View Full Version : Sorry folks, but it's another help-me-decide thread

A Nobody
07-02-2004, 09:22 PM
Well, I've used mech mags for a long time and they've been great, but I've finally decided to get a higher end electric gun. I'm looking in the 800 dollar range, and I want something small (I don't like super tall guns), light (although light isn't as important as small), and reliable. Rate of fire isn't that important, although I'd like a good walkable trigger. Feel is important also, although right now I'm just looking for advice based on reliability, etc, I'll decide about feel for myself later. So, here are some brief thoughts so far (please keep in mind that I have no experience with electros, I'm looking for advice and suggestions):

1.) Angel Speed - about 800 or so, and I hear that angels tend to be reliable. It's reasonably small and simple. I am a little worried about the regulator on them though. I know next to nothing about angels, but I can't tell if it has a standard ASA adapter so I can change the reg. I have three preset crossfire tanks that are of the 800 psi output variety, and I would sure like to be able to use those on a new marker. I've read that the WDP reg on the speed doesn't do well with a high pressure input, so I would like to change it for something else. Can you do that with the speed? (and I sincerely apologize for the ignorant question) I guess I could maybe gut the WDP reg and get a female stabilizer, but I've kinda fallen in love with my uni-mount :D .

2.) 03 Shocker - Ok, for this discussion, could we please stick to the merits of the gun itself and not the company (other than tech support). I'll weigh in whether or not I want to buy from smart parts later, but right now I want to know about the Shocker. It's around 700, comes with a Max-Flo reg, and is REALLY small and REALLY light. I don't care about the SFT technology or whatever it's called, but I do like the few moving parts and relative simplicity (on paper, at least). BUT, is it as reliable as others? I've read about quite a few problems on shockerowners.com, but maybe that's a poor representation since nobody posts about how their shockers have worked flawlessly. I'd like to hear from the good folks at AO about their thoughts on the reliability of the new shocker compared to other electros.

3.) Find an E-mag somewhere. Obviously this will be a little harder to find, but they're around. It seems I read of more problems with the e-mag than I do with mech mags, but maybe the e-mags are still more reliable than other electros? Also, my understanding is that the emags can't use regular 9 volt batteries, and I have read of batteries going down and people having to play on mech for the day. Which brings me to another point - I'm going to keep one of my mags as a back-up anyway, so the ability of the e-mag to run without batteries is not much of a selling point, because I figure that using a mag in mech mode is darn similar to using my mech back-up. I figure if I can get a little more performance from another gun that is just as reliable, I might as well go with the other gun. So, is an e-mag generally the most reliable electro out there, and if not, than what is? Is there anything that has better performance and comes close enough in reliability to still make it a better choice?

Sorry about the long-windedness, but I tried to be as clear as possible (not that I succeeded). I am of course open to suggestions for markers other than these three, but I just thought I'd give my thinking on my current top three. I really appreciate any and all help that you guys can give me.



07-02-2004, 09:29 PM
03 shockers with vision-it is smaller and lighter then all the other guns. It won't chop with vision. It'll be plenty fast and consistent. Reliability wise, if you take care of it really good, it won't fail you. One of my teammates has an 03 shocker with a 800 serial number and it hasn't broken down once. I do suggest you get an evolve bolt kit, it will prevent problems the gun can have, and ups your efficency like nuts.

07-02-2004, 09:36 PM
Im going to be predicatble, and recommend a viking. Fast, reliable, durable, hyper efficient.

Speed-Not nearly as light as I thought it would be, and the people I know who use it do not like Sensi at all. Ace is superior in most respects.

Shocker-DYE does spool valves better, though the DM3s are bigger and the DM4s more expensive. Shocker is small but very inefficient, and the stock reg isnt the best. Plus, the eye system is IR, which is not as good as break beam.

Emag-Tough gun, but its not easy to shoot fast (though some can) and its inefficient. Level 10 does a good job of preventing chop, but I still prefer break beam ACE.

In the end, though, its all personal preference. Try borrowing some guns at a local field to try them out.

07-02-2004, 09:37 PM
bah, w/e ill put them out there. how about vikes? how about like a shocktech bushy? or

upped bushy? bushies are so amazingly light and a shocktech board goes up to 66 bps

w/e out of the ones listed id go with shocker. i have heard a lot of bad things about the

angel speed performance thats just my two cents

07-02-2004, 11:05 PM
I going to say out of all the ones there get the 03 shocker, provided it has the updated bolt. Otherwise, just run. FSDO sucks on the older shockers, and air efficiency is as bad or worse than any other marker I've shot. However, with the new bolt, they are great guns.

Still, out of any marker, I say go matrix if you can manage it. Not DM4, Matrix. The DM4 has Air issues, and even though it looks pretty and shoots amazingly fast, teh older matrixes (with the right upgrades, like Gun20 and Tadao 4.0) can shoot just as well on less air. Even though the DM4 is lighter, your wallet gets to stay heavier with a Matrix. And that is a good thing.

07-02-2004, 11:43 PM

just don't get a speed.

07-03-2004, 12:08 AM
There's a kid around here that shoots a Speed, goes really fast and never seems to give him trouble. Other than that I don't know much about them, but they seem nice from what I can tell.

I know two kids that have Shockers. I saw one of them go down during chrono one day and it took him 2 weeks to fix it. The other guy got his about a month later and it doesn't seem to give him trouble.

I've never shot an emag, but I hear a lot of good things about them. It seems for the most part they can keep up with most of the newer guns even though they are older.

I was choosing an electro to get earlier this week too and I was looking at the Speed, Shocker, Emag, several older Timmies and possibly a Viking. I chose the Emag since I wouldn't have to learn the workings of a new gun and for the fact that Emags aren't too common around here (I love to be different when it comes to markers). I have a lovely Emag with a Red ULE body coming next week, I can't wait!

A Nobody
07-03-2004, 01:15 PM
thanks for the replies so far. The Viking sounds interesting, but where can you find one. I've only looked a little bit, but I'm not having much luck finding one. I'd also like to stay away from ebay if I can, so does anyone know where they can be found? I thought that AKA was either out of business or almost there. I'm interested in hearing more about the Viking and Shocker (but you can still make other suggestions). Anyway, thanks again for the suggestions. (Also, obviously in the end I'll have to try them all and decide for myself, as has been said, but I'm trying to do my homework first, and you can't really get any reliability indications when you just test shoot one for a sec.)

07-03-2004, 01:38 PM
I suggest the DevilMag. It's $850. You can search around here for info or check out their website here (http://www.devilsden.tv). It has a Predator board, break beam eyes, 25g trigger switch, ULE body and some other cool features. I'm hoping to get one in 3 or 4 weeks. :D

07-03-2004, 02:20 PM
I had a shocker GREAT gun. Very simple to maintain very small/light. I actually had good Tech service. Told em it made an odd sound they told me to change the batteries and sent me the alum bolt. Good on the tank..Overall great great gun go for it!!!

07-03-2004, 03:03 PM
As to your question about where to get a Viking, you might want to try dbnpaintball.com which, if I remember correctly, is run by Dan Voils, an AKA master tech. He also carries all the Viking upgrades and will install them if you buy them with the gun.

A Nobody
07-03-2004, 05:51 PM
Thanks again for the help. I am leaning fairly heavily toward the 03 shocker since it can be had for less money than the Viking (at least as far as I've seen), and it's so light and small. I've read that you really have to keep the shocker well lubed, but I like the design. The lack of efficiency doesn't bother me much, and the new bolt should help that a lot also. So, if anyone feels compelled to talk me out of a shocker, go ahead; actually I am kind of surprised that the shocker was recommended more than the e-mag and angel. Anyway, thanks again for the suggestions.

Oh yeah, I've seen the DevilMags, and they are awesome, but the shocker can be had for almost $150 less (if you don't get eyes, but I'm on such a budget that the eyes will just have to come later), and you get something that was designed from the ground up as an electro, which is somehow comforting to me (nothing against GA Devil or the DevilMags, and I'm sure I have a misconception on this, but to me, Mags were always meant to be mechs. When you start using a solenoid to hit the sear it seems to bring some more problems into the bullet-proof mag design, and I'm for some reason more comfortable with something that is a 100 % electric design).

So talk me out of a Shocker :D :dance: