View Full Version : AM Ignores K2's Demand to Cease and Desist

Jack & Coke
07-07-2004, 12:30 PM

Originally posted by AM_Andy
Hey guys, I think that you'll like this!

Based on a substantial amount of information and evidence presented to us, Action Markers has made the decision to ignore K2’s demand to cease and desist from selling the AM-P Illusion. The information provided to us gives us a high degree of confidence that Action Markers is not infringing on any legally enforceable intellectual rights of K2 or WGP.

For all of you that have been asking about the Illusion, we plan to start selling it again as soon as we can. Due to better than expected demand we had recently sold out of the current stock. Because of our initial decision to immediately cease and desist, we pulled all of the Illusion parts out of our production schedule. It will now be necessary to re-schedule the Illusion into our (very full) production schedule. Our expectation is that we will start shipping new Illusions this fall.

We sincerely appreciate everyone’s concern about the Illusion and your support in this issue.

Originally posted by AM-Big-Steve

...When we received the C&D letter from K2, we had approximately 12-14 Illusions finished and ready to go. We got into a low position because the Illusions were selling faster than we anticipated. For some reason, we had a run on them over the last several months.

As I stated in another post, we were just in the process of starting a new batch when we received the K2 letter. (We have various Illusion parts half finished, including about two hundred lower receiver blocks.) With the pump maket being a fairly small segment of the overall PB market, we produce the Illusion in relatively small batches.

Our first reaction to K2's letter was that we can't afford to fight a battle with them, so let's move on. In the meantime, some very significant information was presented to us that gave us the reassurance that K2 has no basis for their threats.

Because of the strength of that information, we have now decided to ignore K2's threats. Unfortunately all of the Illusions that we had at the time were already commited to people that had been waiting for quite a while. One group had six of them on order. I even let Andy talk me out of my personal red-black fade Illusion for a customer.

As of last week, we only had one Illusion available. It is an orange to yellow fade. Whe I realized we had one left, I snagged it as a sample and it is in my office.

I'll tell you what, if you feel you were in line for one, and want the orange-yellow (glossy, polished) one, call Andy and I'll let go of it!!! (It is a beautiful one. I think we only made six of them in that color.) It resides in my office closet at the moment.

Presently our manufacturing schedule is booked with Diadem and Sentinel parts. Thus the "availability in the fall".

Am-Big-Steve (CEO AM)

...for reference, this is the Illusion:


other links:


07-07-2004, 12:34 PM
outstanding!!! with the ball back in k2's court it should be really intresting to see what happens next.

07-07-2004, 01:16 PM
I barely know what is going on. Is k2 trying to kick AM out of business? If so why? Smart Parts sorta thing happening again?

07-07-2004, 01:25 PM
every company needs to chill out. theres so much hype. just make a better gun than the competitors so you dont have to sue them. my .03 $

07-07-2004, 01:48 PM
What is the method of operation in the illusion? It obviously looks like a sniper, but I've heard what they are so diffent is they have sterling-style internals on them...

Creative Mayhem
07-07-2004, 01:48 PM
every company needs to chill out. theres so much hype. just make a better gun than the competitors so you dont have to sue them. my .03 $

It IS a better gun. This is NOT a Sniper clone. Way to go AM-P!!

07-07-2004, 01:56 PM
K2's angle is that because it sorta looks like a sniper, it will confuse you into thinking it IS a sniper, and thus you'll buy it instead of a sniper. Basically they are saying we're morons and they're trying to protect us by preventing AM from making this confusing marker. AM is saying that it is not a sniper and people aren't so stupid as to think that it is a sniper.

I'm with AM on this one.

Jaremy Rykker
07-07-2004, 02:03 PM
They're trying to protect us from buying this accidently instead of the sniper? I'd honestly like to note that in my opinion, the Illusion definately beats the sniper, and if I were to accidently buy an Illusion instead, God protect me (or K2).

AM needs to stop this right now. SP has got their claim to everything electro. K2 is trying to get a claim to everything pump.

Maybe AGD could make a claim to everything mech semi. It would be about as bull**** as the rest, but it wouldn't be any more bull****y.

07-07-2004, 02:06 PM

Someone stands up and there a small someone but by God they finally did it. Dont let them stand alone AO and AGD. If you are looking for a pump buy theres