View Full Version : Dimension Pack-JT speed pods

10-16-2001, 09:46 PM
I wanted to know if the JT speed pods would fit in the Dimension pack. They look a little too long.


10-17-2001, 05:08 AM
Cant help you i'm afraid shaun, not even seen the dimension pack, but i am thinking about getting the jt slam system soon and was wondering if you or anyone could give me a bit of feedback. ie is it easy to use, does it really make for much quicker reloading, is the system fairly sturdy...any pros or cons that you or anyone felt they wanted to share?
not a great reply im afraid but this seemed a good thread to ask on

10-17-2001, 05:08 PM
Well Jim, I would first like to welcome you to the forums. The JT Slam System works well, however it is a system which works best as a whole and not piecemeal. The JT Slam collar mounts on a revolution, I have not seen of it may be mounted on any other hopper, even then you have to drill a whole in one side of the body to fit a long brass screw through. The Slam system dumps a large amount of paint at one time. The system seems flimsy but I have had mine for a little over a year now and still have yet to break any part of it. I would however, stay away from the clear slam pods, as I am told they are very fragile. The JT Slam System consists of the Slam collar and the slam pods. The Slam collar, like I mentioned earlier, mounts on a regular revolution loader. The collar has four flaps on the inside, to prevent a minimal of paintballs from coming back out of the hopper, a one-way check valve, if you will. The slam pod is inserted into the collar. While being inserted, the slam pod opens, dumping the contents into the hopper. If the hopper is full, pulling the slam pod out closes the pod with the excess paintballs inside.

One note, the slam collar and hopper are an ugly sight. I believe Shartley described it to be like a large sausage. Looks aside, the system is great. Reloading is a snap and can be done completely one-handed or on the fly. If you really need the extra paintballs, you can fill your hopper and then keep an full slam pod mounted in the collar, the hopper would contain over 300 paintballs.

There are several other items which JT sells as parts of the Slam System, the G.O.T. Timer, which sticks to the back of the collar. Another option is the pod extenders, these clear extenders mount on the slam pods to add to the total capacity of each pod, one of pods with an extender can almost fill an empty revolution. JT also makes a Slam Pack to carry up to four slam pods. For more information on the system here is a link to the JT site http://www.jtusa.com/slammer.html and pbreviews of the JT Slam System http://www.jtusa.com/slammer.html , http://www.pbreview.com/173/1/0/ , and http://www.pbreview.com/174/1/0/ .

Here is a picture of my new E-mag with a Turbo Rev Revolution hopper with a mounted JT Slam Collar....

Major Ho
10-17-2001, 05:55 PM
Ditto on the clear pods. I bought one of each color(Olive,Black and Clear) The clear one has some cheapo plastic or something and the rim of the clear pod cracked and eventually shattered under the pressure of the top flappy things sliding by. The olive and black ones are still working to this day w/o a flaw but that clear one broke after about 2-3 games usage. I have mine set up on a warp as well so Its not sticking out 10 feet in the air... Someone else held my setup and thought the speed pod's extra height by the side was obstructing the view. I dont think its that bad...I just look btw teh crack of the hopper and the gun body.

10-25-2001, 07:20 AM
Well mr phoenix i now feel most welcome, so thanks for the sentiments, and thanks to both of you for the advice. having read what you have to say i checked pbreview.
have to say im still a little dubious, im not intending to hammer the system, but i resent paying around $100 (thats how much the collar and four pods cost over here) for something thats gonna fall apart if i dont have my kid gloves on!
also there were conflicting views on how easy it was to fit this thing to the hopper, honest opinion, is a chimp capable of doing it? (my diy/engineering skills leave a lot to be desired)
cheers for the responses guys

10-25-2001, 07:21 AM
That is one beautiful marker

10-25-2001, 07:30 AM
It is a very nice marker, but those poor DVDs! Be nice to your movies. ;)

10-25-2001, 07:33 AM
Wow, "mister" I feel so old. Just kidding! Anyway, the best thing to do before buying it is trying out the collar and the Slam Pod at your local paintball store, if they carry it there should be a display for it. Anyway, I have had mine for quite a while now with no complaints. A possible reason why the pod would jam in the collar is people have a tendency to want to pack paintballs into this thing, you must leave the room within the collar to use the slam pod or just decide to play with the slampod attached. It is a great system, ugly as sin but very usefull. Like I have said before, the JT Slam System is not for everyone, it creates a slightly larger hopper target, I offset this by getting my warp feed, which I must say is a perfect add-on/complement to the JT Slam System.

Thanks for the complements about my gun.

10-25-2001, 09:21 AM
The hardest part of the install is the drilling of the hole in the revolution. You remove the screw under the lid and boar out the place where the screw was. The first one I installed was not quite straight, but it still worked in the end. Another thing to watch out for it on newer speed collars, there are these tab-like things on the inside of the rim that goes over the rev opening (a visual would be helpfull, but I don't have one right now). But to make a long story short, the collar won't go on the revolution with these in the way, I used a pocket knife and shaved them off, and it worked fine.
Another helpful tip: remove the lid on the speed collar. The paint in the hopper can't come back out through the collar once in the hopper anyway. I've found that the lid on the collar is useless unless you plan on packing extra paint in the collar section.

Sorry for the vague discription, I'll try and get some visuals if possible.

10-25-2001, 02:26 PM
Back to the first post on this thread. Yes the JT speed tubes will work on a dimension pack. They leave plenty of velcro to lower the straps down over the tubes. My only problem was that the sliding section of the tube is a bit snug in the pack. You may want to just try a tube in you pack at your local shop.

Pheonix I agree with you that the slam system is great but... It wasn't for me after I got my warp. The collar was right in my face while I played. With the system as pheonix said its is a love hate relationship.

wyn what do you do if it rains and you have no lid?


10-25-2001, 02:35 PM
"lock the door and hope they don't have blasters"
I haven't had a problem with rain yet. but I haven't played in a downpoor either. The arms on the inside of the collar cover a good portion of the opening, and the paint moves around enough that it doesn't matter much. I look at it as the same type of problem as a powerfeed.

10-27-2001, 09:37 AM
I swear by the slammer system. No dropped paint, one handed reloading. You can reasonably toss one to an empty teammate, etc. I would suggest you get a harness that holds the tubes horizontally if you are concerned about rain, the working end of the tubes would allow some moisture in. In the rain any system is going to have issues as the paint will immediately begin to swell, but during and actual reload the JT system will keep much more water out of your hopper than regular guppie pods.