View Full Version : Z-Grip RT mag missing/stolen in the Gallatin/Nashville, TN area

07-09-2004, 10:31 PM
i recently delt with a guy on this forum where i was going to trade him my Z-Grip RT mag for his Dell laptop...well, like an idiot, i sent first and now there's a problem...UPS says the package was delivered, yet he says he never got it...

now, i've had UPS trace the package to make sure it was delivered to the correct house, and it was confirmed that it was delivered to the correct house....now, the guy is claiming it was stolen off his front porch, so his dad won't let him send me the laptop that was part of the trade...so, if any players in the Nashville/Gallatin, Tennesee area could keep an eye out for this mag, i'd be really greatful...

here's the specs:

- Chrome powerfeed left body
- Stock rt valve
- **Z GRIP** (very rare only bout 500 made)
- Level 10 bolt
- Psycho ballistics chrome drop
- Quick disconnect
- 8 inch taso barrel
- 12 inch cobra barrel
- Aluminum freak back

the only pic of it i have right now is this one:
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid120/p5738d98fffa32a0f268a526b34a91036/f860943e.jpg ...

when i sent it, it had the taso barrel on it and it didn't have the tank or loader...

btw: the guy i was dealing with's name is Glen Stokes and he's from Gallatin, TN...his AO screen name is cocker_9000...if anyone knows him and could tell me wether or not he's full of crap, i'd appreciate it...

thanx in advance...

07-09-2004, 10:33 PM
Well ill look around in north alabama doubt itll make it here but it dosent hurt to look

07-09-2004, 10:57 PM
thanx...anyone in Tennessee who can help me out?

07-09-2004, 11:06 PM
You need to call the law.

I think that once delivery is confirmed that is the end of your obligation. It is not your fault that he did not take precautions.

May not have been a bad idea to get signature confirmation and or insurance.

07-09-2004, 11:17 PM
You should also do a search and call the fields in the area to see if he is playing with it.


07-09-2004, 11:19 PM
i had one alot like that (warp and black body tho) at least its not like a timmy and there will be 60000000 floating around ath the local field, mabey someone will find it

07-09-2004, 11:46 PM
You need to call the law.

I think that once delivery is confirmed that is the end of your obligation. It is not your fault that he did not take precautions.

May not have been a bad idea to get signature confirmation and or insurance.

the sig confirmation is something i should have done, granted...but, i don't think shipping insurance would come into play in this case...UPS listed the package as delivered to the correct address and it was confirmed as delivered to the correct address by a secondary UPS package trace...that means UPS fulfilled their part of the agreement and delivered the package to the address on time...

the only insurance i could see coming into play is the kid's parents homeowner's insurance...it did come into his possession, whether he knew it or not, so it's his responsibility...

also, the kid(which he apperantly hates being called, btw) is damn hard to get ahlod of...i'll talk with him on AIM and send him emails one day, then not hear from him for 3 or 4 days... :mad:

07-10-2004, 09:56 AM
Yes I suppose you are right about the insurace. That is only good for loss along the way , not after a confirmed delivery.

It really sounds as if you got scammed by the dude.

Have you tried to call UPS and tell them the details? They may not get involved , but may have some helpful information for you on what course of action to take. I personally use USPS cause they WILL go to bat for you in these type of instances.

I also believe that the homeowners insurace would be the way to go , but I doubt the value of the marker exceeds their deductable by much if at all. As I stated before I would suggest calling the law. It may not bea bad idea to contact the parent directly , but from a legal standpoint I am not sure if that could damage your position. Just make sure to be civil and make no threats against them.

Good luck , I hope this turns out for the better.

50 cal
07-10-2004, 10:31 AM
I play at all the local Nashville fields alot. Will keep a heads up for this baby.

IM me a contact for you so if I see it I can contact you ASAP.

Empyreal Rogue
07-10-2004, 12:19 PM
If you have the serial number you could post it and we could keep an eye out for it in case he tries to sell it for some quick cash and get it out of his hands. 50 cal, if he remembers the serial number you could give it to the local shops and they can keep their eyes open for it as well. That way you'll have a nice web system all over Nashville looking for this marker.

Good luck, pbspectre.

07-10-2004, 06:45 PM
I play at all the local Nashville fields alot. Will keep a heads up for this baby.

IM me a contact for you so if I see it I can contact you ASAP.

i'll try and find the serial number, but i'll have to contact the previous owner to get it...

My Contacts:
AIM: pbspectre
email: [email protected]

i check my email several times a day, at least, so that's usually the best way to get ahold of me...

many thanx in advance for any help you can give me...

07-10-2004, 07:44 PM
As long as you have proof that UPS said they delivered it, its not your fault. He most likely said he didnt get it when he very well did.

07-10-2004, 07:52 PM
I'll help keep an eye out im my playing area. Definately get the law involved, if you need a number I can get it for you.

07-10-2004, 07:52 PM
As long as you have proof that UPS said they delivered it, its not your fault. He most likely said he didnt get it when he very well did.

I dont think UPS delivers w/o a sig. Hmm my BS meter is going off again....

07-10-2004, 07:55 PM
I dont think UPS delivers w/o a sig. Hmm my BS meter is going off again....

Dont know what your talking about, I have never had to sign for anything from UPS, even when I got my pb guns shipped to me.

07-10-2004, 08:22 PM
UPS will only require a sig if you request it. They will also hold the package at the nearest facility for pickup (another good option). Otherwise, they leave it at the door. Actually, as far as signatures go, I have had packages where signature was requested left on doorsteps. I also remember one instance when, at twelve years old, I signed for a package that cleary stated that it required a signature from an adult over eighteen. So, even if you request a signature, it may still be left at the door or otherwise improperly delivered.

07-10-2004, 09:50 PM
you need to call the police in your town make out a report with them ...then if u have the sn of your rt put it on the report..then send a copy to joann agd,,,she will flag the gun as stolen so if it ever gets sent in to agd to be fixed you will get it back...

07-10-2004, 09:58 PM
get a phone #, and call, and just hope you get one of his parents, then explain the situation, and they'll most likey force their son to cough up their part of the trade

07-10-2004, 10:26 PM
get a phone #, and call, and just hope you get one of his parents, then explain the situation, and they'll most likey force their son to cough up their part of the trade

if i don't get an answer out of him soon(i've been emailing him daily since monday), that's what i'm gonna have to do...i'll try calling UPS first, though...i need to find out the exact details of the package trace...it was confirmed by phone that the package was delivered, but the guy says he doesn't know the person who confirmed it...

grrr....i'm never shipping first again...ever... :mad:

07-10-2004, 10:45 PM
Hey give Action Paintball a call (615) 851-7510, and ask for Mark Bradshaw..they are a store frequented by many ballas in the area. Also Mark is Metro Police Officer.

We have a couple of guys on the team in that area, have them look around for it, and I will look around up here.

chris geiger

07-10-2004, 10:49 PM
thanx G-Rock...he'll be third on my call list right after UPS and this kid's parents...

btw: here's the deal i was offered: http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?p=1484745#post1478838

knew i should've done 3rd party... :(

07-17-2004, 12:30 PM
any news? i want this gun........ still

07-17-2004, 02:26 PM
sorry...nothing new to report, other than the fact that my patience has pretty much run out...i last heard from the kid Sunday night and he said he was going to have his mom call the insurance company...since then, nothing...i've emailed him several times this week and have gotten no response...he's never on AIM, or when he is, he's always "away"...

if i don't hear anything within the next few days, he's gonna get a visit from his local authorities... :mad:

07-19-2004, 11:28 PM
well, it's been more than a week since i've heard anything out of this guy...last Sunday was the last email i got from him...looks like things are gonna have to get ugly... :cuss:

07-20-2004, 12:23 AM
hey i was looking on ebay and there was one that looked kinda similar to it but i dont think it is it. heres the link.ebay (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=10554&item=3688506734&rd=1) i hope u get it back... ill keep an eye out for it :wow:

07-20-2004, 12:40 AM
Use his name and address to look up his phone number. Talking on the phone is the best way to deal with a situation like this. Talk to him. If he sounds pretty young, talk to his dad. GEt the cops involved if the father won't change his mind. Your poart of the deal was fulfilled.

07-20-2004, 12:56 AM
i've already got his phone number, i've just been trying to resolve this through emails so i didn't have to spend the $$ for the long distance call...looks like i'm going to have to, though...one way or another, i'm getting my gun, $$, or computer out of this deal...