View Full Version : Why, oh, why?!

07-11-2004, 03:32 PM
Why do some Automag owners feel the need to cut out the trigger guard? I have seen so many nice looking Automags on eBay that have been cosmetically transformed into eye sores by this unnecessary mutilation! It's disheartening. However, the funny part is, I have watched such auctions and not a single Automag without the trigger guard has been sold. I hope that makes the owner realize what he did was a huge mistake, and now he's stuck with that 'Mag until he puts more money into it by upgrading the trigger frame.

07-11-2004, 03:34 PM
Because back in the day they didn't ahve anything but single-trigger frames, so people cut their single trigger frames and put double-triggers in there.

Now they have the intelliframe, but that doesn't matter much :p

07-11-2004, 04:13 PM
Because back in the day they didn't ahve anything but single-trigger frames, so people cut their single trigger frames and put double-triggers in there.

Now they have the intelliframe, but that doesn't matter much :p

Hmmmm... makes sense. I didn't think of that. I remember back when the double finger trigger came out. At that time I owned a Spyder Standard, which I upgraded to a double trigger frame that had no trigger guard. I remember that craze. Now, it's all common place. Ahhhh... history.

07-11-2004, 10:44 PM
Woohoo, I was one of those people that did that! :cheers:

I had the single trigger, got the double trigger, guard had to go. I kinda liked it better that way, I got used to how long the trigger pull was and was able to pull the trigger back with my ring finger directly behind it. I got a pretty good ROF out of it. I'm thinking of building a third Mag with all my spare parts just to be able to use the trigger when I want to.

07-11-2004, 11:43 PM
wow, im way behind the times but thats ok! i just cut out my trigger guard on my single trigger mag about 2 weeks ago, im too cheap to buy an intelliframe, so i bought a 10 dollar double trigger off of paintballgear.com, and i put it on my single trigger frame, i love it!
i just hope they let me play with it in an upcoming local tournament. (maybe they wont notice) but i still have another single trigger frame with the trigger guard incase i ever need to switch back

07-11-2004, 11:48 PM
wow, im way behind the times but thats ok! i just cut out my trigger guard on my single trigger mag about 2 weeks ago, im too cheap to buy an intelliframe, so i bought a 10 dollar double trigger off of paintballgear.com, and i put it on my single trigger frame, i love it!
i just hope they let me play with it in an upcoming local tournament. (maybe they wont notice) but i still have another single trigger frame with the trigger guard incase i ever need to switch back

That reminds me. I remember 6 months hadn't even passed from when this craze began when the NPPL and most insurance companies for field owners placed rules on the no trigger guard issue, stating all paintguns are required to have a trigger guard or their owners aren't allowed to play. Now, most fields strictly enforce this rule, while others are more concerned about making money, therefore they could care less.

07-12-2004, 05:11 AM
my brothers frame didnt come with a guard and i remember when some guns came stock with out a guard ie my spyder special edition!!

Creative Mayhem
07-12-2004, 09:31 AM
Anybody want my old cut carbon trigger frame?:D