View Full Version : Baller coming back after a couple years - just a few questions

07-07-2004, 10:50 PM
Hello, just a little introduction first. I've been playing paintball for 6 years now. I live in a small town in Alaska now, and the past couple years the intrest here in paintball has been very small until recently. I stopped playing almost 3 years ago, and at the time I was planning on getting myself an automag.

So, here I am now, getting back into the sport and have a few questions.

I'm looking to get the RT ULE Custom. I do not want an electric marker, I much prefer good ole mechanical. IS the I-frame worth the price? If it helps I'm planning on getting a warpfeed and a revvy.

Next question is kind of dumb, but I feel the need to ask anyway as some friends have planted a seed of doubt in my head. If I am right handed, I would want a warp left body, right?

Next questions are about HPA. I've played with a 68 carbine, spyder, and a 2000 autococker. I've never used HPA, so I know nothing about it. If I understand right, its better to use an adjustable output on an RT as opposed to preset? Also, how do they attatch to the marker, how I understand is not all are screw in? Also, I just have a couple dive shops in town, would they normally be able to fill a HPA tank for paintball if all they do normally is fill tanks for SCUBA? Also, if I get a fill station, I can fill my own tanks off of a SCUBA tank, right?

Also, would any of you reccomend a marker other than the RT ULE Custom, also any recommendations for HPA systems, and places to buy.

Thanks for your time, I've been reading the boards for a few days to answer my questions, and thats all that I couldn't find an answer for.

07-07-2004, 11:22 PM
I much prefer good ole mechanical. IS the I-frame worth the price?
Yes it is. It is a very nice 2x frame as well as the y frame.

If I am right handed, I would want a warp left body, right?

I've never used HPA, so I know nothing about it. If I understand right, its better to use an adjustable output on an RT as opposed to preset? Also, how do they attatch to the marker, how I understand is not all are screw in? Also, I just have a couple dive shops in town, would they normally be able to fill a HPA tank for paintball if all they do normally is fill tanks for SCUBA? Also, if I get a fill station, I can fill my own tanks off of a SCUBA tank, right?
Co2 corrodes o-rings in any marker so it is a good idea to snag that no matter what you get. The Rt does require HPA and it really doesnt matter if you get a screw in or adjustible. The adjustible will allow you to make the Rt have more reactivity allowing more bps, to connect it to your gun you would attatch a macro line elbow and just connect the macro line to the elbow on the valve. Scuba shops should fill your tanks for you, however I recommend to always tell them not to flach fill your tank other wise they could damage it.

Also, would any of you reccomend a marker other than the RT ULE Custom, also any recommendations for HPA systems, and places to buy.
The RT is great, if you are looking for a mech than either a mag or cocker. You could look into blazers but they are basicaly cockers. For HPA really anything is fine, just make sure to buy a larger gauge becasue mini ones pop.

If you need to know any more just ask.

07-07-2004, 11:37 PM
Thank you very much Pete. Just one more question now. If I get preset, what output pressure should I be looking for?

07-07-2004, 11:39 PM
Thank you very much Pete. Just one more question now. If I get preset, what output pressure should I be looking for?
A high pressure like 800psi or 850psi, your only other option would be 400psi and that would not work so stick to the 850psi or 800psi they should work fine.

07-08-2004, 03:06 AM
Another question, well, more of a clarification. All I have is a couple dive shops here, and I doubt they have ever filled a HPA tank for a paintball gun before. Would they have the equipment to fill a screw in HPA tank assuming all they do is fill SCUBA tanks? I guess I'm just asking if its the same equipment to fill both, or would I need to start looking into buying a SCUBA tank and a fill station to fill my own?

Like I said, I'm completly dumb when it comes to HPA, and I'm trying to avoid suprises. Thanks again

07-08-2004, 07:27 AM
Another question, well, more of a clarification. All I have is a couple dive shops here, and I doubt they have ever filled a HPA tank for a paintball gun before. Would they have the equipment to fill a screw in HPA tank assuming all they do is fill SCUBA tanks? I guess I'm just asking if its the same equipment to fill both, or would I need to start looking into buying a SCUBA tank and a fill station to fill my own?

Like I said, I'm completly dumb when it comes to HPA, and I'm trying to avoid suprises. Thanks again
screw in and adjustible get filled the same way, and yes they will have the right tools to fill them, if you have a local paintball shop they will fill it to.

07-08-2004, 07:40 AM
i have a minimag w/just about every upgrade in it along with a loader and hpa tank...check my sig...i was looking to get atleast 700-750 for all of it..lmk...