View Full Version : Maybe it really was bounce (eMag)...

07-06-2004, 06:19 PM
I had to get the board for my eMag replaced. When I got it back the trigger was adjusted suck that I couldn't rake it. I adjusted it back like it was, but couldn't rake it as well as before. I can still hit 18, but it is significantly harder to do than before. The "fullauto" problem is also gone. I had turned the solenoid off (4.0 software) when doing timing tests; so I did not think the solenoid was causing any bounce. I may have been wrong. IIRC miscue did pulse the solenoid to activate a warp. It's also possible that if adjusted just "wrong" the HES will "bounce".

I just found this interesting and thought some of you might also. :D

07-06-2004, 08:18 PM
well thats what you get for thinking

jk bud, just wanted to say that. and thats ummm pretty interesting, yeah

Evil Bob
07-06-2004, 08:34 PM
Good! Lets release 4.0 already!

-Evil Bob

07-07-2004, 02:57 PM
No kidding, I would to see 4.0 released sooooon.

That is interesting.

07-07-2004, 05:17 PM
To my knowledge all 4.x software releases were put on hold for random FA. (Full auto) While 4.2 did seem to fix this, I believe the only official release from now on will be 3.2.

07-07-2004, 07:53 PM
To my knowledge all 4.x software releases were put on hold for random FA. (Full auto) While 4.2 did seem to fix this, I believe the only official release from now on will be 3.2.

I hope "from now on" doesnt mean indefinately.... :cry:

07-07-2004, 08:03 PM
Oops! Let me reiterate. To the best of my knowledge, there won't be any new releases of the software. I could of curse be wrong. :) Wouldn't be the first time. ;)

07-07-2004, 08:25 PM
Man, I was really looking forward to 4.0, and it seemed like everyone else is/was too. I guess I'll just talk to whoever is at the booth at the IAO... maybe I can convince them to keep working on, and release a version of 4 software..... maybe. Doubtful, but worth a try.

:rolleyes: :D

07-07-2004, 10:27 PM
Wasn't 4.x just Q's diddling? And even if he got everything to work right, there was no word whether or not AGD was going to support it at all? Or maybe I'm just talking out my arse, and thinking of something else... :tard:

Evil Bob
07-08-2004, 12:23 AM
Yep, Q re-wrote the code from scratch and made it tighter and more efficient, allowing for room on the EPROM for more a few neato toys. I'd prefer to have the 4.x version over the 3.2 just for the personalization level the 4.x version adds.

-Evil Bob

07-08-2004, 12:02 PM
Hitech- Isn't 4.0 great. I love mine especially with the addition of the warp prime and on/off of the solenoid. Anyways. I had some F/A issues and I ened up sending it to blackvcg. He got it working and purring like a kitten. I don't dare adjust the trigger anymore. The trigger rod was actually the cause of my full auto. It would smack the trigger and cause it to go nuts.

07-08-2004, 01:52 PM
Yeah, 4.0 is great. Actually, I have 4.01 now. I had the solenoid/HES interference issue. I didn't think the "HES bounce" was contributing to my ROF when I turned off the solenoid for testing. However, it appears I might have been wrong. Since the solenoid is pulsed to drive the warp interface even when it is "off" it could have been causing "bounce". It is also possible that adjusting the trigger to just the "right" spot will induce "HES bounce". I'm not sure. I did find all this interesting. But I'm odd like that... ;)

07-08-2004, 03:04 PM
So that means there is no way to get 4.x....? :cry:

I would love to have the added features that 3.2 doesn't.

07-08-2004, 04:08 PM
On this software topic... I have 3.0 now. Should I make it a priority to get flashed to 3.2? Or is it not worth worrying about. And if I do decide to update, how would I go about doing that? Anybody happen to know if Pev's ever got that issue resolved, could Rob do it?