View Full Version : What have you done to help paintball grow?

07-09-2004, 11:05 PM
Just another rant.

I have:

Reffed and helped noobs and first timers
Surrendered 1st timers and noobs
Let a noob borrow my gun for a day
left paintball mags in my college classes on purpose
invited people to play, their 1st session
paid for people to play, their 1st session
get my co worker(s) to buy a M98
made a homade "I <3 Paintball" shirt (pat. pend.)::wink::
Solicited the idea of paintball to my nonpaintballing friends
Participated in AO days
Setup fields
kicked down some basic paintball physics.

enuff bout me howzbout yous guys?

07-09-2004, 11:18 PM
Well lets see....

Reffed and helped noobs and first timers
Surrendered 1st timers and noobs
Let a noob borrow my gun for a day
left paintball mags at work on purpose
invited people to play, their 1st session
paid for people to play, their 1st session
get my co worker(s) to buy a marker

Solicited the idea of paintball to my nonpaintballing friends

Setup fields
kicked down some basic paintball physics.

I have done those.....+
Got my 10 year old daughter to play
Thrown games on purpose against noobs to boost confidance
Taken on heavily one sided odds for the same purpose
Helped my daughter make a report on paintball reflecting the positive side of the sport for a activities fair for school
...possibly more....

07-10-2004, 12:00 AM
I have done those.....+
Got my 10 year old daughter to play
Thrown games on purpose against noobs to boost confidance
Taken on heavily one sided odds for the same purpose
Helped my daughter make a report on paintball reflecting the positive side of the sport for a activities fair for school
...possibly more.... hell yeah! right on dude!

07-10-2004, 12:10 AM
I wrote all the code behind www.jayloo.com in the name of paintball.

I personally pay for the server that hosts all 4500+ images you guys have posted so it is FREE to you.

I have over 1000 quality posts on AO some helping others find there way ;)

I have personally introduced and tought many about the sport of paintball and oraganized private parties to go out with them and play.

barrel break
07-10-2004, 12:21 AM
well, I have-

introduced 10+ people to the sport directly, and they brought others in.
leave paintball mags in public places (with what i consider to be "bad" articles taken out)
surrender people whenever possible
always accomodate n00bs, help them, try and make their day better.

and pretty soon I will be handing out pamphlets at saturday market, and downtown!

07-10-2004, 12:28 AM
Reffed and helped new players From age 10 to 70
Gone back on the field after the game with countless new players and showed them specific points of play (i.e snap shooting, angels, bunker wrapping, ect.)
Surrendered 1st timers
allowed new players to use some 'nice' setups such as my Xmag, angel, matrix, ect.
invited people to play, as well as 'sold' potential players from almost every situation imaginable: the mall, restruants, church, bars, ect.
paid for people to play their first time.
hooked people up on incredible deals on first guns and accessories so they could play more- -- such as a m98 package with tank, goggles, and hopper for like $50 bux.
talked at great legnths with numerous parents of kids who want to play, but the parents had 'reservations' about saftey and the like. convinced about 95% of those to allow their kids to play, and over 50% to come out and play themselves.
Interviewed on one of the local news stations explaining safety (requirements and injuy statistic) of paintball
Discussed qear upgrades with the newer player, and kept them from spending money on usless items (like that 24" barrel) so they wouldnt blow tons of cash and 'burn out' on the sport.
Designed, built, and maintained both commercial AND renegade fields.
Given hours of free tech lessons and labor covering basic marker care and saftey to make people enjoy their equipment and the sport better.
Allowed newer players to shoot me out to ensure that they have a good time and want to come back.
Played nemerous 3, 5, and 7 on one's for the same purpose.
Helped organize, start, and coach a couple teams composed of players that had barely even played before, and turned them into top 3 placers and local events. Some of which are currently being scouted by some upper division teams on the circuit.

I think that's got it covered for the time being. .


07-10-2004, 01:35 AM
Just another rant.

I have:

Reffed and helped noobs and first timers

invited people to play, their 1st session
paid for people to play, their 1st session
get my co worker(s) to buy a M98

Solicited the idea of paintball to my nonpaintballing friends

Setup fields
kicked down some basic paintball physics.

enuff bout me howzbout yous guys?

i kept what i have done....im lazy

07-10-2004, 05:53 AM

i have worked at a field at no charge for 2 years!!! helped keep the dead man rule in effect i.e surrendering..when we play no surrender if i haver your back to me i shoot packs and masks as they are hard and dont hurt!!! teach anyone willing to listen/ask for help...showed any kid that buys a gun from us/brings there own and doesnt know the first thing bout it.. how it works how to clean/maintain and exactly what things do what!!!discussed physics and designs always given facts not hype and fought hype at ever chance... always advised on the best upgrades for low level markers i.e. reg, barrel, hopper and a dependent on what how big you wanna go tank..driven many a kids home when their parents failed to pick em up.. always try to get my friends out at every chance... hosted a paintball day for the NLVPD cadets!!! always give everyone a memorable experience!!! and oh yeah allowed anyone that showed interest to play with my gun especially if theres breaks down on em..ie noone touches the xmag though!!!! and i love to play to go after the best players on the field then sit back and tell my team to go get em..have even left games just cuz i felt the teams were more even without me!!! ooh and ofcoarse if someone thinks i have an unfair advantage i wont hesitate to pick up a rental and do what i just did with my gun just to show them that its not the size of the pocket but the skill behind the player that counts!!! thats bout it oh and i try to encourage the sisters of players to go shoot their brothers!! but it doesnt work out as often as i liked!! oh and just fyi im only 18!!!

07-10-2004, 05:57 AM
I went to the potty in the toilet.

If I listed everything I've done to help paintball, AO would explode!

So I'll just be a :ninja: and stuff :bounce:

07-10-2004, 08:26 AM
Brought about a dozen new players (friends and family) to the sport

Always taken time to socialize with the younger kids and noobs and answer questions on the field

Organized paintball trips for me and my friends to places like Skirmish for big scenario games

Invested a good amount of time in pb forums, like AO, talking paintball, answering questions

Spent lots of $$$ on paint, markers and paintball equipment

Given paintball markers (lower-end stuff like Tippmanns and Spyders) as birthday gifts -> Nothing sucks you into the game like owning your own marker

07-10-2004, 09:07 AM
i love teaching gun tech and tips to anyone who will listen
i'm big on lending stufff i have i spyder i us a a back up (its dusty) but i lend aleast one of my barrles for it out every night once you spin on your first boomie your hooked
most of my co workers now play and i try to play back atlest one game a night to get people to move up and take good props

but most of all i don't do "drive bys" on houses and cars of poeple i don't like, no matter how much good you do crap like that will always over shadow it keep rocking AO

07-10-2004, 10:05 AM
ive done lots of the same things you guys have done

one day there was this kid with a rebel and it was really shtting out on him, i let him use my mag for a few games, next time i saw him he had a mag with almost the same settup as me. it was funny

07-10-2004, 10:53 AM
I have:

-reffed both rental groups and tourneys
-helped new players with advice and extra paint
-encouraged safe practices, and fair play

-spoken out against cheating, and unsafe fields
-participated in a paintball documentary project at a local university
-given interviews on TV and video

-loaned out my equipment to new players
-left paintball mags in my physiotherapists office
-organized games and invited people to play for the first time

-played lower-tech against inexperienced players, to give them more confidence and a better chance
-spread the idea of paintball to my nonpaintballing friends, getting many of them to take it up
-helped organize two big games, one of them for charity

-served on the executive of a provincial paintball association
-represented provincial paintball association at the AGM of the Provincial Sports Federation
-created an annual tournament series for the provincial paintball association
-spent enough money to make a downpayment on a house

07-10-2004, 11:19 AM
I've gotten not one but TWO girls to play
Helped noobies fix there spyders.
Given noobies chances to surrender
Introducted at LEAST 10 more people to the sport.
Loaned my gun to people.
Won a 4v1 game (i bought more paint after that game... :headbang:)


07-10-2004, 02:15 PM
-Got not 2 but 1 girl to play
-Invited about 1 first timer per session I go
-Fixed a good deal of misc blowbacks
-Supplied many guns as well as parts
-Introduced first timers to some experienced buddies
-Provide transportation for first timers

07-10-2004, 02:42 PM
i vandalized a bunch of houses and cars, and shot a couple kids doing a drive by! :shooting:

07-10-2004, 03:44 PM
good for you.
Ya mind leaving me your name, address and location so i can get your confession to the local police department? No, im serious, i'll take all the long distance phone charges with a smile.

There is no room in paintball for bottom of the barrrel worthless, lowlife good-for-nothing vandalistic peices of crap such as yourself. Let me catch you doing somthing stupid like that and i can ASSURE you that you will spend time in jail.

07-10-2004, 03:55 PM
I am doing everything I can do to make sure their are NO more paintballers than what already exist. There are too many already, and the only ones I like to play with or against I already know.
If, in the unlikely event I do play with someone I believe is worthy of the game, then I promote that person, and try to make some other A-hole I can't stand quit the game.
Cheating, overshooting, shooting hot, screaming, throwing my gun (or better yet, his) all seem to work to balance the scales.

07-10-2004, 05:06 PM
I help kids if their gun breaks down.
Give them tips on what to do.
Be a ref, for most of the day, because of the lack of refs at me field.
Let kids use my guns.

I really just try and do what I can to help everyone have a great and safe day of paintball.

07-10-2004, 05:57 PM
-I organized the Annual NorCal vs SoCal AO Day (http://www.zakvetter.com/Pages/Paintball/NorCal_vs_SoCal/main.html). To that end I also made other parts of my website as a resource for people
-I have reffed on/off for over 4 years at T.A.G. Paintball
-I make it a habbit to try and give out paintballs so that my friends can play longer.
-My giant box of parts for Mags is most often used to help fix other peoples Mags
-I suffer trials and tribulations in an effort to bring you fun little (ok sometimes a bit larger) movies.

But see I like doing all that so it's almost like those of us who really are the enthusiasts do these things according to what we can offer. I am just happy people like what I do.

07-10-2004, 05:59 PM
good grief you get a cookie...........

come on stop with the rants about nothing.

07-10-2004, 08:27 PM
good grief you get a cookie...........

come on stop with the rants about nothing.

Level up or GO BACK TO PBN, your missing the point of this thread ya sourpuss. It is not about bravado or who has done more for the sport. In fact, most of the folks that posted on this thread have done pretty selfless thing to promote the growth of the sport. I just wanted to give the chance for everyone to chime off and have their efforts recognized. The inttent is to convey new ideas of how to spread/promote the sport among the AO collective.

07-10-2004, 09:00 PM
good grief you get a cookie...........

come on stop with the rants about nothing.
The rants aren't about "nothing" they are on topic. However your post isn't and it is meaningless, please go back to PBN with the useless post.

07-10-2004, 09:07 PM
i have introduced my brother, mother, aunt, 2 uncles, many friends and soon my father to the sport, all of who have memberships at the field i play at every month. along with that anytime i play with new players i try to get them up on the front lines with me and other fellow experienced players. i help fix guns on the field and give advice to younger newer players. at the field where i normally play at we have even given away chests, equip, and guns to newer players. well, still doin my part.

07-10-2004, 09:07 PM
with help brought in people to play which then exceeded me with $1000 dollar guns but I still hand it to them ahahhaha

:dance: !DANCING BANANA! :dance:

One time I shot up a little girl and her even younger little brother in a blitzkrieg type Kamikazi rush accident, I thought it was one of my friends, and felt really sorry afterwords :(

07-10-2004, 09:15 PM

Besides years of play,promoting,offering free services and free repairs to the locals,giving free items such as tools and supplies and gear and paint and markers away,teaching saftey,instructing maintanance and upkeep,helping and building of and maintaining of local fields,bringing many new players to the sport,edjucating parents and local officials in a positive manner and more......

I,in the last year, have devoted my professional life to the sport.....full time('cept holidays and vacations). :D

I hope that's enough cause that's all I got. ;)

07-10-2004, 10:46 PM
good for you.
Ya mind leaving me your name, address and location so i can get your confession to the local police department? No, im serious, i'll take all the long distance phone charges with a smile.

There is no room in paintball for bottom of the barrrel worthless, lowlife good-for-nothing vandalistic peices of crap such as yourself. Let me catch you doing somthing stupid like that and i can ASSURE you that you will spend time in jail.
dude u take things pretty seriously, just chill

as for really helping paintball, i've helped out new comers with wat gear is good to start out with, help teams find there 3rd man, u know stuff like dat

team unwanted
07-10-2004, 10:46 PM
i let people use my guns,air,masks
if they run out of paint i will give them a pod full
sell things real cheap to friends
and i made a little field for my friends and i to play on

07-10-2004, 11:50 PM
wasnt trying to hijack the thread, but let me explain.

since ive been involved in paintball (somewhere around 9 years now) I constantly find myself on the front line of paintballs image of social acceptance with whatever community i happen to be a part of. Im the guy at the paintball shop, and have been so at more than one place - - for over 5 years now.
Im the one that TONS of people come to regarding paintball.
I've been the 'only' baller in many social circles and have had to deal with the terrorist training steryotypes, the 'david koresh' cult type steryotypes, the "thats the most dangerous thing in the world" sterotypes, as well as the vandalism sterotypes. The last one really gets on my nerves.

Ive had many people come into the shop or simply stop and talk to me elsewhere (because they knew about my involvement in paintball) mad. Steaming mad and looking for a fight because some dumb punk shot up their house/car/kid/dog with a paintball gun. They have come to me yelling and cussing about how paintball should be banned all over the country because of situations like theirs. How'd they'd NEVER play or EVER let their kids play somthing like that. Ive had parents and grandparents swear that would do anything they could to prevent paintball from becoming recgonized as an organized sport.

Is it stupid? yeah. It dosent make me a baseball player if i go out and shatter some kneecaps with a ball bat, does it?

The bottom line is this. I dont joke around with paintball vandalisim.
Im the sorry guy that has to deal with the aftermath of it all.

if you were joking, just dont worry about it. I just find some things decidly NOT funny.

If you were serious, believe me: I meant every word i said.


07-11-2004, 11:25 PM
i have helped pay for and put up about 3 fields around our town
shared the good news w/ kids everywhere i go
i leave magazines at school(sometimes not on purpose. hehe)

07-11-2004, 11:42 PM
Is it stupid? yeah. It dosent make me a baseball player if i go out and shatter some kneecaps with a ball bat, does it?l


07-12-2004, 12:24 AM
I help keep a peemp new indoor field clean. Its like atomix paintball with the atomix turf and everything but texas sized instead. :D We can fit a nice chicago layout x ball field in there. And everything is easy to get to.

Oh and i solicit the field everywhere i go..... ;)

before that i talked about it at school whenever i possibly could. even wrote papers and speeches about it. :rolleyes: Got a few friends into it. Try to get a few girls to go... still need to take one chick that would prolly like it out to play..... :cool:

other than that i've been useless and jsut throwing about $400 a year into it.