View Full Version : NXL trigger spec changed

07-06-2004, 07:05 AM
As of last week, the new trigger spec for the NXL (I don't think the NPPL spec changed) basically states that as long as the gun doesn't fire fully auto, then its ok. They allow ramping, turbo, bounce, reactive, anything as long as it isn't pull and hold the trigger to fire.

Personnally, I hope this doesn't transfer over to regular tournament play.

In testing, the new shocker apparently was able to put out a ball every 9 ft downfield by allowing this type of feature. I can't remember the speed of a ball after it has travelled 100ft downfield, but I do know that it translates into a lot of bps that can be maintained without much effort.

Anyone else hear about the new ruling? Comments?

07-06-2004, 07:08 AM
As of last week, the new trigger spec for the NXL (I don't think the NPPL spec changed) basically states that as long as the gun doesn't fire fully auto, then its ok. They allow ramping, turbo, bounce, reactive, anything as long as it isn't pull and hold the trigger to fire.

just wondering where you heard this from?

07-06-2004, 07:13 AM
I think it's pretty retarded. I don't know why they would do that, maybe the "pros" were complaining that their fingers hurt.

I don't understand why they don't just allow full auto if they do that, doesn't make sense at all. Everyone will set up their guns for when you hit 2bps it ramps to 30 or something stupid.

Head knight of Ni
07-06-2004, 07:39 AM
and thats why I prefer the NPPL. The PSP(Xball) is allowing cheater guns while the NPPL is DQ'ing teams for using cheater boards. :ninja:

07-06-2004, 07:41 AM
As of last week, the new trigger spec for the NXL (I don't think the NPPL spec changed) basically states that as long as the gun doesn't fire fully auto, then its ok. They allow ramping, turbo, bounce, reactive, anything as long as it isn't pull and hold the trigger to fire.


I hope you only mean ramping of BPS. Ramping velocity is a big no no. 300 fps was deamed the international limit and shoot stay that way. bps been rarely been limited if at all. Ramp bps... k whatever.. boucne,... hmm k whatever.. ramp your velocity and I will beat the "explictive deleted" out of you.

While I dont agree with what may no be legal, just so it keeps them safe, as in legal FPS, then let the pros get lit up.. fine by me..


07-06-2004, 07:53 AM
Being as everything in his post is talking about BPS, I seriously doubt that they mean FPS.

Well depending how the rule pans out, NPPL could change too. Pressure from teams and sponsors can do a lot to make things change.

07-06-2004, 08:11 AM
It is bps not fps.

My source is the CEO/Coach of the Miami Effect. I got the info from him directly.

07-06-2004, 10:02 AM

So, guys, what can you find to complain about now? They're not cheating anymore... maybe they wear too much clothing? :rolleyes:

07-06-2004, 10:24 AM
The PBNation response.


07-06-2004, 10:49 AM
Cuz there's SOOOOOOOOOOO many of those in the NXL... I count a total of... um, carry the 3, minus 2....


07-06-2004, 10:51 AM
Bouncing now legal.....interesting. I am sure they will have some reason why RT's are not allowed. We will wait and see.

On another note this is the same method that all forms of cheating have become part of the game (notice that I didn't say sport). Once again the people figuring out how to cheat the rules have determined where the direction of the game goes.

You guys have to live with it, I hope it works out.


07-06-2004, 11:04 AM
I heard this same rumor from the Captain of my X Ball team. Grrrreat. I'm looking forward to more injury now.

Guess it's time to trade in my Viking for a DM4 or Alias so I can have a board modified.

I hate cheater boards and I shoot fast but it's hard to compete with boards that can ramp and shoot faster than me with just one finger.

07-06-2004, 11:08 AM
Z-Man, we have GOT to get you on an NXL team :rofl:

07-06-2004, 11:29 AM
Guess it's time to trade in my Viking for a DM4.

uhhh? WAS debounce 1 ring a bell?

cheating have become part of the game, notice that I didn't say sport


07-06-2004, 11:31 AM
uhhh? WAS debounce 1 ring a bell?


Trust me ramping and WAS debounce 1 are not the same. Given bounce helps alot. All of the ramping boards that I've shot.....are just....well it makes me sad.

07-06-2004, 11:55 AM
Please notice that this is NXL only. Divisional xball will in all likelyhood keep the rules that it had before. These rules do not allow bouncing guns.

With that said, I would like a real source on this info. The fact that someone heard it from an NXL coach or player does not constitute its validity.

07-06-2004, 12:26 PM
so basically, nothings changed.

Jaremy Rykker
07-06-2004, 12:30 PM
Bouncing now legal.....interesting. I am sure they will have some reason why RT's are not allowed. We will wait and see.

On another note this is the same method that all forms of cheating have become part of the game (notice that I didn't say sport). Once again the people figuring out how to cheat the rules have determined where the direction of the game goes.

You guys have to live with it, I hope it works out.


So is that why you're going into the scenario market? You don't want to live with it?

07-06-2004, 12:36 PM
no offence to you, but i think that i will wait for some news group, warpig, paintball.com etc to confirm this.

07-06-2004, 12:42 PM
I never said it was fact. I just said it was a rumor that I heard. Another reason why I never posted it. I'm still waiting till I hear it from a reliable source myself.

07-06-2004, 12:56 PM
no offence to you, but i think that i will wait for some news group, warpig, paintball.com etc to confirm this.

Ditto. If it is true, I will be getting a DM4 before my next tourny.

07-06-2004, 01:01 PM
Ditto. If it is true, I will be getting a DM4 before my next tourny.

Um... unless your next tourney is playing NXL in pittsburgh, I dont see a point to this statement.

07-06-2004, 01:05 PM
Um... unless your next tourney is playing NXL in pittsburgh, I dont see a point to this statement.

There is really no point to it, I am just stating, if the trigger spec is changed, then I guess it is worth getting a DM4, because one of my fields has an X ball field, they follow all NXL rules, the next tourny I play is on going to be mostly on an x ball field.

07-06-2004, 03:33 PM
So let me get this staight:

It's full auto, and therefore illegal, if you hold your finger all the way down.

But it's not illegal, if your finger only stays in one spot, and the trigger moves up and down.

Talk about semantics......


07-06-2004, 03:44 PM
I'm alright with it if it stays in the Nxl mostly because they all were doing it not just a few and they know going onto the field that they could get hit ten to twenty times. it will be sad if it trickles down to the lower levels of play.

07-06-2004, 04:01 PM
Bouncing now legal.....interesting. I am sure they will have some reason why RT's are not allowed. We will wait and see.

On another note this is the same method that all forms of cheating have become part of the game (notice that I didn't say sport). Once again the people figuring out how to cheat the rules have determined where the direction of the game goes.

You guys have to live with it, I hope it works out.


Bravo, Tom.

You are the first industry person I have ever heard acknowledge that this is not really a sport. It takes a strong man to say "the emperor has no clothes."

07-06-2004, 05:35 PM
Basically, nothing is stopping people from pulling the trigger at 1 bps and having the gun shoot 25 bps or so. I don't really like this at all. I guess it makes it look better for tv though, seeing people shoot 25 bps is way cooler then seeing people shoot 15. I like the format of psp way more, but the organization and dedication of nppl is much better. If nppl adopted xball, there would be no reason to play psp.

07-06-2004, 05:35 PM
It could have been a sport. That was the goal of X-ball. Now look what they do, like Tom said earlier, this is against ASTM standards. Just limit the BPS to 15 and be done with it. There is no need to shoot any faster. If you can run through a 15bps stream of hellfire, please show me, it's damn-near impossible unless you get incredibly lucky.

Another reason why I don't like x-ball nor do I want to play it. And I don't care if it doesn't matter for divisions. The point of x-ball was to make this be a recognizable sport. Them allowing cheaters into the game because they're too pansy to suck it up and DQ players for having illegal guns, then screw it, I don't want to play it.


07-06-2004, 05:39 PM
They're not cheaters anymore.

07-06-2004, 06:47 PM
The point of x-ball was to make this be a recognizable sport. Them allowing cheaters into the game because they're too pansy to suck it up and DQ players for having illegal guns, then screw it, I don't want to play it.

Too pansy, or too difficult to enforce evenly and fairly?

Unless I am mistaken, there have been players and or teams DQed for illegal guns at every event this year, except for New Orleans.

07-06-2004, 07:13 PM
I guess it makes it look better for tv though, seeing people shoot 25 bps is way cooler then seeing people shoot 15.

No, you need to go the other way.

It's better TV to see players get HIT 25 times a second, rather than 15. It's the "bread and circuses" syndrome. People like to see suffering and pain, and watching a guy get hit 20 times is better TV. If I'm wrong, then why does the NFL broadcasts have slow-motion replays of the hard hits, and really get into showing hte people at home "Wow, look at that ankle. I'ts not supposed to bend like that!"

The Romans had it dialed in. We're just re-discovering it.


07-06-2004, 07:14 PM
I somehow saw this coming, and I dont know if that came off as rude, or my being a jerk.
I really can believe this happened. Damnit.

07-06-2004, 07:17 PM
i think that it would (should) be easy to regulate you equipment, hell EVERY "sport" regulates equipment so that you are playing the player not his gear. the thing is it all trickels down to the rec feilds. last weekend there was a group out at nfinate(my local feild) that played turnys and all they did was dump cases of paint at the rental kids .....WTF ........ i fully support a bps limit and a paint limit .......hay lets start our own series of turnys hell we got enough people here that are well versed on the game and equipment all we need is a good sponcer ......hint hint tom...lol

07-06-2004, 09:19 PM
So whats the deal with the NPPL and PSP. They're back together, right? I stopped following it after a while. About the same time I got back into Scenario(style) play. Just got fed up with the BS of speedball. Don't get me wrong, I love speedball to death. I love to watch it, but keeping up with all aspects of it just got to be too much. Now is Xball under which organization: NPPL, PSP, or NPPL/PSP. Is it its own completely independent organization?

07-06-2004, 09:27 PM
Too pansy, or too difficult to enforce evenly and fairly?

Unless I am mistaken, there have been players and or teams DQed for illegal guns at every event this year, except for New Orleans.

Well bill, im waiting to find out if you have any information on this so called news break, i figured you would have the real facts.

Spyder, the psp and nppl are 2 different entities. X ball is played at the psp events, and so are all of the NXL events. The NXL is supposed to become a separate entity tho in the future from what i understand

07-06-2004, 11:29 PM
I think it's pretty hardcore, :headbang: I mean come on people. So many people whine about CHEATER Boards. Oh well, all they'll do is shoot each other more. I don't see any problem with it, it's not like i am playing in the NXL or anything as many whining people aren't.
-Ryan :shooting:

07-06-2004, 11:39 PM
If trigger bounce is no longer an issue THIS IS GREAT NEWS FOR MECHANICAL MAGS!

Crank your Mags input pressure up to 900 and go to town on those electros!z-man can go to town with his RT and a scuba tank on his back in X-Ball now :headbang:

edit: tyger, if the gauner board was real... they oughta put that into action in the NXL :rofl:

07-06-2004, 11:42 PM
Too difficult to enforce fairly?

They gave Dynasty over half-an-hour to get their guns to not bounce at Millenium, yet they DQed other teams because of bouncy guns. If the gun bounces, the gun is not allowed on the field. They should have them setup before the tourney, they should not be allowed time to fiddle around on the field.

I don't think it's hard to enforce. If the gun bounces, no matter what it's not allowed on the field. They shouldn't get a second chance to bring out another gun to see if it will be acceptable.

I think they are being pansies. Instead of enforcing the rules, they let it go because they have trouble enforcing it effectively/fairly.

Ninja. :ninja:

07-06-2004, 11:44 PM
I hope the NPPL doesn't decide to do as NXL did. I think that the way they handled the whole ramping issue with the Redz Hurricanes is the way it should be. I don'treally care about bounce or BPS ramping itself but I'm all for more respect for the leagues and the decisions they make.

07-07-2004, 12:40 AM
I don't think it's hard to enforce. If the gun bounces, no matter what it's not allowed on the field. They shouldn't get a second chance to bring out another gun to see if it will be acceptable.

At huntington beach I was shooting a gun that I truthfully could not make bounce, yet the chrono judge was able to get the gun to bounce. I had no way of knowing that the gun could bounce until he shot it. I shouldn't have had a second chance with a different gun?

07-07-2004, 12:41 AM
BTW The psp does still care about bounce etc in divisional xball. I had my alias checked for bounce 4+ times in one match because I was shooting it so fast.

07-07-2004, 12:46 AM
You should not get another chance.

If the gun can be bounced, it should not be allowed onto the field. Nor should the person get another chance.

Playing a major tournament with strict rules like that, you should know before-hand it can't be bounced.

07-07-2004, 12:47 AM
At huntington beach I was shooting a gun that I truthfully could not make bounce, yet the chrono judge was able to get the gun to bounce. I had no way of knowing that the gun could bounce until he shot it. I shouldn't have had a second chance with a different gun?

unfortunatly for you ....yes... it shouldnt be up to a persons finger pull to test a marker maybe some sort of sensor/servo set up ....... hay here's a chance for another adg inovation

07-07-2004, 03:39 AM
The GAME of the future or somtime in the past

Like Chinese DownHill....First the rules.........THERE ARE NO RULES

Any Gun Full Auto.......FPS= no limit. Wipeing there aint no wipeing, you aint out till you call yourself out or cant move

My team=FN303s with full kevlar head to foot........Me, 9mm Barretta. Crap on that....[note to self order Barrettas for rest of team] now where did I put those Meds? Dam now I gotta go to Therapy this week..


07-07-2004, 04:04 AM
The GAME of the future or somtime in the past

Like Chinese DownHill....First the rules.........THERE ARE NO RULES

Any Gun Full Auto.......FPS= no limit. Wipeing there aint no wipeing, you aint out till you call yourself out or cant move

My team=FN303s with full kevlar head to foot........Me, 9mm Barretta. Crap on that....[note to self order Barrettas for rest of team] now where did I put those Meds? Dam now I gotta go to Therapy this week..


Dude.WTF. What the hell are you talking about? That didn't make ANY SENSE. How did that relate to the subject on hand?

07-07-2004, 05:47 AM
he was talking about the directiong the game is going on to.

as far as i see it the NXL is a joke ( not x-ball ...that is hella fun)
NXL was always a joke to me. their Standards will probably trickle down.
so pressure from sponsers will force the NPPL to do it ...then XPSL....you know what happens next. then if this move on to rec fields...which would have a hard time regulating this , it could get bad.

thats my 2.cents


07-07-2004, 11:05 AM
NXL is more of a joke now since they finally fell to the pressure of teams threatening to leave if they weren't allowed to play another series. Denver NPPL is going to have Aftershock and the Assassins playing (under different names of course).

07-07-2004, 11:31 AM
Aftershock will be playing as aftershock, assassins will be playing as ironmen. NXL is becoming more and more of a joke. Why are the best players playing in a league where they aren't even seeing money to win? They have such a great concept, that they are just screwing up imo.

07-07-2004, 11:34 AM
Yep, Aftershock is playing under Shock. Kenny Klamper and Travis Day both come out and practice with our team about twice a month.

07-07-2004, 12:00 PM
It could have been a sport. That was the goal of X-ball. Now look what they do, like Tom said earlier, this is against ASTM standards. Just limit the BPS to 15 and be done with it. There is no need to shoot any faster. If you can run through a 15bps stream of hellfire, please show me, it's damn-near impossible unless you get incredibly lucky.

Another reason why I don't like x-ball nor do I want to play it. And I don't care if it doesn't matter for divisions. The point of x-ball was to make this be a recognizable sport. Them allowing cheaters into the game because they're too pansy to suck it up and DQ players for having illegal guns, then screw it, I don't want to play it.


Ther is no needto shoot any more than 2-3BPS. If you have the skill to lead a moving target. Super-high BPS just makes it easier, since you just wait for the other guy to run into your stream.

A BPS limit isn't the solution, and never was. The solution is to have verifiable standards for the technology, so the playing field is as level as possible. E-guns, by their nature, are not verifiable.

IF this change is true, it is a concern for all of us, even those who have no aspirations to play NXL. Those boards and those standards WILL trickle down into lower-level tourney play, and into rec play as well. How many of your buddies will come back for a second game of rec-ball if they keep getting lit-up by a skill-less punk with a 25BPS e-gun?

07-07-2004, 12:22 PM
forget it. You people think you can be competitive playing major tourneys while shooting 5 bps. Id like to see it happen. Go ahead and try a run through with a model 98. Even if everyone is shooting mech cocekrs, chances are you'll get rolled. No, the gun istn everything. But it is a major part.

Im getting real sick of people on here nit picking. Ok, so youre gun never ever bounces. Good for you. Others do. Does that discredit everyone elses? Or does the fact that you can play rec ball with a stock gun and shoot someone running 60 feet away mean that other people can? or that you could do that in a competitive setting? or if so, why is it you dont go to an nppl event shooting a phantom? All anyone does is cry about how everyone illegaly shoots so fast. Granted, some good solutions and ideas are being thrown around.

07-07-2004, 12:31 PM
right buddy, keep thinking that.

anyway, the thing that pisses me off most about bounce is how its checked for. IF you pull the trigger slowly, looking for a sweetspot, EVERY GUN WILL BOUNCE. but that isnt really bounce. Its just the recoil actuating the switch, which is inpractical to try in a game anyway. I dont like how thats qualified as bounce, and gets legal guns pulled, when a ton of guns just go nuts when you double tap them.

right buddy, keep thinking that.

I've had my WAS'ed Viking on debounce of 3 (the setting I played with) and there is no bounce at all when pulling it slowly. I've used whole tanks trying from every angle, every speed, and every direction to get it to bounce, and nothing. So that theory for EVERY GUN is out the window.

07-07-2004, 12:57 PM
right buddy, keep thinking that.

anyway, the thing that pisses me off most about bounce is how its checked for. IF you pull the trigger slowly, looking for a sweetspot, EVERY GUN WILL BOUNCE. but that isnt really bounce. Its just the recoil actuating the switch, which is inpractical to try in a game anyway. I dont like how thats qualified as bounce, and gets legal guns pulled, when a ton of guns just go nuts when you double tap them.

u aee ,the thing i dont get, is this was never a problem, untill was came around. BOUNCE was not an issue, and if it was, it was a simple switch replacement. thats how it should have stayed

07-07-2004, 02:27 PM
right buddy, keep thinking that.

I know a fair number of people who can hit a running man at 60ft with a stock-pistol.

If they don't "need" more firepower than that, why do the competitive players who are supposed to be the best? Paintballers played competitive tourney's for almost a decade before the ROF got above 5BPS. It's just easier and cooler to play with the latest hi-tech markers.

If everyone has the same level of gear, you don't "need" more than a stock-pistol to compete in paintball. If everyone has a marker that shoots 10BPS, or 15, or 20, then it makes sense to compete with the same level of gear. But once you talk about scaling back, as Blazestorm did, you can't say that you "need" a certain BPS. That's BS.

07-07-2004, 02:37 PM
I haven't read the whole thread, so forgive me if I'm repeating something.
Many people have already said that it would be too difficult to check each and every gun on the field. I think the simplest solution might be to use a standardized loaders. The loaders would be maintained and handed out the people running the tournament. The loaders would be given out randomly to the players prior to the game and then take back afterwards. A gun can have all the bounce and ramping but if a 30BPS gun is limited by a 17BPS loader, it can only shoot as fast as the loader can feed. Maintaining 1000 loaders would be more efficient than checking and teching 1000 guns.
I think either Odyssey, VL, etc. would love to have all of the players using their hoppers. I know the topic of of sponsorships, tournament support, company support for the tournament, etc. will come into play but this might be the easiest way to curb illegal guns. Also, the league would lose less money if they used standardized loaders instead of standardized guns. There are a lot more companies that make paitnball guns than ones that produce loaders.

07-07-2004, 05:44 PM
yeah thats the way make them all use revys then they would be limited to under 12bps. that would be good, just think about it.

07-07-2004, 07:28 PM
No, you need to go the other way.

It's better TV to see players get HIT 25 times a second, rather than 15. It's the "bread and circuses" syndrome. People like to see suffering and pain, and watching a guy get hit 20 times is better TV. If I'm wrong, then why does the NFL broadcasts have slow-motion replays of the hard hits, and really get into showing hte people at home "Wow, look at that ankle. I'ts not supposed to bend like that!"

The Romans had it dialed in. We're just re-discovering it.


OK man. Stop right there.

That's just plain funny! I had never thought of it from this angle.

I personally have no interest in 'pro' or tournament paintball really.

But to see these guys get injured? You've suddenly piqued my interest! Damn straight I'll be buying the special edition DVD with bonus footage of them spending 10 minutes searching the field for someone's eyeball, only to find it had landed in the bleachers!

25BPS is too slow though, they need to hit the full 30+. They also need to make full facemasks optional. Who wants to see a bunch of facemasked pansies playing paintball?

That would make for some satisfying viewing. The thought of it makes me want to go eat red meat right now. Like a big, bleeding steak.

07-07-2004, 10:58 PM
They might be able to do it like racing, from pro to amatuer: everybody goes through tech before the event starts. Anything blatantly out of place can be corrected and re-submitted while tech is open.

If you win or somebody lodges a complaint, you can expect the entire team's equipment to be impounded, scrutinized, and disassembled. Any discrepancy would require the disqualification of the team.

If you had an organization with the cajones to do it equipment cheating would fade dramatically. Of course, the only way to grow such a pair is if the sponsors demand it and the prize money is such that to make competition outside of this organization inviable.

BTW, what's so diffucult about 1 pull = 1 shot?

07-07-2004, 11:26 PM
Its all true then huh? I overheard Gerald Garcia talking about this when he was loitering about at TPF. :rolleyes:

And from what I understood ramping still wasn't alowed along with the full auto.. but then again i have terrible ears so someone correct me if im wrong. :confused:

07-08-2004, 01:13 PM
BTW, what's so diffucult about 1 pull = 1 shot?

Is there a formal definition of what a pull (minimum pull?) is?

07-08-2004, 01:22 PM
Is there a formal definition of what a pull (minimum pull?) is?

Pull the trigger, release and one shot is fired. Not more than one. I would assume thats it, i'm sure they have some fancy wording for it though.

07-08-2004, 02:17 PM
Pull the trigger, release and one shot is fired. Not more than one. I would assume thats it, i'm sure they have some fancy wording for it though.
That would be the obvious meaning. That there would be a one to one correspondence between the trigger's pull/release cycle and shots fired.

Or were you getting at something else, Goatboy?

07-08-2004, 09:58 PM
C'mon guys, this has been discussed before.

07-09-2004, 09:22 AM
Well bill, im waiting to find out if you have any information on this so called news break, i figured you would have the real facts.


It's not true. They're considering it, but haven't written a new rule, let alone voted on it yet (rules changes have to pass by a 2/3 vote of the owners.)

07-09-2004, 12:50 PM
I'm greatly hoping for serious injuries, or even a death or two. Because until then nothing is going to change and nothing will be cracked down on. Rather instead more and more rules and regulations will be pushed aside or ignored or bent for the big-wig sponsors.

"How could you wish for something like that?" Well it's easier than you think. Besides nothing every really happens until a pissed off outcry occurs from tragic events.

07-09-2004, 01:11 PM
I'm greatly hoping for serious injuries, or even a death or two. Because until then nothing is going to change and nothing will be cracked down on. Rather instead more and more rules and regulations will be pushed aside or ignored or bent for the big-wig sponsors.

"How could you wish for something like that?" Well it's easier than you think. Besides nothing every really happens until a pissed off outcry occurs from tragic events.

I won't say I'm hoping for serious injuries, but I'm certainly waiting for them. It's inevitable with the way things are going.

But I'm also waiting/hoping for the day we get serious about safety.

07-09-2004, 03:07 PM
Check it


No New Trigger rules.

07-09-2004, 06:51 PM
But I'm also waiting/hoping for the day we get serious about safety.

Exactly. And safety won't be an important factor of enforcement or thought until [see my previous post]...

07-09-2004, 07:43 PM
Ugh, makes me sick..

As has already been said, people like to see action. Its sick how immoral we as a society (read: Westerners) have become, and if you want proof just turn on your TV. People valueing sex over things that actually matter 20 years down the line. Hot girls, Nice cars, Lots of money, we all buy into it. this is just another sign we're (read: Westerners) heading down the crap-shoot. I personally think the only way we can ever be deemed a sport is to start instituting same gear for each tourney. Bland? Maybe, but it will put more emphasis on player ability. And yes, this is likely to not happen, but I think it has to be done to make paintball a sport. Now I (and several others) personally am fine rocking away with my 7bps automag, I have just as much fun and I shoot alot less. But, then the crap shows up (read: 'Gangstas', you know the type) and demand faster guns. Why did I ever pick this game up...

Wait, I remember why. Because I went out one day with a paintball gun, gear, and a friend, to a field. We played, had a blast, and suddenly I thought 'This is my game..'. At this point neither of us even knew what matrixes or impulses were, it was such a simple world; Piranhas, Spyders, Tippmanns, and Angels. Thats all we knew and we didnt care. Then I became more involved and read into just about everything, and since that day I've been losing passion for paintball. What tears me is, I just started but I'm already dreading the next game... wow this blows..

07-09-2004, 11:05 PM
Ugh, makes me sick..

As has already been said, people like to see action. Its sick how immoral we as a society (read: Westerners) have become, and if you want proof just turn on your TV. People valueing sex over things that actually matter 20 years down the line. Hot girls, Nice cars, Lots of money, we all buy into it. this is just another sign we're (read: Westerners) heading down the crap-shoot. I personally think the only way we can ever be deemed a sport is to start instituting same gear for each tourney. Bland? Maybe, but it will put more emphasis on player ability. And yes, this is likely to not happen, but I think it has to be done to make paintball a sport. Now I (and several others) personally am fine rocking away with my 7bps automag, I have just as much fun and I shoot alot less. But, then the crap shows up (read: 'Gangstas', you know the type) and demand faster guns. Why did I ever pick this game up...

Wait, I remember why. Because I went out one day with a paintball gun, gear, and a friend, to a field. We played, had a blast, and suddenly I thought 'This is my game..'. At this point neither of us even knew what matrixes or impulses were, it was such a simple world; Piranhas, Spyders, Tippmanns, and Angels. Thats all we knew and we didnt care. Then I became more involved and read into just about everything, and since that day I've been losing passion for paintball. What tears me is, I just started but I'm already dreading the next game... wow this blows..

Two points:
(1) Western society has its faults, but rest assured that we are not alone.

(2) When the crap gansta kids show up, and when you read things that make you unhappy... go elsewhere, and stop reading. I haven't bought a paintball magazine in five years, and I only started reading the forums when I had a slow day at work. Find people who want to play paintball the same way you do, and play with them. Let the rest of the world go to hell on it's own time. :cool:

07-10-2004, 04:51 AM
so basically, nothings changed.


07-10-2004, 05:10 AM
hey i love my xmag and how fast it is but if anyone even remotly makes a comment that its unfair for me to be out there with it i turn it off flip in manual mode and have no problem playing like that.. alls you have to do is ask and you shall recieve..on the other hand its great for gangsters that think they are bad but how bad can you be from the sideline eh!! end argumentative bragging...oh and im sorry to hear that oyster boy if you ever come to vegas come out to the feild i work at its still mostly mechanical and of coarse if you ask ill go as far as to play with a rental!!!