View Full Version : My first day with the Sydarm at the field

07-04-2004, 06:13 PM
I took my Sydarm to the field today, to fool around with . There were nto a lot of people and it was threatening rain - I took 25 CO2 cartridges with me for it and my Phantom.

First I upped the chrono speed to about 260FPS - where I shoot everything - field limit is 280 and I like to be sure to be under it. I will say that this seemed to be pretty close to all the marker wanted to do - I'm happy with it there, not sure if everyone would be.

I then proceeded to squeeze off a couple aimed shots, and was surprised by how on target this thing was - ditto the few people who tried it with me.

First game, speedball field. I hit the snake, crawling down it, it comes to a three on two, with me on the three, the field owner one up from the stand up across field and a new player in the stand up behidn him I run to an angle and take the standup out - the field owner just knows he lost someone and tries to retreat into that stand up, not knowing I was there, and I put two to his pack - wohoo this marker was worth it already :clap:

Next I'm playing against one of my backplayers 1 on 1. We say go I break to the fifty which is tall enough to stand in. He peppers shots at me I move to the toher side and post him. One shot to his mask. Did I mention I really like this marker :clap:

Third game - its 3 on 4, the more experienced being on the three - myself included. I break to the fifty again, post out one of their back players and then miss one of their front players... ducking inI have to do an underpressure reload (I have switched otu CO2 cartridges between games). My team takes the other two.

Fourth game - I've been playing all day and haven't been eliminated - wow this is cool. I slide into the snake... one teammate eliminated off break. I take one and my team takes one... all of the sudden its me on two. Im down to about five shots and a weak CO2 cartridge in the fifty snake. I just know IM getting elminated this time. A look out the right of my bunker in time to see the player coming... and double tap him in the chest, wow. I glance out and send another towards the back player who is new and doesnt move hard.. hes posted on me in the snake. Reloading the CO2 cartridge on these are not quick, and Im so sure he knows the noise of that partial going off.. I glance out and duck in as he tries that posted shot... and refill the marker. Then I crawl down the snake, line it up - pop one on his hopper :dance:

By the fifth game I started getting taken seriously with that little pistol, and people treated it less like a toy. I will grant that all day I was outgunned.. but never outmanuvered. Twice when people should have had me on a clean bunker run I was able to turn that little pistol quick enough to take them in a one for one situation. I could shoot across the field and accuracy was as good as any paintball gun. Im going to use it for a good share of next weeks tournament.. thank you AGD - yes I could take this more seriously, but what fun would that be :cheers:

Now it did rain later in the day, and due to the little opening on the top of the marker water got in there, and it did not perform perfectly, but no big deal. A few times the balls stuck and I chopped them - and this thing is not too quick to clean out the feedneck and ball feed tube. But I had a lot of fun with it - my E-mag malfucntioning all day, and then the Apache on top of it, I think I have it fixed now, but no big deal, my Sydarm an Phantom are dueling for the spot of most favorite marker I own to play with.

07-04-2004, 06:24 PM
Nice job, they should of rigged xvalves in those things and use those mini nitro tanks. That would be awesome.

The Spanish Inquisition
07-04-2004, 07:56 PM
Wow great story! Needs to go back up to the top. :)

I wasn't going to buy one, but I can feel my credit card starting to humm in my walet already.

50 cal
07-04-2004, 10:38 PM
I wished I had kept the Sydarm I had years ago. I sold it but kept the 6 Pak+ I had.

07-04-2004, 10:48 PM
Great stories! See everyone, just buy a Sydarm and become a paintball superstar!!


07-05-2004, 01:52 AM
My best Sydarm story...

My first day playing supair with my Sydarm (SY00042) about a year ago. I start out the day with an old Nelspot that's had the paint stripped off but has a black plastic pump. You have to see the guns next to eachother to realize just how much they look alike. I play a couple games with the Nellie, then pick up the Sydarm. I'm playing and it gets down to a 2 on 2. I snap shoot at a guy and he ducks the shot in time, but figures I have to pump now so he pops out his head to post on me...

'D**nit Burphel! Out!'

Worth the $300 I paid right there.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
07-05-2004, 03:37 PM
grr and here i am selling all my gear trying to get a sydarm

07-05-2004, 09:18 PM
:nono: Somehow I don't believe ALL of it is true. I owned a sydarm at one point. It shot just like a classic mag with stock barrel. Nothing too dead on accurate like my phantom :D. Anyways the only way I can see this story is true is if you were going MaTriX with two of these :shooting: :dance:

07-05-2004, 09:26 PM
You have a phantom, you know this - moves aer made better with less gun, less paint, less weight.

Also, your allowed to, until the point the other team takes you serious :)

My tournament team hates it - I tend to do this type of thing during tournaments (though I had to make the deal with the team I went to Chicago with that I wouldnt)