Machine Gun for a reason. It still works and works great. Fed by stripper clips and a 20 ounce siphon bottle there was no stopping it.
Tippmann 68 Special (x2): I'd play with it today if the children wouldn't be mad for getting shot by a gun taller than them.
Tippmann Pro-Lite: The most reliable paintball gun ever made. Period.
Tippmann Model 98: Reliable and fast when you put a double trigger in it and remove the spring. This was before the drop-in kits and the 98 custom.
Tippmann 98 Custom RT: Holy machine-gun batman!
Tippmann A5 E-Grip: When your Tippmann gets you pulled for "trigger bounce" you know you're having fun! (mwah ha ha ha ha ha)
ICD Bobcat: small, light, compact and reliable...sounds like some other ICD guns.
ICD Bushmaster 2000: Fast and accurate, simple too. Great for the money!
ICD B2K2 LCD: Mine says "hi Josh" when you turn it on. And it shoots people!
ICD Freestyle: The ultimate compact killing machine. Fast, accurate, reliable, simple.
AGD CP/PF Automag: CF25232...that was a great gun
AGD Minimag: forget the serial number. Awesome gun.
AGD RT: RT1314 For three years that gun worked perfectly with only oil. Not even a changed ORING. I miss it.
AGD RT: RT0678
AGD EMag: Whlie it was fast, before LX it was just a tad TOO fast. ;)
AGD XMag: XMag #9 It rocks. Plain and simple. No broken paint since the day I got it.
AGD RetroMag: the Ol' black Powerfeed mag
AGD ULE Mag: ULE body, ULE trigger, AGD grip frame, the works. Awesome
AGD Tac-One: Accurate and consistent: subtle and simple, the way it should be!
Smart Parts Shocker Turbo: Da shoebox. Fast but B I G
Smart Parts Freak Factory Impulse: mean looking and FAST...on co2
Smart Parts Toxic Impulse: VERY fast, great looking gun.
Smart Parts Nasty Impulse: Fast, reliable, simple and never chopped balls.
Smart Parts '03 Shocker: Fast, accurate, light and tight. No chopped paint. Air hog though.
32 Degrees Autococker: Smooth, beautiful, rare and accurate. I miss it.
Rudy Custom: The one-of-a-kind JewCocker. not fast, but man it looks good.
CCM J2 2003: In my opinion the most original looking cocker copy out there. Quality too.
CCM J2 2004: Simple incredible. Smooth, fast, accurate and classy.
CCM Series 5: For the price, it's practically unbeatable
WGP 97 Autococker: Nice gun overall! Accurate as anything ever.
WGP 2002 Autococker: A vast improvement over earlier models. Accurate as ever.
WGP Orracle: The best Cocker I've ever shot. Period.
WGP Orracle E-Class: Super fast and sniper-accurate.
WGP VF-T: My favorite Autococker. No electronics needed! Accurate! AIR EFFICIENT!
Reverse Autococker: Unique and interesting...never really worked all that well. ;)
Bob Long 2001 Intimidator: I miss that gun. Accurate, fast, reliable and sexy.
Bob Long 2k2 Intimidator: So accurate someone bought it from me at the target range!
WDP Angel: The ol' black LED. Reliable, classy and more accurate than the rumors say.
WDP Adrenalin Angel: One of only a handful red white and blue Adrenalins! Great gun!

07-03-2004, 03:36 AM
this won't take forever.

Firts marker: '89 OR '90 WGP Ranger: Constant Air, Vertical feed, auto trigger. Also used a silencer for about a year then fields banned them. Used mostly in senario games. Am in full agreement with Josh this pump was super accurate and never gave me any issues> I am the dumbest MF alive for selling it

Second marker: VM-68. 14" barrel dual bottle set up. 20oz. in the back and 7 ounce up front. this damn thing weighed more than the entire planet...but shot well and never broke down.

Third marker: '92 mag PF left. They didn't have a PF right in at the time for us lefties. Hated it for 2 months until I started to use a remote set up to get rid of the liquid. also loved the zing of that crown point barrel

Still use the Mag since then with following upgrades. X-valve w/ L10, Inteli Frame, ULT, J&J Edge Kit 10", PE 68/4500, Dye Drop w/ ASA, Halo B and warp feed ( thank god I did not get the PF Right, the PF left with warp put it all on the right side of the marker.)

07-03-2004, 02:32 PM
1 - Green PF Vertical ASA Rebel Classic (sold it)

1 - Green Spyder Xtra (Still have it, what a good gun, has never broke down.

1 - Automag RT w/ lots of upgrades (Man this thing ruled, it worked perfectly at dday 2003 and i had a few problems later on so i sold it.) This was a scenario gun, i had a laser sight on it lol, homemade silencer, level 10 it rocked, i wish i woulda never sold it, really tricked out

1 - Emag w/ warp and upgrades (Awesome and wicked fast, didnt like the warp so i sold it (need some rims for my car....))


*if you want to see pics of either, send me a message on aim - tjmpaintball88

07-03-2004, 03:58 PM
1: Tippmann pro/carbine. Had it for a year and a half. I dont think i had any problems at all with it. It was a tank. It was also really inefficient. I played hardcore woods ball with it. It was a good gun.

2: Classic mag. Completely stock, other than a level 10. I got it while i couldnt play paintball due to a neck injury. It excited me to have it for when i could play again. I was dissapointed because i thought it was gonna be a fast gun, but alas it was far from it. It was sweet for playing woods, and stuff like pallet fields. I took it to a real practice for the first time, and because of that decided to sell it. The gun was horribly slow, the powerfeed was terrible because it made the hopper stick out way too far, and it had terrible efficiency.

3: STO cocker. Got it stock right before i sold my mag. I got a hinge frame for free from a kid i know. I just played with it stock for a while. The only problem i had with it was inconsistancy. I couldnt figgure it out for the life of me, i even went ahead and bought it a sidewinder. I was eventually told to get a new main spring, and that did the trick. Eventually i learned to time it, and made it a sweet fast gun with almost no trigger pull at all. After i did that, i decided that i would never again shoot a mag. The pull was so short and smooth and light compared to a mags. That cocker is/was my very favorite gun ever. It just shoots absolutly amazing. Supposedly im selling it today. It makes me really sad, but i rarely shoot it.

4: Angel ir3. Huge dissapointment. it felt great, balanced well. It shot terribly. COPS is the biggest piece of crap in the world. Absolute crap. With it on, and at any setting, the damn gun wouldnt shoot faster than 8 bps. With it off itd chop. The trigger was really hard to adjust too. I was so excited when i first got it, but that didnt last long. I sold it to pay for skyball.

5: 2k2 Intimidator. Bought it almost new for 800 bucks with frenzy. My friend used it for NPPL HB this year then sold it to me. The step up from everything else is amazing. This gun out-performs everything ive ever shot except 2k4 timmys. Its really really fast, light, and shoots great. Its really changed the way i can play, because i can be a ton more aggressive, and have the firepower to back it up, instead of having to rely on my backs. It was not too expensive either. Its been very very reliable for me, the only problems ive had are my own fault. Maintainence is easy, and it doesnt need to be done very often. Id highly recommend a timmy to anyone. Ive never been happier with a gun in my life.

and a spyder compact and a spyder sport and a blade, all that i bought for about 5 bucks each just to mess around with.

07-03-2004, 03:59 PM
Ok , here we go. note several markers have muliples "X"
It all started back in 92...... :tard:

scorpion made in the land down under. great gun barrel was insane Polished brass floating single anchor point, had to run liquid.

Tippman 68 special

PGP X 2 have had two over the coarse of 12 years. good sturdy markers, just traded my last one for a 98 custom for my kid.

nelspot was incased in a block of rust, took some work to get running, was great indoor gun.

F1 sillystrator we had issues :cuss:

Icon Z1 good marker company went broke.

Automag X 5 used while doing the tourny thing from late 93 thru 96 and had always kept one around.

autococker X2 94 cocker & an 03. worlds apart. learned my lesson , found those wierd little things that go along with cockers always bugged me. Overall decent guns. Last one just got sold to get a new RT ULE for me.

Phantom X 2 cant say anything that people dont all ready know.

shocker , oh my god I needed a donky & cart to haul my air. Traded for a micromag

Micromag great gun tweaked it to perfection then lost my mind & traded for an RT that blew up .....

:eek: Original RT Holy Hanna could this thing lay down paint!!!!! :wow: But sadly it blew up its sear & hacked the bolt to heck the day before a game that I had to play in. I traded it for a 03 green cocker....

So at this moment I have this rundown of markers in the house or being built.
AGD automag PF HR
AGD RT Ule custom CF all black.
Kids got a tippman 98.
MY wish list :
phantom stock class . unless agd makes a new pump action stocker.....
Tac one

07-03-2004, 05:59 PM
PGP - Def. had the most fun with this gun, as it was my first
Tippmann ProLite - What an Iron Horse! I never had a problem with it.
Tippmann pre-CVX Carbine - This thing SUCKED, extremely erratic
Tippmann CVX Carbine - Upgrade, worked so much better than above. Had LOTS of fun with this.
Classic L7 Mag - First decent gun. Served me well. Taught me the need for a VL2000
PF L7 Mag w/PMS SS4500 system - First tourney level gun. Ultra reliable, and FAST!
Fixed barrel Phantom - Very consistent, another fun gun.
P68SC - This was my first tinker toy. Did all sorts of mad things to this piece.
FASTech AFT - This gun is what pistols are all about! I LOVED this thing.
Sterling Sovereign - Another tinker project. Shot decent, I upgraded to a cocker for better performance.
WGP minicocker (hooked to hell) - My baby. This thing shot darts, and was built from the ground up by ME.
WDP V6 Angel - My first taste of electro goodness. Simple, reliable, and FAST. I should pick one up for cheap.
SP 99' Shocker w/Glacier Board - A gas hogging brick, but SO consistent and accurate. Turbo is GOD!
KAPP cocker (blue marble) - A better looking cocker, with vert feed too. Shot just like my minicocker.
WDP LCD Angel - Another angel, with features I never, ever used. This was my tourney gun when I was into that sort of thing.
Eclipse Cocker (magma fade) - Best looking gun I have EVER owned. Shot beautifully!
Merlin Cocker - A long lived project. It was supposed to be the first Merlin Ripper, but that never happened. Good LP gun. This gun marked my return to PB after ~2 years.
PMI 1 - A little rougher than the P68, but just as fun.
NW Comp - OLDSCHOOL pump gun. Very nicely made.
ULE Classic mag - Back to the mag. Love these things! Shot just like my Classic.
ULE X-Valved Logic mag - Ahhh..Lv10...how I love thee. Who doesnt love rapid fire? Current Marker
ULE Y-Gripped RT Warp Mag - My second ULE mag, setup for lefty warp. Current Marker

Pics to come!

07-03-2004, 08:41 PM
Spuder Shutter- I got one used for next to nothing as my first gun. The gun came beat up pretty bad. I seemed to chop for no reason really. Sold that withen 1 month of buying it.

Automag Classic- Seemed amazing for the first 2 months. As I moved over to the speedball field it all of a sudden felt very slow and I often ran out of gas. The efficiency was downright terrible. I got the level 10 later to improve it some, but it still blew up quite a few. I needed something to keep up with all the x mags, Timmies, eblades and angels.

WDP Ir3 I tried everything at the field in the list above and decided on the ir3. It was very fast and literally doubled my efficiency right away, then I added the a4 bolt and I got another 10%. I really like the eblade, but it didn’t seem very fast and I could never get used to the sound cockers make but it was still a very nice gun. I got the opportunity to sell it for a little more than I payed for it about 4 weeks later and did just that.

WDP A4 I Loved the feel of the angels. Very smooth and well made. I had no problems with chops on the ir3. I often went through an entire case with no barrel brakes too. I outshoot my revy every game and never did chop one. Cops was near perfect for me, so the newer sensi had to be even better. The a4 is very noticeably lighter, faster, quitter, more smooth and even more efficient. All around great gun.

07-03-2004, 09:03 PM
decked out spyder : did a very good job, especially at introducing me to the game. couldn't fail me with its simple and sturdy design. i miss it very much

mag : never really gave it a chance, it was slow, very heavy, but it chrono'd good. consistent therefore precise

angel : my first electro, was fairly fast, very good design, didn't break in half or fail me on the field. did me wel, enjoyed using it. but really disliked the trigger

emag : it was fast enough with 3.2, felt like a tank, heavy yet strong. did die on me at the end of one day, but that was fine. enjoyed using it, wouldnt mind having another

timmy : my favorite, and my best gun so far. fast, efficient, consistent, light, its everything i want. but now i want something new

didn't get a chance to let it shine on the field. good strong design. was a little pain in the butt to get working though. shoots fine behind the house. it mows and shoots darts and streams of paint :clap:

Top Secret
07-04-2004, 12:12 AM
Model 98: First gun, never had a problem, never chopped a ball, still have it to this day.
Automag 68 w/ANS parts and Benchmark 2x Frame: Suprised I ever came back to mags after this one, bought it used, sucked real bad, chopped, constantly broke paint, leaked. SOLD
Angel LED(V6): First electro, this gun was fast, got it shortly after it debuted after debating between it and a Shocker S/F Turbo. Still in my opinion the best of all Angels. Sold it to a teammate shortly after buying my Emag
Emag Lvl7 w/Warp: Unbelieveable. Never chopped or skipped a beat, warp let me mow people down without fear of chopping, still in my gearbag, minus the warp with a ULE body and 3.2
Minimag: Bought it off a PBGear Special, installed LX, leaked a bit and was kinda slow.
Stock 2k2 Autococker: Bought this at IAO 2k2 and Nerobro helped me get her running, as well as educated me in the way of the cocker. Never once have I had to clean paint from this gun, its gotten an overhaul over the past few years and is now a Freeflow Millenium Eblade, quite a change, but nevertheless still the same gun.
Phantom VSC: Due to a fun game of refs vs POG at IAO 2k2, I was inspired to buy a pump gun, my teammate had a beautiful black VSC and I picked it up. As far as pump play goes, you cannot go wrong with a Phantom.
Angel Speed: Thought I'd try Angels again and was rather happy until FSDO started showing up and Sensi didn't quite work right. Cleaning paint out of the barrel enough times prompted me to sell it.
Viking: This one was due in part to a little peer pressure from Philip Given ;) I picked this up at IAO 2k3 with WAS, eyes, and a Razor trigger. After fixing a pinched wire problem, this is the fastest, most reliable gun I own.
Rainmaker: $99 dollar PBGear special, currently my project gun, but still needs alot of work. Decided to buy it after hanging out with the BEOG guys at IAO.
A5 w/Egrip: Good solid gun that I got as a rainy day gun, sold to get money towards better things.
DM4: After shooting my teammates Toxic, I knew I had to get a Trix, lightning fast and no kick, I waited patiently for several months for my Cobalt DM4. I was amazed. While the most expensive gun I've ever bought, I believe I got my moneys worth. Fast, consistant, and I can run it on Debounce 1 without it bouncing. Now sporting a Tadao chip.
Shocker: Was taken by the incredible lightness of it, didn't have any problems with it, but it was slow and I needed money for Chi-Town, so it was sold.
Dye Matrix LCD: What makes a better backup to a DM4 than a DM3? Just like the DM4, it rips and refuses to chop paint.
Xmag: Was waiting on this one for a while, thanks to the guys at XPB for letting me get in on the last batch. Having a bit of trouble getting the eye to work, but otherwise it rips. Worth the wait for a one of a kind gun.

07-04-2004, 02:05 PM
kingman spyder e-99 - i had played paintball once or twice years before i bought this thing. what i remembered from that experience was that 1. i had a hell of a lot of fun and 2. the rentals we used were complete crap. i refused to play with a junk rental again so i bought the e-99. it was a good started marker and that's about it. played with it twice and had sold it withing 2 weeks of owning it.

03 WGP outkast - a friend, who had played paintball for years, let me shoot his old STO cocker. the moment i shot it i had to have one. the next day i bought the outkast and sold the e-99. then the cocker craze began. within a few months i had every upgrade possible on my outkast including a worrblade. i loved it. it was fast, consistent as hell, and very efficient. as much as i liked it i wanted to try something new, so i sold it to buy my matrix.

04 WGP outkast - i bought this about a month before i sold my first outkast for backup/rec/loaner duty. i've always liked the cuts on the outkast body and even with stock parts it's pretty good. i've done a decent job keeping the upgrade frenzy under control. all i've done is install a different trigger, 3-way, delrin bolt, and springs. it's pretty fast for a mech gun and the trigger pull is short and about as smooth as it can ever be. like its predecessor, its consistent, efficient, and after getting the trigger and timing where i like it along with it pinching paint, i have never chopped a ball. i've never had a problem with it.

04 dye matrix lcd w/new lpr - damn. this marker rocks. very fast, quiet, consistent, no kick, and simple to maintain. the only problem is it isn't the most efficient thing in the world. even with the evolve bolt kit i'm only getting around 1500 shots to a fill (70/4500). it's not that it's a gas hog (and there very well might be something wrong with my evolve bolt kit as i've tried everything) but you have to remember i'm used to cockers. it is not unheard of to get over a case per fill off a properly tuned cocker. regardless, it's a great marker and i doubt i'll get ride of it anytime soon unless it's for a DM4 once evolve comes out with a bolt kit for it.

04 AKA viking - i have wanted one of these bad boys for a long time now. i was lucky enough to get one of the last batch made. its a black, unmilled viking with a JMJ blade trigger, eyes, bp no-rider, the new pandora board, and i have a mitey max volumizer on the way. this could be my perfect marker. it is efficient as a cocker (case per fill), fast as hell (might even be faster than my matrix), reliable, very consistent (+/- 2), easy to maintain, and has little to no kick. it's a tank. i will never sell this marker. ever.

07-08-2004, 12:34 PM
In order from what I can remember - probably more:

Splatmaster: Adequate in 1987.

SMG-60: Top of the line in 1987/1988. A lot of fun. Difficult to find paint.

SL-68 II Long Barrel: One of the best pumps ever made. Accurate and requires zero maintenance.

Model 98: Reliable. Stock barrel is worst ever. Flatline was too finicky (sp?) with paint. Good beginners gun. Potential nightmare at the chrono.

Stock Impulse: I had one of the earliest models. Had to send it back for a full replacement, which was excellent. Imps are underrated IMO. One of the best values.

Classic Timmy: These guns rock. One of my favorites out of anything I have owned. Fast, light, and the functions were a blast in woodsball games. Wish I still had it. Maintenance is not too bad, but can be a bit of a pain. I want to buy another one as a back-up.

Shocktech Mech. Cocker: Worked like any other Cocker. Mysterious leaks every so often. Trigger too some getting used to.

2K2 Works Cocker: Good gun - beautiful design. Just too slow to keep up without an E-frame for serious games IMO. Always worked.

32 Degrees Imp: Suprisingly very good. Totally underrated. Had cricket board and vision. No problems whatsoever. Max-Flo could make velocity adjustment a pain sometimes.

WDP 2K2 Dark Angel LCD: Chopped paint. Better loader at time may have solved the problem.

Speed: May be the best value in paintball. Super fast, light, no maintenance, quality build. Calibrate the sensi and this gun will shoot with anything on the field. Super reliable. Only prob is have to calibrate Sensi each time gun is shut off. Great stock barrel. Great thing about Angels is you do not have to always worry about putting a fresh 9V battery in your gun. Charges last forever.

Tricked Emag: Did not have it very long. Super cool looking. Never hit the field.

2k2 Viking: Fast, ultra low maintenance, and simple to use. Great gun. Too bad SP stopped a great little company from producing an excellent marker.

2k3 Excal: Too many paint to barrel match issues. I like being able to use a large bore barrel w/o having to switch up all the time. Nice gun, but not as nice as I expected. Still a nice addition to any gun wh-res collection.

2k3 Z Series Timmy: Very fast, but some chopping problems. Need to buy aftermarket ram cap. Routine maintenance required too often for my taste. My general feeling is that Timmys are cheaply made. They do not feel like $900-$1500 guns IMO and the eyes have varying results. They are very fast and when working correctly are great, but newer guns on the market offer better craftsmanship, lower maintenance and do not have chopping issues.

Species Timmy: Never even shot it. Pretty gun and cycled super fast. Same as any other pre-Alias Timmy witht the exception of having a complete internal bolt. Currently, Species are selling for bargain prices and would be a great pick-up as a back-up for a serious player if the price were right.

DM4: Wow. What else can I say. Perfect out of the box (did not even need to adjust velocity), low maintenance, fast, comes with an excellent barrel, one of the absolutely best guns ever produced. Only negative is the lack of easy trigger adjustments.

Current Fly A4: Best gun I have ever shot without question. Unbelievably fast. Faster than anything I have shot and easier to obtain high rates of fire. Almost no maintenance required, ultra light weight, have not chopped a single ball in five cases, which has never happened to me before with the exception of the DM4. Maybe the best marker ever produced.

barrel break
07-08-2004, 01:06 PM
some of you people have had entirely too many guns... :p

Tippmann 98 custom- My first gun, bought it without any knowledge of other guns really, thought it looked cool after picking up a friends flatline (I thought it looked like an AK-47 for some reason)...
eventually i lost the whole "real" gun thing and upgraded it with a double trigger and expansion chamber. It was a rock solid performer, just wanted to upgrade, occasionally miss it.

03 Vert feed cocker- well, it at first gave me problems, but i fixed em, like it, put a hollowpoint 3 way on it, and a JAM bolt (no chops, ever.)
(pic is without hollowpoint)

07-08-2004, 01:10 PM
First-blade(do i even have to talk about it?)

second- Stingray-worked great, i loved using it

Third- raptor- wow. i will never make that mistake again

fourth- minimag!!!-ya i love my mini, works great and i still have it!!

07-08-2004, 02:52 PM

1. Maverick Deluxe
Worked fine, although louder than you could possibly imagine. When I started, I was playing against Nelspot 007s and Talons, so my pump was pretty much the sheyot. I was very glad I got the version with adjustable velocity. Other than screws liking to loosen every now and then, I didn't have any problems until it started leaking a few years down the road. Of course, considering I'd never changed an oring and had oiled it with WD-40 my first time taking it apart (doh!) that's understandable. Eventually everyone else was using spyders, tippies and mags so I was getting left behind with a pump, but it definitely helped me play a LOT better.

2. AutoMag 68 classic
Not so good... I used CO2 on it (at the time, you couldn't get a HPA system for less than $300) and I always had troubles. Put on an expansion chamber and some upgrades, but I still had problems because of the CO2 in Florida weather. Probably would have been fine if I had an HPA system.

3. MiniMag
This one had compressed air on it. This one had a problem... I think the breech was incorrectly welded or something.... paint would fall halfway into the chamber and stick, regardless of powerfeed plug position. It made me chop a lot. Other than that, the gun was good, but the chopping was enough to make me want something else. Of course, a few months after I got rid of it, LX came out.

4. 2k2 Cocker
I don't think I ever had any problems with it, aside from learning how not to short-stroke a slide. I got REALLY fast on it. I sold it to get a better cocker.

5. Tippy 98C with Flatline
I got this one to screw around with in the woods. The flatline sucks badly. I sold it.

6. Dye Ultralite Minicocker
After I replaced the 3-way it didn't give me any problems until I ebladed it. Ultralites and eblades don't mix well. Now that I've pretty much replaced EVERYTHING on it it works nicely. Of course, now I've got my eye on an Alias or DM4 or something like that.

7. Phantom
I actually had some problems... sent it in and everything's fine now, though. It IS several years old and I'm nowhere near the first owner. I'm having consistency problems with it for some reason, but it's a fun little pump.

8. Splatmaster
It's a splatmaster.

07-08-2004, 03:07 PM
Tippmann .68 Carbine - I had this one before Tippmann made the Pro/Carbine combination marker. Ironic thing was, I ordered a Tippmann F/A front stock from the factory and retrofit it on the gun, then a few years later when Tippmann created the Pro/Carbine they did the same thing as a standard feature. Anyway, I had this one set up fro woodsball and scenario and it looked like a Soviet SVD Dragonuv sniper rifle by the time I was done. This gun perfromed very well, and was a solid piece of craftsmanship like you would expect from a quality company like Tippmann.

Rating: Good

AGD .68 Automag Classic - Beautiful in it's simplicity. Shot really well, and performed like a champ.

Rating: Excellent

AGD RT (Classic Style) - Solid, well made gun from a craftsmanship standpoint. Somewhat dissapointing from a performance side though. I could never do the "RT trigger bouncing" thing, so it's world-altering firepower must have been lost on me. It had a very small amount of aftermarket upgrades, and wasn't very configurable. I FREAKIN' HATE THE BANJO BOLT!

Rating: Overrated

AGD RT (Classic Style) with Hyperframe - This is what I'm talkin' about!! The RT Valve combned with the electronics of the Hyperframe made for the nastiest marker I've used in ten years worth of play. Downright blazing speed from the trigger (less than a mouse click). Body still bulky and different configurations were a bit of a chore, but all around I miss this gun and probably shouldn't have sold it.

Rating: Straight Up Evil (Excellent)

WDP Angel ir3 - I had this gun for like two seconds before I had to sell it because of some unforseen bills, but when I played with it, it rocked. Never had problems with ball breakage, lots of upgrade choices, fast. My biggest complaint was that it was quite a bit taller than I was expecting. I'm a front player and space is a premium for me. That's why I really liked the Mags because their profile is so slim.

Rating: Excellent

07-08-2004, 03:16 PM
Here’s mine:

Razorback pump – Great marker. Fixed barrel. Very reliable. I purchased a return spring from a local air-smith that made it even better. I eventually sold the marker to that same air-smith and repurchased it after he made a few more really sweet mods to it.

PGP – God I miss my baby! No question, the best marker I ever owned. It lasted about 12 years of active play. Strong, accurate and as reliable as an old friend. The center tube eventually cracked, and I had to retire her after several attempts to have her repaired.

Phantom – My Phantom went from a fixed barrel to stock-class over the years. Anyone who has used a Phantom knows what a masterpiece it is. It’s over ten years old and still going strong.

F1 Illustrator – At first, this marker hated me. A leaking, spuddering heap of crap. After about a month of TLC & a few parts replaced, it became a dream machine. Very light, very fast and very reliable.

PPS Blazer – I really enjoyed playing with this marker, but I must admit it was often a huge pain in the butt. The thing refused to stay in time. The trigger took a long time to get used to. Between break downs, it was a great marker.

CCM (03’) J2 – Beautiful. Reliable. Fast. Great stock barrel. Until the 04’ version released, the most comfortable hinge frame I ever used. I put an EBlade with a Samurai trigger on it this year. OMG!!!!!

CCM (04’) J2 – Even more beautiful that last years version. The new body milling alone made me want to own another CCM marker. I’m leaving this one strictly mechanical. Why mess with perfection.

AGD XMag – I was on the waiting list for over a year. Well worth the wait.

07-08-2004, 03:48 PM
Black Maxx :headbang: only cost me $50 bucks.
really low end gun but it worked fine.

Next was a J.T. Excellarator 3.0

It sucked

Then came the J.t. Excellarator 6.0

worked fine for what i paid. shot well only real problem was the barrel.

after that i baught a used black magic. the guy that sold it to sent it to me w/ a broken inline reg. i had paid $500 dollars for it. Once i fixed it, it shot great. i loved that gun.

after that i baught an e-blade and an aim 21 eagle body. put it together and it F***en rips still have it and i love. its damn sexy.

07-08-2004, 04:00 PM
1st - no-rise, chrome omega rail, retro valve, intelli mag; Very nice for a first gun, decently fast and never chopped

2nd - ule bodied, 1.37 emag; very nice first electro, just didnt like the hump back frame

3rd - ule bodied, x valved, omega railed, intelied mag; so far my favorite marker, very light and fast enough for recball. I wish i would have never traded it

4th - viking, never worked quite right, so i never had a good chance to use it

5th - extreme depot bodied, rogue rail, hyper framed, ult'd, x valved mag with q-loader; very very nice marker, didnt like the hyper frame that much

6th - ule bodied, rogue railed, logic vert framed, ult'd x-valved mag; Super fast mech, nearly walkable and very consistant. Sold it to buy a computer.

7th - "in progress", now that i have the computer, i am building another one just like the 3rd one, but with ULT, should be sweet

07-08-2004, 04:31 PM
sorry no pics on most of the guns.

Brass Eagle Talon (1st gen)
YEah, everybody loves the Talon, I loved the Talon, It shot after you pumped, and pulled the trigger, hopefully. But I wanted to know how it worked, and you can guess where this lead to.

Brass Eagle Stingray II
Ok, now upgraded to semi, I loved the trigger frame on the marker when I got it, it made your hands feel like they are in heaven, then you raise your new marker for the first time up to your shoulder, full 9oz tank and full 45 round hopper (I was too poor to afford a new hopper after I bought the gun), and squeeze, and squeeze more on the trigger, and then what seemed like an Ak-47 going off right next to your head, "RING" went my ear drums, but still that was my first real game of paintball.

32* Rebel
not much to say about this gun, uh, it was blue and had a screw off barrel?

Kingman Spyder 2000
Now I am moving on up in the paintball world, this gun just rocked. M16 grip frame felt just right. A really cool rear cocking bolt that made it so you wouldn't smack your mask if you got in close. But I still wanted better....

Air Gun Designs Automag 68 classic
all I have to say is that mags are the best and most realiable guns to date. Just kept it oiled and it was good to go. didnt like have a single trigger very much, so I just hacked it off, and slipped on a double trigger, and went out to the field and just rocked my own little world, but everyone else invaded my own little world with there Angels. not much more to be said about that day.

well that is about it.

07-08-2004, 04:32 PM
Icon Z - it worked :sleeping: , all I can really say.
B2K4 - :headbang: no DM4 but no quadruple digit price either. Hasn't failed me, only problem was blow- back that caused chops which I fixed with a Vapor bolt. I'd sugest this gun to anyone who can't buy a $1000+ marker.

yup I'm a real gun whore. ;)

07-08-2004, 05:26 PM
1. PMI Pirhana - One of their older models that my friend let me use the first time or two I went out to play. Technically, it wasn't a gun I've owned, but it was the first marker I played with, so I figured I'd mention it. Wasn't a bad first marker. Sometimes it chopped or didn't feed right, but what should I expect? Had some kick to it, but it wasn't a big deal with way. After playing once I believe, I was hooked on paintball. Having shot his autococker, I wanted one for myself. Just seemed way smoother, so the search began and I ended up with:

2. 2000 WGP CF Autococker - This was a pretty good gun for the price I paid and what it came with. At least at the time (several years ago): 550 for Redz pack, JT Flex Mask, 114/3000 tank (was advertised as a 4500 :mad: ), Palmer Stabilizer, ANS Quickpull, KAPP Frontblock, CP Barrel, WGP Hinge trigger and I believe a revvy. Shot great and was later upgraded with 2 different hinge triggers (Shocktech, then later a KAPP (hands down the best mech trigger I've tried)), bolts, barrel system (Scepter), etc. Of course, later I decided I wanted to shoot a bit faster, easier and reliable, so I got a Worrblade

3. Worrblade grip - I'm listing this as another marker as it changes the marker quite a bit. Timing was much easier and was much easier to shoot fast with. Unfortunately, ran into a few problems (binding sear for instance), which turned me a bit away from it. Eventually, I sold the Worrblade frame for very close to what I paid for it.

4. Around the same time as #2, my fiance started playing paintball. She decided she wanted an Autococker as well. The one she picked online was a RF '99 that also came with a barrel and Nitroduck pre-megareg adjustable tank. This thing was the spawn of satan, and she'll agree. First the ram was busted... which my friend replaced (THANK YOU!). No matter how much we tried, we couldn't get the thing to pinch paint (which is extremely helpful when using cockers); it would just slice the paint. Was also rather difficult to stop the lug from slipping as well. The tank eventually broke down twice, and after being repaired was sold for a MaxFlo. Seeing as how well her cocker was doing, we sold it along with the 114 tank I got

5. Using the money from #4, I bought her a 2k Dark Angel my friend had for sale. Much easier operation for her. Turn on, safety off, and pull the trigger. No more having to worry about timing (which I didn't mind with my cocker) or half-stroking. Just pull and it'll try to fire, every time. After setting the MROF down enough for her Revvy and Evo2, she was off to the races with no problem....well, not much. Her MaxFlo had a problem as it wasn't recharging fast enough. Turns out somehow a piece of shell got in around one of the springs. The reason we got it in the first place was so we could rebuild it if we needed to... after seeing the problems it had and reading how often you'd likely have to rebuild it, I bought a 88/4500 Hyperflow. No problems... until the feedneck broke. At first we thought the body threads were stripped... later we found out it was the feedneck itself. By then, we had already bought

6. A 2k1 Dark Angel for her. Got a clamping feedneck for this one which solved the problem of the feedneck coming out. Paid way more than I should've for it, but it's what she wanted and we're finally done. After putting on a clamping feedneck on #5, we sold it along with the MaxFlo. So far, she hasn't had a problem with the 2k1 Dark Angel and having added a JAM bolt and Halo, rarely chops and is plenty fast.

7. Somewhere around #5, I got rather sick of my Worrblade. I couldn't stop it from bouncing and knowing I had problems with it before, just turned me off of it. Although the reflective eye never gave me a problem, it was sometimes something that made me think "Am I going to have problems with this?" So, I sold it getting much of my money back (thank god).

8. Having saved up a bit, I finally decided on my next marker. A MacDev Cyborg. Fast, efficient, light, and small. Not overpriced either. Was a tough choice between this and a Matrix, but I just liked the idea of this marker better. I like being able to see the bolt moving back and forth... something just uneasy to me about only knowing my marker is working right by the paint coming out of the barrel. Only have a few minor problems with it but what marker doesn't? All around a great marker.

9. Somewhere in there, around #5, I had bought a pile of parts from someone on PBN. FBM cocker body, Evo2, Shocktech frontblock, etc. After putting it all together with other stuff I had laying around and buying a part or two, I had a working 2k compatible cocker ready. It was all just for resale though... never got a chance to even sweetspot it.

07-08-2004, 06:21 PM
Ok Here is my list of shame

1 97' Cocker,RF All work done by Bob Long , Bob 45 Drop frame, Palmer rock,LP Chamber.Bob df reg. Shot great,ripped for a slider frame(that was all that was available those days) The owner after me still has this gun...in the exact same set up and he still loves it.

2 98' Cocker,RF All work done by Bob Long ( I know ...2 of the same set up? Dont ask) Same as above

3 98-99' Shoebox Shocker SF Ran it on 68 ci co2 Despite putting my hand to sleep during play (it was so heavy it pinched off the blood to my right thumb) It was the most fun I can rememebr having on a woods field

4 98-99' Shocker Turbo (when it was legal...the first time) More or less the same fun as above with turbo and air assist. Ran this on a 88ci tank ....lol.

5 Bob Long Millennium- Nice gun, Kept it as a back up and it ended up being my buds regular gun.Shot well...easy to maintain.

6 Bob Long Defaint,Electric blue,Shot great,was one of the fastest guns on the market at the time.

7 Bob Long Defiant Black with Gold Splash- This one had the KM2 eyes and board on it. Made a great thing better.

8 Bob Long Intimidator Blue to silver fade (what is now called a classic...then it was just an Intimidator) Shot fast,Easy to work on, with a good reg it was dead on over the chrono +/- 2-3 fps.used to crack/break the eyes covers once a week though.

9 Bob Long Ripper Intimidator Black/blue/silver fade,This was a 1 of 2 made. Neil Petty now owns this marker.(or did ..I dont know where it is anymore) Shot great this had a special semi only board at the time..again it was fast and dead on...and looked OH SO SEXY.

10 Bronze Dark Angel, Shot well, I had paint breakage probs with this one ..no matter what paint to barrel match was. I t was very fast and easy to clean. I thought it was heavy for its size

11 Bonebrake 2k lcd angel red, Shot great...had major paint break issues with this one (started to see a pattern)

12 Bonebrake 2k- fly lcd blue, See above....same deal short strings it was cool,long rips ...soup dispenser...board glitched

13 Bonebrake 2k- c&c red lcd ...see above and board fried

14 Fly Angel lcd 2k STOCK ...see above (think I would have learned?)board fried also.

15 c&c angel lcd silver 2k ...^

16 Freeflow Cocker red millennium milled,arbor honed true bore, Shot nice,smooth trigger easy to snap shoot 1 shot elims.

17 Ripper Cocker black to bronze fade,sto front end palmer rock,palmer stab, Shot amazing...this is one of the ones I wish I kept.

18 Matrix lcd (pre dye) This one was a first for me...I had to read the manual !! Lol...but it shot great,quiet, Loved the breach set up. There were a tone of aftermarket bits out at the time I bought this one...it had the nd 15*,Dye Rail and Izon ( Im a big fan of the Occluded sites) ccm rise etc.

19 Ebladed blue dust Outkast- Shot great,fast ,reliable, ....not much else to say.

20 Dye Matrix lcd- Had the Aardy bolt kit , SCM,Mag trigger,cp reg, etc. once tuned this was a gas sipper, I got 2400 off a 90-ci 45k fill once...lol.

21 Toxic Red Trix lcd with eyes- Had the evlove kit,liquid rail/grip/back plate,scm,Evolve vert frame,15*asa cp reg,ccm no rise...another one I should have kept, Ive never shot a more consistant marker +/- 2 .

22 X Mag Blue - silver,3.2 both breaches. I fell in love with this thing...it started a frenzy of x mag goodness.

23 X Mag Black- Same as above but with a ule battery pack, another one in a long line,

24 X mag Purple to black fade , This one is in for ano work.

25 Purple SFL E/X mag- This is also in for ano work cant wait to see this thing in action.

26 Black ule everything e mag- Loved it ,had 4 other e/x mags to love..this one went off to market.

28 B2K3 Silver,Vapoer Valve,Vapor bolt,Zenitram hoseless lpr,a plus clamping low rise,Vapor board,Vapor wire harness. Shot great ...just like the Defiant did...or likewise.

29 B2k3 Black, Same as above but it took cocker threads, This one had the otb frame on it .... mmm...tasty.

30 Fishbone milled Bushy,Vapor mods and re anoed- This is now my better 1/2s gun...wish I wasnt stupid and kept it;)

31 03 Shocker black,Evolve bolt kit,lpr reg adapter,nd trigger and talon grip, Despite being an sp product ...I liked it, Small,light and shot fast.

32 Blue acid VSC Phantom,vert and sc body- So much fun, it brought the joy back into paintball for me...as well as the skill.

33 Black with gold splash Phantom VSC- See above.

34 WGP Sniper 2 vert body,ccm pump kit,kapp reflex frame,ccm feed adapter. Fu fun fun with a pump

35 Alias Intimidator Red to black fade- I had issues with mine out of the box, I had to send it back to the factory 2 times before I could use it once...left a bitter taste in my mouth. Once for the board (dead) once for the eyes.(out of alignment)

36 ICD Freestyle Red to black fade,Small,light,oh so darn fast, gas hog but that should be fixed soon. Love the detent system.

37 Force 4 Master Tech Angel - Thank god wdp got a real ace system factory made...this thing is scary fast,easy to walk, still a bit heavy (esp. with the halo and 90ci) but its my new child.

38. Bob Long Defiant Project gun, Dark dust pewter,otb frame,Vapor board,zenitram 15* asa and lpr,vapor valve,This is my other child..one of those markers that has a specialt meaning to you and you know youll kill yourself before you sell it.

Thats it for the moment..lol over $30,000 in markers and marker upgrades and I say thats it...lol..no ownder I dont own my own island (s) yet. :cry:

07-08-2004, 06:24 PM
Ok Here is my list of shame

97' Cocker,RF All work done by Bob Long , Bob 45 Drop frame, Palmer rock,LP Chamber.Bob df reg. Shot great,ripped for a slider frame(that was all that was available those days) The owner after me still has this gun...in the exact same set up and he still loves it.

98' Cocker,RF All work done by Bob Long ( I know ...2 of the same set up? Dont ask) Same as above

98-99' Shoebox Shocker SF Ran it on 68 ci co2 Despite putting my hand to sleep during play (it was so heavy it pinched off the blood to my right thumb) It was the most fun I can rememebr having on a woods field

98-99' Shocker Turbo (when it was legal...the first time) More or less the same fun as above with turbo and air assist. Ran this on a 88ci tank ....lol.

Bob Long Millennium- Nice gun, Kept it as a back up and it ended up being my buds regular gun.Shot well...easy to maintain.

Bob Long Defaint,Electric blue,Shot great,was one of the fastest guns on the market at the time.

Bob Long Defiant Black with Gold Splash- This one had the KM2 eyes and board on it. Made a great thing better.

Bob Long Intimidator Blue to silver fade (what is now called a classic...then it was just an Intimidator) Shot fast,Easy to work on, with a good reg it was dead on over the chrono +/- 2-3 fps.used to crack/break the eyes covers once a week though.

Bob Long Ripper Intimidator Black/blue/silver fade,This was a 1 of 2 made. Neil Petty now owns this marker.(or did ..I dont know where it is anymore) Shot great this had a special semi only board at the time..again it was fast and dead on...and looked OH SO SEXY.

Bronze Dark Angel, Shot well, I had paint breakage probs with this one ..no matter what paint to barrel match was. I t was very fast and easy to clean. I thought it was heavy for its size

Bonebrake 2k lcd angel red, Shot great...had major paint break issues with this one (started to see a pattern)

Bonebrake 2k- fly lcd blue, See above....same deal short strings it was cool,long rips ...soup dispenser...board glitched

Bonebrake 2k- c&c red lcd ...see above and board fried

Fly Angel lcd 2k STOCK ...see above (think I would have learned?)board fried also.

c&c angel lcd silver 2k ...^

Freeflow Cocker red millennium milled,arbor honed true bore, Shot nice,smooth trigger easy to snap shoot 1 shot elims.

Ripper Cocker black to bronze fade,sto front end palmer rock,palmer stab, Shot amazing...this is one of the ones I wish I kept.

Matrix lcd (pre dye) This one was a first for me...I had to read the manual !! Lol...but it shot great,quiet, Loved the breach set up. There were a tone of aftermarket bits out at the time I bought this one...it had the nd 15*,Dye Rail and Izon ( Im a big fan of the Occluded sites) ccm rise etc.

Ebladed blue dust Outkast- Shot great,fast ,reliable, ....not much else to say.

Dye Matrix lcd- Had the Aardy bolt kit , SCM,Mag trigger,cp reg, etc. once tuned this was a gas sipper, I got 2400 off a 90-ci 45k fill once...lol.

Toxic Red Trix lcd with eyes- Had the evlove kit,liquid rail/grip/back plate,scm,Evolve vert frame,15*asa cp reg,ccm no rise...another one I should have kept, Ive never shot a more consistant marker +/- 2 .

X Mag Blue - silver,3.2 both breaches. I fell in love with this thing...it started a frenzy of x mag goodness.

X Mag Black- Same as above but with a ule battery pack, another one in a long line,

X mag Purple to black fade , This one is in for ano work.

Purple SFL E/X mag- This is also in for ano work cant wait to see this thing in action.

Black ule everything e mag- Loved it ,had 4 other e/x mags to love..this one went off to market.

B2K3 Silver,Vapoer Valve,Vapor bolt,Zenitram hoseless lpr,a plus clamping low rise,Vapor board,Vapor wire harness. Shot great ...just like the Defiant did...or likewise.

B2k3 Black, Same as above but it took cocker threads, This one had the otb frame on it .... mmm...tasty.

Fishbone milled Bushy,Vapor mods and re anoed- This is now my better 1/2s gun...wish I wasnt stupid and kept it;)

03 Shocker black,Evolve bolt kit,lpr reg adapter,nd trigger and talon grip, Despite being an sp product ...I liked it, Small,light and shot fast.

Blue acid VSC Phantom,vert and sc body- So much fun, it brought the joy back into paintball for me...as well as the skill.

Black with gold splash Phantom VSC- See above.

WGP Sniper 2 vert body,ccm pump kit,kapp reflex frame,ccm feed adapter. Fu fun fun with a pump

Alias Intimidator Red to black fade- I had issues with mine out of the box, I had to send it back to the factory 2 times before I could use it once...left a bitter taste in my mouth. Once for the board (dead) once for the eyes.(out of alignment)

ICD Freestyle Red to black fade,Small,light,oh so darn fast, gas hog but that should be fixed soon. Love the detent system.

Force 4 Master Tech Angel - Thank god wdp got a real ace system factory made...this thing is scary fast,easy to walk, still a bit heavy (esp. with the halo and 90ci) but its my new child.

Thats it for the moment

wow :wow: :eek:
Umm..gun whore? lol

07-08-2004, 06:25 PM
Galaxy glass ;)

07-08-2004, 11:24 PM
How can you....remember them all?!?!?!

07-08-2004, 11:35 PM
:wow: TopSecret and Eatem Alive have the most exspensive batch :wow:


07-08-2004, 11:52 PM
1. Spyder TL Plus - First gun, didn't have it for long, it was your average spyder, 'nuff said

2. SL-68 II - This thing was a blast even though I sucked with it, pretty accurate and rock solid

3. Pro-Carbine - I upgraded this a bit, it was fun, and very accurate with a Lapco barrel.

4. PGP - cute gun, I just didn't have to time to play stock, i'll try again one day

5. Minimag - my first venture into higher-end guns. I LOVED this thing. I put a 10in. Ultralite and used Nitro on it and it performed great, very tiny as well, I shot at least 10k rounds out of this and not a single chop in a game with the lvl7. I sold this two weeks ago to one of my best friends, he's happy with it as well.

6. RT ULE - I built this thing out of scratch. It's getting tuned by Tuna right now as well as getting a RogueRail but I probably won't have it long because of my emag, I just felt a need to complete it after hunting down all the parts.

7. ULE-Bodied Emag - I'm getting this tomorrow, I can't wait!

07-09-2004, 01:09 AM
Tippmann 98 - Bought when I got back into the sport again. I had set up very nice, 20oz anti siphon, Palmer's Stab, Lapco Barrel, nice drop, RT trigger kit. It would pinch paint and it got about 1500 shots off of 20oz fill. Still have it, but have since parted it out (the Palmer Stab I kept, see below). Great starting gun. Chopped one ball in a year's worth of play.

AGD E-Mag - Bought used off eBay almost two years ago. Came with a barrel and Level 10, for $600. Aside from the ground screw having too much anno on it, causing issues (prolly why it was sold, but it was a 5 second fix) I have never had a problem with it that was not caused by me doing something stoopid. My primary marker. Every now and then some kid thinks it's an old Shocker, and we have a little lesson. Every time I play with it I get a little faster with it.

CCI Phantom VSC - This is what you bust out when you know you're feeling dangerous. Last time I played with it I was snap shooting back and forth with a guy who had an E bladed cocker. He got lucky, cause I hit him in the crotch but it bounced (he was fine). On the next exchange, I got him in the leg. The only downside is I have to answer more stupid questions from the kiddies. No, this is not a scope. It's just a red dot sight. No, my stock feed tube is not a scope, either. No, there is no hopper on this. Excellent gun, especially considering the price, and all the little parts you can get for it to re-configure it. I run it off 12grams and a 4oz bottle of CO2 (using the Stab w/the bottle).

AGD RT ULE/ULT w/Y Grip - Picked this up maybe three months ago as a backup/loaner gun. Everytime I use this marker there is something about that makes me feel like I'm invinicble. I play more aggressively with this marker than I do with my E-Mag. Not that I don't try to lay down paint with this guy. I can outshoot the Richochet AK with it, and sometimes I can outshoot the HALO TSA. Another excellent gun. I love to show off the mechanical trigger to people.

07-09-2004, 03:51 AM
Spyder Shutter: it shot fine, it was your average typical low end gun

2k1 Impulse: Was my first "nice" gun, shot fast, added some upgrades, then made the mistake of grabbing a HALO A....that thing was crud, and made my impulse crud so I sold both to build a AIM bodied c0cker

Custom AIM C0cker: this was supposed to be my dream mech gun, however i soon tired of the project and sold it off to get...

Xmilled B2k2: Wow this was nice, was light, fast, y, it had it all (i dont know how so many people over look it and grab a impy) Sold it to get...

Custom Raced y C0cker: ugh...this was a mess, came to me in pieces, never had the will to put it together, traded it off imediately...

2k2 Impulse: never shot it, traded it off for

2k2 Custom Anno'd Orange BM: still havent received this gun, the person has a name of Cooksey on AIR-Powered.com, i say we beat him up since it has been 2 months since i have sent out the Imp

2k1 Raced STO: In the mean time I bought another raced c0cker, this time it worked alright, but not my cup of tea

2k C&C Angel: traded for this a week ago, waiting for it to show up, planning on selling this for another gun

And my journey continues...

07-09-2004, 08:48 AM
Oh geez.....Bushmaster Pump, Tippmann SMG-60, and how many of you guys have ever seen a Lapco AutoSpirit...the gun, not the barrel? These were the olden days. There is no way I can remember how many guns I've gone through over the years. What I can say is that I still have my old Lapco Gray Ghost pump, and I still have what's left of my first Mag from around '93 or '94...although the only original part would be the PF body. Oh yeah, I still have my Eclipse Angel. I picked it up a few days ago and the battery is still up on it; hasn't had a charger on it in over 4 years.

07-09-2004, 10:11 AM
Just looking at these posts you can really tell the old timers from the new bloods. I'm going to list everything I've used to shoot paintballs. :tard:

1.) K-Mart blue light special Wrist Rocket .... Try chronoing one of those baby's :eek:
2.) Nelspot 007
(Still have. Awesome stock pump. Haven't changed a thing)
3.) Sheridan KP-2
(Sold to get KP-3. Got Wood?? Nuff said ..)
4.) Sheridan KP-3
(Sold to get VM-68. Just as good as the KP-2)
5.) VM-68 Terminator
(Worked great, solid construction. Sold it)
6.) Brass Eagle Nightmare LB Comp.
(Bought for $20, was AWESOME. Pain to adjust velocity)
7.) Tippmann Pro-Lite
(A tank and shot perfect no matter how abused it was.)
8.) ACI F-4 Illustrator
(Accurate, dependable .... Donated to a friend)
9.) Tippmann 98 Custom
(Regular Tippmann qualities. Tough, dependable, and easy to mod. Only done a
few things to it. Going to do more but not sure yet.)
10.) Armotech WG-65
(POS ... Poor customer support from Tactical Markers. Got rid of it.)
11.) Armotech Zeus G-1
(Good cheap pistol but the clip flys off when I shoot it. No help from Tactical Markers.
Going to donate it when I get my Squall.)
12.) PMI-1
(Used to borrow a friend's a while back. Needs some work but it was an awesome
marker back in the day. Will be again.)
13.) P68-AT
(Shoot good and is accurate for the few times I've used it. Going to Palmer for some
upgrades though. Will stay a pump.)
14.) P68-SC
(Shoot good and is accurate for the few times I've used it. Coming back from Palmer
for some upgrades though. Stayed a pump.)
15.) Sheridan KP-3
(Shoot good and is accurate for the few times I've used it. Coming back from Palmer
for some upgrades though. Now a Hurricane.)
16.) Tippmann A-5
(Awesome marker now that I'm finished moding it. Can be seen here.
(Always wanted a AGD ... Haven't used it yet but got a Warp for it.)
18.) Palmer Pursuit Hurricane.
(What can I say about this thing. It looks awesome and rocks not only me, but the people I shoot.)
19.) Palmer Houndstooth
(Most accurate Pump I've shoot so far.)
20.) Palmer Pursuit Squall
(Always wanted one .... still waiting.)

07-09-2004, 10:52 AM
thats a lot of blowbacks^ nice collection though

The Action Figure
07-09-2004, 10:54 AM
1. Vulcan- no doubt it was a beast, but was plastic and I broke it, nice starter gun
2. gtv1- a few ups like a gas through grip, drop, and a revi- dont laugh I though I was a big spender
NOTE: this pic was taken while I was the biggest noob no barrel plugs
3.blade- got it while my gt was down- piece of crap
4. spyder imagine- nice had too many ups to mention
5.mini-mag-fully stock, got nitro at this time, played my first tourney with this gun. It was slow, but accrurate and reliable.
6.ule mag- full ule shot faster than my mini.
7. blue 68 mag- shot nice, but a little slow
8. 03 cocker- pretty fast and quiet.
9. my baby otb framed chaosed busht most ups not pictured

07-09-2004, 11:41 AM
thats a lot of blowbacks^ nice collection though

They all worked for me, blowback or not. My Palmer Semi's will be the first that are not though.

07-11-2004, 03:13 PM
Ok, forgot a few of the older guns on my previous list:

Mark1 Uzi: One of the first and one of the worst paintguns ever.

KP2 Rifle: Longest CO2 plunger ever and about 8 good shots per CO2.

Piranha Long Barrel: Well made and would shoot a hole threw people.

Tracer: Junk.

Phantom: Another early pistol which worked like every other paintgun at the time.