View Full Version : E-mag

10-16-2001, 06:15 AM

I was thinkin about gettin an e-mag for christmas(the one after the upcoming one) or for my birthday(same as with christmas) next summer and I just wanted to know if anybody had any ideas for what accesories I should get with it? Is there any problems there is to know about or anything that any of you with an e-mag didn't like about it. I've read the review on PBstar and it sounded pretty good except for the choppin part and the breakin paint aspect. Those don't bother me a WHOLE lot, just a little. I do play in the front and from wht i've heard it'a a good "up front" gun. The thing I really want to know about is what things I should get with it. I alreay know i'm going to have to get a nitro tank and a revolution or evlution hopper but I don't know what tank I should get. I'm not getting this gun for over a year but I'm trying to get a good idea of what I'm gonna get ahead of time. -BOB

10-16-2001, 06:36 AM
It's rude to keep posting this...

10-16-2001, 12:16 PM
Just get the Flatline system for Nitro, and if you play Front you just need Warpfeed.

No any bad comment about Emag

It's just the best gun for me

:D :D :D :D :D