View Full Version : Does the price of paintball make you play less often?

07-11-2004, 04:12 PM
I love going paintballing. It is a super fun sport, good excersize, and having an awesome gun to play with makes it even funner. I was playing yesterday and starting thinking about all the money I have spent and I started to think maybe I should quit playing-maybe just go once a month or less-and sell my gun. I dropped 1200 on my Xmag. I wanted one so bad I didn't think of the money when I was buying it. On top of the gun I drop $80+ everytime I go paintballing, which is at least every other weekend. This all factored together adds up to...... :tard: ...A LOT of money. I decided to sell my Xmag and go back to an RT ULE, but I still have to drop a ton of money everytime I play.
Any of you quit going as often or dropped the sport all together? I am a college student and I can't keep up with the price of paintball anymore. Maybe I will start skating more again. Skating is one of the few hobbies that is cheap, fun, and can be done year round. The draw back to skating is injuries-I dislocated my shoulder 7 times and let me tell you that doesn't tickle, but atleast my pockets are full :)
What hobbies have you replaced paintballing with?-if any. Do you think there will ever be a drop in the price of paintball?-mainly the price of balls. It would be awesome if it was only 30-40 for a full day of paintballing

07-11-2004, 04:16 PM
buy a pump. :headbang: :shooting:

Won Hunglo
07-11-2004, 04:32 PM
Paintball is expensive now? Bawawawa!!!! You should have been a player in the early 90's. Took 200 bucks everytime you stepped on the field.


Case of paint $125 (2500 in a case back then & it usually wasn't round)
Field fee: $15
Each 20oz CO2 fill: $4 (No such thing as nitro yet)
Classic powerfeed mag: $500+
18V Shredder loader to feed that blazing 7 BPS Mag: $100


Case of paint $50 (dang good stuff most of the time)
Field fee: $12
Each 20oz CO2 fill: Free fill with field fee. (People still use CO2?)
Nitro: Free fill with field fee.
Classic powerfeed mag: $150 on Ebay
18V Shredder loader to feed that blazing 7 BPS Mag: Well the shredder died & became the revy. An X board revy that feeds 3 times as fast: $45

Yea paintball is pretty cheap now. :dance:

07-11-2004, 04:37 PM
Thank you Won!!! It's good to know I'm not the only person that remembers those days around here!!! I remeber paying $125 for a case of paint......

07-11-2004, 04:38 PM
Where I come from, field paint costs $88 a case, field fee is $15 w/o membership (membership is $50), and air is $1 per 1000 psi. So it is still quite expensive here.

And back in the day, a case of 2500 balls would last you a LONG time considering you could only shoot around 7bps. Today, w/ 20+ bps guns, a case goes pretty darn fast.

07-11-2004, 04:41 PM
I do see his point though. If it cost 70$ every time and you go about 20 times a year thats 1400$ plus the price of your gun, tank, hopper and other stuff. It really adds up fast. But what other sport is so much fun? :dance:

07-11-2004, 04:41 PM
Well as of right now, I have no where to play, county shut everyone down.

The place I loved to play the most was...

65 case
10 entry
free all day air.

75 total.

07-11-2004, 04:43 PM
Time for you to find another field my friend!!!
For me :
Paint <$30 a case (LX has paid for itself already)
Field fee: $20
Air: FREE (My favorite price) or $5- $10 all day
So yes, painball is really not that expensive these days!!!

ß?µ£ §mµ®ƒ
07-11-2004, 04:44 PM
:-D this is why some of us play stock for 100 balls a day

07-11-2004, 05:03 PM
What hobbies have you replaced paintballing with?
I didn't replace it, but another hobby of mine is fast cars. The only problem is that hot rodding cars is even more expensive than paintball, lol. Be happy you aren't addicted to paintball and fast cars, otherwise you would be super broke.

07-11-2004, 05:03 PM
I basically did the same thing you did. I had a green micro e-mag that BobTheCow currently has and I just couldnt pay for it anymore, so I sold it to sneakyhacker and built a mech mag. I still use alot of money every time I play. I also recently bought a phantom but its hard for me to adapt my style to it.
I havent played since like march. My substitutes lately have been scouting activities and music (clarinet, trumpet, guitar) for the most part. I hope to start playing again before the summer is over though. I miss paintball.

07-11-2004, 05:06 PM
Does the price of paintball make you play less often? yeah :dance:

07-11-2004, 05:21 PM
it does for me, but mainly because I have no job.

07-11-2004, 05:31 PM
I never thought of a pump. That would be hard to go from 15+ balls per second to 2-3. But I wouldn't go through balls that fast.

07-11-2004, 05:37 PM
ya it does get expensive. but thats why we have jobs right? i guess im lucky enough to have made friends with the people that run my field so i dont have to pay for the field fee or air, and i get this paint called Flash for 35 a case, they normally charge 55. i think its pretty decent stuff too imo.

07-11-2004, 05:46 PM
I am going to be playing for my college's tourny team next year. We are partially sponsored so no field fee's, 30 bucks a case for no name paint, and 25 bucks for my jersey. Not bad considering I drop around 100 bucks where I used to play at everyday.

Basically, if you are serious, and it sounds like you might be (you mentioned an x-mag), try getting on a team. Even scenario teams pay less for everything. Also, getting to know and being friendly with the field owner is a plus.

Basically, paintball is a giant cash vacuum that can't be escaped.

07-11-2004, 05:48 PM
i go to rexplex in New Jersey and it is BYOP... so o get my paint for like 30 bucks... feild fee is 30 bux which gives all day air... 70 bucks every time I go... Its not to bad though... all i have to do is caddy like 2 times a month (100 - 150 each loop) and I am good to play for at least 3 times that month... I think to work 2 times a month and get 3 paintball days in a month is pretty worth it... However I am only in High school and i see how if you are in collage you need every penny to spend on, books *snicker*... anyways I dont think i would ever stop playing paintball because of the cost... However it would help greatly if the cost of paint wen down...

07-11-2004, 05:55 PM
yes it does. but i still do play 1 time a week. undisclosed price ;) but i would play many more times if i didn't have to pay so much. and i have a feeling paint will only go up in price.considering an ingredient in paint went up in price :(

07-11-2004, 06:02 PM
Ahh - the good ol' days of 5+ cents per round. That still wasn't too bad. As for fills, I only paid 2 bucks. In any case, it was much more expensive back then, and that isn't even adjusting for inflation. I am happy to spend 50 bucks on a case these days. The real problem is finding people to play (I always feel funny showing up some place alone). But, paintball actually ends up being one of my cheaper hobbies as far as short term investment goes (paint, over time, could still add up to enough to surpass my other hobbies). Would I play more if it were cheaper? Sure. But, as mentioned, there are ways to limit your paint useage, thereby dropping what you pay.

07-11-2004, 06:03 PM
and i have a feeling paint will only go up in price.considering an ingredient in paint went up in price :(
Sadly, I agree.

07-11-2004, 06:27 PM
Just remember guys, BPS isn't killing the game........not one bit! ;)

And to everyone crying about paint costs, try something:


07-11-2004, 08:02 PM
I'm lucky.

At my field (Petty's, the best place ever :hail: ) I pay around 60$.

5$ - admission if you use there paint
45$ - case of the paint I use
7$ - all day n2 fills.


07-11-2004, 08:19 PM
:-D this is why some of us play stock for 100 balls a day

That and its just more fun with a phantom.

07-11-2004, 08:21 PM
The simple solution I personally suggest when you EVER feel that paintball is too expensive.


07-11-2004, 08:22 PM
yes it does. but i still do play 1 time a week. undisclosed price ;) but i would play many more times if i didn't have to pay so much. and i have a feeling paint will only go up in price.considering an ingredient in paint went up in price :(

Wholesale went up $2-$5 a case and isn't looking to be going anywhere but up. Paint is cheap now, you just have to shoot less than 20,000 balls per elimination :D

07-11-2004, 08:35 PM
I've been playing since 92 and the costs around here never really changed.
Alot of the places I know of are:
$10 per 100 or $160 a case
$20 field fee
You think your paying to much just think about us poor Canadians.
Heck we shouldn't be paying that much anyways some of the largest paint manufacturers are Canadian, Draxxus and Zap.
Then figure the gear we end up paying about 50% more for our gear as well.

Since I've got a Platinum membership I only pay $4 per 100 and no field fee. But $40 for half a case for 3 hrs of play still hits my wallet hard when you've got a family of six to support.
Now if I could set my Mag down and just use my stock pistol it could probably be $4 for a days play.

07-11-2004, 08:58 PM
I've been playing since 92 and the costs around here never really changed.
Alot of the places I know of are:
$10 per 100 or $160 a case
$20 field fee
You think your paying to much just think about us poor Canadians.
Heck we shouldn't be paying that much anyways some of the largest paint manufacturers are Canadian, Draxxus and Zap.
Then figure the gear we end up paying about 50% more for our gear as well.

Since I've got a Platinum membership I only pay $4 per 100 and no field fee. But $40 for half a case for 3 hrs of play still hits my wallet hard when you've got a family of six to support.
Now if I could set my Mag down and just use my stock pistol it could probably be $4 for a days play.

That sucks man...


07-11-2004, 09:01 PM
I usually play everyweek and try to limit my paint to 500 a day. That helps cause i can spread out a case over 4 weeks or so.

07-11-2004, 09:04 PM
It makes me ref.
Still, I try to limit myself also to 500 rounds when I do play.

07-11-2004, 09:11 PM
case of whitebox- $35
entry and all day air- $20

total- $55, but have a few pree passes for entry/air :bounce:

07-11-2004, 09:29 PM
$20 bucks for brown-box $0 for entry...

Only requirement is an hour and 45 minute drive up to my friends house... he has his own x-ball field (With fullsize X) 2 4500psi Fill Stations... all of that good stuff... :ninja:

If I play at a local field... 20 for entry... 55-60 for the cheapest paint... so I total around 75-80 going to local fields...

Chicago Pb 7
07-11-2004, 09:45 PM
Field fee at the badlandz $25 and free air, theres also alot of half price days, they got airball, famous hyperball fields and everything you can imagine, but best of all BYOP :headbang:

07-11-2004, 10:59 PM
Actually, I started playing more because paintball has gotten so cheap. From the looks of it, you guys use up way too much paint. Honestly, the best advice I saw so far in this thread to save money has been:


07-11-2004, 11:08 PM
You guys are lucky to have places with cheap paint or bring your own. The only field around here that lets you bring your own paint first charges an extra $30 just to use your own paint.
Slipknot: Why were all the places shut down?
I am going to try a 500 ball day. that would be nice to play 4 times on a case.

07-11-2004, 11:13 PM
Well I have both, Paintball, my Streetrod (a 1935 Ford) and on top of all this I am in the SCA (a medieval Recreation society, strapping on armour and fighting as hard as we can (NOT fake! As real as it can get (swords are made from Rattan)))..

After all is said and done I have the wife, the house and my little girl..
Hmm, I think I am screwed! LOL!

I didn't replace it, but another hobby of mine is fast cars. The only problem is that hot rodding cars is even more expensive than paintball, lol. Be happy you aren't addicted to paintball and fast cars, otherwise you would be super broke.

07-11-2004, 11:14 PM
The simple solution I personally suggest when you EVER feel that paintball is too expensive.


At the opposing team! Opposing team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-11-2004, 11:19 PM
One further note..

About 4 years ago I dropped out of paintball due to the high costs.. I was playing tourney ball almost every other weekend, and when we where not playing we where practicing for the whole weekend.. Bank account was draining faster then I could fill it and I was starting to fall behind in the level of my equipment.

2 Years ago we played for my Stag.. What a freaking surprise to see these Electro Markers!! DEAR GOD that was a surprise.. We played but it really still felt expensive..

Now, I still can play like I use to but there are further options..
The company I work for we are in the works of starting a company team, to challenge other company teams and to hopefully show the Corporate Challenge folks that Paintball belongs there as well.. We also plan to train for a min of 6 months and then enter a tourny.. Sure sounds expensive as well, but I have made the choice to go from being a back player to a part time player, full time coach.. My plan is to take the team and coach them, I will be a back up player and will join in on some of the practices (just so that I dont fall out of practice LOL)..

That is how I am going to stay in the sport I love and still make it cheaper for my self..

07-11-2004, 11:21 PM
The simple solution I personally suggest when you EVER feel that paintball is too expensive.


where was that advice 3 years ago?? ;)

we don't have a field in our town. we have a small store w/ a few low end guns and pretty expensive paint. - we live in a town of about 5,000 people
my brother and i built a field behind my dad's floor covering store, and we have got A LOT of people to start playing who never have

at the closest place to play ( hr. away)
45 a case
7 for fills(all day/night)

07-11-2004, 11:22 PM
anyone ever consider switching to airsoft...i mean its like $300 for a really nice gun...a few bux for 3000 pellets and guns are rechargeable...accurate...fast.? why dont more people play it if it sounds so great?

07-11-2004, 11:25 PM
Because you play in scenarios... not speedball... no organization... have to abide by the honor system... Stuff like that.

Paintball has its place, Airsoft has its place, both are good in their own aspects. :D

07-11-2004, 11:35 PM
The simple solution I personally suggest when you EVER feel that paintball is too expensive.


At the opposing team! Opposing team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ohhhhhhhhhh Thats what I was doing wrong. I just thought that they did not like me.

:rofl: :rofl:

07-11-2004, 11:58 PM
I hate it when people bring up the old "paintball used to cost so much more!" issue. Who cares! It still cost a lot to play. Computers are so cheap now! They used to cost millions of dollars!

07-12-2004, 12:10 AM
27 a case for draxxus rec sport....i guess i cant complain a bit. I play at least once a week. This week, i played friday, saturday, reffed sunday, and im playing monday too. Its not that bad, provided that you're very devoted to the sport.

07-12-2004, 12:13 AM
The cost of paintball doesn't make me play much less often, but it makes me buy less paint. I can only afford about half a case a week... which does cut down on the number of games I can play in.

07-12-2004, 12:42 AM
After all is said and done I have the wife, the house and my little girl..
Hmm, I think I am screwed! LOL!

27 a case for draxxus rec sport....i guess i cant complain a bit. .
Is that from the field or just a shop? That would be awesome to pay 27 a case

07-12-2004, 05:00 AM
well i pay 50 bucks a case... thats cheap stuff so im just going to start ordering online!! anyways field fee is free air is 5 bucks.. i keep my usage down bye reffing most the day then playing through 500 then going back to reffing...problem is xmag is taking more paint than classic so i move it up to 1000 per day. oh well...also i work almost always 5 days a week on night off i go to some stupid meeting that always turns out to be fun and the other paintball thats how i pay for this little love affair!!!

07-12-2004, 07:04 AM
i guess i got it lucky..

3 or 4 fields let me get on free as well as free all day air. Best of all they charge our team only 30 a case for midnight.

We are sponsored, but they know we are college kids and like to help us out in anyway possible so we can help the college area of the sport out.

Thanks Osceola Xtreme, Old river and East Coast paintball :D :D :D

07-12-2004, 01:40 PM
Is that from the field or just a shop? That would be awesome to pay 27 a case

from the field. everyone else pays 40 though.

Deep Sixx
07-12-2004, 02:00 PM
Not pointing out anyone here specifically, but I find it extremely ironic that people will brag about how fast (they think) their marker shoots, but at the same time complain about how much it costs to play.

When I'm low on cash, I play pump. Simple as that.


07-12-2004, 02:52 PM
from the field. everyone else pays 40 though.
