View Full Version : Will AGD ever release the Sydarm to the public?

10-16-2001, 01:42 PM
I've been hunting around for like two years for a good pistol, but have only found entry-level stuff (PT series, sidekick etc.) and the occasional custom. They are either like $100 or say $485 for a squall. I want something nice but under say $350. I guess theres not really a market for mid-level pistols. Will AGD ever consider putting the Sydarm out for civilian use, or I'm I going to have to pull some local strings to get one? Not that I have any connections.......:(


I was also wondering if they could maybe just sell the sydarm body and thta cute little barrel so mag owners could just throw there valve in it. I assume it will fit.


10-16-2001, 01:55 PM
I doubt AGD will release any to the pubic, and even if they did, I wouldn't call it a mid-priced pistol. I'm sure the cost would be right up there with a Squall (which by the way runs better on CO2 than the Sydarm does). To be honest, the Sydarm is more of a novilty item than anything. Yeah I do use mine on occations, but it's too difficuly to change 12grams.

I still want to find a way to use my 6Pak+ with it:)

10-16-2001, 02:00 PM
How do you change a 12 gram on them anyway? I'm assumeing its in the top tube at the back. Is that where it is?


10-16-2001, 02:18 PM
Yeah...is it is a 4 or 5 turn nut, but then you really got to pull on it. The 12 gram also goes in backwards and the nut you take out actually has air passages and the puncture pin in it. Kind of an elaborate setup. The one problem I have run across is seals. There are some seals in it that are not on normal mags. So right now my Sydarm has a pretty nasty leak:) One of these days I'll have to send it in and/or see if AGD will send me some orings.

10-16-2001, 05:07 PM


10-16-2001, 06:11 PM
i agree i think AGD should put the sydarm on the open market. if it doesn't sell much they can always take it back off

10-16-2001, 09:19 PM
Or your could make your own version.... only problem with a sydarm is that 1 it weighs more than most pistols, because of the reg, and 2 mags dont work great on CO2, inspecially in such a small package....

Altho, I'm playing with something that, if I make it complete and working, will be the tighest thing you've seen. I like the PT extreme, but its too cheasy, same with all the other entry pistols, and I dont want a squall or anything like that.... sooo...

I'm making a fully automatic electronic pistol ;) I'm 99% sure I can manage to do it, I'll post pics of if I ever complete it...

10-16-2001, 09:38 PM

10-17-2001, 01:38 AM
Your best bet for a Sydarm is to find one used. It may be a bit tough, but you will find one eventually. They are definitely not cheap, however. I think that the manufacturing cost was the primary reason AGD did not sell them to the public - I read somewhere that they were actually selling them at a loss to support their police training classes.


That's a pretty cool little pistol ya got there, buddy. That Dye barrel is bad, but try an 8.5 aluminum barrel for looks, lighter weight, and extra compactness.

I don't know about your sig though. Freak!

10-17-2001, 11:24 AM
actually i just prefer the 10", i have an 8.5" barrel but i like the 10" more. Someday i'll get a taso pro series 8", that will be tight on it, but i dont have the money right now i use what i got.

10-17-2001, 12:11 PM
anyone know the price for Punisher Customs Nano cocker? Seems like a PGP with some cocker pneumatics installed..