View Full Version : Future Paintball gun on TV

Won Hunglo
07-05-2004, 11:42 AM
If you have Time Warner I-control you can see the future of paintball guns for free. This works with Houston Time Warner. Go to I-control, then choose "free" go to favorites, choose tech TV, choose gizmos & gadgets then choose "bug zapper." It is the last part of the program. The inventor of the bug zapper has developed an electromagnet gun the needs no power source other than batteries. He shoots a lead bullet head through a 2x4 with it. Once refined, someone will take his invention & make it shoot paintballs at 300 FPS. There you have it, an paintball gun with no tank that will shoot the exact FPS you dial in. :headbang:

07-05-2004, 02:54 PM
how big would hte battery have to be? And will it be able to shoot non metallic based objects? I don't see how a magnet can really propel an object like a paintball since it can't be attracted/repulsed in any way by a magnet.

Won Hunglo
07-05-2004, 03:22 PM
The magnet moves a bolt. Nothing to do with moving a paintball that has to be made of metal. The paintball is just there for the ride. Remember, the lead this gun shoots now is not attracted to a magnet either. I remember years ago when people doubted WDP's claims of 80,000 shots per 12V recharge. I have gotten over 50,000 in two different Angels before recharging "just to be safe."

07-06-2004, 07:02 AM
Kinda sounds like a rail gun to me, and the inherent problems with it are welding and bending of the rails. With the ROF I see people are getting I don't think it would be fun to keep replacing parts.

07-06-2004, 08:18 PM
also a bolt would break a ball if it hit with enough force to propel it 300fps

Won Hunglo
07-06-2004, 08:28 PM
I still remember when we played with CO2 only then nitro came on the market. Everyone said it would NEVER work. Too big, too heavy, too expensive & no where to fill them. Goes to show. If you are the type of person who says something will never work just stay out of the way of the people doing it & you will not be ran over. Remember, there are two types of people in this world. People that wake up confused & say what the freak just happened & people that made it happen.

No sKiLLz
07-06-2004, 08:48 PM
I think with controlled acceleration it can be pretty soft on paint, kind of like magnetic level 10, however, something like that has got to be heavy as hell. And electro magnet requires a coil, and it would probably kick like a mule as well.

07-06-2004, 09:24 PM
I think with controlled acceleration it can be pretty soft on paint, kind of like magnetic level 10, however, something like that has got to be heavy as hell. And electro magnet requires a coil, and it would probably kick like a mule as well.

Ok so it kicks like a mull. But if I made this, would you care? It would be such an advancement in paintball technology, kick wouldnt matter. Think of it as the hydrogen cars made today. They are no where near practical, but in a matter of years they will be.

Chojin Man
07-06-2004, 10:46 PM
their would be some definite advantages in this type of design. i can see the first proto types being kinda bulky, but with no air tank on it; it has the potential to become much lighter than the setups we use today.

07-06-2004, 10:55 PM
Its interesting to say the least, and im sure well see something sometime. But then again...in reailty I have no problem with air...at all. Consistenty wise, size wise, it doesnt bother me, doesnt bother me that I dont have my own station either. I guess itll be good..so then like people...who cant just get air all day or whatever now have this, and it would spread, but heck....I really like how my tank and rail setup works. I wouldnt wanna use a stock or anything. :(

07-06-2004, 11:14 PM
say, use the rail gun to compress air, send it to a resivoir, and use it to propell paintballs... a self recharging tank. id buy one, no more refils... ever

07-06-2004, 11:18 PM
I wonder if it'd be possible to do something like this using a bolt that doesn't actually contact the ball. Perhaps a chamber between the ball and the bolt, a method of sealing the bolt to make it air tight, and having just such a rail-style bolt that swings forward to put enough air pressure on the ball to fire it out. I'm not fully versed in the dynamics of just such a set-up, so it poses three questions: Could this generate enough pressure to fire a ball up to 300 FPS, would this occur fast enough to satisfy a high firing rate, and what effect would such a limited volume of air have on consistancy?

Also, would such a chamber need to be at least an equal or greater length of the effective length of the barrel? Also, mind you, the bolt/chamber wouldn't nessecerilly have to be the same diameter as the bore/barrel. It could be made wider to achieve similar volume with less width.

It seems that any marker employing this sort of mechanics would have some real big kick to it. Is that about right?

EDIT: damnit, it seems Magman has already beaten me to the mechanics of this idea. :D

07-06-2004, 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by Won Hunglo
If you are the type of person who says something will never work just stay out of the way of the people doing it....

Can I get an AMEN! :hail:


07-06-2004, 11:28 PM
Can I get an AMEN! :hail:

AMEN!! :headbang:

We all have heard of Lead based paint, well how about Iron based paint. I remember having to take liquid iron supplement (tasted nasty) when I was a kid. This way getting iron added to my diet could be a bit more fun. :D


MR :dance:

07-07-2004, 09:36 AM
It will never work and let it be done

07-07-2004, 10:22 AM
The concept of railguns has been around for a while, how many people do you see using them?

I remember years ago when people doubted WDP's claims of 80,000 shots per 12V recharge. I have gotten over 50,000 in two different Angels before recharging "just to be safe."

The battery in the angel does very little compared to what this would have to do.

07-07-2004, 03:01 PM
What about a spring on the front of the bolt where it contacts the ball?

07-16-2004, 12:03 PM
http://home.insightbb.com/~jmengel4/rail/rail-intro.html I think hitler had people working on the design of a rail gun at the end of WWII never thought Hitler could help paintball :argh:

http://www.powerlabs.org/movies/rgunshot.mpg This is a video of a rail gun so when i was rading about this they were saying that the rail gun was emiting PLASMA after firing, so if they can make rail guns this beefy it would probly not be that hard to make one that toned down and smaller.

07-18-2004, 12:23 PM
I think people need to stop spending so much time on bps and start worrying about tactics and evolving the game itself and making that better. I think paintball eguipment has reached it's peak and trying to make the equipment better will only result in overkill while the game lags behind.

just my .02

07-18-2004, 12:38 PM
I think people need to stop spending so much time on bps and start worrying about tactics and evolving the game itself and making that better. I think paintball eguipment has reached it's peak and trying to make the equipment better will only result in overkill while the game lags behind.

just my .02

no, no it hasn't.

07-18-2004, 03:15 PM
Okay so in the future we will use magnets to propel metal balls excatly 300 fps. Yeah sounds like fun count me in! :headbang:

07-18-2004, 03:32 PM
I'm all for developing this concept. It could very well mean the advent of supercharged military grade weapons and constant war, but hey...

07-18-2004, 04:04 PM
it was my understanding that it was a Gauss rifle...
similar concepts but different applications. Rail guns use 2 polarized rails to accelerate projectiles, essentially just 2 magnetic fields kind of like a pitching machine. A gauss rifle uses several magnets in a row to superaccelerate a projectile.
I can't say it was the same episode on TechTV but they had a guy on the ScreenSavers that demonstrated a gauss rifle. He put a normal paperclip through a full cola can at about 5 feet with only 5 magnets i think. The magnets are set up in a way that each space between the magnets doubled the velocity of the projectile.
I guess you could use this technology to project a paintball, provided it was formed around a small ammount of ferrous material (a BB maybe?)

07-18-2004, 04:51 PM
Let's just all start using .22's and body armor.

07-18-2004, 05:04 PM
it was my understanding that it was a Gauss rifle...
similar concepts but different applications. Rail guns use 2 polarized rails to accelerate projectiles, essentially just 2 magnetic fields kind of like a pitching machine. A gauss rifle uses several magnets in a row to superaccelerate a projectile.
I can't say it was the same episode on TechTV but they had a guy on the ScreenSavers that demonstrated a gauss rifle. He put a normal paperclip through a full cola can at about 5 feet with only 5 magnets i think. The magnets are set up in a way that each space between the magnets doubled the velocity of the projectile.
I guess you could use this technology to project a paintball, provided it was formed around a small ammount of ferrous material (a BB maybe?)

Speaking of gauss rifles, I ordered away for a 'home kit'. I wish I still had it because it is dead-powerful, and it really taught me to apreciate power... You can easily make one actually, get a wooden bevelled ruler and a set of I beleive 3 or 4 magnets, along with 4 or 5 ball bearings. You place a ball bearing next to a magnet, one per magnet, on teh far side. Then I think you just flick a ball bearing into the back end, starting the 'gauss process'. It was once beleive that you could achieve perpetual motion but thats been disspelled, either because the velocity would increase too much or ( More likely ) because the ball bearings would need to be reset in between each lap...

07-18-2004, 05:41 PM
The technology allready here it just needs to be made, Im toying with the idea of making one rite now :) but if your serious check this website out and got to theories it shows you how to make a simple coil gun. www.coilgun.com

07-18-2004, 06:10 PM
Actually, one of my future projects is to buy a mock rifle, prefferably a Gsg3 replica for its length. I then plan to gut a slot from the barrel to the butt and set up a gauss system inside. Bear in mind it would just be for 'Can I do it?' sake, I wouldnt try harming anything with it. Magnets fascinate me to the fullest.

07-26-2004, 04:58 PM
The only real application for paintball I can see of a coil gun is this: Have the bolt move and be reset by changing the polarity of the coil. It would be like an autococker without a front block or main spring. BPS would be governed by the loader (obviously) and the rate at which the polarity can be changed. Kinda like a mag-lev train that goes forward-reverse-forward-reverse. But, you'd still need a gas source. There's no way you can generate enough velocity without it.

Purely speculation, but this dosen't seem to hard to make. Any takers?

07-26-2004, 05:05 PM
This thread is old, I forgot wat it was even about... Anyway it wasnt possible because they used metal balls.

Won Hunglo
07-26-2004, 08:47 PM
Do not think of the magnet propelling a ball. The magnet is propelling the bolt. The ball is there for the 300 FPM ride. :shooting:

07-26-2004, 09:01 PM
i have given thought to this idea on several occasions. to me, the biggest obsticles would be weight and in turn, recoil. if there is a way you can have the bolt "capture" the ball and then propel it to 300fps and then return that would be the best way. the recoil and cps would could be adjusted, but they would work in opposite of each other. raise the cps, you also increase the recoil. i would also think it would be hard to reduce the weight of the magnets needed to make this thing work. this is the kind of thing a bored paintballing electrical engineer needs to work on. :)

07-26-2004, 09:02 PM
Actually there's a grad EE student here at Tech who's convinced they can make a coil gun for paintball. I have yet to get him to sit down and work with me on it tho..

07-27-2004, 04:42 PM
If you had the ball fall directly in front of the bolt, then a long breech for the bolt/ball to accelerate through, then the bolt stops at the barrel and is reset from there while the ball continues down the barrel, the ball should be cradled and accelerated smoothly enough to keep it from breaking.

With the proper setup, I can't think of a reason it wouldn't work. The length of the bolt is kinda immaterial (beyond a minimum required for acceleration), and you don't need a valve so all of that room could be filled with bolt/breech. It would put the feed neck close to the back of the marker (think RM) which could bring up balance problems, but so far those seem to have been relatively easy to solve. One potential problem is that, with the long breech and then the barrel, it may end up as long as a 98.

As far as the battery size/weight, the tank could be replaced with a rechargeable battery pack, which would solve the weight/placement/lack of a "stock" issues.