View Full Version : Check out the Nerve hype

07-02-2004, 11:27 PM
"Did we mention it also uses the same piece of technology that has made the Shocker SFT the marker to beat in the accuracy department? The simplicity of SFT design (Seal Forward Technology) delivers anything but simple results. Ball after ball, type after type, SFT technology delivers some of the most devastating accuracy available from an electronic marker. You'll be hitting squeegees sticking out of pockets from way far away. "

"Sell off all the other junk you've purchased over the years to make your under performing marker a winner and make space in your gear bag for the Nerve. You can own other markers, but you won't need them. "

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

ß?µ£ §mµ®ƒ
07-02-2004, 11:40 PM
thats marketing ploys and propoganda for you

07-02-2004, 11:41 PM
I guess I'd better make room in MY gearbag right away. :D Uhh...if SFT is so simple, can somebody explain it to me, or is this just barrel to paint match :confused: (which can exist on every gun)

Head knight of Ni
07-02-2004, 11:45 PM
So thats why SP sponsored teams aren't going to use them. They're just too good. :ninja:

07-02-2004, 11:45 PM
OMG I'm soooooo selling my Mag and getting a Nerve just because SP says it's the most accurate gun on the planet. Hype is my friend.

*yawn* :sleeping:

07-02-2004, 11:49 PM
Don't misunderstnad the ad for the SFT feature. It is designed to eliminate blowback, which will theoretically help your consistency (otherwise known as accuracy). This assumes that, when you loose presure around the bolt, you loose it at spontanious rates. I tend to agree.
but the problem is, any gun with an o-ring on the bolt does this. Whether or not it actualy makes a difference is yet to be proven, but it probably doesn't in all practicality.

07-03-2004, 12:05 AM
SP is pretty smart, advertise hard before the product comes out, get a fat preorder list so several thousands get screwed off the top :cuss:

07-03-2004, 12:14 AM
Heres a leaked picture of Smart Parts super secret "Seal Forward Technology"...



07-03-2004, 12:17 AM
Don't misunderstnad the ad for the SFT feature. It is designed to eliminate blowback, which will theoretically help your consistency (otherwise known as accuracy). This assumes that, when you loose presure around the bolt, you loose it at spontanious rates. I tend to agree.
but the problem is, any gun with an o-ring on the bolt does this. Whether or not it actualy makes a difference is yet to be proven, but it probably doesn't in all practicality.

I also think that any gun that been well made will have a good enough seal, with or without an oring. I'd like to see SP do an actual test to prove their "accuracy." I cant believe that this actually makes a big enough difference to be noticeable.

07-03-2004, 12:17 AM
regardless of the hype monster SP hasunleashed aupon the world, when it comes down to it, the nerve is basicially a TINY impulse, which shouldnt be a half bad marker, and if i had the cash this would be on teh top of my to buy list

07-03-2004, 12:19 AM
Nice Jdub :rofl:

At the rate SP is going, there wont be any companies making "junk" other than SP, so I wont have to bother with cleaning it out of my bag to make room for my super-sniper Nerve.

07-03-2004, 12:20 AM
why wait for the nerve? buy a trix and be done with it. there's your real proof of accuracy from "SFT". :cheers:

07-03-2004, 12:24 AM
...waht you walking about wait...there shipping out now

07-03-2004, 12:26 AM
Does anyone know why it costs $1200?

07-03-2004, 12:33 AM
its 1200 if you get it without the maxflo.....1500 if you want one.

07-03-2004, 12:42 AM
Right, the extra $300 for the tank I can justify. Its the $1200 for the gun itself thats kinda hard to swallow. For that amount I can get:

Featherlight viking, at least, before the SP crap forced the price up

Unmilled Excalibur



Freeflow cocker

Nexus cocker


The list goes on and on. I hope SFT isnt the only selling point.

07-03-2004, 01:19 AM
But it is!

Our bolt has an o-ring on it, we shall create hype for a year or two, then release it at 4-5x what it costs to produce, then sue other companies for copying the shocker design! :nono:

:rofl: :bounce: :rofl:

07-03-2004, 01:31 AM
from what i've read about it, it sounds like a dm4 copy

07-03-2004, 01:31 AM
Right, the extra $300 for the tank I can justify. Its the $1200 for the gun itself thats kinda hard to swallow. For that amount I can get:

Featherlight viking, at least, before the SP crap forced the price up

Unmilled Excalibur



Freeflow cocker

Nexus cocker


The list goes on and on. I hope SFT isnt the only selling point.

why do you think it would not perform as good as any other listed high end gun? Just becasue it is hyped dosent mean its not a good marker, im shure people will be drooling over them soon, i fo one thin it will be as good as any of teh listed markers and just be another option in the high end personal preferance choice thingy

07-03-2004, 01:34 AM
Our bolt has an o-ring on it

Technically it doesn't. The o-ring is in the breech itself and the bolt goes through it. :rolleyes: Wooooo... SFT... I still don't see the big to-do about it though..

07-03-2004, 01:36 AM
HAHAHA... Soo much better :D

As a note, Smartparts DOES own the Matrix design, so this could easily be just a matrix copy... :D

07-03-2004, 01:44 AM
why do you think it would not perform as good as any other listed high end gun? Just becasue it is hyped dosent mean its not a good marker, im shure people will be drooling over them soon, i fo one thin it will be as good as any of teh listed markers and just be another option in the high end personal preferance choice thingy

Im not saying it cant be as good. Im just pointing out that the only selling point seems to be the great accuracy afforded by the SFT. No mention of the IR ACE, efficiency, maintenance, etc. So, again, why is it worth $1200? Its a fair question.

07-03-2004, 01:54 AM
HAHAHA... Soo much better :D

As a note, Smartparts DOES own the Matrix design, so this could easily be just a matrix copy... :D
I thought DYE did.

07-03-2004, 02:01 AM
First they put an o-ring around their bolt, then they'll suit every manufacturer that uses a bolt!!

07-03-2004, 02:37 AM
SFT....wow..dumbest thing ever, with all this even actually added another Shocker to the list at pbreview.com. This time its not the 2003 Shocker...its the Shocker SFT, Jack and Coke, I think that little 1984 thing in your profile gives a hint of what is going on. Seriously though, the Shocker is a very accurate gun, and if the Nerve stays with the same system, then im sure it will also be. BUUTTTT , ITS NOT BECAUSE OF THAT CRAP SFT! Granted, they might have made some dumb excuse called SFT, I dont know why...to give a reason on why the bolt sticks on a stock unlubed Shocker, its sealed forward alright. They dont need it though. The Shocker follows a nice Matrix design but SP cannot accept that. The gun is accurate, BECAUSE THERE IS NO KICK. Wow. Smart Parts should just advertise, the gun doesn't kick, because as much as I hate Vision, Smart Parts quality control, etc., they actually do have a system and a marker that shoots very accurate, but they promote its accuracy for all the wrong reasons.

NOW with the Nerve.what do you have. There is a marker, (going off of design pictures and whatnot), LARGER than the Shocker, MORE EXPENSIVE than the Shocker, and NEWER than the Shocker (with Smart Parts ..this is always a bad thing) . So...why the cost? Did they include a bolt kit that doesnt require upgrade? Did they throw in a few of their nifty new warranty card system thingers? Did they somehow, MAGICALLY add to a design that virtually has no kick, ..have no kick..even more? I doubt it..highly. Its real sad too, some good quality control on a Shocker, and without a Newer Better Marker coming out to replace it within time, the Shocker really could have been the gun SP fans (and people who would prefer a Shocker without its fallouts) really wanted. Sad, sad sad. :)

07-03-2004, 07:40 AM
Heres a leaked picture of Smart Parts super secret "Seal Forward Technology"...



Time to get my club out! :headbang:


07-03-2004, 08:11 AM
If they are anything like the new shockers, then I better learn how to fix 'em. Cus I plan on making some money off of all the little 12yr olds who buy these things with mommies money then cant make them work.

Granted, ive only seen a handfull of the new shockers where I am, but the 3/4 of them seem to not be working by the end of the day. Im sure that any competent owner knows what they are doing with them though have minimal troubles....

Just my observation.

07-03-2004, 09:59 PM
HAHAHA... Soo much better :D

As a note, Smartparts DOES own the Matrix design, so this could easily be just a matrix copy... :D

umm...and what noob told you that? Dye has owned the Matrix patents since last spring...

07-03-2004, 10:22 PM
They sold it to SP.

07-03-2004, 10:25 PM
They sold it to SP.

umm...no...they didn't. Who told you that so I can have Dye personally call that person to laugh at them on the phone..

07-03-2004, 10:43 PM
there blabing about something that hasn't comeout nor tested by the public wow ppl :clap:

07-03-2004, 10:46 PM
the only 2k3 shocker i've seen also was not working and it was just returend from a tune up thingy from SP...

nerve... if it ever comes out it will be another thing to put on the do not buy list along with the other Sp stuff and cockers... I can't touch a 'cocker with out it dieing horribly or me messing it up so i just don't use/barrow/buy 'cockers.

07-03-2004, 10:47 PM
Im not an engineer but,

I cant be the only one that thinks that O'rings really were not designed to move and in all honesty are used when tolerences are not that tight....

07-03-2004, 10:47 PM
They didn't sell it to them, there have been rumors that sp traded patent licensing for the use of the matrix design in the 03 shocker.

No one can really say anything about preformance until it comes out. Then again, the god ol' folkes(steelrat) on AO already deemed that the nerve is worse then:

Featherlight viking, at least, before the SP crap forced the price up

Unmilled Excalibur



Freeflow cocker

Nexus cocker


Without ever holding or firing the nerve. Nice one :hail: :rolleyes:

07-03-2004, 11:09 PM
They didn't sell it to them, there have been rumors that sp traded patent licensing for the use of the matrix design in the 03 shocker.

No one can really say anything about preformance until it comes out. Then again, the god ol' folkes(steelrat) on AO already deemed that the nerve is worse then:

Featherlight viking, at least, before the SP crap forced the price up

Unmilled Excalibur



Freeflow cocker

Nexus cocker


Without ever holding or firing the nerve. Nice one :hail: :rolleyes:

Nice misquote. Next time, try bothering to read what someone posts. I pointed out that it COST as much as those guns, and asked why it was worth it. IS that such an unfair question that you need to jump on my case? The advertising for it only mentions the SFT, and I was asking what other features it had to justify the $1200 price. I NEVER said those guns were better than it. Please refrain from attacking me until you get your facts straight. :rolleyes:

07-03-2004, 11:28 PM
:rofl: I'm sorry, but you just got pwned.

Head knight of Ni
07-03-2004, 11:58 PM
I believe he got pooned. rank increased to #1 :ninja:

07-04-2004, 12:17 AM
Is the $1200 MSRP, if it is isn't the actual price a lot lower?

07-04-2004, 09:48 AM
Im not an engineer but,

I cant be the only one that thinks that O'rings really were not designed to move and in all honesty are used when tolerences are not that tight....

DING DING DING!!! We have a winner.

07-04-2004, 10:27 AM
HAHAHA... Soo much better :D

As a note, Smartparts DOES own the Matrix design, so this could easily be just a matrix copy... :D

No, Generation E does. Dye bought GE and threatened to sue SP for patent infringement. SP and Dye traded licenses.

07-04-2004, 11:23 AM
dye bought the matrix patent from genE last spring then made a licensing agreement with sp. sp gets to use the concept behind the trix bolt and dye gets to make electronic markers. dye also has to approve all after market parts for the trix too. thats why evolve quit selling their bolt here.

as far as o rings moving, they are well lubed. :D

i felt like sp is either going to chop the shockers legs off at the knees with the nerve, or not sell many nevers at all. the nerve is supposed to come with the sp high effeciency bolt stock, but if thats the only real improvement over a shocker, whats the point. i have read a few things about the nerve and i cant really see enough improvement over a shocker to justify it.

07-04-2004, 11:47 AM
The nerve is basically an upgraded Impulse... It's not that they're trying to improve on the Shocker, they're doing something completely different.

07-04-2004, 12:48 PM
No, Generation E does. Dye bought GE and threatened to sue SP for patent infringement. SP and Dye traded licenses.

Wrong again, Dye purchased all patents involving and the ability to manufacture the Matrix from GenE, not the company itself. Ask Toxic Dave, he'll tell you as much.

As for license trading; That's something neither party has ever acknowledged. Dave DeHaan won't even respond to any questions related to the subpoena and subsequent agreement between the two companies...so why speculate?

07-04-2004, 01:01 PM
Nice misquote. Next time, try bothering to read what someone posts. I pointed out that it COST as much as those guns, and asked why it was worth it. IS that such an unfair question that you need to jump on my case? The advertising for it only mentions the SFT, and I was asking what other features it had to justify the $1200 price. I NEVER said those guns were better than it. Please refrain from attacking me until you get your facts straight. :rolleyes:

You said in your post "1200 for the gun itself is kind of hard to swallow" The way I interpreted that is that you are basically saying for 1200 you could get those other guns and the nerve is a lesser gun. I guess it was how I read your post, that's what I got out of it.

07-04-2004, 02:23 PM
Figure if they did "swap designs" then at least the 03shocker could be nicer for maintanence. Matrix I can rip apart nicely. 03shocker has an entire process that has to be followed, real pain. First pull stuff out, then push it out from the breech, then pull the rest out. They better get some "fuse" bolt technology built in next dag nabbit.

And for those that seem to only have heard of the SFT but don't know what it is (many in this thread even). It is an o-ring yes. But "moving" no. It's a groove before the barrel where an O-ring rests. The bolt goes through, fires, and returns. So it's not an o-ring on the bolt like say..... the Tippmann front bolt. Rather a stationary o-ring. So it's not moving.

But it is the biggest crock of spit in the market, next to rifled barrels and closed bolt and venturi bolts and..... well okay you get the idea.

Could be worse. Could be hype saying CO2 is better than HPA at one point, and then later saying HPA is better. I bet probably only 10 people in this entire forum can name the company who hyped that up.

07-04-2004, 03:36 PM
Ok so the nerve is an impulse (viking, angel, cyborg, bushy,diadem, the one) platform with an oring in the breech and an LPR for 1200......

single eye or double eye?

07-04-2004, 06:38 PM
Could be worse. Could be hype saying CO2 is better than HPA at one point, and then later saying HPA is better. I bet probably only 10 people in this entire forum can name the company who hyped that up.

PPS - Craig Palmer to be exact if I recall. But he did so with some strong stipulations, such as the words under ideal conditions and involving setups that would cost as much as an HPA tank. He may have been right under his perfect condition theory, but not in the real world.

07-04-2004, 09:11 PM
Don't misunderstnad the ad for the SFT feature. It is designed to eliminate blowback, which will theoretically help your consistency (otherwise known as accuracy). This assumes that, when you loose presure around the bolt, you loose it at spontanious rates. I tend to agree.
but the problem is, any gun with an o-ring on the bolt does this. Whether or not it actualy makes a difference is yet to be proven, but it probably doesn't in all practicality.

consistency = precision not accuracy. Look up the def. accuracy is how close you are to the target. Precision is how many of your shots are in a close grouping around the target. This is what consistency is.....not accuracy. Consistency and accuracy are different.

anyway, SP is dumb IMO. I wouldnt buy any of thier markers after my emag. :D.
its just marketing. blah blah SFT blah blah we will sue you blah blah blah.....thats what it sounds like when I hear it.

07-05-2004, 01:00 AM
mmm, I think it looks pretty cool. A bit pricy though imo.

I'd buy it if it was $700-800 maybe.

07-05-2004, 01:00 AM
so...any update on the SP vs. WDP lawsuit? :headbang:

07-05-2004, 08:26 AM
PPS - Craig Palmer to be exact if I recall.

Well close, his CO2 betterness involves anti-siphon, his regulators, and so forth. Rather the company I'm thinking of just stated it's better without a special setup.

More like AGD would be the company hyping up 12gram use while knocking at HPA. Nice hype, eh?

07-05-2004, 12:12 PM
Figure if they did "swap designs" then at least the 03shocker could be nicer for maintanence. Matrix I can rip apart nicely. 03shocker has an entire process that has to be followed, real pain. First pull stuff out, then push it out from the breech, then pull the rest out. They better get some "fuse" bolt technology built in next dag nabbit.

Actually, that's how you're supposed to remove the Matrix bolt... Take the back plate off, then the bolt plug, then press on the front of the bolt to push it out the back.

And for those that seem to only have heard of the SFT but don't know what it is (many in this thread even). It is an o-ring yes. But "moving" no. It's a groove before the barrel where an O-ring rests. The bolt goes through, fires, and returns. So it's not an o-ring on the bolt like say..... the Tippmann front bolt. Rather a stationary o-ring. So it's not moving.

Technically, I think it would be considered a moving o-ring. The o-ring itself doesn't move, but the bolt moves through it, so it still takes wear. I could be wrong though.

07-05-2004, 03:09 PM
"More like AGD would be the company hyping up 12gram use while knocking at HPA. Nice hype, eh?"

the six pack was a device pretty much specificly designed to make itself obsolete.

if i recall correctlyeverybody was fighting to keep only 12 grams and not go "callifornia style"

but the six pack made using 12 grams almost as fast as using a constant air setup

making it almost a pointless fight to keep from going to a CA setup

I don't belive it was hype, I do belive it was a roundabout way to get a gas system that would work effectivly with the automag

07-05-2004, 04:05 PM
Does anyone know why it costs $1200?

because with the advent of the dm4 and alias people are now thinking that a good gun costs over $1000 dollars, i mean think about it, you just spent $1500 on something that shoots paintballs, thats all it does

07-05-2004, 04:58 PM
i mean think about it, you just spent $1500 on something that shoots paintballs, thats all it does


Some markers can tell me the temperature too :dance:

07-05-2004, 05:43 PM
No magmonkey, the advertisements were talking about how 12grams were MORE CONSISTENT than HPA. Not about the amount of air supply, but the performance of the 12grams was superior to that of fluxuating HPA use.

07-05-2004, 06:59 PM
Yeah, I know this has already been pointed out, but I don't see why anyone should buy into the whole Seal-Forward Technology(sic) when every marker out there uses this same "technology". That's what the frickin' bolt does! It seals off the chamber from the vertical feed to eliminate blowback and to make sure air does not go anywhere other than it is intended to. So how, exactly is this new? Yeah the Shocker is pretty accurate, but so am I at the toilet bowl.
Look, I've used the Shocker and it IS a fine marker, but this is all hyperbole, plain and simple.