View Full Version : Tournaments, and how serious are we

07-06-2004, 08:25 PM
I expect, that by the end of this month, I will be retiring my e-mag, and selling it off, as well as my Angel leaving me with a mechanical mag, a Sydarm, a minimag and a pump mag project Im workign on. I might add another Sydarm or a Tac-one in there.

Im tired of the tournament scene - that does not mean Im tired of playing and I will still play wtih all the friends I have there, and play tournaments.

Let me start by listing the good - the friends I have from them, the people I eat adn drink with, the people I laugh with afterwards. I intend to keep these, I intend to play tuornaments still.

The tournament scene - this need to be better than everyone, to push to the limits, yourself, the rules, the equipment. This weekend I have already told my team captain I am playing with my sydarm in the tournament - he needs to replace me if thats not ok, I'm still in. We are playing for fun, who cares where we place and this only makes it better.

I think scenarios will fit in well, and I will play both... but Im tired of the "scene" around tournaments, the arguing, teh whining, teh drive (Ive done it all). Am I just nuts, is this a phase, will I regret it... good questions.. opinons?

07-06-2004, 08:28 PM
play however you want to play. Many people play in tournaments to win, not for fun. I mean theres prizes for a reason, to win them!

07-06-2004, 08:48 PM
Isnt the point of any sport to have fun. If you are not having fun or feel uncomfortable with the game then you will not play it or learn to hate it.

07-06-2004, 09:11 PM
some people want the full on adrenalian rush that you can't get form sneriao and they want to push themself harder and faster thats why they play speed ball

07-06-2004, 09:20 PM
not about the scene, but about your pumpmag. Make a stock class sydarm. Get an old rail milled out for a pump arm, slap it on there, take out the spring in the sydarm top tube, replace cap. Setup the pump, and have the coolest stock class marker ever. it would be even cooler, if you slaped a 6pack on, and got one of the CA adaptors. Whitewolf has em. then, you would have your stock, and an awesome marker to boot, or if you want to keep it SC. Grab a micro Ca.

07-06-2004, 09:21 PM
Just search for the threads like this done by tyger... lets just hope this one can remain civil.

I would post my page long reason for tournement play but tyger nuked his thread. :rolleyes:

07-06-2004, 09:23 PM
My pumpmag - theory, still gathering pieces and parts

Pump mag (ordered)
ULE body
AM stock class feed tube to fit above (ordered)
Six pack - when I find one

Hmm.. and Intelliframe LMAO or y -grip,

07-06-2004, 09:27 PM
play however you want to play. Many people play in tournaments to win, not for fun. I mean theres prizes for a reason, to win them!

If that was the case, I'd save all the money I'd spent on paint and buy 1st place trophie's and pants/jerseys/whatever. If you play soley for prizes, maybe you need to reconsider your priorities. :argh:

07-06-2004, 09:28 PM
After 11 years in tournament, 8 of those in NPPL, I retired from tournies as well, scenario ball here I come(again.). Enjoy.
I quit because like 90% of the "pros" cheat every game they play.

07-06-2004, 09:30 PM
Just search for the threads like this done by tyger... lets just hope this one can remain civil.

I would post my page long reason for tournement play but tyger nuked his thread. :rolleyes:

But if you recall.. I agreed with your reasons... I want everything that your reasons were.. I just don't want the pressure of "having" to win. When I put on my dye gear, adn walk out with my e-mag, there is an expectation of performance... I dont want the pressure in my hobby.. i Have more fun fooling around in paintball, and joking, and doing stupid things... I need a team that wil understand that

The Action Figure
07-06-2004, 09:32 PM
touneys are fun, but I like practices with just my team. I hate cheater, and think there should be a ref on every player. :tard:

07-06-2004, 09:38 PM
My pumpmag - theory, still gathering pieces and parts

Pump mag (ordered)
ULE body
AM stock class feed tube to fit above (ordered)
Six pack - when I find one

Hmm.. and Intelliframe LMAO or y -grip,

wont work, unless you modify the ule body. take your sydarm off your rail, see how baisically the whole bottom is open? well the ule isnt like this, and you will have a hard time getting it just right

07-06-2004, 09:39 PM
Ill give you may take, not paintball but cycling.

I started racing when I was High School. Nothing serious just the local small time stuff, lol, I only had one bike. At some point when I was in the first year of college I hooked up with the school cycling team. Soon after I had a dorm room full of bikes, few mine but most were ones I worked on, I used to work in a shop. I was road riding 20 miles a day. If I remember correctly I would wake up around 4:30am, for general pt and then off to my quick ride, eat some chow, head to class and then hit the trails that evening at the local state park on the bike. On the weekends if I wasn’t racing I was riding an easy 30~40 miles on the road. The weekends I did have a race was filed with travel, staying the night somewhere and racing the next day.

Here is the *** kicker, I wasn’t even that good! I would routinely finish in the top 50% of the field but never within the top ten. I busted my hump for years and for little return. I think the breaking point was my last regional meet, I just new I couldn’t get any better w/o quitting school and my job that paid for half of my schooling.

I just got so feed up and burned out. I have yet to pick up and ride a bike again, since 1998. I am a perfectionist. It drives me crazy when I don’t pick the right line, push the corner just right, or keep the correct rhythm.

I fear I will take paintball to this level and at some point I will realize it’s not my physical ability but the time I can give to the sport. It infuriates me that some people have infinite amount of time to spend on leisure. O'well I have a different calling...

You are lucky enough to take a break before it completly destroys any sense of joy out of paintball...

Snap Shooter
07-06-2004, 11:17 PM
My $0.02
I started playing paintball 5 years ago-- woodsball and scenario..... but I had always been into team competitive sports (baseball, basketball, etc.). If I had to choose to play paintball or a pickup game of hoops on Saturday it was always hoops. Then a friend of mine asked me to go to Ultimate Madness in Huntington WV with him. I went, saw a new light to the game of paintball and as soon as he asked me I joined his team. Now I don't pick up a ball unless it is a .68 calibre. I love team sports, games where you can pull off the impossible and sometimes hilarious moves singlehandedly and yet still be fully a part of a team.
Cheaters are everywhere, and I am always outgunned with my mech mag, but there is no other feeling like winning to me... and having a few extra obstacles to overcome is just par for the course and makes winning just that much better. I play to win, I play for the prizes (which I sell to finance my next tourney/practice), I play for the enjoyment of being around freinds, I play to get better... etc, etc.... paintball is a dynamic experience and there are as many levels to the sport as there are markers --- but the tourny format will always be the most dynamic to me.