View Full Version : tell me which cheap electro to buy

trains are bad
07-10-2004, 06:08 PM
my friend needs a new marker.

He's been shooting espyder clones and they keep crapping out on him. He has a halo and a HPA tank. He just needs a marker.

He's not very mechanical. He wants something cheap, fast, and reliable/easy. I know nothing about the current crop of electros except that I am happy enough with my mag to not want one. He knows only enough about mags to know he doesn't want one.

He's looking at a BKO but I just heard that they need uprading and weren't good, that he should just get a '___' for the same money etc. He needs something good to go out of the box.

He is our back player, 3man.

Don't be afraid to state the obvious we are inexperienced with different kinds of markers etc.

his buget is tight. Like >350

07-10-2004, 06:20 PM
so is he dead set on a brand new gun?

if he picks up a bko, might want to look into a OTB blind bolt just in case. Friend had a bko and it chopped pretty bad. Halo should help but you can never risk a chop!

If he can scrounge a few more bucks he's better off getting a bushy with pds.

07-10-2004, 06:50 PM
Ive seen quite a lot of impies with vision for 350 used, or a bko for about the same. I would take the bko over the impulse. Thats what I would go with if I was him. 350 new doesnt give him any decent non blowback options.

07-11-2004, 12:13 AM
If he wants to use a halo with a BKO he'll need to mod it a bit to prevent double-feeding, which just means reinforcing the stock o-ring detent with a slice of macroline or replacing it with a rubber washer of the same diameter. Either option is inexpensive and easy to do.

Also the stock regs aren't the best (in my opinion at least).

The good news is that they seem to have just lowered the price. $299.50 at pbgear if they were in stock.

07-11-2004, 12:45 AM
Tell him to get a Tribal. You can get them pretty cheap over at the Tribal forum on PBN, and with some simple upgrades they're pretty damn fast. I've loved all mine.

07-11-2004, 12:54 AM
BKO, Blind bolt, Halo, Compressed air tank and the detent mod for the halo: http://www.pleeairsmith.com/Tech/Mods/reinforce.htm

for about 5-600 for everything you can have a really sweet setup. BKO's dont need a bunch of upgrades, unless you just like to blow money on crap..

07-11-2004, 12:57 AM
The BKO and Impulse are the only things that come to mind in that price range. The new BKO's have 18 BPS boards so the Halo will be plenty fast for it. I have Also heard that the stock regs weren't that great on BKOs too. If you get an Impulse then I think that most people get a blade trigger and tapeworm for minimum upgrades.


07-11-2004, 09:00 AM
$350 should buy you a used moderately upped impulse. Don't worry about Vision, he's got a Halo.