View Full Version : a "Zap the Mad" inspired test...

the electrician
07-11-2004, 10:02 AM
I have had a theory that the input pressure of a classic valve can affect the recharge rate of the valve. basically the input pressure into any reg and valve, can affect the rate at which it is recharged and ready to shoot again. basically the idea is the higher pressure ,means higher velocity air flows through the reg when it opens, filling the chamber faster until the reg closes off flow. now we know it makes a difference on the RT's reactivity, but this is not about reactivity, just recharge rate.

so following Zap the mad's idea, I hooked up a scuba tank to the classic valve, right at the valve. now this particular gun uses a small ram to actuate the sear, so air needs to be provided to the LPR that feeds the solenoid valve and ultimately the ram. but you cannot give the LPR 2000 psi, so instead, I capped off the line going from the vertical adapter to the valve, and put my screw in tank in the ASA to feed the LPR like normal. this way the valve gets the 2000 psi, and the LPR gets it's 800 psi.

the gun is controlled by a morlock board. so I have been able to test the valves limits before. I have been able to cycle the gun in 56 msec before. this comes out to about 18 bps. this is without any noticeable drop off in sound signature. anytime I tried to lower the cycle time, the gun started to sputter and you could definitely tell the difference.

with the tank feeding 2000 psi into the valve, I was able to get the cycle time down to 47 msec. something that was not even close to possible before. being that the only difference in the set-up was the input pressure into the valve, I think it is safe to come to the conclusion that input pressure DOES affect the recharge rate of the classic valve.
the advantage is very small, but it does show a 9 msec difference @ 2000 psi. which I imagine is pretty close to the difference in recharge time that Zap the mad experienced with the RT valve.

07-11-2004, 10:40 AM
You always have some great posts and ideas.

07-11-2004, 11:08 AM
Actually, the scuba was Z-mans idea. I was just the dummy "test" subject :)

But you are correct. When the regulator opens, it is filling the chamber with much higher flow because there is more pressure pushing it thru. The higher your input pressure, the faster it will recharge.

07-11-2004, 11:10 AM


The little Victory Board video I made that Zap is on is on link 2.

the electrician
07-11-2004, 12:37 PM
sorry about the mix up, I knew you were both involved. ;)

I think it shows that the input makes a difference in the recharge rate of any reg/valve.

so my advice to increase the input pressure, to those looking to get the best performance out of thier ULT'd classic, is not off base at all. evem though some have disagreed.