View Full Version : Attenion all Magic: The Gathering players

07-02-2004, 08:35 PM
Just want to send a shout out to all you guys, this has been taking some of my paintball money latly, and I have gotten wraped up in some of there forums as well. But I'm working on building up another forum, so I just wanted to give you guys a link, and help come livin it up.


www.mtgforums.com its pretty dead right now, but I think with more members it can get the place of the ground. My name there is WesMKK

*Mod, I read the rules and did not see anything againest advertisting for anthor bored, if I am in the wrong feel free to delete.*

07-02-2004, 11:10 PM
I havnt played Magic in about 5 years, But back when i did, i played a TON. Was never very good but i tried anyway! If your interested, i may have some cards if you'd like to buy them. I dont even remember what some of them are. Northern Palidines, Armageddon, Wraith of god, among others. If you really want some Great cards, PM Kai. He had a killer angel deck.

07-03-2004, 01:52 AM
woo hoo!
I used to play a lot too. Magic nerds unite!

07-03-2004, 01:53 AM
I've got an unlimited / revised Mox Pearl and Alpha Force Field for sale.

Angry Man
07-03-2004, 03:24 AM
Carnifex...HOW MUCH? HOW MUCH?!?!?

Pm me.

07-03-2004, 04:52 AM
you guys don't play online?

07-03-2004, 07:18 AM
Hrrm... lemme look... a grip of unlimited dual lands, a arabian nights city of brass and a signed dark ball lightning... wow I havent seen them in a long time.

07-03-2004, 07:20 AM
Egads, I feel old.

I think I sold my Black Lotus and two Moxes almost ten years ago.

Permission/Turbostasis old school baby.

07-03-2004, 07:26 AM
Hey I still have my old Kobold Pebbles deck... Nothing as fun as a potential 3rd turn kill, WITH KOBOLDS!

07-03-2004, 08:09 AM
kobolds decks rule!!!!!!!!

Still got my white weenie deck, which was all teh rage backin the day...

I could probably get an A4 with all the money I could get for selling my cards... hmmmm..... :headbang:

07-03-2004, 08:40 AM
Hey I still have my old Kobold Pebbles deck... Nothing as fun as a potential 3rd turn kill, WITH KOBOLDS!
Classic. So were you a Saproling fan then too?

I still prefer to watch them squirm and writhe knowing they are in lockdown just waiting to be decked or I can dig out a Serra to finish them off.

For 'free for all' multiplayer games it was the blue/red flying/earthquake deck. Forked lightning bolts and timewalks were just mean.

07-03-2004, 09:16 AM
I havnt played Magic in about 5 years, But back when i did, i played a TON. Was never very good but i tried anyway! If your interested, i may have some cards if you'd like to buy them. I dont even remember what some of them are. Northern Palidines, Armageddon, Wraith of god, among others. If you really want some Great cards, PM Kai. He had a killer angel deck.

I would defenitly be intrested in the Wrath and the geddon, it would go great in my white extended deck. How many of each do you have?

07-03-2004, 09:55 AM
hell back in the old days I think ive built every theme deck known to mankind...

several of each land walk (yes even plainswalk)
Themed creature decks... Zombie/swampwalk Saporling/forestwalk heros/plainswalk etc...
sligh, thralls, slivers, hell even Squirrels! Some sick combo decks also, Pebbles, Necro[whatever], Sneak/pandemonium, Flux, Stasis/premission, academy, channel>fireball>fork, damn near anything Finkel would build plus some.

god them were the days.

anyhow all I got left for decks is my Kobold pebbles deck, a not to efficent squirrel deck, and this terribly inefficent prepetual decking machine by my own design. Singles hell who knows... hopefully when the polar ice caps shift and thousands of years later when archaelogists are diggin up my former husk of an apartment they can find my beta dual land and put their kids though finishing school.

07-03-2004, 10:34 AM
Its kinda funny. There were always these guys at the hobby shop talking about how ______ card is worth a google billion dollars , and such and so forth.
I tried to sell my cards a few years back and didn't get a single hit.
My fav was the Lord of the pit with a few hives to provide sacrifices......

07-03-2004, 11:39 AM
ditto on selling the my old cards... granted i don't have a TON, probably between 800 and 1000 from Unlimited to Homelands... but I tried putting them up on a few magic forums and didn't get a single bite, this was an OBO thing... I don't have the time to part em out, i'd rather just dump the whole frickin box...

i spent WAY too much time and money on that game back in Jr. High...

when i was bowling the other week there were some kids playing at a table... i took a peek... the kid who won did so with a 11/15 flying trample or something... that's fricking rediculous... biggest card i ever had was a Leviathan at 10/10... or my Lord of the Pits... at 8/8(?)

the best deck I ever had was a black/white mirror deck... Vampires and angels, every card had the opposite in the other color... it was quite effective...


07-03-2004, 12:13 PM
:bounce: NERD ALERT!! NERD ALERT!!! :bounce:

hmm...i think i have my deck in a drawer somewhere... ;)


07-03-2004, 10:37 PM
This is my favorite card:



07-04-2004, 02:02 AM
squid, its getting old. I never got into the game, but i got some old school Ice age cards id be willing to let go. i know ive got a white justice in there, and from what i understand, it was a rare card. it had awesome art as well :) il get rid of the whole deck, if i can find it, for say... 20 bux?\

also, any starwars CCG players here? Im willing to sell off all of my cards, almost 2 whole boxes, for mad cheep. Some great cards in there. Chewie, r2d2, darkside lando.. etc. Pm me if interested

07-04-2004, 10:35 AM
Man. Magic, i havent played in years. I only have a few decks left assembled, but one of them is my Dragon deck. 100% rare dragons, the only non rare cards are the 15 basic lands. Its sad, i made it because i wanted a "show" deck. Darn, now i have to go look through all my cards.

07-04-2004, 11:07 AM
Magic, it was the biggest thing in my life for many years. I started playing back when Alpha came out, I stopped playing about 3 years ago. I was damn good, had an unbeatable gain life deck, I got to 1500 life, had a sera avatar, it became a 1500/1500, won my local tourny. I sold most of my old cards, I had about 5000 cards, but I still have the important ones Juzam Djinn, Time Walk, Ancestral Recall, Demonic Tutor, Black Lotus. :) Love those cards.

07-04-2004, 01:44 PM
I had a deck that let me get however much life I wanted.

07-04-2004, 07:04 PM
I played years ago, then got out of it. I sold thousands of cards from Unlimited, Revised, Legends, etc and promptly regretted it about a year later. Many of the guys in my playgroup have gotten back into it and we've been playing casually since around the time of the Odyssey block. Since we live in and around Columbus, OH, we were lucky enough to get into the game when it originally debuted with the Alpha printing at Origins in Columbus.

For those who still have old cards, I'd be interested in some dual lands, power 9 cards, and I could really use four each of Lightning Bolt and Drain Life, which are out of print. PM me.