View Full Version : i have $300 and don't know wat gun to get

07-02-2004, 11:57 AM
i have $300 and don't know wat gun to get. ive been looking at cockers and omens but i am not sure if those are the best choice.

07-02-2004, 12:00 PM
the best low end electro IMO is the one by dragun, get a lighter switch, and a new bolt and its a good gun, no need to upgrade for a while with that.

07-02-2004, 12:01 PM

my friends for sale

07-02-2004, 12:02 PM
For that range I say stay mech. I would go with the WGP cocker you were looking at or wait a while and find a used angel for really cheap. Or save for a mid end electro.

07-02-2004, 12:27 PM
Check my sig...

07-02-2004, 01:07 PM
guys im not looking for guns that ur selling or anyone that is selling just wat gun i should get like coolcatpete said that i should go with a wgp cocker. thanx

unless it is an omen

07-02-2004, 01:33 PM
I agree on "The One". I bought one a few weeks ago, and I've not really gotten to use it on the field, but I'm a tinkerer, so I've done a lot of research and simple mods. Without a lot of effort, its an amazing marker. The regs are aweful, atleast in my tests, but thats not unexpected.

APM makes a very good delrin bolt for $20 shipped, though its coming from canada so it takes a while.

The microswitch mod lets you choose how light you want the pull, though I'd reccomend doing it in stages to avoid going too light and messing up the switch. (you can always buy a new switch from radioshack and swap out the spring)

The stock trigger is pretty nice, but has some side to side slop. I'd reccomend getting some shims, or the zenitram trigger.

People have been installing qev's on the back to increase the bolt return speed. I guess this might help, but without it, the gun still shoots 20bps.

The eye is very good for a reflective eye.

The plastic grip pannels feel a bit cheap, but I don't think I'd really notice in a game.

Anyway... it seems like a good marker. I'd probably take one over a stock impulse.

Won Hunglo
07-02-2004, 01:44 PM
One word...CASINO! You have to invest it. Put the $300 on one black jack hand. If you win you now have $600. Put the $600 on one black jack hand. If you win you now have $1200. Put the $1200 on one black jack hand. If you win you now have $2400. Now buy you an Angel A4 fly, halo & a nice air system. Spend the rest on some paint & a nice barrel system.

07-03-2004, 08:04 PM
the one is better than an omen in many ways. 1st better trigger, i hated the omen trigger. 2nd lower pressure/ kore efficient with new bolt. 3rd no stupid cam feed, buy a halo and its faster/vision does the same thing. 4th no tuning because of stupid closed bolt. oh and an omen is better than a stock cocker and same price so go with the one over a cocker, plus there so unreliable

07-03-2004, 08:20 PM
I would really like to know where people get their information from.. with my experience with the Dragun TES... its crap. Looks nice but I spent a good amount of time repairing them. And.. the dwell resets when you turn it off... what is that all about..

Not that Im a big fan of PMI but the Omens cam feed system is pretty good.. may be ugly but it performs nicely.

How long have you been playing and what exacly do you want your gun to do? Shoot fast, be reliable, or upgradeable?

The Spanish Inquisition
07-03-2004, 09:25 PM
Buy 9 Cases of Paint from this place (http://firstcallpaintball.com/detail.aspx?ID=1219)

And A Vulcan 5000 (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=47248&item=3686095236&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW) off of ebay.

Then take the other 1.50 and buy a Coke.

07-03-2004, 09:40 PM
I like your style Spanish inquisition!!! :rofl:

07-03-2004, 10:01 PM
used bko better than omen or cocker

07-04-2004, 02:57 AM
if you already have stuff like air and and a revy or some other electronic hopper, then save 100 more and start looking for a LED angel. My friend bought a sick purplish dark angel from a shop for 400 and now he gets free work done to it and the trigger pull is insane! If you dont already have air...hm, go for, maybe a used 68 classic mag, use the extra to buy air, or an intelliframe for it, an electronic hopper, paint, idunno, maybe even a tippmann a-5 rt. You will eventually need air but you can shoot it without it.

07-04-2004, 12:21 PM
yeah, sadly i forgot about the bko, i think ill change my vote to a bko no upgrades needed and very fast

07-04-2004, 04:37 PM
well here are my opinions

go for a bko, very cheap, save for abit, and you can do nicely

here are some great things about bko (2004)
now, its very easy, simplest thing i have ever owned next to a mag...
customer service is AWESOME...
problems can be fixed
all upgrades from the bushy/defiant series are acceptable (only on 2004)
adjustable trigger
very cheap
it comes with a 2003 clamshell grip
low opperating pressure

heres what i didnt like
annos not too great, good, but not the best
ram srping limited to 20bps
trigger has slop, some like it though
reg is small
guage is FREAKIN HUGE (at least on mine)
lpr gets scratched easily..
there blowback. not as much now, bu there still is some there
gets very stiff sittig on the plane or shelf at your store
has some first time probs...but should stop after your second gassing up

those are my thoughts on it

i love my bko, very light, has cocker threading, comes with lowrise feedneck...it runs at a very ow pressure

if done right it can run on co2...but do it correctly
though it shouldnt be a prob with a HPA system...it works best with an adjustable, but it works just as good with a preset, as far as i know...

those are my thoughts...

07-04-2004, 04:47 PM
Listen to dwab and go for a BKO, or better yet, if you're willing to buy used, check out some B2Ks on ebay.