View Full Version : WoaH! They say it's legal, what do you think?(Weird Tippy mod)

07-08-2004, 11:21 PM
:confused: Well take a look for yourself

:shooting: :dance:

07-08-2004, 11:22 PM

:confused: Well take a look for yourself

:shooting: :dance:
at what? :confused:
edit: link was not ther at time of post.

07-08-2004, 11:22 PM
Probably talkign aobut the firestorm crank, its illegal.

07-08-2004, 11:34 PM
Hell no that thing isn't legal!

07-08-2004, 11:48 PM
if it were legal, just imagine what you could do with an electro, like 20-40 shots per crank re-friggin-diciulious, anyway, dosent seem to great, i would really love the being forced to shoot right or left handed and not both

07-08-2004, 11:49 PM
I liked it when the refs made fun of the generic paintball hooligan sporting the m98 w/ firestorm crank~!


07-08-2004, 11:52 PM
I watched the clip, the design of it, is very interesting. But I do not like it, it takes all the fun out of a gun, you get an electro because of the high rate of fire, the very light trigger, that mod takes it all away. Even though I dont know if the mod will be tested on an electro, or if it can even be done.

07-09-2004, 03:09 AM
"Legal" or not, you'd look like a goon. Add to that the fact that you can't use your trigger in a normal fashion with the thing installed and it's even less attractive.

I don't think you could shoot any faster with this on an electro than you could with one finger.

07-09-2004, 03:28 AM
even if its deemed legal did anyone see how having to turn the trigger would pull the gun off target!!!! i mean look at it he is all over and i love cheaters at the feilds its why i have an xmag cheater refuses to quite i refuse to let him play bye forcably removing him from the game off the break..its not that hard to spot one person post on him then as soon as you get him out let the teams duke it out and have their fun!!!

07-09-2004, 07:56 AM
that and the fact...that he really isnt firing that fast.

07-09-2004, 08:02 AM
Can somebody do a sound test? I agree with the other fellas, it doesn't sound like he's shooting that fast.

Also it takes these guys a split second to find the little fishing reel thing and start winding before the thing actually shoots. That split second can mean the difference of you watching from the deadbox the rest of the game.

The best comment was from the field refs, "Lets go fishing!" :rofl: :rofl: :spit_take

07-09-2004, 08:42 AM
Jackal and I were set up next to FireStorm at DDAY. On an A5 it will do something like 15 bps reliably. When these things first came out many years ago, they were marketed at the Mini-14/SKS semi-auto firearms market.

Their dual-gun setup is used in quite a few "tanks" you'd see at scenario games. It's a niche market and their quality is quite good.

07-09-2004, 08:57 AM
they say "field legal" im sure your normal field will allow it, as they usually allow full auto too.

also they say 700 rounds per minute! thats an amazing ~12 bps! Though when he was firing the a5 in some of those sequences I was hearing at least 15 I'd say.

07-09-2004, 09:07 AM
Yall r so young
These things came out in the 80's for Ruger 10/22's or Mini 14's
Heck I even rember the Dual setup but with 2 10/22's with 50 round mags on each ahhh life before the gun laws :)

07-09-2004, 09:09 AM
On these points:

1.) It is legal
2.) You can still use the trigger with one of these attached

I've asked at a lot of fields and they said that they were at first a little concerned but after they saw it in action, realized it wasn't any faster than a regular electric marker.

A friend of mine let me borrow his. He bought is at D-Day for like ... $20 .... he's researching still for his own marker design.

I put the thing on my A-5 .... It is fast .... it was even faster when I tested it at the range when I had my marker on Turbo .... And I was still able to shoot it just using the trigger. I have a single trigger.

Basically every turn was shooting 4 shots, which means I was shooting 8 per turn. If they are accurate in saying you can shoot 700 a minute, I would be able to put out 1400. I didn't test this theroy to much but when my hopper went dry in under 6 seconds .... well you get the picture ....

I'm sure a A-5 with e-Frame and a fire storm are REALLY going to be considered illegal, and they should ... I'm just surprised my marker didn't break a ball.

What I didn't like is that you really need to brace yourself to lay down some accurate fire with thing. It's more for those that like to lay down coverfire and not hit anything. If you notice most of those guys in the clip are just spraying and praying. Hell that one guy towards the end was hitting the steel tube he was hiding behind. If these guys have the paint and money to spend all the more power to them, it looks like they're having a blast. They others try to conserve their shots and aim, like the guy with the 98 in the woods.

You'll notice too that even though they were not using Air, they were taking their time with the CO2. I'm sure the Expansion Chamber helps an all, but at the rate a A-5 hogs gas, I bet they were sucking in liquid and freezing the hell out of their valves. I would not have put this thing on my A-5 if I wasn't already use HPA and a LPK ....

Yes it was fun, and put a HUGE smile on my face, but I'd rather not use it because it just isn't my style. I like to shoot a short controled burst that ends with an elimination. Not a long burst that is most likely going to change the local flora to a new color.

07-09-2004, 09:28 AM
I agree with some of the others here. It's for a "niche market."

IMHO It's a fun little toy that is best used with two guns in a tank or "emplacement" type setting.

Most people cannot put out a consistant stream of paint at 15bps hopper after hopper. Sure, a lot of the tourny guys here could I guess but we're not talking about tournaments here.

Think about it this way, 15 + 15 = 30bps :D A two gun set-up could be pretty impressive.

07-09-2004, 12:00 PM
Ooooooooooollllllllllddddddddddd news, and completely legal, the trigger has to make a full cycle. I've seen them used at Waynes World in Ocala. Been on the recieving end too.:(

07-09-2004, 02:48 PM
So is it a "poor mans electro" when someone replaces the crank with an electric motor of some kind? Someones bound to do it eventually. :D The 1st gatling guns were crank driven, todays miniguns are electric.

07-09-2004, 02:54 PM
people are getting so lazy they wont even pull the darn trigger anymore...

07-09-2004, 03:21 PM
if u goto the website and watch the product vid it show the waynes world grand finaly for 2k2. it shows our pb tank in the vid! (just thought it was cool)

07-09-2004, 03:39 PM
that thing would be so difficult to aim and fire. It's just too wierd., so great though.

07-09-2004, 03:50 PM
that thing would be so difficult to aim and fire. It's just too wierd., so great though.

That's why you want it mounted on something.

07-09-2004, 03:51 PM
psycho ballistic used to make A "black box" that fit a tippy..
same idea of paddles hitting the trigger. it used a 9 volt,servo motor,and a thumb pad switch. later they came out with one that had a "speed control" on it.
this was about 3 years ago..dont know if it was patented.
Also on the patent note...do you think Jim Drew has the copywrite for the use of the word EQUALIZER in paintball?
I'm sure this company will get a "letter" anyway.

Roca Z4
07-09-2004, 04:19 PM
I can't see the video

07-09-2004, 06:06 PM

Illegal for Tourny Play........

And A REPOST......

