View Full Version : Electro Vert Frame

07-11-2004, 10:22 AM
Sorry, this isn't a thread advertising a new one about to hit the market its a a call for one. So far we have seen like 3 different vert frames, and all of them are basicaly the same thing. I am thinking that if someone came out with a low price electro vert frame that managed to get by SP then they would make a killing.

Just a idea, feel free to flame me now. :clap:

07-11-2004, 12:34 PM
A small custom company called PaintTech is coming out with one for the spyder. I have also requested that they come out with a mag version and they have begun working on it. It will use similar internals as the E-mag and X-mag frames (the solenoid will actuate the sear in the same way). These internals will just be smaller in order to fit them in a vert frame. The frame will also come with an uncapped board and breakbeam eyes. Its projected cost is $210-220. Here's a link:

Paintech Wright Frame (http://www.hatchet-tech.com/ptforum/viewtopic.php?t=74)

The release date for the spyder version was July 1st. That has past and gone so I wouldn't expect the mag version for a while either.