View Full Version : Right or left feed?

07-08-2004, 10:00 PM
I;m right handed and I want to know why people get right or left feed... will it make a difference in my play? I just bought a right feed and I think I want a left feed, I don't have a lot of cash, so I was wondering if this is a crucial switch so basically, Is this a big deal?

07-08-2004, 10:32 PM
Being right handed I think you want the left feed due to how one generally holds the gun. You want the warp to be on the left side of the gun where your off hand can reach around it and hold the foregrip while your right hand has no obstruction in the way of the trigger. I personally dont own a mag yet but that is how I understand it and what im currently using as my basis for my upcoming order!

07-09-2004, 01:11 AM
I am also right handed & personally prefer a hopper right ( have issues with left eye) Only adjustment I had to make was a 15 ° tilt ( give or take) to the left allows me to site right down barrel & keep my hopper behind cover elbows out a bit but practice keeping tight & you might find you like it better because when you pop out on the left had side of a bunker your hopper is less of a target. Mt two pennies. Hit ebay to look for cheap bodies they are on there all the time due to ULE upgrades everywhere.

07-09-2004, 01:30 PM
Hey, thanks for the help

07-09-2004, 01:45 PM
I'm a right handed player most of the time, and I prefer the hopper left, because it keeps the hopper behind cover since I'm usually shooting from the right side. However, if you plan on using a warp, right hand will benefit you.

07-09-2004, 02:12 PM
I'm a lefty, but i play PB ambidextrose style - with either hand.

I would suggest getting used to Vert Feed, as it is more balanced and comfy.
