View Full Version : Ooh Shiney! Z-grip trigger from Triggernomics.

10-17-2001, 05:53 AM
This thing is lovely! Shiney and feels so smooth and comfortable.

Just arrived at work for me. Perfect timing as it's my birthday this weekend also :) (I'm flying to Orlando on my actually Bday :( so am pretending it's my Bday all week to make up for it :) )

Anyway back to the trigger. I'm at work so don't have my camera with me, as soon as I find the camera and the adaptor that lets me read the memory stick into my comp (lost it at the moment :( ), then I'll get pics up for all to see.

Thanks Dan it looks great! Far far too nice to put on my fugly ZM2K so it's going onto my Prototype vert feed Original RT with Z-grip... I've just got a new set of display shelves in my living room so I think it's going to get pride of place there when not in use!

I must admit I wasn't too sure what to expect but now that I have it I am very impressed. I've always had a certain idea in my mind of a special trigger I want and now that I have seen and felt Dan's work as I build my dream gun I'm going to commission another trigger by him for it ;)


10-17-2001, 07:21 AM
manike we will get the Kapp girl and bonbon to spank you for your birthday at the cup. How many hits 30, 40? :)

10-17-2001, 07:25 AM
Originally posted by Gecko
manike we will get the Kapp girl and bonbon to spank you for your birthday at the cup.

In that case I just turned 104 ;)

I'm gonna do the skyrocket again that's for sure if I can persuade Dawn to join me :)

Seeya all there!


10-17-2001, 01:02 PM
Wow, I'd love to say I planned for it to arrive on your birthday, but I guess we'll just consider that pure coincidence.
I was going to write you as I had been wondering if it arrived or not.
I'm very happy to hear you like it, and have to say that it was a fun project.

10-17-2001, 09:30 PM

i got mine like a week ago...promised to send dan pics of it, but i havent gotten my revvy back yet (sorry dan)...

and, yes, youre right...IT TOTALLY ROCKS!!!

dan, if i was not polite enough to send you a THANK YOU SO MUCH EMAIL, it was only because i was too busy shooting my mag!!!

anyway, i saw a blade-like trigger that had a "skeleton-joint" at the end...im gonna get dan to make me a full skeleton-finger trigger for my next z-grip mag


10-18-2001, 08:25 AM
Guys, it's not so important to me when I get the pics, but that I do get them and that they are in focus, the both of you have some very original triggers and I really want to have them on the site.
The more to choose from the better....
You know where to send them, we'll take care of the rest.
See ya later,

11-06-2001, 01:40 PM
OK so I'm back from the World Cup now and so after unpacking my camera tried to take pictures of the trigger for you all :) It's actually very difficult. This thing is so shiney that I just get glare and reflection off of it with any flash, and in the current indoor/winter night light I can't get any great pictures without a flash... But I took some anyway so you can see it and when I get chance to put it in natural light I will take some more.

I had it in my z-grip but that's a bit battered now and soon going to be re-anodized (note the scrathes!) So I took it out to see if I could get any better pictures. A little maybe... judge for yourselves from the pics in the links. Certainly the pictures do not do it justice it's much nicer in person. I had it done as removeable 'shoes' so that I can add them to different main 'blades' on different gun's grips (I have quite a collection!) :)

There's a good chance they will make an appearance on my Manik-E-Mag when it's finished ;)


Heres the pics...


and links to more pics


11-06-2001, 02:25 PM
Very nice. :)

11-07-2001, 03:16 PM


11-07-2001, 07:53 PM
oh god what a beautiful piece of silver

11-07-2001, 07:56 PM
purrddyyyyyyyyyy-i want one of those on my e-mag (too bad im grounded and out of money :( ),how much that baby cost u??