View Full Version : Grudge Match at Matt's Outback in NH (previously Crusading at my Local Field)

10-15-2001, 01:15 PM
AGD edit: I merged the old thread with this new one for more visibility. Please see lower "Grudge Match" post by AGD for full explanation.

heh, CT tho, NH is a bit far!

OK - yesterday I went to this awseome field, cheap paint, free HPA...but NO Auto-Mag's!!!
Now, I felt special and all, but still, I was the only one, I wanted to try an RT or something, or see someone giving Mags a good name.

Well, anyways, my pal owns the field, and has a Novice or Am. team, not sure. So he gets his buds together and challenges me and makes the fatal mistake of dissing the Mag, and sayin its all bout the Cocker. Well we actually beat them once on Hyperball, out of 2. (Sup'Air was another story...)

Anywho, through out the rest of the day I asked around if they knew any Mag owners, and all I got was:
-Mag's USED to be good
-Mag's used to be in style
-Some days Mag's shoot like crap other times they shoot pretty good (the owner says)
-They're only cool because you can go underwater with them and still shoot

Even after I countered their evil propaganda with: Well they've got the E-mag which can switch to mech., and there is new modular bodies, and they're so small that they help me front play a lot.
I get: Well, AGD HAS to do that to stay alive...

Rather dissappointing...

Now I need to get these ppl to see the awseomeness of the Mag, a long crusade...There, that's my life, that's my story.

Hey, where can I pick up or get some AGD stickers or some AGD shirts?

10-15-2001, 01:28 PM

Hey thanks for the support!! Yes the Elves have been at work again wispering in ears. They say that because they are just not aware of things like the Shocktech SFL, the HALO testing and Pete Robinson putting down his other guns for the Emag. Let them sit there and talk with themselves to boost each other up. If they went to the Masters Tourney yesterday they would have seen that the busiest booth hands down was AGD's (Angel was there too). Be proud knowing you as an AO member are forging the direction of the company and can converse with it's owner directly. Ask those guys when the last time their gun company asked them for ideas, or product names, or package designs etc. Hang tough, 10% of the people at the Masters switched to Warp Feeds over the weekend after getting shot by people that already had them, it will get to your field eventually.


10-15-2001, 01:32 PM
No offense, but the people that play at your field are pretty close minded and know nothing about other guns. I feel very bad for you. With those people, argueing is the worst thing you can do. Just go out there, kick some butt and show them that mags are fantastic guns! Keep up the good fight! :)

Also, "shoot underwater" ?????? Since when did we have water paintball???? hahhahaha, those people need some serious enlightenment.

10-15-2001, 01:39 PM
I played with an electric gun too, and a lot of ppl told me, once I try those, you'll never want to go back...too bad after 2 rounds with an Eclipse, I did, I love my Mag...

Now if I can get some stickers or some sort of other AGD proaganda to post everywhere...;)


10-15-2001, 02:06 PM
call em up i believe that the stickers are free ! cuz i just called up and they sent some to me ! i am one of the few at me feild with a mag, everyone one there hates them and they all have timmies and cockers, but i love me mag and won't get anything else, especially since the cockers are always breaking and my mag always works.

10-15-2001, 02:24 PM
Just shoot them out a lot with your gun, and tell them it is the gun :) Those people sound like they will believe anything.

10-15-2001, 02:25 PM
Hey PowerFedMag,

Where's the field? It must be around me. I'll go down and bring the E-Mag, and my Son next Sunday. :D

10-15-2001, 02:32 PM
That would be sweet.

It's in Coventry.

677 Riley Mt. Rd.
Coventry, CT 06238

I believe if you on rt. 44, and go down North river road you can find it. I could not find Riley Mt. Rd. directly off of rt.44 even tho the map I have says it is.


10$ walk on fee
Free HPA
Diablo paint, and other assorted (cheap is 55 for case, 15 for 500)
one Sup'Air
2 Hyperball
wooods fields
CO2 fills are around 4$

Main prob, is not many refs...but ppl their are honest at least.


10-15-2001, 02:49 PM
This Sunday it is. What time do they start?

10-15-2001, 02:52 PM
quit worring about what other people shoot, if your at your field and people say somin, well don't worry play your game, quit complaining, if ya have game, then don't worry about what gun, shoot'em out and ya don't hagve to worry.

10-15-2001, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by Russ
This Sunday it is. What time do they start?

It starts at 9, I'll prolly be at 10. Ends when ppl leave, or it gets dark...I'm the last one to leave always!!! (Pball obsessed)

by the way, names Jeff, I'm tall n' stuff, really hope to see u there.

not worrying bout what ppl shoot, just trying to bring the AGD spirit to local field.

10-15-2001, 03:15 PM
I'll be there on sunday amd if my friend gets his back in time there will be three emags and 2 micro mag retros there on sunday :D we will show them what mag lovin is all about

come get some emag lovin!

10-15-2001, 03:24 PM
Seriously, if you guys come that will be soooo great!
I just want to make an all Mag team for the day, and we'll just sit at the same table and be like, what what what.

It'll be so funny, cuz I told em all Mags were gunna come to town, and they're like...yea.

I can't wait...too bad I'm the only non RT\E-Mag...and on CO2, without a revy......
oh well, pball rox


10-15-2001, 04:05 PM

I just printed out the maps. I'll be there on Sunday. So, is the name of the field Matt's Outback?

Do I HAVE to buy field paint (FPO)? At $55 a case, I should anyways.

I don't have the warp body from AGD yet, but if it shows up before the weekend, I'll rig it up. My name's, well, Russ, and my Son's is Dave. I'm the tall, old geek with the fade E-Mag. Dave shoots a Spyder with every possible gadget that could be added to it.

Hope to see magmonkey & friends there, too. :)

10-15-2001, 04:59 PM
I'll be there just look for the wierd bald guy with the all black warpfeed emag hanging around with the evil inside guys

10-15-2001, 08:35 PM
WOW!!! WOOOW!! I really want to hear details after you guys get back next weekend! Take PICS!!

Guys thanks for the support, it means more than you can know.


10-15-2001, 09:28 PM
hey tom are you going to be at the cup? if so id like to show you the new mag body I built (you might remember me from such tourneys as skyball) I showed you my version of a micromag :D and then i have talked to you about a twin barrell rt ..... well it is coming out nicley and if you are going to be down there I will bring it on the trip just to see if you approve

10-15-2001, 09:56 PM
hahahahahahaaaaaa! Tom you're such a big kid!

10-15-2001, 10:41 PM
That sounds fun. I'm in mass, and might make the trip down to coventry just to "join the team" If anyone there wants to diss the mags reliability, I've been playing with the same stock mag for around 8 years.

names John, I'll be wearing all tigersrtripe camo and playing with a Minimag on co2.

Is it ok to bring your own paint?

10-15-2001, 11:23 PM

I merged the old thread with this one because I thought it needed a little more attention. If you all read the threads below you will see that one of our loyal members went to a field that was dissing mags because there were none there. Now members from different areas are going to converge on the field Sunday to give a show of force!! This is just great so I wanted you all to see this evolve and if anyone else is in the area to come on down!!

As a show of solidarity, if someone gives me a cell phone number I will call the team personally on Sunday at 1:00pm eastern time.

The Team at,


10-16-2001, 04:45 AM
Tom, the field's in Connecticut! :rolleyes:

10-16-2001, 05:52 AM
this is so awseome I can't believe the response. I'll see if I can get a hold of the "family" cell, and PM my # to you Tom.

I'll bring a CVS one use camera too, so we get a pic of all the Magger's.

Yes, you can bring off field paint, and I am almost posative HPA is free...since its not behind the counters and all these ppl just walk up to em and self fill.

I'll check again with Matt (the team capt. as well) on paint prices. A lot of it is Diablo.
I have to go to Albany on Saturday, so I should hopefully be at the field before noon, I am definitly packing my gear in the car Sat. to save time...
can't wait to see you guys here.
(Oh yea I said the field was awseome...its also my first field so if you guys see it and think its poor or average...dont be surprised)



10-16-2001, 06:02 AM
the field is pretty nice. I wonder if he ever got the 10 man speedball field setup. As of right now, it's 2 5 man fields (one could be a 7 man possibly), a 3 man supair, and a woods field (5man). He did a nice job setting it up. Very safe field. I got the chance to play in the last MPL tourney there. Didn't do that well, came in first during the day (out of everyone in the novice division) and then blew it in the first game of the playoffs (single elimination). So we were gone. kinda sucked. I'm not shooting a mag right now, but will probably be once i can afford to get an emag to test out. Still waiting for the new modular emags, so i can put a warp on it and the halo.

10-16-2001, 07:20 AM
Hey Guys
i'm pretty sure Matt's out back will be playing at coventry this sunday. Same type of fields just a little more south into CT. I'll talk to matt and see whats up. I'm the fat red headed kid with the excalibur (hopefully be shotting my emag if i gets back in time from AGD nudge nudge wink wink)
My real name is Chris Wilke. Come up and talk i don't bite much just ask Mag Monkey.

10-16-2001, 08:14 AM
OK guys, I'm a little confused. What it the name of the field in Coventry, CT, and how does it relate to "Matt's Outback"? :confused:

BTW, my warp body for the E-Mag just came in :D I'll be using the warp this Sunday.

10-16-2001, 09:58 AM
Ok it was late, I was tired, I screwed up. What is the real name and location of this field?


10-16-2001, 11:50 AM
LOL Tom made a mistake! NOOOOO! We are all doomed!;)
I have a cheapo digital camera that sometimes works, and will bring that to try to get some pics as well.

It would help If I could get some more detailed directions from Mass starting from 91.

10-16-2001, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by PowerFedMag
That would be sweet.

It's in Coventry.

677 Riley Mt. Rd.
Coventry, CT 06238

I believe if you on rt. 44, and go down North river road you can find it. I could not find Riley Mt. Rd. directly off of rt.44 even tho the map I have says it is.

10$ walk on fee
Free HPA
Diablo paint, and other assorted (cheap is 55 for case, 15 for 500)
one Sup'Air
2 Hyperball
wooods fields
CO2 fills are around 4$


Use Mapquest or Yahoo for directions...if you guys have more trouble finding it ask.
Someone told me Matt isn't playing Sunday, but it should still be open (OR ELSE)! At least he didn't dis the Mags.

The name of the field is: Matt's Paintball Field, at least in the back of one of my pball Mag(azine)'s it is. Matt's, Matt's OutBack, or whatever, as long as it says, Matt's and its in CT, I wouldn't worry.

10-16-2001, 03:01 PM
ok here is the deal
Sat the game is at matt's (the place powerfeedmag has been before)
Sun the game is at Joe's in cromwell
the directions for joes are: from north, its 91 south to exit 21, left at bottom of off ramp, about 1/2 mile on right.
from the south is pretty much the same, just take 21 off of 91 north
Tom (the owner) switches where the game is held each week
what is a better day for people? I am good for pretty much good for either day but would prefer Sat.

For the record
white box 50
diablo rec 55
Blaze 65
these are for 2000 rnd cases
any more questions? feel free to bug me on IM my Screen name is Gecko779

10-16-2001, 03:28 PM
Sunday is definitly the day.

Cromwell is a bit of a drive for me...prolly more so for MA ppl.

Gosh darn!
Well, we'll get more specific directions up.
Worse comes to worse, next weekend?

um...I'll post soon again.

10-16-2001, 03:52 PM
Fishsauce66 :D

10-17-2001, 12:34 AM
Sooo... Joes In cromwell is the place?

10-17-2001, 07:22 AM
Yea me and magmonkey will be there be great to see some of you guys thier too

10-17-2001, 04:39 PM
Hey, wanna move it to next weekend, Sunday?
I have to go to Albany this Sat., so I may not have a ride home.

Ugh, Magmonkey, and Russ I'll PM ya. :eek:

10-17-2001, 11:17 PM
This sunday may be the last sunday I can play before boot camp. Would you guys want to make it a two week thing? think of it, twice the maggy domination for all the nonbelievers out there.:cool:

If not, I may go down there anyways, just to check it out.:D

10-18-2001, 09:41 AM
Originally posted by PowerFedMag
Hey, wanna move it to next weekend, Sunday?
I have to go to Albany this Sat., so I may not have a ride home.

Ugh, Magmonkey, and Russ I'll PM ya. :eek:

You wouldn't be going to the Pledge of allegence concert would you? I'm going to that.

10-18-2001, 03:24 PM
Well, next weekend I will prolly play both Saturday and Sunday to make up for lack of game time during this weekend!
I can't believe my 2 er 3 month pball everyweekend streak is finally coming to an end!
My Mag must feel neglected, not being used for more than 7 days!

So, Matt's field, Saturday and Sunday (Sunday will prolly be better since that's fo shot, Sat. might turn out to be a no go).

Mag's unite...n'stuff!

Hey Tom, still wanna call us Magger's?


10-18-2001, 04:12 PM
I'll be playing both days