View Full Version : Mag revolution a BAD thing?

07-10-2004, 03:39 AM
have u ever seen newbies or people that did not respect their gear, like a little rich kid throw his timmy or angel to the ground? just think if the whole new mag revolution thing that Tom is tryin to do works(not that i don't have faith in him) and u see all the kids getting mags and the rich guys getting the more expencive mags. then all of us that have been loyal to mags and AGD over the years, we will become like all the little crowds of kids u see with tippys and spyders, except with mags.
at my local field i am the mag guy, i'm the only 1 that uses 1, and thats cool, cause i don't mind. but if every body or a large group of people have them at my feild just because its "the cool thing that month" i and some of u other AO guys will kinda become the new spyder/tippy croud.
basically if i see a kid throw a karta/hair trigger mag to the ground, i won't feel like laughin like i do if it where an angel. i would fell sorry for the kid, cause in about three soconds i would throw him to the ground and sit on him (220 lbs) untill he says he is sorry to the mag lol.

remember its 4:30 am here and very few 4:30 am rants are worth readin, so thank for your time and don't flame to much... remember its 4:30 am

07-10-2004, 03:45 AM
also if you factor in the fact that it would increase prices....mabey Mags might be better off staying underground (for lack of a better term)

07-10-2004, 03:49 AM
its 4:50, and i dont agree with you at all, id like to see more mags at the field, regardless of who has em, becasue save for the field owner's Z bodied emag, which is in pieces and is never used, there are no mags here that i have seen

07-10-2004, 03:52 AM
true the prices may go up.

07-10-2004, 03:54 AM
its 4:50, and i dont agree with you at all, id like to see more mags at the field, regardless of who has em, becasue save for the field owner's Z bodied emag, which is in pieces and is never used, there are no mags here that i have seen

(4 am here)

i think a mag revolution would be great....dont get me wrong ...but i think we all agree a price incress would suck

i will be the second mag at my field ...the other guy shoots a classic ..and everybody is afrid of him...he is awesome

but i have only seen 3 in real life (his clasic...a uncles friends sons ..clasi (didnt work..im gonna buy it and fix it) and a old RT in the shop someguy brought in to have fixed)

barrel break
07-10-2004, 03:58 AM
its only 2:03 here...

07-10-2004, 05:19 AM
3:13 am here.. my feild at one time had around 4-6 mags there... but thats cuz the field owner and I are from the days when the only two high end guns were mags and cockers hell i remember when the angel was first released and everyone was all like 900 is way to much for a paintball gun!!!also i am those were all classics then one guy got a classic rt and an older player would show up randomly with his rt and emag...now i have the only xmag at the field regulary and my friends brother has one he got his first!!! and his bro has a ule rt that he built from a minimag...i could care less wether mags make it big or not personally i dont think they will only cuz alot of fields CA fill stations suck and it sucks only being able to play on 1000 psi of a 2000 psi fill. any way look at the bright side after you sit on the rich kid you can say since you dont want his i will take it off of your hands for free!!!! note i just got back from playing so im really tired!!!

07-10-2004, 06:48 AM
Wow, I almost feel sorry for you guys. To think your playing fields aren't populated with mags. I guess I'm lucky. Since RobAGD works for Pevs, there are a lot of mags here in Northern VA. Now I wouldn't go as far to say the mags outnumber the cockers/tippmans/spyders/matrices/timmys but there are a great number. Just last week there were 2 Xmags, my Emag, 3 classic mags including a girl with a Standard feed mag. One of the refs shoots a xvalved ule classic as well and RobAGDs old skewl brick house emag hangs on the wall of the proshop. There are usually at least 3-4 "mags" on the weekends that I notice, probably more than I don't.

I think a proliferation of mags would be awesome. I think it would do the opposite on prices, since there are more customers AGD will be able to lower their price and still make a profit. At least thats what I hope happens.

It's revolution up in this bi@tch...


07-10-2004, 07:51 AM
I rememver when there was 3 mags going almost every weekend. Ramenoodls here on ao and the owner of the local field and me of course. It was sweet. I cuould always tell right were the were from the sound. We used to mop up when we were still playing with the rec players. All of us have sold our mags though. The other guys to cockers and me to wdp. I kinda miss my old automag though.

07-10-2004, 08:30 AM
MCDKID I feel what ur saying, its like when you discover a really good local or underground band and everybody is like who the hell is this band? never heard em, then like 4 months later every tom dick and harry is rocking out to the same band that you knew about almost a year ago. I see AGD kinda being the same way, they are a smaller company that doesnt have to always be in the limelight, when is tha last time you saw an ad for a mag in any p ball magazine? What is gonna happen when the "revolution" starts and every other magazine runs some slick AGD ads? Every little agg punk will be like"Im old school yo, I got the new deadly wind mag 16 bps no batteries, did you guys know agd used to make guns in the 90's?" I could care less if all the little muppets start sporting AGD I dont even mind paying a little more for AGD products once this happens, I WOULD be very p***ed if Tom starts pouring money into 4 page ads rather than buliding quality markers.

07-10-2004, 08:56 AM
i play on week nights at my local field, and its been nice but now since its summer there is a growing corwd of kids playing on weeknights and i have been starting to notice the little brats with timmys and imp's. last week this kid opn my team with a spyder said the funniest thing "when i get my timmy i'm gonna run the field" i had gooten shot up the game before so my replay was not the nicest "that spyber shoots pretty stright, and will do 8-9 bps whats keeping you in the back now, nice markers don't come with balls you have to grow then on your own." I have been getting sick of these kids swinging setups worth about a grand and having no idea that there is more then just numbers in the price. i baby my mag its just a classic tbut i got about two weeks pay into it (collage kid). can't wait till school starts again so i don't have to deal with these brats and week nights become small but fun games again

07-10-2004, 08:59 AM
...subtle, Rogue...


I know what you guys are saying. I used to watch Jackass all the time before it hit popularity in my town. As soon as I started tlakign about it I got remarks 'Oh, is it a gay show, you gay'. You know, irreverent bull :p . Anyways, a week later everyone knew about jackass and 'watched it from the early days'..

God damn...

07-10-2004, 09:26 AM
...subtle, Rogue...


Subliminal messages in all it's glory :rofl:

07-10-2004, 07:05 PM
If I were to get a mag, I'd be converting one to a spyder frame, with ACE and an uncapped board, along with a 25G switch. And new grips, the stock ones are horrid and telltale lowend.

A used classic L7 can be found for $150 ish these days, and a spyder frame gets parted out at $50. The new T-board and eyes runs you $65. However, you can defer the cost of that by selling the mag frame ($40 maybe, more for an intelli). Add an ACP slasher trigger (22.50)Simply run a small 9.6v nimh AA pack ~500mAH under the tank cover ($10, you'd pay more for 2 9V rechargables) and you've got a serious Mag weapon of mass destruction. The problem lies in forcing it faster than 16bps.

shot queing
25g trigger
3 way adjustability

Under $300

07-10-2004, 07:47 PM
i like how you say the fact that its 4:30 am at the END of your post... LOL!!!

i do somewhat agree with the topic, but i dont think it will get that big and get out of hand like the Angels and timmies are...

07-10-2004, 08:12 PM
I come from the time that there were three semi's on the field. Mags, VM-68's and Tipmann Pro-Am's. (there were a few cockers, but not many). I remember when everyone, including the new players used Mags. It was not a bad thing in any way. To be honest, I would rather the Mag make a come back.

07-10-2004, 08:16 PM
I, too, remember when those three WERE what today's Tmmy/Angel/Matrix, etc. are. In fact, I onwed one of each at one point. But, I never really felt badly about owning a marker that a lot of others owned. And while now owning one makes me a bit of an odditiy, I wouldn't mind if they made a comeback, as I lived with it once.

07-10-2004, 09:51 PM
I'd like for Mags to become more popular again. In the LA area, shop owners look at you with a combination of disgust and disbelief when you ask for Automag parts. About the only shop I've found that has any Automags for sale is ANS in Simi Valley and even they don't have much in the way of parts (no lvl 10 foamies).

If they get hugely popular again, just sit back and wait for all those rich kids who'd conned their parents into buying one to screw them up and sell them.

07-10-2004, 10:06 PM
I would like to see people respect mags. However, I like what we have here at AO and I dont want a bunch of kids to come in and make it another pbn


07-10-2004, 10:29 PM
"when i get my timmy i'm gonna run the field" i had gooten shot up the game before so my replay was not the nicest "that spyber shoots pretty stright, and will do 8-9 bps whats keeping you in the back now, nice markers don't come with balls you have to grow then on your own." but fun

WOW, hilarious, thats great man and people dont like jump on the bandwagon and get tippys and spyders casue everyone has them, its jsut a nice, cheap noob guns for kids

07-11-2004, 02:40 AM
i to would like them to become more popular, but as said before it could become more expencive to get stuff. i agree with rouge, but before i started working there, my local store had some mag parts aroud(velocity adjusters, extra bolts,ect.) and since no 1 was getting them i they would be like "heck u want it just take it" or " whats it say $10, just give me $3". stuff like that was cool, getting the stuff one 1 wanted(lcause every1 around here is on the cocker craze).

any way, its been interestin to hear your guys thoughts on this so keep them comming.

btw its 3:40 am lol

07-12-2004, 12:45 AM
who cares? i mean is it that big of a deal that someone shoots a certain gun? excalibers arnt too common, but i saw a bunch of them this weekend. But guess what that means? Nothing. People shoot what they want to, and that shouldnt affect you. As if it matters if the team youre playing is shooting paint at you with a alias or a dm4. Same thing.

07-12-2004, 02:07 AM
The only factor i fear with mags becoming wildly popular is, the Quality Control of third party parts/upgrades/add-on. Consider, anno that is too thick can make an rt inopreable. Heck even a quarter turn on the assembly screw will prevent a mag from firing. And what of a 3rd party item causing excessive wear or damaging a mag?

I can forsee youngins gettin the ultra fantabulous, new, custom 3rd party rails that wont work on a Nag. Then getting frustrated and ditching the gun altogether.

i dont know, just a though.