View Full Version : Time for a new HPA tank, need some help.

07-06-2004, 02:52 PM
I figure it's probably a good idea to get a bigger HPA tank since I am getting my emag soon and all I have now is an old Nitro Duck 48/3k. I was browsing for a new tank and this one here seems like an awesome deal: http://www.firstcallpaintball.com/detail.aspx?ID=118

Would the 800PSI preset output be fine for an emag? How are ACI tanks as well? Any other suggestions for a tank?

07-06-2004, 04:16 PM
Spend the extra $40 or so bucks and get a 4500 PSI tank. Far less trips to the fill station. Even if your local only does 3000 fills they will likely get 4500 in the future.

Crossfire 68 4500 or stubby 70/72 4500 are nice tanks that have the fewest complaints about them and are best bang for your buck.

And any HP preset should work fine with the emag.

07-06-2004, 05:37 PM
ACI Tanks are pooo.

Crossfire/Pure Energy/Flatline = win

07-06-2004, 06:29 PM
Nah, i'm still gonna get a 3k, HPA is new to our area and is pretty scarce, I generally fill my tank off my Scuba and I have to drive 30 minutes to get it filled, our Proshop has to use scuba tanks as well and they get fills from the same place I do. Basically I don't see 4500 locally in the near future.

I probably will pass on the ACI (seems meh from what i've heard) and get a Crossy for $15 more.

07-06-2004, 07:48 PM
just trust me, and get the 4.5k Just spend the extra money. if you ever go any where, and want to play, the 3k will hinder you. Also, it will help resale if you get thr 4.5k

get a crossfire, and get it in 4500 psi.

07-06-2004, 08:33 PM
why should he get a 4.5k if he can only get 3k fills? use your noodle

That tank is a pretty good deal. The problem is if your getting a emag, your going to have level 10 and it loves to munch on gas. If you can't get 4.5k fills you may want to consider an 88 tank. It all depends on how you play really....if you go to a field that has all day air fills get a 68, if you like to fill your tank then go play with friends in the woods or something might want to get something bigger, or at least get your new one and the old nitro duck filled. Or if you bring your scuba with you when you go to play, you can just fill after every game :P

And a 4.5k tank will not enhance the resale that much. Think about it. You pay 190-200+ bucks for a 68/4500 tank, the max you could get reselling it is like 150 bucks. If he buys that 68/3k tank for 140, he can resell it for 100-110. The difference is negligible or nil.

07-06-2004, 10:21 PM
Hmm, pbgear has a 114ci 3k Crossy for $160 shipped. How big are those tanks? I don't like to stay in the back and throw paint everywhere, I like to get as close as possible, so would that be too big since I like to get in close?

07-07-2004, 07:12 AM
The weight isn't the difference, but the size is definately.

So, do you like LONG drops?

07-07-2004, 07:21 AM
if you can only get 3k fills... pick up a 88/3000 PMI stubby PMI tank

they're as wide as a 144 and as long as a 68

i have a 88/45 stubby, and love it

07-07-2004, 10:13 AM
I just picked up a ditro duck 88/4500 on e-bay for less than a $140.00 looks nearly new. Ya might wanna browse on there for a little while before you buy. p.s. it's got an adjustable reg so no worries about preset.

07-07-2004, 09:38 PM
Alright, i'm either going with a 68/3k Crossy or a used 68/3k flatline off of here.

I prefer screw-ins, so will the Crossy be able to recharge fast enough for the emag at high rates of fire?