View Full Version : for collectors: Does re-Anno Lower the Value?

07-06-2004, 06:37 AM
Let's say hypothetically that I own an old marker that has a substantial monetary value on it, however after 15 years of play it's become rather worn. I've been considering on the parts that have worn (bolt, adjustment knobs, frame...) to re-anno to match the stock finish, and to powdercoat the non-alum painted parts to match.

However, will this devalue it from a historical standpoint? I don't see really how anyone would be able to tell, and I am not allowed to sell it, so it's not about the money, it's more about historical purposes, but I really wanted to restore it to the original condition.

07-06-2004, 06:53 AM
Some would prefer original worn, but many would prefer original rebuilt to spec. If you can get it back to original stock look using original processes without deviation from stock spec, then it has merit.

07-06-2004, 11:17 AM
What gun are we talking about here?

For instance, I had an old sterling with a rather unique shade of gunmetal blue anno... I almost had it re-done a different color, but then found out why it had that original color... it was 1 of 5 used by Avalanche to win the World Cup back in the 80s... that original anno, even though scratched, worn, and not very pretty in some places made the gun worth a lot more as a collectable...

matching anno is tough, depending on color it may not come out very well.

if the original parts were painted that you want to powdercoat now, I'd go with painting instead, just to keep it more original.


07-06-2004, 12:01 PM
it's a palmer.

the parts i want to re-anno are the bolt and ASA, as they've seen better days.

I want to powdercoat the gripframe because the painted gripframes palmer uses always seem to peel over time, this one has had a LOT of time, and I figured it wouldn't make a difference.

It's all flat black, so matching would be no problem, though there's not much to match, since the body is nickel plated.

07-06-2004, 12:07 PM
Send it back to Palmers and have them rebuild the gun to original spec. I know what gun you are talking about and I would think it would be best to leave it original. For instance, the frame, do not powdercoat it, but get it re coated (with what ever the hell they used on those damn frames).

I agree, what ever that coating is, sucks, but blame Sheridan as it's the same thing they used.

07-06-2004, 01:05 PM
so probably a no on the reanno then...

you know, someday i have to get a NEW one so that I can do whatever the hell I want with it.

07-06-2004, 01:38 PM
Well, seeing as all the anno is black, I don't see why not. I mean what is actually aluminum on that thing? The vert ASA, back velocity adjusters and that would be it right?

07-06-2004, 02:27 PM
Yah, that's what I was going to re-anno. Bolts, ASA, the muzzle brakes (gotta match, right?), Replace the brass hardline and fittings (it's pretty beat up), I was thinking of getting some of the brass QEVs from a rainmaker owner, but I don't know if you can disassemble them...

One more interesting thing though. The bolt was annoed then modified by the factory. They cut a slot in the back because the right bolt couldn't clear the rear ASA... :)