View Full Version : Huge barrel leak

07-06-2004, 07:27 AM
1st time poster long time reader. :D
OK here is my problem.
I bought a 68 classic p/f level 7 mag off of ebay.
It has a major leaking problem.
If the velocity is down it seems like there is not enough pressure to fire the gun
and nothing happens when i pull the trigger.
If I turn the velocity up when i reach a certain point air blows strongly from the barrel.
If I pull the trigger the leak stops.
can anyone tell me what is wrong?
or should i send it to AGD?
also what is the turn around at AGD for a problem like this?

07-06-2004, 08:20 AM
Try changing the powertube o-ring.

Since you can stop the leak by pulling and holding the trigger, you have eliminated the back half of the valve as being a problem.

If it still leaks after you replace the powertube o-ring, check the sear for wear. Sometimes if the sear has a worn tip, it can cause the bolt to sit farther forward than normal. This doesn't allow the bolt to seal properly against the powertube o-ring. This can be compensated for using a shorter powertube spacer, but the sear should be replaced in the near future for better operation.

And WELCOME to mag life! A mag is virtually indestructible, so you should be able to fix any problems yourself.

07-06-2004, 08:45 AM
The guy who sold it to me told me he changed all the o-rings.
but he also said the gun worked so maybe he didn't.

air gos straight through the gun and emptys the tank as fast as possible
if i pull the trigger it kind of fires but real weak

07-06-2004, 11:51 AM
Like Athomas said, it's your power tube o-ring!! A good course of action anytime you buy a used mag is to go through it, replace all the o-rings, and clean and oil everything!! that way, you can be sure it was done!!!

07-06-2004, 12:09 PM
if i were you i wouldnt bother buying new powertube orings, i would just go straight for level ten, you WILL end up getting it anyways

07-07-2004, 05:55 PM
if i were you i wouldnt bother buying new powertube orings, i would just go straight for level ten, you WILL end up getting it anyways


Carlos De Benard
07-10-2004, 10:44 AM
Dear toymyster
I also buy a mag from ebay. I have the same problem. I change the rings. I live in Panama, Central America. I have notice that the air escape from the back. There is no parts here. There is a way to repair that, like temp. Like clean the piston or something Please advice.

07-12-2004, 03:42 PM
Carlos De Benard:

Give the back half of the mag a good cleaning and check the o-ring around the regulator piston assembly.

Also, check the regulator seat. Chances are, this o-ring is leaking and causing the valve to overpressurize, which will result in the excess pressure venting out the back.

If you have already replaced the o-rings, then you may have a weak regulator piston assembly. Replace it with a fresh new one that vents at a higher pressure.

07-12-2004, 04:29 PM
Powertube o-ring man, if you dont know much about mags it would be really worth it if you bought the video that comes with one.... it is cheezy but really teaches you. It talks about that kind of stuff.

Carlos De Benard
07-12-2004, 09:38 PM
Carlos De Benard:

Give the back half of the mag a good cleaning and check the o-ring around the regulator piston assembly.

Also, check the regulator seat. Chances are, this o-ring is leaking and causing the valve to overpressurize, which will result in the excess pressure venting out the back.

If you have already replaced the o-rings, then you may have a weak regulator piston assembly. Replace it with a fresh new one that vents at a higher pressure.

Thanks for the advice.

When you talk to me, about the back of the automag, do you mean the Regulator Body? If so, with what i clean it. I all read change everything.

I all ready open a account with the company and buy, by next week, the level 10 to change the entire front. The one that i have, has the rt body, and a very old DYE, very heavy, but accurate.

If you want photos let me know.

Panama, Central America

07-13-2004, 06:30 AM
Is yours the retro or RT mag. It is a little different. If the cleaning around the regulator piston assembly doesn't help, then you will probably have to replace the regulator piston assembly.

Carlos De Benard
07-13-2004, 06:46 AM
Is yours the retro or RT mag. It is a little different. If the cleaning around the regulator piston assembly doesn't help, then you will probably have to replace the regulator piston assembly.

Athomas: The mag is a Clasicc Valve. But the body, the grip is a rt from benchmark. I will take the picture when i get back from work.

Carlos De Benard
07-17-2004, 08:28 AM
Is yours the retro or RT mag. It is a little different. If the cleaning around the regulator piston assembly doesn't help, then you will probably have to replace the regulator piston assembly.

Athomas: If i clean the regulator piston assembly, whow i clean it. Carlos.

07-17-2004, 02:38 PM
When you take the velocity adjuster out of the back of the valve it exposes the regulator piston assembly. Take it out and clean it thoroughly. Clean the inside of the valve back as well. That's all you can do. If you have already replaced the regulator seat o-ring and the regulator piston o-ring and it still leaks after cleaning, then you need a new reg piston assembly from AGD.