View Full Version : Ok im looking for a new gun around $850, can anyone give me their opinions?

07-08-2004, 06:24 PM
I want something thats fast and accurate. I dont want to have to spend tons of time on maintenance but i dont mind a little. I have thought about an Adrenalin Angel, Race Cocker, and an Ir3 but i dont know what to go for...please can i have some input on these guns and any other good ones?

07-08-2004, 06:29 PM
850 is a magic number, billion choices.

Dye LCD trix or a used NYX

07-08-2004, 06:30 PM
does the trix have eyes? I dont know much about them....

07-08-2004, 06:42 PM
Go with the Angel 4 or speed. The speed is 800 and the 4 is 900. As fast as any gun out there. Smooth as butter trigger and it has debounce settings too, so it can easily be tourny leagel. It is really low pressure, so its nice and easy on balls. Sensi works great for me and my revy. They look great too. They are also very efficient.

07-08-2004, 06:44 PM
Keep away from angels... there are plenty of non crappy guns in that price range that ARENT angels.

I WOULD recommend the viking, but now you would have to go used... get the dye trix.

Eyes, damn fast, good looking, $850. Very upgradable, too.

07-08-2004, 06:44 PM
Sensi is garbage. Steer clear.

I agree with the Trix. Dye Trix's have eyes, NYX has eyes. You might also be able to find a nice used Timmy in that range too. Worth a look-sy.

07-08-2004, 06:48 PM
I have heard vikings are nice but everyone seems to like the trix. I can get a good deal on one too from the local store...but they do have an awesome annoed race cocker there that just grabs my attention...it has an eye and 2 days ago i played with it...it was fast and came with a full freak kit...what does the trix come with?

07-08-2004, 06:53 PM
lol, yet another example of people who dont know what they are talking about when it comes to sensi. I agree that cops wasnt the best though. Set sensi on 3 and youl be just as fast as eyes and it wont chop. How are angels crap? Sounds like ignorance to me.

07-08-2004, 06:55 PM
ok im totally lost about this sensi thing...is it with angels? Cus it seems there are kind of two different talks going on right now...

07-08-2004, 06:56 PM
Personally, I say go with the Matrix. It won't be as efficient (at least not stock), but more than likely it will be smoother and less to worry about in the long run. The problem I have with cockers is that you have to worry about timing (is the lug deep enough, breech open long enough, closed long enough, dwell long enough, cocking rod this, LPR that). Personally, I'd rather just wipe off the bolt, regrease if necessary and go.

IMO, shoot both and go with whichever you like better. I sold my Worrblade because I was getting sick of having to make sure the timing was right, kick, bounce, etc and I just wanted to get away from it. Had I not got a Cyborg, I would've gone with a Matrix.

Also, unless the Angel has eyes, I'd stay away from it.

07-08-2004, 06:56 PM
devil Mag the bords are caped at 45bps and do have 2eyes

07-08-2004, 07:00 PM
matrix seems the best bet but im open for more opinions...i have never heard of devil mags...give me some details.

07-08-2004, 07:11 PM
a link to the devil mag. but basicly what it is is a ULE automag(ULE body, Xvalve...) with a hyper frame that has been capped at 45bps the ULE body has been taped for eyes and is factory tuned and tested before sent out. only thing you need is N2, a ASA and a barrel i want to get one soon so i can tell you all about it

*edit* it comes with a full 6month warenty unlike mags from AGD that most come with 90day warenty

07-08-2004, 07:16 PM
Sensi is in the speed and angel 4. In that price range it all depends on what you like the feel of. All the guns in the 800+ range are all very fast and very high quality. I personaly like the angel feel over the trix feel. You really need to try every gun out and make up your own mind.

EDIT: If you want eyes you could get the angel fly witch cost about 850 used or get a speed used for about 500 and then send it to tag and have the preditor mod done to it. Wich would end up costing about 850 too.

07-08-2004, 07:20 PM
lol, yet another example of people who dont know what they are talking about when it comes to sensi. I agree that cops wasnt the best though. Set sensi on 3 and youl be just as fast as eyes and it wont chop. How are angels crap? Sounds like ignorance to me.
Ya, im ignorant.

Its funny, I dont ever remember having to tune in the eyes on my viking, they always just seem to magically work. Unlike every speed owner ive ever seen.

Majority of the speed owners I know turn sensi off because its so fudged.

You have to do so much tuning on speeds to make it work right out of the box, its ridiculous.

07-08-2004, 07:23 PM
Sensi is in the speed and angel 4. In that price range it all depends on what you like the feel of. All the guns in the 800+ range are all very fast and very high quality. I personaly like the angel feel over the trix feel. You really need to try every gun out and make up your own mind.

EDIT: If you want eyes you could get the angel fly witch cost about 850 used or get a speed used for about 500 and then send it to tag and have the preditor mod done to it. Wich would end up costing about 850 too.

ya but in a Angel you have really a lot of stuff you don't need i mean who needs to tell the temp???!! you don't need Burst, FA, turbo..ect. you paying extra for things you don't need with the devil mag you paying for a fast *** hella awsome gun that you don't pay extra for things you don't need just strate up pure performance with a elect trigger no LCD or LED screans ya got a switch and a 2gram pull

07-08-2004, 07:29 PM
All the extra features dont add much $ to the bill. I agree that the infa read port is useless and the temp is useless also. But why would you want a 900 mag with eyes? Go get a 400$ one with level ten and stick a electro grip on it.

EDIT:I found a video a few minutes ago:

07-08-2004, 07:31 PM
All the extra features dont add much $ to the bill. I agree that the infa read port is useless and the temp is useless also. But why would you want a 900 mag with eyes? Go get a 400$ one with level ten and stick a electro grip on it.
Because then it costs $700, has no eyes, no pre-lightened trigger, or morlock board. Its worth it just to buy a devil mag.

07-08-2004, 07:32 PM
Buy a Dye matrix. Turn regulartor and LPR ALL the way up. Break it. they send you a shiney new DM4.

07-08-2004, 07:33 PM
If you want eyes you could get the angel fly witch cost about 850 used

They're like... 1400 new. I don't think they're down to 850 used just yet...

07-08-2004, 07:38 PM
Ive seen them go for 925 a few times. But never 850, your right.

07-08-2004, 07:41 PM
Buy a Dye matrix. Turn regulartor and LPR ALL the way up. Break it. they send you a shiney new DM4.

07-08-2004, 07:41 PM
lol, yet another example of people who dont know what they are talking about when it comes to sensi. I agree that cops wasnt the best though. Set sensi on 3 and youl be just as fast as eyes and it wont chop. How are angels crap? Sounds like ignorance to me.

You mean other than them being crushed by HALOs?

Yep, I'm ignorant.

ninja underneath
07-08-2004, 07:43 PM
check out used vikings, you could get a sick one for $850. There are lots on the aka b/s/t on pbnation.com. I'm actually looking to sell mine for about that price, pm me if you're interested.

07-08-2004, 07:44 PM
hey i sugest any planet eclipsed blade autococker. i like the orracle but that might be too expensive used, so maby the nightkast or 04 sto. there all good, accurate, reliable, and efficient. i wouldnt go to technical if you are new but lots of people know about autocockers and could help u. also maybe an evil pimp. jst my .02$

07-08-2004, 07:46 PM
o yea dont forget vikings or excalibers. go aka. :shooting:

07-08-2004, 07:54 PM
You mean other than them being crushed by HALOs?

Who ever set it up forgot to do one thing. Their rod was too long. ( did that sentence seem odd to anyone else?). He needed to shave it down just a drop. You wont it so its just sticking up about 1/16. I have my a4 set for the halo and it works fine.

Check it out: http://www.angel-owners.com/showthread.php?t=24586

07-08-2004, 07:59 PM
Be4life182 i currently own a cocker and im tired of the occasional something weird happening or occurances of things happening weird for 15 min then working...i have heard that happeniong on other guns so i know its not mine...i know how to fix my gun so im not a noob at cockers but im looking to go for a dye matrix i guess...i need some more input...what should i upgrade on it and stuff?

07-08-2004, 08:12 PM
Only real thing that would be nice to have as an upgrade on a new dye trix is a freeflow bolt and/or a c4 mod.

Evolve bolt kit would be nice, but you'll have to pay a ton for one due to their scarcity.


after those 2, you'll be getting close to 2000 shots per 68/4500 tank.

If you don't mind used guns, I've seen used NYX matrixes go for around 900.

edit: if you trust ebay, theres a brand new dye lcd trix on there, if you use buy it now at 775 you get free shipping http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=16048&item=3687315849&rd=1

07-08-2004, 08:36 PM
I shoot an A4 with sensi and shot an IR3 with cops2 before that... In both cases my gun works/worked every single time I play. All I do is oil either one and they both kick ***. Cops had confusing instructions and settings that were easy to fudge up causing Cops not to work. Once I got Cops set correctly my IR3 never chopped again. I don't think I even had a barrel break in 20,000 shots. My A4 on sensi2 has yet to chop. In my opinion if you bother to read your manual and set up your gun properly the Angel is hands down one of the most reliable and fast shooting guns on the market. The design is certainly tried and true.

I have read in numerous such threads something similar to, so and so had one of those (insert gun name here) and it sucked. Folks, there are alot of morons in this world. You have no idea what Mr. so-and-so did with his gun in his off time. Probably used it as a cookie mold.

07-08-2004, 09:21 PM
That is a great point phil...that is very true. The best advice i can get is opinions but for me to know for sure i need to try the gun. Everyone still keep throwing me some options...i want a gun and i need some help so name some good guns!

07-08-2004, 09:22 PM
amen phil, amen :headbang: . People dont read the manual and thats were their problem is. The marker is not one of the easiest to set up, but like phil with my ir3 I didnt brake or bust one ball in over 10k.

If you can easily get trixs fixed and parts are readily availible and dont need to be shipped every time go with that. If you dont mind droping 150 into a trix to make it effeicient than thats what I would go with.

07-08-2004, 09:24 PM
well i want a gun thats not gunna make me pay more over the course of time. I want a gun thats ready to play out of the box...

07-08-2004, 09:24 PM
Used HK speed.

07-08-2004, 09:35 PM
dye trix out of the box will get you around 900 shots on a 68/4500 fill when set up right. Add the freeflow bolt and you double that.

Go to a field or store and check out what they have. Pick them up, hold them, shoot them if you can. Find one you like.

07-08-2004, 10:24 PM
Who ever set it up forgot to do one thing. Their rod was too long. ( did that sentence seem odd to anyone else?). He needed to shave it down just a drop. You wont it so its just sticking up about 1/16. I have my a4 set for the halo and it works fine.

Or, get a gun with a decent anti chop system [eyes..] and don't worry about it.

07-08-2004, 10:24 PM
It sounds like you're looking into angels. If you do, go for the Angel 4 from Paintball Gateway. $800 is a sweet price.

07-08-2004, 10:42 PM
Vikings and E-mags are probably the lowest maintinence markers in that range I know of.

Shockers are real nice guns in that range. I know two kids that have them and they are light as hell and fast as well. They do seem to be a little heavy on the maintinence side of things from what they've told me.

07-09-2004, 02:35 AM
I have owned a Dye trix, 2K3 shocker, Speed, IR3, A4, Eblade cocker, several mags including e and x mag and now have a Viking. (yes I am a whore) I enjoyed them all, but here is my breakdown:

Dye Trix: Fast, moderate to mantain it, too may o-rings, poor effiency out of the box, may upgrades

2K3 Shocker:fast but my trix was faster, Easier to maintain than trix; but same concept as trix, light and small ( I have gorilla hands and it felt too small.) also poor effiency out of box, not much to upgrade but bolt to gain better effiency

Speed/ A4: fast easy to maintain, decent effiency, opti trigger is something I could not get a feel for, i like the feel of a switch. A4 is a speed for the most part with a few extras such as an LCD

Eblade: I liked it but just don't have the time to mess with it to get the settings perfect. Easy to maintain when setup right

Mags: mantinence is minimal, level 10 will save you when tuned, effiency is OK, fast on the e and x mag

viking: fast, minimal matinence like a mag, not to much to tune tweak, awesome effiency when broken in, nothing to upgrade. if you get a warranty card you are set for life on the gun. warranty does not transfer to second owner (like mine, but they still did a tuneup on mine under warranty for just the cost of shipping)

I know people will argue about some things but this is my opinion on the guns I have owned. I could also go into more detail but its 2:30am I am half asleep and should be working.

07-09-2004, 03:16 AM
Ok, first off, the vid of Mike Evans, with the intellifeed speed, well lets just say, that mike has wisend up, and he now rocks the dm4, and is the maker of the very good series of Dm4 Videos.

Trust me when i tell you to go with the matrix. Honestly.

I was a long time mag user, i had a classic, rtp, emag, and a rare SFL e-mag. these were my babies. I loved each and every one, but not as much as i loved my trix, and i love my dm4 now.

I got rid of my sfl, to get my toxic trix. THe thing was amazing, smoothe as butter, no kick, and an amazingly fast trigger. It did not have eyes, but i never chopped with it. EVER. the bolt is softer than level 10 if you tune the lpr correctly.

Then, i got dumb. I wanted an angel. So, like an idiot, i traded my trix, for a speed. The gun was fast, and i never used sensi, because it broke, and i didnt feel like replacing it. Dont give me that crap about not sanding down my sensi rod either, because i did, and it still broke. The speed, well, i hated the space frame, and i hated the opto trigger. I even did the switch mod, and i still found it mushy, and not to my standards, not after comming from that awesome matrix.

Then i got a dm4. Very similar to my matrix, just thinner, lighter, and sexier, and with eyes. AWESOME GUN.

I wholeheartedly reccomend the dye matrix. They come with eyes, which is just an added precaution, and isnt even really needed. Also i saw 1200 shots from a 68/45. Granted, i had the leethal mods, but they didnt make that much of a difference any ways.

the trix is fast, easy trigger to set up, not mushy, and smoothe as butter. When i sold the speed, and started saving money, i had alot of options, timmy, fly4(which i test drove, and was very nice, but, it had the same crappy trigger) and the dm4. As you can tell, i feel the matrix is the best gun on the market at the moment, and i will reccomend them till the end.

The e cocker is nice, but i dispise them, for the simple fact, that they can give you alot of trouble, they are slow, and eblades, suck. the race frame, i will admit, is much nicer, but its still on a cocker, and that didnt suit me. for 800+ dollars, you shouldnt have to tune your marker past lube and orings.

Also, the matrix, once couppled with Slick Honey lube, allows you to run your LPR at insanely low pressure, which will make it more efficient, and allow it to be softer on paint. Sadly, the lube dye supplies with the marker, is absolute crap. If you get the trix, open it up, strip off all of the dye lube from the bolt and the lpr, re lube with slickhoney, and go.

again, i reccomend the matrix. many upgrades, to make it your own, even though they are not necessary by any means, but for yucks, there are aftermarket... bolts...triggers....lpr's.... boards(get the tadao, best programming evar) frames, breaches for other threaded barrels(stock is cocker threaded) and so on and so fourth.

i reccomend going to www.thematrixcenter.com
for upgrades

and for info...

and the matrix forum on pb nation.

also, dye has its own technical forum located at

happy buying

edit: i forgot to mention, that dye's customer service is really good, it rivals AGD's in my opinion

07-09-2004, 08:02 AM
viking or a timmy. Hell if you can grab an extra 75 bucks you can pick up a new 04 vik.

everything else is just crap...

07-09-2004, 08:07 AM
Magman007, it seems we have to do this at least twice a day :)

07-09-2004, 08:10 AM
a used viking... 03 or 04 (if you're good at negotiations)

nuff said.

07-09-2004, 11:06 AM
Magman007, it seems we have to do this at least twice a day :)

hehehe ive noticed! hey, we are doing good work tho :)

07-09-2004, 05:18 PM
Is the new york matrix or whatever similar to a dye matrix? What are the differences? Is $750 for a new matrix a good deal?

07-09-2004, 05:18 PM
ok people your all telling this kid "just read the manual and your fine" while people are tell em to buy it used. ok kid buy it new so when ya get it you can read the manual and read the maual to learn how to tune your marker to you spific needs.

07-09-2004, 06:10 PM
Is the new york matrix or whatever similar to a dye matrix? What are the differences? Is $750 for a new matrix a good deal?

in all honesty if you dont have a more specific question you might want to hit the bocks so to speak. do some reading over on pbn and the TMC.

07-09-2004, 06:17 PM
I'm liking that evil pimp, that name of it is hot enough.

07-09-2004, 08:05 PM
I have an A4 and they are very nice. NO problems what so ever.


07-09-2004, 11:16 PM
There are a few posts about how hard it is to maintane a cocker, this isn't true. Once it's timed yu shouldn't have to screw with it anymore. If you do screw with it, it will most likely go out of time. It's NOT hard to time an autococker, there are a lot of how to's on it. Also, someone said e-blades are slow, they are only as slow as your fingers. If you don't get the settings right it won't reach it's full potential. Because there are so many different aftermarket makers of each part a lot of guns shoot different. For instance, you can't expect a Free Flow cocker to reach it's peak performance on the settings for a Nightkast, they are in different leauges. You can put the settings on factory fast and that is good for most people. If you custom settings to get the full potential from your set up check out PBN's electro cocker's forum, it has everything you need to know. Personally I like mags and cockers. I almost bought a DevilMag but I got an AWESOME deal on a FF cocker that I couldn't pass up. I think you should go to your local field and/or pro shop and shoot some of the guns. After you do a little research and then go shoot a Timmy, Trix, Shocker, Viking, etc., etc. you will both know about the marker and know how it feels, then you will be able to make a decision you won't regret. Also, I think what has been said about Vikings and Trixs is true for the most part, they are both sweet guns. Angels are cool too, but I'm not a fan of sensi/cops. Sorry for the rant, long post, and most likely some bad spelling and bad grammer, lol.

07-09-2004, 11:33 PM
get a Isis, or get a mag w/ the new trigger frame when its out.

07-09-2004, 11:50 PM
get a Isis, or get a mag w/ the new trigger frame when its out.

What's an Isis?

EDIT: I remember now, it's the Powerlyte gun that was supposed to come out like a year ago or something, right?

07-10-2004, 12:21 AM
yeh, word. its gonna be $700 for break beam eyes and a led screen and a sweet ars board aswell. looks like a mag and angel type body, and it uses some sorta spool valve thats very efficient, man i can't wait.....:D

07-10-2004, 01:09 AM
Why spend 850 when you can save money by upgrading a talon? Slap some eyes in there, make your own board, glue on a 3-way, make an adapter for a regulator, and call it good. Do it, I promise you'll look cool on the field while whoop'n up at the same time :shooting:
Okay, check out the first picture in that thread, titled the cockershark. There you go man, get a tiger shark and turn it into a "cockershark" and put 750 bucks back in your pocket.

07-10-2004, 01:28 AM
Id be suprised if that Isis made it to production...Anyway I can vouch for the speed of the new Ebade cockers with the qvc valves they are very fast but the feel is not smooth, feels like something is going to break everytime they shoot clickclankclickclank, that backblock moving around throws me off. I can't believe they won gun of the year, well last year..
Get a matrix, you can get a good price on one lately. Plus everything on them is upgradeable.

07-10-2004, 01:44 AM
Id be suprised if that Isis made it to production...Anyway I can vouch for the speed of the new Ebade cockers with the qvc valves they are very fast but the feel is not smooth, feels like something is going to break everytime they shoot clickclankclickclank, that backblock moving around throws me off. I can't believe they won gun of the year, well last year..
Get a matrix, you can get a good price on one lately. Plus everything on them is upgradeable.

LOL...there will be some at IAO...possibly pre-orders there too if they get enough board supplies.

07-10-2004, 01:50 AM
the isis is coming out for real at the IAO, and they even might have some for sale there. Man hurry up and get here IAO.