View Full Version : Just bought my FIRST MAG!!!

07-04-2004, 11:48 PM
Hey all..

Well, I just bought my first mag off E-Bay, and I am very excited..
Hopefully it comes across the boarder quickly so that I can play with it next week :)

Any ways here is a couple my questions..

1st - In the past I had always heard that AGD has the best customer service and will ship out a new video and user manual and all that good stuff when you buy a marker from some one else and you didnt get one.. Do they still do that? And how do I go about asking them for it? Do I just email them?

2nd - As soon as I get it I plan on taking it apart and putting it back together (once I have fired it a few times to confirm operation) and will ensure that I put it back together correctly. Here is my question, when putting it back together, what is the best oil/lube to use to keep it running for many years to come?

Wow excited, will have trouble sleeping tonight I am sure :)

Now just need to sell my cocker and start buying things like a Lvl 10 and ULE body, Grip and ... Oh no, here we go again ;) LOL! :cheers:

07-04-2004, 11:55 PM
Call AGD and request the tape/manual. If they don't give it to you then the worst you'll have to do is pay shipping. The best lube is the autolube from the airgun.com store, but PMI lube and things of that nature work fine as well. But if your getting the video/manual anyway you may as well just buy the autolube and have it all shipped at once.

Head knight of Ni
07-04-2004, 11:58 PM
Kermode concepts(oil) is pretty good but Autolube's bottle shape is better. Welcome to the world of Mags. :ninja:

07-04-2004, 11:59 PM
If they don't give you a free video i will sell you mine for 8 shipped.

Creative Mayhem
07-05-2004, 12:01 AM
First off, WELCOME to the wonderful world of the Automag! Second, CONGRATS on the purchase of your Automag. I take it by your statement about the border, that you are in Canada, if so, where? Any 3n1 oil will work, however, autolube or Kermode concepts work well. I have the Automag video that i would be willing to hook you up with.

07-05-2004, 12:11 AM
First off, WELCOME to the wonderful world of the Automag! Second, CONGRATS on the purchase of your Automag. I take it by your statement about the border, that you are in Canada, if so, where? Any 3n1 oil will work, however, autolube or Kermode concepts work well. I have the Automag video that i would be willing to hook you up with.

Hi there..

Thank you for the welcome. I am very happy to finally be here.. I have had my Earon Carter Cocker for many years, as much as I played with it and liked it I was never trully HAPPY with it.. A couple of years ago a guy loaned me a Mag to go play with at my Stag party and since that day I have been hooked... I have been one of the WANT A MAG people from around the world.. Of course my family has come first but my wife knew I wasnt happy with my cocker and with trying to start a new team of complete newbies that I thought it was time to update and in some sense for me, UPGRADE.. As much as it is a mechanical and such I am more then happy at this point..

As for where I am located, yes, I am in Canada, I am in Fort Saskatchewan, just out side of Edmonton.. If we could hook up for the video that would be great, even greater if your here maybe we could sit down for a quick lesson about the marker and how it comes apart, goes together, how to do maintance on it and things that can go wrong.. If not I will start looking around..

I know the local shop where I go a lot as of late has informed me that they dont even carry any mag stuff (I already told them SHAME ON THEM! ) and they said that they dont know of any one playing with Mags any more.. So it might be a little tricker then I hope to find some one to learn from..


07-05-2004, 09:11 AM
its really not that hard to do, you can download the manal for free at airguns.com (if not its $5 for shipping) they will all so have most the parts your looking for. if you mag is a few years old you might want to get a repair kit and replace all the parts the wear (washers o-rings and it will come wth a new spring) its pretty cheap but my o-rings and washer were rotton so it was well worth it for me. as for the level 10 its can bit tricky to get going if you new to mags but after its all done it works great i love mine. when i first got me a ref at a local shop was kinda skeptical but he helped me pick up about 40 rounds that had be droped on the ground by other players(in the parking lot no less) we were both shocked to see them all not only fly but fly well, in short love my mag and i am sure you will love yours too

ps: welcome to the light

07-05-2004, 10:42 AM
Congrats on your first mag, they are very reliable guns, they perform very well. I am also getting back into the mag after selling both my clasic and emag to get a 2k2 timmy.

07-05-2004, 12:05 PM
Ok, I have downloaded the manuals from the site, now I just would like to get the video..

As for oil, glad to hear 3in1 will work, I have some that I was using for my cocker.

I will look at ordering a maintance kit and oil as soon as the marker comes in, would like to see what shape it is in first. Might also order the LvL 10 set at the same time :)

I do have a question though.. I was reading some stuff on different forms and looking at some other mags that are for sale..

I saw a few adds that indicated Stars on the marker, some said 3 stars, one said 4 stars..

What is it about the stars??

07-05-2004, 12:15 PM
The stars are basically free repairs. if your valve has 3 starts, then you can send it into AGD to get fixed for free only 3 times.

07-11-2004, 11:04 PM
Hey All

Well, I got my minimag last thursday.. WOW.. I love it already..

I took it on Saturday and played the day with it.. It ran like a trooper.. The only problem I had was a leak in the air system.. At first I thought it was the CA Bottle, but after redoing the teflon seal on the Fill nipple it stopped a leak from there.. But it continued.. I now believe it might be comming from the connection where the expansion chamber screws in, I believe the expansion is not in tight enough (When fully tight the lower hose hole is pointing to the front and the hose to the lowe ASA is a tad bit to short to have it completely tight like that..

What I am wondering is, Can I take the marker, charge it with air and basically submerge it to see where the leak is coming from?

Also in the past I had heard that when purchasing a used mag you should call AGD with the cerial number and such.. Is this still true?

Just doing some further follow ups :)

Thank you all for welcoming me to the Mag Family :)

07-12-2004, 01:28 AM
Indeed welcome to the world of 'Mags!!! Here's a link for your maual: http://www.airgun.com/Images/automan.pdf
Just follow the instructions in there and you will be fine!! As far as oils go, make sure the oil is not petrolium based, since these will damage your o-rings!! And anytime you buy a used 'mag, it is a good idea to go through the valve, clean, oil and replace all the seals!! As far as submerging the gun, I've told it can be done, I just rather use a spray bottle!!! Hope this helps!!

07-12-2004, 03:58 AM
actually, gassing up the marker and submerging it used to be the way of choice to clean it! I reccomend KC trouble free N2 formula for the mag. 3in1 oil isnt the best, as it can get a little gritty. Autolube is the same as gold cup oil, and works well for what you get. Good luck and have fun. As for people without mags in your area, well thats bull, because with one link to automags.org, you can get any question answered. The tech section is your friend :)

I used to be a hardcore mag user, now ive moved onto the dm4. its all taste and preference, and i will admit, while i am inlove with my dm4, i sometimes wonder how my old sfl e-mag is doing :)

07-12-2004, 04:18 AM
i sometimes wonder how my old sfl e-mag is doing :)

Im sure that you will find that out at IAO one way or another! /sold SFL wrath!

07-12-2004, 05:14 AM
Mmmmmm.... DM4 *drool*.... The ONLY gun I'd trade my Mag for! Actually, I'd still keep the Mag and sell all my other stuff!!! :headbang: Just don't make the same mistake I did and get a powertube spacer kit AND the level 10. The level 10 doesn't use them. Luckily, I've got 2 Mags (one still lvl 7) so it wasn't a complete waste, except it was working fine with the spacer it had. That'll teach me to do my research first... :rolleyes: Also, unless you have an RT valve, don't bother to get the ULE trigger either. Good luck!

07-12-2004, 07:05 AM
welcome, and i am sure that there are some guys in canada that will not only help you but will also become buddies to go play with. 3n1 oil works good, that is wut i use. pretty much anything to lube it though. mags run on anything, their great. when you send in your money to get that tape, buy the lvl 10, x valve package. it is cool. you send in ur old valve, and some money, and they send u a new x valve, with lvl 10. it is a great buy. also, what king of trigger are you looking for? if you are interested in playing tournaments, dont get the intelli (unless you have ult) (ultra light trigger) because the tournys dont allow bounce, and that is wut the intelli is made for. also, i hope u have compressed air, because that is all some mags run on. (i m sure u do, saying u said u had a cocker.) also see how heavy it wighs with everything, it really doesnt matter about weight, you might not even need the ule body (dont tell tom i said that) lol jk. maintaining it is really easy... and to field strip it, just unscrew the back pin, you can do it by hand if it isnt to tight, then the valve pulls right out. as well does the spring and wut not. check to see if the o rings are crap, cus if they are you can just buy a replacement spring package. it comes with o rings and everything you will need. ummm.... pretty much it, make sure u post up some pics, if you have any questions just pm me, or my sn is snoboardin44 and my e mail is [email protected]


DaNiMaL :ninja:

p.s. good luck with ur gun.

also i would use a spray bottle with soapy water, and spray it on the area.

07-12-2004, 07:27 AM
Welcome to AO! Post up some pics of the awesome machine! :shooting:

07-12-2004, 09:01 AM
hey , i am gettin my first emag in 2-3 days :p . i cant wait!!!! or sleep!
now i need to buy an x valve , ule frame-body ,fireblade, bigger tank and a faster hopper ..i downloaded and printed the manual , but i gettin one with the gun 2 . i am so excited!!!!!!!

07-12-2004, 09:24 AM
well other than starting a new topic i two am new to magsand on the oil question would gold cup oil work

07-14-2004, 03:19 AM
yes dynastyfan.... it would.

DaNiMaL :ninja:

07-14-2004, 04:03 PM
KC trouble free > all other gun oils
Congrats on your new mag :bounce:

07-14-2004, 04:39 PM